Thanks Leena. Both look wonderful. Perhaps your more 'continental' climate also intensifies the colour.
I think that when it is warmer, the colours "fade" fast and when it is colder (less than 10C) then the colours stay stronger for a longer time. The picture with
C.herbertii was taken in backlight so the colours seem very intense, but in reality especially 'Cherry Lady' is the most red which I have.
C.solida 'Red Lion' is also very red. Many red solidas get more blueish tint in their red as the flowering advances. It is the same with red hybrid peonies.
Ah yes Augis Bulbs does anyone know if Eugenijus Dambrauskas is likely to be selling again?
I haven't heard about anyone in Finland ordering from him this year.

Someone said that maybe he is finishing his business, but I don't know if that is true or not.