Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

SRGC Shows and Events => Events => Topic started by: Stan da Prato on February 27, 2012, 07:20:32 AM

Title: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on February 27, 2012, 07:20:32 AM
Last Friday some of the group who are organising the club's stand for Ingliston met up in Graham Wenham's garage. Graham has set up a baseboard the same size as the show stand will be and we began laying out some pots and crates  to get an idea how it could look; we then added a few shrubs and conifers. The plan is to have a ridge with dwarf conifers, a gravel fan and river bed with low growing plants, some rock terraces  with appropriate plants;an area of meadow and woodland plants such Primulas and Meconopsis.
Please consider whether you can contribute plants - ideally those  in flower in late May early June.
More info will follow in this thread.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 27, 2012, 10:39:12 PM
Good idea to do this dry run before tackling the real thing. I don't see much room left though for the family car. ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on April 11, 2012, 11:18:59 PM
The working group had another session on Tuesday in Graham Wenham's garage. Graham has built a series  of boxes which  will hold pots of  Meconopsis, Primulas,  Arisaemas, lilies etc as well as a partially dried up stream bed down the middle which is based on three plastic basins  you can see in Peggy Anderson's photos. There will be a rocky ridge currently represented by the crates - soon to be replaced by actual rock mounted on some  blocks of insulating  type material. 
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: FrazerHenderson on April 12, 2012, 08:51:48 PM
I see the master craftsman, Mr Pryde, adopts a managerial position whilst Mr Wenham grafts and Dr da Prato films proceedings.

I'm sure that you'll do us all proud.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maren on April 12, 2012, 09:13:08 PM
The all have beards ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: mark smyth on April 12, 2012, 09:42:44 PM
Maren, beards are fashion right now
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 12, 2012, 10:55:56 PM
The all have beards ::) ::) ::)

I would have too, if I lived in Scotland. ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: angie on April 12, 2012, 11:04:14 PM
The all have beards ::) ::) ::)

I would have too, if I lived in Scotland. ;D

Yep Lesley those beards would be like wearing a scarf. I don't need scarfs or anything like that to keep me warm as I have my own couple of inches of insulation  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: FrazerHenderson on April 15, 2012, 07:26:51 PM
Just to advise that Gardening Scotland will be held 1-3 June at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh

Opening times are:

1000-1800 hrs on 1 and 2 June
1000-1700 hrs on 3 June

Advance ticket holders may enter at 0945 hrs

Tickets cost £14 for 1 June and £12 for 2 or 3 June when bought in advance (prior to 25 May) otherwise £16 on 1 June and £14 on 2 or 3 June. Remember children of 15 years and under are admitted free.

To book tickets online see ( Details also available on 0131 333 0965.

Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 08, 2012, 05:11:39 PM
Another session today to look at all the work Graham has done on the stand framework. We now have rock facings added to the wooden boxes  - the stone  collected by Ian P in the course of  long coastal walks. The stick in the empty pot is to   get an idea of the height of  the bigger Meconopsis that Ian Christie will be bringing. The marks on the base board by the basins that will become the pools  will be cut out so plants  will 'grow' in the gravel of the partially dry stream bed. One point that emerged  from today is the need not just for specimen  plants but small trailing things and even  loose rosettes of sempervivums  that we can insert into  the cracks in the stonework.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on May 08, 2012, 07:14:27 PM
Coming on well Stan. I could do with some of that stone, must do some walking on Dartmoor!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: FrazerHenderson on May 13, 2012, 12:43:58 PM
Just to advise that Dobbies Garden centres are selling tickets for Gardening Scotland at a £3 reduction, provided you purchase before 25 May.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on May 13, 2012, 07:23:00 PM
Every little helps :P ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 15, 2012, 07:44:46 PM
Graham has added more stone to the top edge of the rock ridge and we spent some time this morning trying out some plants;  some of which  you will have seen in earlier posts. We were trying to see what conifers and shrubs we can fit in to give a framework  of foliage - the spaces will be filled up with smaller, more floriferous plants. It is important to remember that this stand is smaller than the joint display with Kevock last year and quite a number of the plants we used then will be too big for 2012. At one end of the ridge will be a rocky corrie where we shall use a few shrubs eg the dwarf willow  against the rock  so the stone is still visible; this small area will be filled in with stones as in a rock fall  with small plants growing among the stones. At the other end a slightly  bigger area will have its edges defined by conifers on one side and shrubs such as Coprosmas with a red/gold look on the other. What is shown will not be the final selection. The area  between the woody edges  will have a range of flowering alpines. One side of the display will be the shady side  with ferns and any flowers that are appropriate to shade eg gesneriads, orchids. This will merge into the rock fall via  grey leaved things.
Potential contributors of plants please note the need to fill the cracks with small  trailing  things as well as Sempervivum  heads etc- we do not just want a few large show winning  type plants. Several small pots of the same  alpine  in flower will be very useful.
This post only deals with one end of the stand - there are other areas as outlined earlier.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 16, 2012, 06:04:05 AM
All this trial and error and practice run, only to have to dismantle and rebuild it at GS. Amazing dedication. :o
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 27, 2012, 06:46:04 PM
Today we moved the SRGC stand - suitably packed down by Graham- from his garage to the Ingliston showground. The biggest single piece is the gravel stream bed which had to go on a car roof. Two cars took all the pieces in to a hall that was  cavern  like  in contrast  to the sun shine  outside. A plastic sheet went down first to make it easier to deal with all the compost at the end then the stream bed was put in place, followed by the boxes that will hold the plants. Graham had  produced a meticulous manual in case we forgot  where anything went - only two pages are shown of this work of art. Once the boxes were in place the black  edging board was added. Next  we put on another  tier of boxes for the ridge. Then  pieces of rock glued to foam backing sheets were put in place. Bags of river gravel  were put on the  stand ready for use when  the plants are added. Ian is doing a collecting  run in a hired van  tomorrow -Monday- and the rest of the plants  will arrive by Tuesday morning when planting will begin.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Shaw on May 28, 2012, 08:38:58 AM
Great set of pictures, Stan. Look forward to following the rest of the set up as the week goes on.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 28, 2012, 09:51:15 PM
By this evening  the van had delivered  plants from Ian Christie, Sandy Leven, Graeme Butler and Janet and Jim Paterson. We also have sempervivums donated by Frazer Henderson and Watt Russell to fill gaps in the rock work- some are sitting on the large bag of recycled compost. Some of my shrubs and conifers  are now there along with some dwarf maples and two orchids  from Alan Gardner. More plants  -and pictures - tomorrow.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 28, 2012, 09:54:04 PM
Tremendous progress being made by the Team- already we can get a flavour... and not only of the amount of work involved!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 29, 2012, 02:40:48 PM
Great to watch it all coming together - I'm almost wishing we were going to be there again this year  :-\
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: astragalus on May 29, 2012, 03:03:14 PM
An amazing piece of work.  What a creative way to display.  Can't wait to see it finished.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on May 29, 2012, 03:06:08 PM
It's projects like this that make me hope that the wider membership realise how much work is done behind the scenes by so few to further the interests and aspirations of the Club as a whole and indeed alpine gardening as a whole. Many congratulations to all concerned.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 29, 2012, 07:33:50 PM
This morning Liz arrived with some of her own plants and  some  fine show plants from Sam Sutherland, Graham  Catlow brought his display pots of Pleione and Pinguicula  then John Lee and Peggy Anderson brought  in Glasgow contributions including  some from Jackie Thomlinson followed by Neil McNulty with plants from Ayrshire including those from  George Watt and Sue Simpson. I brought  in some more as did Watt Russell. Lesley Scott  and Allan Elliot were soon placing pots on the stand while supposedly  more senior members offered encouragement from terra firma. Meanwhile the treasurer and Glasgow show secretary disappeared behind some staging allegedly to work on labels. Finally and in response to public request   an action shot of your photographer .
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on May 30, 2012, 06:16:52 PM
some snaps of the stand today - nearly all plants  and material in place including several typically pristine specimens from Cyril Lafong just back from holiday but labels to add tomorrow and final quality control
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: angie on May 30, 2012, 07:00:38 PM
Looking good, can't wait to see it on Friday. Never really new that there was so much work went into the display. Well done everyone.

Angie  :)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 30, 2012, 07:12:50 PM
Yes, the stand looks terrific already  8)

It is extraordinary how much effort is needed to mount such a display.
And all done, as with everything else in the SRGC, by volunteers. I've lost count of the number of medals, nearly all gold, that the SRGC has won over the years with Sandy and his Team beavering away..... this old article  tells about the seventh gold, and Best in Show, in 2003.... it's a long and glorious history that this year's gang have behind them. They've done a great job so far.... even without an orthopaedic surgeon to make their woodwork! ;D ;D

Report from 2003 : (
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on May 30, 2012, 07:28:11 PM
I'm very much reminded of Tomkinsons 1:1 ratio model of an 'Icebreaker' ;D

This appears to be a 1:1 scale rock garden  :o :o :o

Absolutely amazing, looking great, good luck to you all. I'm sure it will be muchly admired,  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Peter Maguire on May 31, 2012, 09:48:00 AM
Just catching up on what has been happening with the display. Stan has done a fantastic job of recording the process for the rest of us to enjoy/marvel at.
I would expect that more than one doughnut was required as fuel for the process. ;D
Hope all goes well this weekend, sorry I'm going to miss it; having just come back from Northern Scotland, I'm planning a weekend in the garden catching up.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ranunculus on May 31, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
Looks magnificent ... congratulations to you all!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: alanelliott on May 31, 2012, 01:59:00 PM
Sneaky Sneaky Stan. Not impressed with me looking glaikit.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 31, 2012, 02:27:21 PM
It's projects like this that make me hope that the wider membership realise how much work is done behind the scenes by so few to further the interests and aspirations of the Club as a whole and indeed alpine gardening as a whole. Many congratulations to all concerned.

