Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => General Forum => Topic started by: Martin Baxendale on January 07, 2009, 08:38:59 PM

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martin Baxendale on January 07, 2009, 08:38:59 PM
I'm so happy I didn't have time last Autumn to plant out two years' worth of snowdrop seedlings and twin-scale bulbils in the three new raised beds I'd made for them. If I had found time to plant them out, their bulbs and roots would probably all have been heaved out of the soil by the hard, hard frosts we've been having, and the small leaves torn apart by the blackbirds madly looking for worms in the frozen garden.

Instead, I saved time by quickly putting them all back into pots from the plastic bags where they spent the Summer, so they're now all snug and warm in about 200 pots in my lean-too conservatory with the heater on, and in my frames, covered with lots of layers of bubble-wrap.

I was annoyed not to get them into the beds, but now...Yes!!! I'm happy!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 01:03:46 PM
It's a sunny day here and that's reason enough to be happy but my mood was lifted higher by this delightful photo, provided by a new Forum member...... "shooglypeg"  ( I hope  he might introduce himself in the future) .....
Calceolaria uniflora

...who wouldn't be cheered by the sight of these sweet little characters, singing their hearts out........ 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 01:21:51 PM
Maggi, are those flowers real? :o :o :o
The pic totally cracked me up, hmmm wonder what the hardy zone is.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 01:29:26 PM
Oh yes, Helen,
They are certainly real and particularly beautiful.
Here is a plant on the show bench in the U.K.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 01:49:35 PM
Thanks for the pic Cliff, I am starting to feel as though I fell down the rabbit hole!!
You're right, they are very beautiful. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 02:00:34 PM
Now is your name Helen, Maggiepie or Alice?   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 02:06:17 PM
Now is your name Helen, Maggiepie or Alice?   :D

My name is Helen, the maggiepie comes from being an avid Collingwood supporter, they are known as the Collingwood Magpies ;D ;D ;D
Actually, my middle name is Margaret
Arghhhhhh had to modify that, I had a senior moment ::) ::) ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 02:09:16 PM
Hi Helen,
'I am starting to feel as though I fell down the rabbit hole'!! 
I thought you were referring to Alice in Wonderland!  :D
Aaaagh!  ... But SHE would never have a senior moment!   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 02:22:02 PM

I thought you were referring to Alice in Wonderland!  :D
Aaaagh!  ... But SHE would never have a senior moment!   :D

I was Cliff, and I bet old Alice would be having LOTS of senior moments these days  ;) ;) ;)
Btw, is Cliff short for Clifford?
I have a brother with that name.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Magnar on January 24, 2009, 03:49:34 PM
First of all, Helen Maggiepie; Calecolaria uniflora is hardy enough up here along the costal part of north Norway, and a wonderful plant indeed.

And secondly, I'm so happy because the sun came back to me, peeping over the hills for the first time today, after having been away for 2 months. Yeah, I know it's a bad pic, but no doubt the sun is there LOL
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 04:27:34 PM

I thought you were referring to Alice in Wonderland!  :D
Aaaagh!  ... But SHE would never have a senior moment!   :D
Btw, is Cliff short for Clifford?

Yes, Helen ... but Shush ... please!  (I wouldn't want all my friends to know)!   :D

Congratulations, Magnar ... that is slightly shorter than us here in Lancashire!  :D :D :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 05:42:05 PM
Magnar, I am very happy you have the sun back, it must be very hard living for that period of time without it.
We have sun today, and I am also happy that I have been potting up little Thlaspi Stylosum and Mertensia Pterocarpa seedlings this morning ;D ;D ;D
Of course I wouldn't have been doing that without your generosity. :)

Oh yes, and thanks for the information on Calecolaria uniflora.

Cliff, I won't tell anyone but........... ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Magnar on January 24, 2009, 05:51:54 PM
Good to hear the seeds have started to germinate.

Yes, it's always a good feeling to have the sun back, even if it's never totally dark here.
Even at the darkest time, right around Christmas, we have some 2,5 hours of daylight..and now it's  light for almost 6 hours.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 06:11:16 PM
Good to hear the seeds have started to germinate.

I've only started a few types of seed as yet.
I am very curious about living without sun for 2 months, do you have to take vitamin D or have special light treatment to prevent SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder-Winter blues)
Quite a lot of North Americans suffer from this condition during winter.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 24, 2009, 06:51:07 PM
Not heard of Collingwood Magpies. What do they do? They only Collingwood I know plays cricket for England.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 07:03:25 PM
Collingwood History
Established in 1892, the Collingwood Football Club is the biggest and most famous sporting club in Australia.
You either love them or hate them, most hate them :o
Australian Rules Football.
I do believe there have been matches played with various AFL teams against Gaelic Football players, but I can't remember the details.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 24, 2009, 07:31:58 PM
Thanks Helen. Sounds a lot more exotic than being a Huddersfield Town follower. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Judy Wall on January 24, 2009, 07:41:50 PM
Just received my seeds from various seed exchanges, got some choice stuff, the sun is shinning, even though it is cold at -20c here in Canada. I love starting seeds and watching them grow & develop into some of the most amazing plants. Isn't nature wonderful........ me addicted to seeds.....oh well it's harmless and it is great fun.......and it fills the Jan/Feb blahs during winter in Canada ah.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 07:46:22 PM
Anthony, what tune is this sung to?
There's a team that's dear to it's followers
Their colours are bright blue and white
They're a team of reknown, they're the talk of the town
And the game of football is their delight :)

The lyrics aren't as bad as Good old Collingwood forever.......
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 07:48:20 PM
Hi, Judy! You're right, there's nothing like the arrival of some seeds to boost the gardener's morale long as, with minus 20 you're not reduced to burning the seeds on the fire for heat! Hope it doesn't come to that, eh?  ;D   Forst never really lifted here today, but it was so bright and sunny nobody checked what the actual temperature was!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 07:52:31 PM
Thanks Helen. Sounds a lot more exotic than being a Huddersfield Town follower. :)

 That reminds me of an old TV advert....think it was for milk......two small boys, just in from playing football  are sitting at kitchen table, glasses of milk and sandwiches laid out.....first child isn't drinking his milk..... second child says, "you'd better drink up, or you'll end up playing for Accrington Stanley"
......." Who?" says the first
....... "Exactly!" says the second   ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 08:05:54 PM
Maggi, change the names and I know who you mean :) ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 08:10:37 PM
How topical, Maggi,
My son-in-law went to watch Acci' play Barnet today (1-1) ... he is a Birmingham supporter really but intends to visit as many league grounds as possible (just as I did when I followed first Brighton and then Bolton all over the country, until the day I felt a small brick hit the back of my head as we left Rotherham's ground after a fine away win) - only been to a football ground twice since then.

