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Author Topic: Sad loss of a respected plantswoman  (Read 1147 times)

Maggi Young

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Sad loss of a respected plantswoman
« on: September 07, 2013, 04:04:00 PM »
We are sad to learn that following an illness  Dr Mavis Jean Allanson has passed away at home in Bolton.

Mavis was a  member of both the SRGC and AGS and was a keen and  successful exhibitor at shows.
Only last month, her friends Shelagh and Brian Smethurst brought  along some plants on her behalf  to the SRGC Summer Event at Dunblane.
Followers of the show reports will be aware of the fine plants grown by Mavis.

My main contact with Mavis was via postal communications about bulbs and I was always pleased to see her plants in the show reports and to read of her successes.

Mavis Allanson served as a JP ( Justice of the Peace) and was Mayoress  when her husband Brian was Mayor of Bolton in 1988- 89 .  Mavis was a GP and Medical Officer of Health for Bolton and Senior Medical Officer, Manchester Area for the DHSS. She was also Mayoress for her mother, Alderman Mrs Nora Vickers, Mayor of Bolton 1966-67.

Mavis is survived by her husband Brian and three sons - we send the family our sincere condolences.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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