Whilst there is life there is hope David but when we struggle to get folk to come on to Council I sometimes become a little despondent - well done the new Gardening Scotland team!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 31, 2012, 06:04:36 PM
Sneaky Sneaky Stan. Not impressed with me looking glaikit.
Tee Hee! He does sneak up on a lot of us!
But I didn't think you looked glaikit... I was just impressed that the Team had you and Lesley who were lithe enough and light enough to be able to mountaineer over the rocks to place the plants! 8) 8) 8) 8)

You've all done a great job!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on May 31, 2012, 06:07:38 PM
Are there Medals awarded at Gardening Scotland ?
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 31, 2012, 06:18:08 PM
Yes Ron, there are medals awarded there in the same way as for the likes of Hampton Court, Chelsea etc.  There are medals for stands like the SRGC is building, commercial displays and there are outdoor gardens too.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on May 31, 2012, 06:26:00 PM
Thanks Maggi.
All fingers crossed for the SRGC team for Judgement Day,  ;) on ......?
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 31, 2012, 06:36:09 PM
I think the judging has been going on today, the show opens to the public tomorrow......   
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on May 31, 2012, 06:50:13 PM
"glaikit" ???
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on May 31, 2012, 06:52:02 PM
Scottish word meaning: stupid, foolish, not very bright, thoughtless, vacant

Guess we'd say "not reeight breight" ;D ( esp.when I look in the mirror each morning ;D), gormless.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on May 31, 2012, 07:05:39 PM
This can be a very useful tool David when operating in various multi lingual environments,  ;D :P (
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on May 31, 2012, 07:11:19 PM
This can be a very useful tool David when operating in various multi lingual environments,  ;D :P

As we do! Thank you Ron.

My Grandma used to say "As daft as a posser 'yed"

"Posser": metal, funnel shaped implement on the end of a straight wooden handle used to agitate washing in a dolly tub, prior to washing machines.
"'yed"  head
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on May 31, 2012, 07:56:57 PM
Some  assorted GS news... A total of 17 Chelsea medallists have headed straight to Ingliston for Gardening Scotland.

Amongst them will be Bowden Hostas, Chrysanthemums Direct, Craig House Cacti and Jacques Amand who have all struck Gold.

SAC Edinburgh will be recreating the ‘Plant Explorer’s Garden’ for which they have just won a silver-gilt medal at Chelsea.
Gardening Scotland 2012 will take place from tomorrow until Sunday at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston.

Tickets cost £16 for Friday, and £14 for Saturday or Sunday. Children under 16 go free.

The show will open on Friday and Saturday from 10am until 6pm and on Sunday from 10am until 5pm.

Parking is available at the showground for visitors with cars.

Lothian Buses will provide a dedicated bus service to and from Edinburgh city centre. The number 98 will pick up from South St David Street (Jenners), Lothian Road (opposite the Caledonian Hotel), Haymarket Terrace (west of Haymarket station), and a further 31 stops en-route.

I have asked to be sent a list of medal recipients as soon as possible ..... it remains to be seen how quickly this arrives..... in previous years it has proved very hard to extract the info from the organisers!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on May 31, 2012, 09:02:54 PM
The display is now finished and the last of the team left the hall shortly before 4 o-clock when the judges were due to start work.  Bad news is that Stan forgot his camera and delegated the taking of photos to me.  I did take quite a few but have failed miserably to work out how to re-size them so that I can either post them or e-mail them to Stan.  Many humble apologies to everyone - and much grovelling.  I have a horrible feeling that Stan will be thinking up a nasty punishment for me tomorrow.

The whole display looks stunning (to my eyes at least) and some of the plants are to die for - Meconopsis punicea Sichuan Silk (perennial from seed collected by Ian Christie in 2003), Lilium lophophorum, Celmisia stricta, Eriogonum ovatifolium, Pleiones, Cypripedium, Androsace bulleyana - and lots and lots more.  Photos will appear (eventually).

All of the team are on tenterhooks, waiting to see what the judges think - and we'll only find out when we arrive at the hall tomorrow morning.  Wish us luck.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Tim Ingram on May 31, 2012, 11:44:16 PM
Really nice to see all these preparations going on from the other end of the country. We have just done a small and much simpler display at the Kent Garden Show (for the Kent Hardy Plant Society). Now if just we had a few of those meconopsis it would definitely stop people in their tracks! These wonderful specialist displays of plants should be de rigeur at Garden Shows everywhere to show how beautifully plants can be combined and yet retain their individuality.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 01, 2012, 12:06:21 PM
Hurrah! Well done to the Team... the SRGC Stand has been awarded a Silver-gilt medal!

I'll get the other results on soon.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ronm on June 01, 2012, 12:37:55 PM
Thats fantastic !! 8) 8) 8)

Congratulations to everyone concerned, a wonderful effort,  ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 01, 2012, 12:40:03 PM
 not sure if these will display properly.....