... And before somebody says something (Diane); the bump on the head probably DOES explain a lot!!   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 08:16:22 PM
Just went rootling to see if I'd spelled the Stanley part correctly... found news story about Acci's goal-keeper arrested with Steven Gerrard for assault on a barman, and guess what else it said in the newspaper report.............
"It  (Accrington Stanley) is perhaps best known for being name-checked in a celebrated British milk advert from the 1980s.

The scene was between two boys with thick Liverpudlian accents dressed in Liverpool football shirts who were looking for something to drink after a game of football.

They opt for milk on the advice of former Liverpool player Ian Rush, believing it will help them to play for a better team than Accrington Stanley."
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 24, 2009, 08:23:22 PM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Casalima on January 24, 2009, 08:35:01 PM
I love that Akhrington/ezakhly  :D :D

about as (ex-)Thames Valley as you can get, and still amazed by some British accents new to my ears ...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 08:42:39 PM
I love that Akhrington/ezakhly  :D :D

Yes,  it's a great accent..... well done to Cliff for finding the ad on you-tube.... it's terrific to hear it with the voices ..... don't know where I'd got the sandwiches from in my memory of it ....could be I'm a little peckish..... :-X

Isn't it extraordinary what you can find on you-tube? I said as much to someone the other day and she said, oh no, you won't find that there, it's from years ago  ..... but I went searching, and there it was !
And now I remember who it was.... it was the Wily Wifey, about a series of Toyota adverts that ran in NZ !
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 24, 2009, 09:07:40 PM

Isn't it extraordinary what you can find on you-tube? I said as much to someone the other day and she said, oh no, you won't find that there, it's from years ago  ..... but I went searching, and there it was !

Yep, it is Maggi, now look what you made me do!! ;D ;D ;D
Anthony, here's some highlights from Collingwood's 2007 season.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 24, 2009, 10:58:55 PM

And now I remember who it was.... it was the Wily Wifey, about a series of Toyota adverts that ran in NZ !

Were these the "b****r" ads Maggi? I remember at the time someone complained to the TV Broadcasting standards Authority about the "B" word and wanted the ads removed. The Authority said they were quite acceptable in a cultural context or words to that effect but that their presence in a TV ad shouldn't be taken as any kind of precedent or as an indication that the word was acceptable in every day conversation. Of course immediately EVERYONE used the word in every possible way and place and it appeared in many advertisements, on the backs of SUVs and just about everywhere. I believe the offending dog died some time ago.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 24, 2009, 11:06:05 PM
Those are they, Lesley... and very funny they are.... if you search youtube for Toyota car ads New Zealand you find them, also lots of other Toyota ads from other countries ( not the UK, though  :-\ ??? ) and there are some funny ones there, too. Don't know wht we didn't get funny ads here..... best ads we've had for years , though they've stopped now,  were for Buweiser beer and "starred" a pair of chameleons, one of one berated his chum  with.. "you're a sick lizard, Louis".... they were superb adverts... works of  animated art and humour, but sadly, they never made us buy the beer.... perhaps that's why they took them off air??!!  ::)    ....  Louis, you are one sick lizard  .... a compilation
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on January 24, 2009, 11:35:22 PM

 That reminds me of an old TV advert....think it was for milk......t

Hm mm, dairy product ads remind me of Tommy Sexton's advert from the old Codco Show. (a very subdued Newfoundland accent) (

and the unforgettable Greg Malone's (the newscaster as well) impersonation of Margaret Thatcher. (

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on January 25, 2009, 06:39:23 AM
Love those Calceolaria pics!!  You can't help but smile at their cheery little faces.  Mostly likely would hate our heat here though I guess, and their little faces would be sad instead of happy (or we'd just never get to the stage of having little faces!  ;)).  Might be worth a try one day though.  Beautiful photos!!

Lots of strange adds here in Aus..... and then there are the UK (I think?) adverts advertising Australia with a lovely lass using the word "bl..dy" which got everyone all upset too.  I took to two middle letters out in case anyone's email blocked it as offensive.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: KentGardener on January 25, 2009, 07:16:29 AM
...who wouldn't be cheered by the sight of these sweet little characters, singing their hearts out........ 8)

What a great photo.  Like a group of little Muppets.  They have made me happy too.  ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Magnar on January 25, 2009, 08:34:47 AM
Good to hear the seeds have started to germinate.

I am very curious about living without sun for 2 months, do you have to take vitamin D or have special light treatment to prevent SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder-Winter blues)
Quite a lot of North Americans suffer from this condition during winter.

I have no problems with the sunless weeks. I am of course born here and have lived up here most of my life. And I don't hear about other people having much problems either, not even from immigrants. I don't take extra vitamines or any other treatment.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on January 25, 2009, 11:16:36 AM
The Swedish experience is that some people DO get depressions and these can be shown on blood samples. Hormon levels change.
It happens also here at 59° N. I believe the snow gives some relief higher up in the north.
High levels of artificial light seems to be the cure in some cases. I agree with Magnar that this is not likely to happen to natives.
The Swedish word for the affliction is 'lappsjuka'

HAPPINESS IS TO RECEIVE TH SRGC-seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I Just did

THANK YOU  :-* :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 25, 2009, 12:33:36 PM

Good to hear the seeds have started to germinate.

