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Author Topic: Loss of a valued member and great friend to the SRGC  (Read 1337 times)

Maggi Young

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Loss of a valued member and great friend to the SRGC
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:45:56 PM »
Luite Cornelius Johannes van Delft -  "Luggi"
27th April 1940 - 14th October 2016

"When I come back to the world,
I'll come again as a Gardener,
and the next time I live too,
since this job is too big for one lifetime."

It is with great sadness that we have  learned of the death of Luit Van Delft. Many of you will be aware of the wonderful posts from Luit over many years about the  Lisse weekly flower shows of the KVAB and of the vast bulb collection of his dear friend Kees Breed, as well as his posts  telling of his own experiences  and knowledge of plants.  He was exceptionally generous to the SRGC and his friendly and expert advice were  gratefully received and freely given.  Luit, with his  charming wife Vroni were a delight to know and it was wonderful to be able to welcome them to the Discussion Weekend of the SRGC when they travelled in the UK.
Luit survived  serious health problems some years ago so his demise now has  hit us with even greater sadness.
 We  send Vroni,  Karin, Mike and Edwin our sincerest condolences on their loss.

 A funeral service for Luit will be held  on Thursday 27 October at 1400 hours in the Crematorium Duin en Bollenstreek, Achterweg-62 Zuid in Lisse.
 After the ceremony there is an opportunity to offer condolences in the coffee room of the Crematorium.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 08:07:06 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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