Gardening Scotland awards 2012 :

Best Floral Exhibit   Binny Plants, "Riverside Retreat"
Best New Floral Exhibitor   Warmenhoven, "Allium, Amaryllis and Ornithogalum"
Best Show Garden   SAC Edinburgh - Karolina Tercjak, "Plant Explorer's Garden"
Best Floral Art Display   Edinburgh Floral Art Club
Best New Show Garden   Ivy Maud Design in association with Macmillan Cancer Support, "Legacy"
Alf Evans Award (Best Commercial Alpine Exhibit)   Kevock Garden Plants
Best New Plant Award   Binny Plants, Paeonia 'Lemon Chiffon'
Exhibitor   Exhibit of:   Medal Awarded
Fir Trees Pelargonium   Pelargoniums   premier gold
North of England Bonsai   Bonsai Trees   premier gold
Hoyland Plants   Agapanthus and Tulbaghia   silver gilt
Scottish Begonia Society   Begonias   silver gilt
Brookfield Plants   Hostas   gold
Harperley Hall Nursery   Alpine and Woodland plants   gold
D'Arcy and Everest   Alpine troughs and Sempervivums   silver gilt
Mainshill Plants   A Japanese Garden   silver
The Scottish Rock Garden Club   Alpine and Woodland plants   silver gilt
Macplants in association with Poppy Scotland   Poppies and Perennials   silver gilt
Damhead Nursery in association with SGS   North, South, East, West   bronze
Kevock Garden Plants   Alpine, Bog and Woodland plants   premier gold
Jamieson Brothers   Potatoes   gold
Hartside Nursery   Alpine and Woodland plants   silver gilt
Glorious Gardens of Argyll and Bute   Plants typical of West Coast gardens   silver
Alan Clark   Rhododendrons   silver gilt
High Park Nursery   Carnations   silver gilt
Jacques Amand International   Bulbous plants   silver gilt
Binny Plants   Cut Peonies   silver gilt
Letham Plants   Perennials and Woodland plants   silver
Holmes Farm Plants   Herbaceous plants   silver gilt
Pentland Plants   Bedding and Patio plants   silver gilt
Pretty Ugly Plants   Carnivorous plants   silver
Jon Wheatley and Keith Jackson Associates   Herbaceous plants   gold
Dibley Nurseries   Streptocarpus and Begonias   gold
Proud Plants   Geums and Perennials   silver
Two Plants   Lilies   gold
Bell Nursery   Hardy Perennials   bronze
Hawthorn Alpine Troughs   Alpine Troughs   silver
Penicuik Horticultural Society   Floral display featuring the Olympics   bronze
Woodside Plant Centre   A wildlife garden   silver
Brighter Blooms   Zantedeschia   silver gilt
Binny Plants   Riverside Retreat   premier gold
Bowden Hostas   Hostas   gold
Bowden Grasses   Grasses   bronze
Bowden Ferns   Ferns   gold
David Stead Orchids   Orchids   gold
South East of Scotland Fuchsias   Fuchsias   gold
Glendoick Gardens   Rhododendrons   silver
Oak Tree Nursery   Grasses   gold
Southern Skies   Alpines and perennials   bronze
Primrose Bank   Summer-flowering perennials   gold
Craig House Cacti   Cacti   gold
Bluebell Nursery   Trees and Shrubs   silver gilt
Philip Tivey   Alstroemeria   gold
British Thyroid Foundation in association with Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society   Shrubs and perennials   silver gilt
Border Belles   Hardy perennials   silver
National Vegetable Society   Vegetables   gold
Caledonian Bonsai Association   Bonsai Trees   silver   Heuchera, Heucherella and Tiarella   premier gold
Oska Copperfield   Chrysanthemums   gold
Bentley Plants   Ferns   silver gilt
Scottish Bonsai Association, National Collection   Bonsai Trees   gold
Scottish Bonsai Association   Bonsai Trees   silver gilt
Scottish Bonsai Association, Shohin   Bonsai Trees   gold
Tinnisburn Plants   Cottage garden perennials   silver gilt
Wattston Bonsai   Bonsai Trees   gold
Harts Nursery   Lilies   gold
Chrysanthemums Direct   Chrysanthemums   gold
Warmenhoven   Allium, Amaryllis and Ornithogalum   gold
Roualeyn Nursery   Fuchsias   gold
Taylors Clematis   Clematis   gold
Plant Heritage (NCCPG)   Garden Plants   silver
Elmwood College   Floral Exhibit   not judged
The Garden History Society   Garden History   silver
Scottish Rhododendron Society   Rhododendrons   bronze
Delphinium Society   Delphiniums   no award
SAC Edinburgh - Karolina Tercjak   "Plant Explorer's Garden"   gold

Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ChrisB on June 01, 2012, 12:46:38 PM
Bravo the gang, what a stupendous effort you all made.  And well done on the medal too!  You've done us proud....
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lina Hesseling on June 01, 2012, 12:55:23 PM
Great! Congratulations!
Enjoy the rest of the days now!

Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Carol Shaw on June 01, 2012, 01:28:30 PM
Congratulations to all the team a  well  deserved award...  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: jomowi on June 01, 2012, 04:55:32 PM
Just got back from Gardening Scotland.  Sorry, no pics - you will have to wait for Stan's input.  Stand looking lovely and lots of interest from the public.  Everyone wanted to buy a plant or seed of (Cyril's) Lilium lophophorum amongst others.  Feet melting and hips buckling by lunchtime after a morning on the stand, when I was set free to spend time with my friends from Aberdeen.  Great day, even if it took me over an hour to drive the 9 miles home.  If I was flagging I dread to think how Liz and the others will be feeling by the end of the day let alone by the end of Sunday.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 01, 2012, 05:15:58 PM
a quick tour round the finished stand
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: WimB on June 01, 2012, 05:18:59 PM
Wonderful stand  :o, congratulations to the team for the "Silver Gilt"
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Graham Catlow on June 01, 2012, 07:13:52 PM
Great display :D
Congratulations and well done to those who put it together.
Had hoped to be there, but work life balance tipped the wrong way today. Will be there Sunday.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on June 01, 2012, 07:21:12 PM
Well done team.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: DaveM on June 01, 2012, 07:36:57 PM
Congratulations!!! Very well done to the team - it's good to see that all your hard work has paid off. Bet you had fun as well!! I shall look forward to seeing the display tomorrow.

Many congrats also go to Beryl McNaughton of MacPlants, Stella and David Rankin of Kevock and to Billy Carruthers of Binny Plants for their success, all members of the Club.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Carol Shaw on June 01, 2012, 07:43:13 PM
If I was flagging I dread to think how Liz and the others will be feeling by the end of the day let alone by the end of Sunday.

Good to know you enjoyed Gardening Scotland Maureen, from experience you just keep going on the wave and adrenalin and then crash at the end of it all!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 01, 2012, 08:14:17 PM

Many congrats also go to Beryl McNaughton of MacPlants, Stella and David Rankin of Kevock and to Billy Carruthers of Binny Plants for their success, all members of the Club.

...and Glendoick, Hartside, Jacques Amand.... they're all SRGC members too..  and those are just the ones I know! 

 PS .... Beechgrove Garden on BBC 2  at 20.30 hours this eveneing... hoping for a glimpse of SRGC stand and other SRGC connections! 
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 01, 2012, 09:15:39 PM
Some gems in the Beechgrove TV coverage of GS.
Starting with Jim McColl being photographed across the SRGC stand as  he introduces the programme, with some nice shots of various members of the SRGC Team during set-up, scattered throughout the programme.

I'll try to get some screen grabs later to show here.

Jim Jermyn, Show manager, another SRGCmember is featured , as you might imagine. Presenter Carole Baxter is also a member and members pop up all over the place.... Beryl McNaughton is interviewed in her capacity as sponsor of  the Poppy Charity garden. Peter Foley  (who used to run Holden Clough Nursery - now taken over by his award winning son, John) has cooperated with the Dalgety Bay Garden Club.  George Anderson of the RCHS, another Beechgrove presenter, chooses the Lilium lophoporum and tall Meconopis from the SRGC stand as his favourites.... great coverage from the Club's point of view!

Now, though, I must take the dogs out. They've been waiting very patiently :)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Tim Ingram on June 01, 2012, 10:14:53 PM
What a plant that lily is! So curious with the petals joined at the tip. Thank you for the pictures taken all around the exhibit. Did anyone take pictures of Kevock's stand? Or other displays?
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: angie on June 01, 2012, 10:42:30 PM
Great display folks. After seeing all the work that had went into the display through this forum it made me appreciate it even more. Fell in love with that lovely dark leaved Celmisia,  Well done to everyone that contributed to the display, you did the SRGC proud.

Something is going wrong with me, I came away with only two plants  :o I remember the days that I had to make a few trips back and fore to my car with plants.
I could have filled my car with all those choice plants on our display though, Graham your plants were looking lovely.  Hope Cyril's Lilium lophophorum makes it to the end of the show, so many folks were admiring it.

Well done again to everyone.

Angie  :)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 02, 2012, 07:31:05 AM
some nurseries- Binny Plants: Best Floral 2 pics; Letham 1 pic; Kevock: Alf Evans award 3 pics;  MacPlants 2 pics
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 02, 2012, 07:36:23 AM
some more - Pretty Ugly Plants: insect eating plants; troughs from Hawthorn, one whose name I need to add and 2 pics of Harperley Hall
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 02, 2012, 08:00:23 AM
other nurseries  and societies in no particular order.
Alliums and Hippeastrums from Warmenhoven-best new exhibitor; the National Vegetable Society; Craig House Cacti; SE Scotland Fuchsia Society; Dibleys Streptocarpus and Begonias; Binny Peonies -the top shelf yellow is Lemon Chiffon that was best new plant in the show; Pentland Plant's flag; Fir Trees Pelargoniums; Scottish Begonia Society
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ChrisB on June 02, 2012, 11:53:05 AM
Thanks so much Stan....
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:05:35 PM
Stan, you've done a grand job with this... not only with your work with "The Team" but in recording the process and now the show.... superb!  :-* 8)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:28:00 PM
 Some screen grabs from TV last night..... off the telly with a camera......I should really have gone to the i-player to catch better shots but  well,  sorry! 

Edit: The prog. is now on i-player (

To start with, Peter Foley who worked with the  British Thyroid Foundation in association with Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society on a display of  shrubs and perennials, which won a silver gilt medal. No real shots of the garden were shown!
 Peter Foley
A painting donated to the Thyroid Society (  the thyroid gland is butterfly -shaped) by an artist who had herself suffered with the disease.
Close -up
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:31:25 PM
Next  some shots with Beryl McNaughton, shown in the Poppy Scotland Garden that MacPlants designed and made, another silver gilt winner.