I am very curious about living without sun for 2 months, do you have to take vitamin D or have special light treatment to prevent SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder-Winter blues)
Quite a lot of North Americans suffer from this condition during winter.
I have no problems with the sunless weeks. I am of course born here and have lived up here most of my life. And I don't hear about other people having much problems either, not even from immigrants. I don't take extra vitamines or any other treatment.

It must be the Nordic genes, good thing I have some Swedish ones from a great grandfather :) :)

Göte, my cat suffers, a few days without sun and she mopes around the house and sleeps.
I'll be  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D when I get my seeds too, maybe Monday!!!
Everytime I see someone say, I got my seeds today, I can't help but wonder what was in their package!! ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 25, 2009, 12:54:29 PM
...reminds me of the chap who asked his wife if he could have a night out. "No! The last time you had a night out you didn't come home 'til February! ::)"
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Magnar on January 25, 2009, 01:25:37 PM
I got my SRGC-seeds 4 days ago  :)  and these were in the sending:

Alliun rosenbachianum
Anemone drummondii
Anemone sheriffii
Calceolaria fothergillii
Callianthemum anemonoides
Celmisia angustifolia
Celmisia incana
Celmisia monroi
Gentiana tianschanica
Gladiolus italicus
Meconopsis racemosa
Ranunculus lyallii
Swertia perennis
Trillium rivale
Gentiana clusii
Pulsatilla alpina austroalpina
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 25, 2009, 01:55:13 PM
I got my SRGC-seeds 4 days ago  :)  and these were in the sending:

Thanks Magnar, I am off to google, I only recognize one  :)  :)

I couldn't find pics of some, and not sure all I did find are accurately named, some really beautiful plants, I especially like Ranunculus lyallii. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on January 25, 2009, 05:08:13 PM
I got half of my first choice and the rest from my second. Quite a good result.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 25, 2009, 07:30:35 PM
Love those Calceolaria pics!!  You can't help but smile at their cheery little faces.  Mostly likely would hate our heat here though I guess, and their little faces would be sad instead of happy (or we'd just never get to the stage of having little faces!  ;)).  Might be worth a try one day though. 

You're right Paul, they WOULD hate your heat. I can keep it going here for about a year or 18 months at a time, in my cool tunnel and never letting the sun anywhere near it but it is very prone to aphids and needs constant spraying if not out in the wide open spaces. As soon as it gets a couple of aphids, it's virtually doomed.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 25, 2009, 07:53:31 PM
It is a matter of horror to me just how attractive to aphids all Calceolarias are  :P They seem able to find and infest any Caleolaria at the speed of light. These plants must be very sweet , I think.
 Calceolarias are something that makes aphids SO happy!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on January 25, 2009, 09:53:40 PM
Good calceolerias

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on January 26, 2009, 01:43:13 AM
Amazing how dry the lovely clump of Calceolarias is, sunny too I presume.  Like Lesley I grew it for about 18 months.  I covered the small trough in screen and still I could pick aphids off twice a day using a needle stuck in tanglefoot. One flower and then it was gone.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Tony Willis on January 26, 2009, 10:27:39 AM
What an amazing clump of calceolaria I am envious. When I was there it was mid summer and its flowering season was just finishing so I only saw a couple of flowers. They were however growing under bushes in light shade. I would say however that for those in full sun it does not mean hot.It was 10c max on the best days and winds of 80/90mph all the time with constant hail showers blowing through.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 26, 2009, 07:02:40 PM
And there, in my opinion, lies the answer. Wind. In its native habitat I would be very surprised if there were many days without strong air movement, and if the wind was a howling gale, so much the better for the calceolaria. The air would be cool or cold and the likes of aphids would never get near the plants. The soil would be stony and superbly drained, though probably very cool and moist a few centimetres below the ground surface. I'm saying this without having been in South America ever but from the experience of our own landscapes. Taken to somewhere like the Mt Cook National Park, I imagine C. uniflora would flourish.

The best one I ever had, and for longest time, was outside and in a too sunny place so that I had to water it every day through spring/summer/autumn but it remained compact and healthy, pest-free so long as my attention was not diverted by rubbish like a couple of days away from home. I returned to an almost dead and irretrievable calceolaria.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 26, 2009, 07:16:09 PM
The postman today delivered three books.

A Monograph of cultivated Galanthus,  by Bishop,Davis & Grimshaw.
The Crocus, by Brian Mathew.
Irises, by Claire Austin.

I am very happy. :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Oron Peri on January 26, 2009, 07:27:33 PM
The postman today delivered three books.

A Monograph of cultivated Galanthus,  by Bishop,Davis & Grimshaw.
The Crocus, by Brian Mathew.
Irises, by Claire Austin.

I am very happy. :) :) :) :) :) :)

Michael can I ask your source of the second book???? :-[
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 26, 2009, 07:48:20 PM
Oron,I have Sent you PM.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 26, 2009, 08:04:59 PM
The postman today delivered three books.

A Monograph of cultivated Galanthus,  by Bishop,Davis & Grimshaw.
The Crocus, by Brian Mathew.
Irises, by Claire Austin.

I am very happy. :) :) :) :) :) :)

..... and lighter in pocket too Michael I would think. The best price of recent through Abe books for The Crocus was £152 and the dearest was £1112, both from American bookshops with no copies showing at all from UK bookshops :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 26, 2009, 08:28:40 PM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 26, 2009, 08:30:44 PM

Look at that grin! Michael's done a good deal, I think!! Well done, Michael  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 26, 2009, 10:30:05 PM
a pair of chameleons, one of one berated his chum  with.. "you're a sick lizard, Louis"....    ....  Louis, you are one sick lizard

This reminds me that I'm happy for a wildlife reason and I'd put this in the wildlife thread but I didn't get the camera quick enough.

We have had an explosion of lizards in recent weeks/months and instead of the few I see most days in the garden of the native skink Oligosoma nigriplantare (I think), I'm seeing dozens every day, often several at once. I've been chasing them under bookcases and behind armchairs in order to shunt them outside as I'm worried they may get quite lost and starve if they stay inside. I don't mind them in. Night before last I went to bed only to find a gecko (Hoplodactylus ?sp) sitting on my bed. It was the first one of this kind I've ever seen so was quite excited. When I went to catch him he darted along the wall, down, then under the bed at the end but fortunatately came out at the side where I was able to capture him (or her) and so take him out to the parsley patch.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 26, 2009, 11:13:53 PM
Lesley, you are so lucky, I miss Australian lizards, there are none here that I have seen.

Did you see this article about a 111 year old tuatara becoming a father? ??? ;D ;D

That should give a few people hope  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 26, 2009, 11:41:23 PM
Helen, t00lie,( our Forum Style Guru, Dave Toole) lives near Invercargill.... we'll need to ask him to visit Henry , Mildred and the kids for us to get some pix! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 26, 2009, 11:46:50 PM
Helen, t00lie,( our Forum Style Guru, Dave Toole) lives near Invercargill.... we'll need to ask him to visit Henry , Mildred and the kids for us to get some pix! ;D

Maggi, wonderful idea, I would love to see pics of Henry, Mildred and family... ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 27, 2009, 02:14:17 AM
Yes indeed, Henry has confounded his keepers and other admirers. As well as the initial announcement, we saw the babies on TV last night, all very cute, about 12cms long.

Somewhere I have a film picture of Charles, another inmate at the In'gill museum, sitting on my arm. He was very charming and quiet, and I'd expected him to feel horny (excuse me) and rough but his skin with all its bumps and the peaks along his back, felt like rubber.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 27, 2009, 07:42:59 AM

Did you see this article about a 111 year old tuatara becoming a father? ??? ;D ;D

... Well, what about the 111 year old buttercup who became a grandfather for the second time overnight?   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Our second grandchild (a cousin for little Oliver Thomas Seguieri) ...  one Milo Harvey Alpestris was born at 2.20 am today in Oldham Infirmary ... weight still to be determined, but a big one we believe.  No photos yet ... well, he hasn't got a camera, has he?   A son for the lovely Rebecca and Andrew Harvey.
Seeing him this evening for the first time ... can't wait!!!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on January 27, 2009, 08:37:22 AM
Many congratulations to you and the happy family Cliff !!!!!  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: JohnnyD on January 27, 2009, 10:55:34 AM
That must have taken a lot out of you Cliff. :)

I suggest a lie down a large sherbet. :P :D

Congratulations - and many more of 'em. :D :D :D


p.s. Congratulate Andrew & Rebecca for Clare and Me.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2009, 11:08:11 AM
Cliff,  Sue, Rebecca and Andrew, many congratulations on the safe arrival of the (not so little?) Milo!
 Long life and happiness to him!  :-*

I thought Cliff had been pacing a lot lately.... now we know why!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 27, 2009, 11:27:21 AM

weight still to be determined, but a big one we believe.

Many thanks, folks!

The weight was actually 7 lbs 7 oz ... not big at all really, but he did have a Leica slung around his neck and three spare batteries. Mother, baby, father and grandparents all doing well.

As a contrast to the thrill of parenthood for the new 'financially struggling' mum and dad, an ecstatic Andrew left the hospital at 4am to find the rear window of his precious car smashed and muddy footprints all over the upholstery ... Becca's sister's vehicle had also been trashed in a similar way.  Perhaps this should have been posted under the 'Wildlife' thread (though which animal would behave like this is uncertain)?   :'( :'( :'(   
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2009, 11:39:10 AM
Perhaps this should have been posted under the 'Wildlife' thread (though which animal would behave like this is uncertain)?   
I think a post under "noxious pests to be eliminated" might be called for.... how horrible.... and this in the environs of the hospital, I presume? Have they no security ?  :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 27, 2009, 12:52:11 PM
Congratulations Cliff, can see how pleased you are, I guess that means you enjoy babysitting duties ;D

Lesley, I would love to see the pic if you can find it.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on January 27, 2009, 01:08:55 PM
Congratulations Cliff (and Rebecca and Andrew) on the new arrival

  No photos yet ... well, he hasn't got a camera, has he?   

No, but you have .....  we're waiting
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2009, 01:53:28 PM
Congratulations Cliff (and Rebecca and Andrew) on the new arrival

  No photos yet ... well, he hasn't got a camera, has he?   

No, but you have .....  we're waiting

Diane, my guess is that visiting hours will be 2- 4 pm ....say they visit mid afternoon, get home, have tea, process pix.... I'm thinking  photo here by 7pm ? ....  ;D

Have seen on TV news this lunchtime, report of octuplets born in USA.... now those really will generate heavy babysitting duties  :o Perhaps it is possible to have too much of a good thing, after all  :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 27, 2009, 02:01:30 PM
The weight was actually 7 lbs 7 oz ... not big at all really, but he did have a Leica slung around his neck and three spare batteries. Mother, baby, father and grandparents all doing well.

That is quite big enough when you are birthing the baby! Congratulations all from David & self

As a contrast to the thrill of parenthood for the new 'financially struggling' mum and dad, an ecstatic Andrew left the hospital at 4am to find the rear window of his precious car smashed and muddy footprints all over the upholstery ... Becca's sister's vehicle had also been trashed in a similar way.  Perhaps this should have been posted under the 'Wildlife' thread (though which animal would behave like this is uncertain)?   :'( :'( :'(   

I don't, in general, approve of violence but in this case I think a hockey stick might just come in useful... I just don't understand this mindless trashing of other peoples possessions  ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 27, 2009, 03:03:55 PM

Diane, my guess is that visiting hours will be 2- 4 pm ....say they visit mid afternoon, get home, have tea, process pix.... I'm thinking  photo here by 7pm ? .... 