Beryl and her husband are stalwart members of the RCHS ( the Caley) as well as the SRGC and they and their family  have given much  support to Tibetan charities and students well as their work with UK  organisations.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:38:35 PM
what's next?
Ah yes, Billy Carruthers of Binny Plants, whose  "Riverside Retreat won premier gold and Best Floral Exhibit  8)
 Their paeony stand,won a silver gilt and  captured the Best New Plant Award , to  Paeonia 'Lemon Chiffon'
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:45:20 PM
now SRGC members, Carole Baxter of the Beechgrove Garden TV programme interviews Show Manager Jim Jermyn in the Union Jack Flag planting by Pentland Plants ( a company run by the family of another BBC presenter, Carolyn Spray, who did not appear in last night's programme.... new rules for the BBC about presenters with displays  up for awards, as evidenced in the press about certain BBC TV Chelsea presenters!)

Then a  pic of Carole behind some of the carniverous plants of the 'Ugly Plants' stand

 Jim Jermyn describes some of the Schools' entries in a "WORLD IN A BASKET" COMPETITION ( may not be the correct name of the comp.!!)

Kevock  owners, Stella and David Rankin with Carole Baxter as they find out they have won premier gold and the Alf Evans Award......
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:50:14 PM
BBC presenters, George Anderson (past president of the Caley) Carole Baxter and Jim McColl, (president of the Caley)  near the Border Belles stand.

The crowds gather at the opening of the show
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 12:59:39 PM
Now for the most important bits of the programme, as regards the SRGC display!

As I said, the programme opened with Jim McColl by the SRGC Stand....
 We were also treated to  pix of various SRGC folk- and flowers, dotted here and there through the programme...
Carole Bainbridge, Graham Wenham ( vital member of The Team- remeber the set-up practices in his garage! Graham only joined the SRGC a few years ago, after signing up at a previous Gardening Scotland  8)) and Alan Elliott ( Alan has been a Diana Aitchison Grant Recipient and credits the SRGC with giving him a new carrer!)

 Ian Pryde - member  of The Team, and Seed Exchange Chappie!
Some flowers and a grainy, magnified, shot of the SRGC carved stone.

The camera work of the programme concentrated rather a lot on sweeping shots across the stand, so it was tricky to get good shots off the TV screen, but I hope you get the idea!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 01:17:08 PM
George Anderson was very taken with the stand....
 and I've just heard from Ian that he's been talking to Graham Wenham about Graham's ideas for next year's stand! 8) 8)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Shaw on June 02, 2012, 02:23:16 PM
Ah, I thought it was not being shown until 12pm Sunday, must be the repeat. Our Saturday evening viewing is now planned, thanks Maggi.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: johnny-l on June 02, 2012, 02:44:50 PM
Well done to everyone involved in the SRGC 's silver gilt stand particularly Graham Wenham, Ian Pryde and Stan da Prato. When I was there on Tuesday it was illuminating to see how much effort goes into creating these wonderful displays,  Lesley and Alan got mucked in like old hands placing and re-setting plants under the artistic eye of Stan the Man. Ian Pryde was, at times, called on to do some on the spot carpentry to great effect. During the day the stand evolved as ever more preening and embelishment took place. I'll re-join the gang on Sunday and I can't wait to see the finished stand in the flesh although a big thank you to Stan for his photos and Maggi for the TV piece. It sets the scene graphically for those who can't be there. Roll on tomorrow. :) :) :)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 03:30:36 PM
Ah, I thought it was not being shown until 12pm Sunday, must be the repeat. Our Saturday evening viewing is now planned, thanks Maggi.
Usually the programme isn't available on i-player until after the Sunday repeat, David- they must have pleaded special circumstances because of the GS show timings.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 02, 2012, 03:33:11 PM
Lesley and Alan got mucked in like old hands placing and re-setting plants
Am I the only one with the suspicion that these two young persons were also the most lithe and light for hopping up and over the stand?  ::) ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 02, 2012, 09:46:50 PM
Yes, Maggi - they were the ONLY people allowed to access the central strengthened part of the stand - aged me offered to go up and help but Stan looked horrified and banned me.

We've all had a great time speaking to lots and lots of people who've come to visit the stand these last 2 days.  We've also been selling seed - at 20p and a £1 a packet and have already sold £500 worth - which means there's an awful lot of people with SRGC seed to grow - great for the Club.