It's not an ALPINE SHOW, you know!  It may get to 10pm, as we can't get there this afternoon. Poor Sue still earns a crust!   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2009, 03:59:29 PM

Diane, my guess is that visiting hours will be 2- 4 pm ....say they visit mid afternoon, get home, have tea, process pix.... I'm thinking  photo here by 7pm ? .... 

It's not an ALPINE SHOW, you know!  It may get to 10pm, as we can't get there this afternoon. Poor Sue still earns a crust!   :D

Oh, bother! Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait then..... gives you time to borrow a really short tempered rottweiler to guard the car as you visit though, doesn't it?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 27, 2009, 03:59:44 PM
Yes, our school population has taken a turn for the worse since cannibalism was outlawed. :'( The Black Lagoon must be a poor tourist attraction these days. A guy I know caught two teenage louts heaving the plants and compost out of his window boxes of his cottage, which is on the street with no front garden. He chased after them and leathered them both. He now has a criminal record as they were seen as the victims, even though they had been doing this every time he'd planted his window boxes.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on January 27, 2009, 07:12:52 PM
Congrats, Cliff and family.

Not at all related:
Just received from a friend in the U.S.A, Paddy

While on vacation in Rome,  I noticed a marble column in St. Peter's with a
golden telephone on it.  As a young priest passed by,  I asked who the
telephone was for.  The priest told me it was a direct line to Heaven,
and if I'd like to call, it would be a thousand dollars.  I was amazed,
but declined the offer.

Throughout Italy, I kept seeing the same golden telephone on a marble
column. At each,  I asked about it and the answer was always the same:
a direct line to Heaven and I could call for a thousand dollars.

Then - I went to Ireland

I finished my tour in Ireland. I decided to attend Mass at a local village church.
When I walked in the door I noticed the golden telephone. Underneath it there was a sign stating: "DIRECT LINE TO HEAVEN 25 cents." "Father," I said, "I have been all over Italy and in all the cathedrals I visited, I've seen telephones exactly like this one. But the price is always a thousand dollars.
Why is it that this one is only 25 cents?"

The priest smiled and said, "Darlin', you're in Ireland now. It's a local call..."
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 27, 2009, 07:51:36 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 27, 2009, 08:02:59 PM
Congrats Cliff. No doubt Milo was clutching a handful of buttercup seed as well as having the camera? I know Milo is a middle European name but here it's a drink. But then, who grandson is he?

I'm very happy today too, having got though the task I had yesterday, bottling apricots bought at Saturday's Market. Peaches, plums still to come in the new few weeks.

They're a bit overcooked - the fruit should sit on the bottom of the jars, not float above but on the whole, they're OK. Summer saved for winter. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 27, 2009, 08:18:55 PM
Cliff, that was horrid 'bout the cars. It's sad that some people are so devoid of any kind of goodwill and so lacking in constructive ways to amuse themselves. One could almost pity them if the beasts were not so vicious.

Paddy - I like it  :) - very much.

Helen, I'll have to dig for it I think then take a digital pic of the original film pic. I'll do what I can.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 27, 2009, 08:26:23 PM
Thanks Lesley, and wow, those apricots look fantastic.
They look better than the tomatillos we bottled, would you care to swap?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 27, 2009, 09:12:37 PM
Heard the name but I've not tried tomatillos? Are they sweet or savoury? Now TAMARILLOS are great and can be sweet or savoury. I've not bottled them but stewed with brown sugar and served with thick cream.....Mmmm! They're also great on bacon grilled which is served on brown bread and a little brown sugar to caramelize. We used to call then tree tomatoes until somesone thought the other was a better-selling name.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 27, 2009, 09:25:26 PM
Lesley, I've never had a tamarillo, but the tomatillos are like small green tomatoes, that have a husk.
You use them for making green salsas and other mexican type foods.
I love mexican food!! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 27, 2009, 11:31:07 PM
I'll have to look for them then. I'm pretty sure they grow in our climate. I DON'T love Mexican food. Too hot.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 27, 2009, 11:51:11 PM
I'm with you on that Lesley. Our pseudo-Mexican food is overhot and overrated, and as Billy Connolly said, the only difference between different dishes is the way it's folded! ::) BTW, food in Mexico is great. Nothing like what I was expecting. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 28, 2009, 04:00:09 PM
Many thanks for your concerns (in PM's) - little Milo is fine, but a tad jaundiced - he may not be allowed home for another day or two and Mum and Dad would prefer it if I would wait until then before posting images.  He is perfect in every way (even having some of the Booker attributes - like a single green finger)!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 28, 2009, 07:28:23 PM
Many congratulations Cliff, you lucky chap.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 28, 2009, 07:32:43 PM
I'll have to look for them then. I'm pretty sure they grow in our climate. I DON'T love Mexican food. Too hot.

It doesn't have to be, you can make it as hot or not as you choose.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 28, 2009, 08:09:16 PM
I'll have to look for them then. I'm pretty sure they grow in our climate. I DON'T love Mexican food. Too hot.

It doesn't have to be, you can make it as hot or not as you choose.

Our son makes Mexican food that is far too hot for either of us to eat... we have never been able to understand how our grandsons as wee boys could consume. My chilli is very gentle on the mouth andthe tum
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 28, 2009, 08:13:37 PM
We've lived at Delft Cottage for 18 years... in all that time I've simply 'hated' our basic boring back door - wanted one with glass in that would let more light into the back hallway. Himself always told me it was an odd size and we would have to have a door especially made... suddenly last week he discovered a website that had lots and lots of doors the same size as our back door! We ordered the one we wanted, after checking with our joiner friend, and on Monday of next week our brand new back door with glass in the top will arrive - yippy!

Since himself retired I've got him hard at work renovating house and creating veggie plots in our and our neighbour's garden :) Kitchen done the next project is our bedroom... I'll keep you al posted  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 28, 2009, 08:17:10 PM
Poor man, give him a rest ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 28, 2009, 08:42:24 PM
I know the feeling.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 28, 2009, 08:48:32 PM
Poor man, give him a rest ;D

Himself gets fretful if there isn't a new project on the horizon - we've been promising ourselves lots of 'improvements' for years... now David has the time and energy to do. Our thought is 'get it all done now and that is it!' I help as much as I can but am a) still working and b) not a fit as I would like to be - still recovering from last year and the stroke episode  :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 28, 2009, 08:53:53 PM
Does he get chance to get out for a  pint on a Friday night though-this is very important ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 28, 2009, 08:57:25 PM
Carol,I have just finished practically rebuilding the whole house, ceilings,floors doors,windows, bathroom,kitchen,, and front wall in the garden,had to get builders in because I wasn't fit enough to do it all myself. Had to do all the painting and decorating though. Glad to get some more time this year for gardening.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Peter Maguire on January 28, 2009, 09:10:18 PM
I know that there has been some discussion in the past about plants arriving in poor condition courtesy of the originating nursery or the postal system; here's something to cheer about.

Forumists may remember some discussion about Habernia radiata (known as the "Egret Orchid") last year. Thompson and Morgan were offering them for sale, and I know that Maggi at least, had ordered some. There were delays with the harvest (due to a prolonged growing season, T&M kept me informed) and then these arrived today, brilliantly packed in a blister pack on slighly damp tissue (there are even cultivation notes included, courtesy of one Paul Cumbleton):
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 28, 2009, 09:19:40 PM
Yesterday I congratulated Arthur on posting 1000 times and promised him a cake later in the day. I can't find where I promised it so Arthur, I hope you're looking here.

It is a custard-filled teacake and very delicious, best served with a large dollop of whipped cream. Enjoy. We did, last night. ;D



Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 28, 2009, 09:23:02 PM

Carol, about the only thing that upsets my tum are green capsicums ( not sure if you call them capsicums or peppers over there), green chillies don't bother me at all.
You can make burritos with pulled pork and use as little chilli as you like, but lots of cumin and other spices and yummmm.

Ummmmmm Lesley, you forgot the recipe!! ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 28, 2009, 09:25:35 PM
Peter, I'll be looking out for mine then ::) There should be some for Wim, too.

Lesley, that cake looks really scrummy! Wait till Ian sees it..... a cake with custard?   His idea of cakely bliss! 8)     A recipe, perhaps.....?..... ooh, as I was typing another had the same thought! .....Helen's  HUNGRY too!!

I suspect Arthur will sniff out the cake !
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on January 28, 2009, 09:27:17 PM
Peter, I'll be looking out for mine then ::) There should be some for Wim, too.

Lelsely, that cake looks really scrummy! Wait till Ian sees it..... a cake with custard?   His idea of cakely bliss! 8)     A recipe, perhaps.....?..... ooh, as I was typing another had the same thought! .....Helen's  HUNGRY too!!

You're right, I forgot to eat any lunch as I was too busy looking up names of plants to see what I got in my lucky dip!! ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on January 28, 2009, 09:56:16 PM
I suppose a small slice would not do too much harm
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 28, 2009, 10:04:20 PM
Of course not Arthur "A little of what you fancy...."

Maggi and Helen, I'll PM the recipe to you. It's easy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 29, 2009, 01:47:54 PM
Oh, I can't wait any longer ... here is little Milo and huge 'buttercup'.  Aren't they cute?   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 29, 2009, 01:52:54 PM
Milo certainly looks to be a bonny baby... congratulations again!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 29, 2009, 02:03:08 PM
Ahhhhhhhh! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2009, 02:56:43 PM
Cliff,  he is a cracker!  Many congratulations to you all.  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: tonyg on January 29, 2009, 04:58:02 PM
It is a custard-filled teacake and very delicious, best served with a large dollop of whipped cream. Enjoy. We did, last night. ;D
Please tell me you made it .... and can pass on the recipe :P :P :P :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 29, 2009, 05:15:04 PM
Congratulations Cliff, I know the feeling very well. I am onto the next generation now and have great grandchildren.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on January 29, 2009, 06:12:57 PM
here is little Milo and huge 'buttercup'.  Aren't they cute?   :D   

Well, ONE of them certainly is ....  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 29, 2009, 07:54:12 PM
A bonny baby indeed but that smug look on the buttercups's fiz is positively sickening! :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 29, 2009, 07:55:58 PM
Tony, does your mind sometimes stray from crocuses? I'll PM you too, with Helen and MAggi. Still to write it out in a Word doc. Probably later today.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on January 29, 2009, 08:26:19 PM
Oh, I can't wait any longer ... here is little Milo and huge 'buttercup'.  Aren't they cute?   :D
That is indeed something belonging in this Thread.
Congratulations Cliff!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 29, 2009, 11:50:44 PM
Congratulations to you and the parents from me too.

Lesley, were you chasing those two stupid NZ criminals that were handcuffed together, or were they both holding on to one pot? ;) They tried to run either side of a lamp post and one got knocked out when they bumped into each other at speed! ::) Straight out of the Keystone Cops. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 30, 2009, 04:16:15 AM
Lovely, weren't they. I find it comforting that our criminal fraternity are indeed, stupid.

The only thing I'm chasing at the moment, is our blasted dog who is obviously overfed. (Lily may suggest that such a thing is impossible and certainly our Cain lines up each day with eyes that say "I haven't been fed for a week. That's a darned lie!) I couldn't understand why a dozen or so gentians in little pots in my nursery were looking so sad, some broken and branches (about to start flowering) torn off. Went to tidy them up after lunch today and found a dog biscuit neatly buried under the pots. So he's in the dog house for now. Pesky animal. >:(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 30, 2009, 11:53:05 AM
J. R.s Catalogue arrived this morning.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2009, 06:34:52 PM
I know that there has been some discussion in the past about plants arriving in poor condition courtesy of the originating nursery or the postal system; here's something to cheer about.