It's been a superb team effort by lots and lots of members - I reckon about 50 people have been involved in one way or another - either lending plants, building the display or helping man the stand over the weekend.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 03, 2012, 07:04:58 AM
one of the floral hall exhibits that attracted most interest was the jubilee display of potato varieties.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 03, 2012, 07:38:08 AM
Some of the outdoor show and college gardens.
Macmillan Cancer Care garden; Model train garden with Beechgrove TV crew; Plant Explorers garden by SAC students; Desert island discs; Scott of the Antarctic; Sam's Olympic journey - this is the story of a girl in the Borders who competes in paralympic events following a freak accident ; Trellis garden of tranquillity
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: John85 on June 04, 2012, 12:58:52 PM
I wonder why there isn't a better coverage of this event by the BBC.(or is it theEBC)
If they spend 15 hours for Chelsea(and the red button),two hours'd be a minimum to be fair to the Scottish people,even if they argue they want to keep it in proportion to the number of viewers.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Shaw on June 04, 2012, 06:30:34 PM
I didn't watch any of Chelsea, John, but from what I have heard people who did were very disappointed with the BBC coverage (EBC is for NNS ;-)). I understand that there were few shots of the stand and plants but a lot of time talking to 'celebrities'. Our 30 minutes though, was pure quality!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Stan da Prato on June 04, 2012, 10:59:28 PM
NBIB has entered the pallet garden competition every year since it started. This year we focused on water conservation and the exhibit proved popular with both judges and the public.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 05, 2012, 01:19:33 AM
Well what can one say to add to the fantastic response to the most superduper show imaginable? Not much really except that I see at last why there were so many rehearsals, so much planning of the design and execution, and such meticulous attention to detail, carried out by Graham and his co-workers. That this was all carried out over a long period of time shows incredible commitment to the task and we are so fortunate that Stan was able to show blow-by-blow pictures of the whole process. Near the beginning I mentioned a "dry run" but never imagined what would follow and how wonderfully successful the finished display would be. I wish - boy do I wish, that I could have been there. Maybe next year?
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on June 05, 2012, 04:03:14 PM
Only saw this thread just now...  :o
Wonderful and well deserved result to all involved in the set up !
What dedication !!!! I bow in silent admiration...  ;)

Thanks very much to all picture posters as well - a great effort !!  :-*
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Shaw on June 06, 2012, 08:07:45 AM
[I mentioned a "dry run" ]
Has this anything to do with Stan's last picture of the NBIB pallet, Lesley?  ::)
Hope you do manage to come over next year, we would love to meet you.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Carol Shaw on June 06, 2012, 08:55:16 PM
I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to Stan for posting all the photos... And to acknowledge and praise the amount of time he Graham Wenham and Ian Pryde spent creating this amazing stand... Huge and hearty Congrats!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 06, 2012, 09:06:50 PM
I haven't given up hope of getting Liz' pix, taken on the last day of set-up, online at some point!!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: David Nicholson on June 06, 2012, 09:22:14 PM
I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to Stan for posting all the photos... And to acknowledge and praise the amount of time he Graham Wenham and Ian Pryde spent creating this amazing stand... Huge and hearty Congrats!

..... and very much seconded.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: fermi de Sousa on June 07, 2012, 09:04:52 AM
And a big "thank you" to Maggi for posting excerpts from the telecast because, of course, we can't get it "in our area"!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ChrisB on June 08, 2012, 11:01:57 AM
We can't get it here either Fermi, so I watched it on line too.  And we can practically see Scotland from here.....
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Colin on June 08, 2012, 12:39:52 PM
Well done to SRGC on their silver-gilt.  Travelled up from N.Wales to see show. Whilst I appreciate that everyone we met was enthusiastic, the show itself is a poor relation to the RHS shows and even some of the local ones south of the border such asa Harrogate etc.. The exhibitors are not to blame, thank goodness for their support ,but the overall impression is of a show that is 'tired' and  struggling to attract exhibitors.  The spread of stands in the main hall suggested that space was available for many more. On one society stand the person on duty sat on the middle of the stand for most of the day thereby blocking view of their leaflets and video.  They rightly won no award!
Surely a quiet word from one the show's organisers could have put him right.  However almost everyone was helpful, eager to please and gave freely with information and advice.  Therefore in my view they deserve more from the organisation. 
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Tim Ingram on June 08, 2012, 09:20:08 PM
I expect all Shows tend to suffer by comparison with the RHS events because building up the sort of momentum they have must be very hard. Although I have always loved Chelsea, I must admit to finding Shows like Hampton Court overpowering and uncomfortable; just too much going on. Probably Chelsea is not quite like this because in size it is small, it has such a long history and there is an amazing enthusiasm that goes with it, for all that you might think that celebrity tends to predominate.

One of the things about Chelsea is that the Gardens are always described as judged on their own merits; ie: not against one another. Viewers like me of course do judge them on our own reaction to them and look at individual stands in the same way. I think building a successful Show cannot be too easy; it needs co-operation across many people. Once you have fantastic exhibitors, you then need fantastic advertising, and of course every Show (especially one in Scotland) wants to do its own thing! If you start with really good growers and plants, which there must be, then the thing to do is always encourage this and everything else should follow.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Colin on June 09, 2012, 08:24:37 PM
I endorse what you say and there is no doubt, in my humble mind, that the plant exhibitors that were at Gardening Scotland put on a very good show indeed - that was my point, they were better than the show itself, because some parts were very amateurish indeed.  I appreciate that any show based in Scotland can be considered 'out of the way' for most folks and can never have the financial clout of any RHS event; nevertheless one would hope that, as the only large such show in Scotland, it could attract a sizeable sposorshiop base.  Then the problem arises as to who has the vision to spend the money wisely?  Still, it's always a good excuse to go back home and visit 'the folks'.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: mark smyth on June 09, 2012, 08:32:52 PM
Maggi what day/s is Beech Grove on?
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 09, 2012, 08:55:41 PM
Maggi what day/s is Beech Grove on?
Thursdays at about 7.30 pm ( that varies) and a repeat on Sundays at 5.05pm BBC2
Maggi what day/s is Beech Grove on?
Usually at 7.30pm on a Thursday, though that varies. Tomorrow, Sunday 9th June ,the repeat is at 5.05pm on BBC2
The website is (
This coming week the  Beechgrove Garden times are Thursday 14th June BBC2
at 7:30pm and repeated on Sunday 17th June BBC2 at 12pm
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: mark smyth on June 09, 2012, 09:58:22 PM
Thanks. I'll set up sky to record it
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lina Hesseling on June 09, 2012, 10:55:06 PM
Is BBC 2 Scotland not the same as BBC 2?

Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Peter Maguire on June 09, 2012, 11:03:06 PM
Not quite, they like to go their own way... ;)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: mark smyth on June 10, 2012, 12:32:59 AM
The Beechgrove Garden is on BBC2 Scotland which is found on Sky channel 990. BBC1 Scotalnd is on Sky 971.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: John85 on June 10, 2012, 09:56:34 AM
There is also some gardening  on Alba(Sky 168) in gaelic.Don't worry the subtitles are in English (tuesdays repeted saterdays)
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Lina Hesseling on June 10, 2012, 11:18:00 AM
Sadly I only can watch BBC 1 and BBC 2.
And I must admit, the programs in Holland about gardening are terrible.
All very commercial and trendy.

Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: ChrisB on June 11, 2012, 10:17:33 AM
Thanks Mark, I think I'll do the same.  It seems to be a much better programme than Gardener's World....
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 11, 2012, 10:27:54 AM
Here’s the photos I took of our stand on the final day before judging while Stan was outside setting up the winning pallet garden for North Berwick.  My apologies for the quality of the photos and also for the delay in posting these.  Unfortunately I’d forgotten how to re-size photos using my camera software and only had time this weekend to re-learn the technique.  More on plants and people in next post.  (Fingers crossed that I've got the photos resized properly!)

Rocky cliff
Al Elliott looking at the other side of the rocky cliff
The rear side of the rocky cliff – Graham Catlow’s Pleiones
Ian Pryde views the dry river bed
Cliff, river bed and edge of woodland
Woodland with Ian Christie’s Meconopsis
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 11, 2012, 10:30:34 AM
OOOps - something went wrong - where are all the other photos?  Will try again once I've re-read the posting instructions.  Sorry Maggi.
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 11, 2012, 10:44:54 AM
Trying again - didn't see the (more attachments) text and so you only got the last photo in the earlier post.

Rocky cliff
Al Elliott looking at the other side of the rocky cliff
The rear side of the rocky cliff – Graham Catlow’s Pleiones
Ian Pryde views the dry river bed
Cliff, river bed and edge of woodland
Woodland with Ian Christie’s Meconopsis
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Maggi Young on June 11, 2012, 11:00:45 AM
OOOps - something went wrong - where are all the other photos?  Will try again once I've re-read the posting instructions.  Sorry Maggi.
Liz, so glad you stuck with it! Many thanks from all of us who have been excitied to see the final views!
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 11, 2012, 11:26:59 AM
A few people and plants

Graham Wenham and Ian Pryde at work
Stan collecting compost for his pallet garden
Carole Bainbridge tidying up
What Carole was tidying up - Pinguicula grandiflorum on a tree stump
Lilium lophophorum (Cyril Lafong) – to me  the best plant in the whole Show
Dicentra Ivory Heart (Ian Christie)
Dodecatheon pulchellum (Cyril Lafong)
SRGC publicity and seed sales table
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Liz Mills on June 11, 2012, 11:38:40 AM
Some photos of members (starring Glassford Sprunt) who visited or helped on the stand on Saturday plus a photo of the Alf Evans Award for the best alpine display in the whole Show being presented to Stella and David Rankin of Kevock Garden Plants.  Last year the SRGC team staged a joint stand with Kevock (Stella and David have been SRGC members for a long time) and received the training they needed to be able to go it alone this year. We’ve still a way to go to rival our mentors but intend to have an even better display next year. 

Presentation of Alf Evans Award to Stella and David Rankin
Graham Wenham and helper Ken East
Ian Christie and Glassford
Glassford, Peter Semple and Ian Bainbridge
Stirling Group members – Glassford, Ian and Ann Steele, Sandy Leven
Alan Gardner, Carole Bainbridge and Glassford
Title: Re: Gardening Scotland 2012
Post by: Tim Ingram on June 11, 2012, 12:44:48 PM
Liz - so lovely to see those pictures. I wonder how many visitors were completely nonplussed by that remarkable lily? We only have a very small group down here in Kent but seeing the SRGC display is highly encouraging for what we hope to do next year at the local Kent Show. But we wont have those wonderful celmisias and meconopsis, and nor Lilium lophophorum! Good luck for next year.
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