Forumists may remember some discussion about Habernia radiata (known as the "Egret Orchid") last year. Thompson and Morgan were offering them for sale, and I know that Maggi at least, had ordered some. There were delays with the harvest (due to a prolonged growing season, T&M kept me informed) and then these arrived today, brilliantly packed in a blister pack on slighly damp tissue (there are even cultivation notes included, courtesy of one Paul Cumbleton):

Just got around to phoning Thompson and Morgan to see if there was any  chance of my order ( and for Wim!) of the Habenaria radiata arriving here....... I'm tild that the stock was ready for sending out and that deliveries began on the 19th January..... my order is seemingly showing as "in packing" so I may expect the delivery in early February  :-\
Better late than never, I suppose....bit anxious about length of time to deliver ....hope they are in good order when they arrive  ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on January 30, 2009, 09:25:21 PM
Nice looking kid Cliff.
Soon you two will be out doing things his mother disapproves of. ;D
It will be sooner than you now can imagine.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on January 30, 2009, 09:27:44 PM
In 5 years he'll be pulling the heads off your flowers
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: tonyg on January 30, 2009, 10:05:41 PM
In 5 years he'll know better (old buttercup will see to that) but in 18 months .......

Oh Cliff - tis makin me broody :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on January 31, 2009, 06:31:55 PM
In 5 years he'll know better (old buttercup will see to that) but in 18 months .......

Oh Cliff - tis makin me broody :-\

Ah I remember the days when David had to watch the grandsons like a hawk when they were in the garden and we didn't DARE weed anything in front of them... now as lumping great teenagers we just have to make sure they don't actually stand no the plants  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: emma T on January 31, 2009, 07:43:36 PM
Im happy just bought my glastonbury festival ticket ;D it better be sunny
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on January 31, 2009, 08:05:52 PM
My son's going, this will be his fifth Glasto.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: emma T on January 31, 2009, 08:12:08 PM
i think is my fifth glasto as well.still not been to a wet one.......yet.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on January 31, 2009, 08:29:41 PM
still not been to a wet one.......yet.

 Really? I thought the words mud and Glastonbury festival were synonymous?  :P  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 01, 2009, 04:30:53 AM
Nice looking kid Cliff.
Soon you two will be out doing things his mother disapproves of. ;D
It will be sooner than you now can imagine.

I bet Cliff's already booked a seat for him and Ollie at the local. Young Pudsey Pigs in the making?

Tony, don't be silly! :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 01, 2009, 04:36:18 AM
Going down the list of Forum emails in since Friday, one came up as New Topic..."Free Di..."
WOW I thought. Free Dionysias or maybe Free dinners! No. It has been removed so it was one of those!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on February 01, 2009, 09:50:04 AM
Re kids in the garden
None of my two daughters have ever trampled in the flowers or in any way (intentionally) damaged anything in the garden. :) :)
We never had to admonish them. We just showed them around so they understood that the plants were living things with a value and which areas were sensitive.
We also allowed them to "help" where they could.
None of their friends have demaged anything and our grandchildren are the same.
Grown ups are a different issue.
I remeber a very grown up lady woman who stomped straight through a precious woodland planting. When she saw may face she said.
"Oh that is no problem I have sturdy shoes." >:( >:(
Guess if she has been invited again!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 01, 2009, 01:51:30 PM
Going down the list of Forum emails in since Friday, one came up as New Topic..."Free Di..."
WOW I thought. Free Dionysias or maybe Free dinners! No. It has been removed so it was one of those!

Yup I reported to the Mods. and it vanished...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 01, 2009, 01:54:49 PM
Göte our son was never a problem in the garden, neither were his friends. The grandsons don't mean to be a problem they are simply not used to a garden that can't be run around in, we have no grass - well we do but only 'cause we haven't weeded it out - hence nowhere for healthy young bodies to run riot. Fortunately we have a field at the end of the garden and the area nearest is 'sort of' set aside - so they can run and romp to their hearts content. Now they are less likely to do so, teenage hormones having kicked in.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 01, 2009, 07:38:31 PM
Two visiting adults were the only adults who damaged plants in our garden. They came with our local garden club. They simply helped themselves to cutting at will and when it was pointed out to them by one of the club committee that they shouldn't be doing this their answer was that they were only taking small pieces and doing no damage. They have never been in our garden since despite requesting visits on several occasions.

Only one child ever did damage, a son of a cousin my wife. He ran at will through beds, knocking plants etc. His mother admonished him but he continued until I called him to me in the presence of his mother and showed him my wellington boots and told him that I would drive the toe of my boot to the furthest reaches of his back passage if he didn't stop immediately. He stopped. Mother was deeply embarassed but accepted the situation. Further visits were never a bother.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on February 02, 2009, 10:02:25 AM
I did something similar once.
A very young man was being impossible and I hurled him head first into a (soft) snow drift.
(His mother was not in sight)
That stopped the nonsense immediately without any hard feelings. He is still, 40 years later, sending Christmas cards from the other side of the globe.

I welcome intersted plantaholics but I have only once had a group. They stole cuttings.
No more groups!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 02, 2009, 03:51:02 PM
I welcome intersted plantaholics but I have only once had a group. They stole cuttings.
No more groups!

The silly thing is if they had asked you would undoubtedly have said it was okay... It is the just taking that sets one's teeth on edge.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on February 02, 2009, 05:41:24 PM
The Stones once told us that they stopped taking groups at Askival after they found one lot of ladies using the troughs to sit on!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on February 02, 2009, 05:58:33 PM
The Stones once told us that they stopped taking groups at Askival after they found one lot of ladies using the troughs to sit on!

Only Mike would complain about buns in a trough.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on February 02, 2009, 06:22:58 PM
Of course If they had asked, I would have helped them.
Presumably I know better where and how to take the cutting of my own plant.
I am a strong believer in that the best way to preserve a plant is to give it away.
But I do NOT like thieves.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 02, 2009, 08:39:22 PM
The Stones once told us that they stopped taking groups at Askival after they found one lot of ladies using the troughs to sit on!

Only Mike would complain about buns in a trough.


I think it was not buns in but bums on, that he complained about. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 02, 2009, 09:52:16 PM
Buns = bums  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on February 02, 2009, 11:56:50 PM
Buns = bums  ;D

The gastronomical allusion must have thrown her.  ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 03, 2009, 03:15:48 AM
Oh, right.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rob Potterton on February 05, 2009, 10:29:14 AM
Happy Alpine plants.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ian mcenery on February 05, 2009, 12:19:17 PM
Pam and I went for a walk in the hills yeaterday. We started in Milldale in Derbyshire (a famous Charles Cotton and Izaak Walton haunt) and climbed one of the local hills.   We left our car in the bottom of the far valley on the right of the last picture. It was a lovely day with great views

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 17, 2009, 08:43:16 PM
Some religious humour passed on to me from a friend in the USA.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 17, 2009, 08:45:44 PM
Continuing. Hope there is nobody who takes offense at humour directed at religion. No offense is intended.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 17, 2009, 09:17:12 PM
Not ofended at all Paddy, but then, I'm one of those who don't exist :) I like the pig one best.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 17, 2009, 09:20:58 PM

I always considered myself an agnostic but now I am not so sure.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martin Baxendale on February 17, 2009, 09:39:30 PM

I always considered myself an agnostic but now I am not so sure.


I like the one about the insomniac, dyslexic agnostic who kept waking up in the middle of the night wondering if there really was a Dog. (hope no-one takes offence at the dyslexic bit. If so, I'll happily remove this post).
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 17, 2009, 10:01:27 PM
He's the Scottishness test:

Are you Scottish? ........... You know you are a true Scot if...........

Ye can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, Sauchiehall St , St Enoch, Auchtermuchty ( and Aufurfuksake.
Yer used tae four seasons in wan day.
Ye kin fall about pished withoot spilling yer drink.
Ye measure distance in minutes.
Ye kin understaun Rab C Nesbitt and know characters just like him, in yer ain family.
Ye kin make hael sentences jist wae sweer wurds.
Ye know whit haggis is made ae and stull like eating it.
Somedy ye know his used a fitba schedule tae plan thur wedding day date.
You've been at a wedding and fitba scores are announced in the Church/Chapel.
Ye urny surprised tae find curries, pizzas, kebabs, fish n chips, iron-bru, fags and nappies all in the wan shop.
Yer holiday home at the seaside has calor gas under it.
Ye know irn-bru is a hangover cure.
Ye actually understand this and yurr gonnae send it tae yer pals.
Finally, you are 100% Scot if you have ever said/heard these words;

how's it hingin
get it up ye
wee beasties
away an bile yer heid
humphey backit
baw bag
dubble nugget
And finally......

A wee Glesga wumman goes intae a butcher shop, where the butcher has just came oot the freezer, and is standing haunds ahint his back, with his erse aimed at an electric fire. The wee wumman checks oot the display case then asks, 'Is that yer Ayrshire bacon?' 'Naw,' replies the butcher. 'It's jist ma haun's ah'm heatin'.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 18, 2009, 12:17:09 AM
It's possible I'm an agnostic Paddy. I'd know if I knew exactly what an Agnostic is. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 18, 2009, 08:01:17 AM
Wonderful stuff Paddy !
You gave me a great laugh to start the day with ii  :D :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 18, 2009, 09:34:44 AM
He's the Scottishness test:

Are you Scottish? ........... You know you are a true Scot if...........

The naturalisation programme obviously worked on me  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on February 18, 2009, 10:42:40 AM
I think I'll go 95.5%. ;D
Particularly like the story at the end, Anthony.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 18, 2009, 10:57:50 AM

I'd certainly score 90% +. There's a lot of similarities between Scottish and Irish speak.

The calor gas under the holiday home is the perfect picture.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 18, 2009, 12:39:10 PM
There's a lot of similarities between Scottish and Irish speak.


I agree Paddy - I understand neither...  ;D ??? ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 18, 2009, 02:51:38 PM
There's a lot of similarities between Scottish and Irish speak.


I agree Paddy - I understand neither...  ;D ??? ::)
;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 04:27:11 PM
Many of us are not as young as we were... or would like to be, but the elderly can still get out and about..... look at this photo I was just sent...
For all who appreciate the outdoors . . .

the rarely photographed

South Florida Squirrel.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 18, 2009, 04:31:43 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 18, 2009, 06:07:34 PM
Many of us are not as young as we were... or would like to be, but the elderly can still get out and about..... look at this photo I was just sent...
For all who appreciate the outdoors . . .

the rarely photographed

South Florida Squirrel.


Obviously not an SRGC member  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ulla Hansson on February 18, 2009, 06:19:07 PM

Maggi, just the way I feel (I have inflammation in a
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 06:22:57 PM
Obviously not an SRGC member
Well, I don't know..... could be some of us.....but one local member, already the owner of two new hips, now has a new shoulder, too..... you would never know to see her though... looks about twenty and paddles her own canoe!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 06:24:16 PM

Maggi, just the way I feel (I have inflammation in a

 Ih dear, Ulla.... but I hope you are wearing stronger shoes than the squirrel??
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ulla Hansson on February 18, 2009, 06:30:26 PM

O yes, I do, but no necklace.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on February 18, 2009, 08:36:05 PM
Here's the Scottishness test:

This should be the Glasgowness test

Two Glasgow matrons on the sea front at Largs looking at a gentleman attired in a double-breasted blazer, white flannels and a naval cap.

They enquire thus:- ( with apologies to Bud Neill )

Yaffayat? Whityatyaffa -

The weather of the past weeks reminded me of one of his well known poems

Winters come, the snow has fell
Wee Josie's nose is froze as well
Wee Josie's frozen nose is skintit
Winters diabolic, intit?

I doubt that few of our forumists will be able to translate the phonetics of pure Glesga.  When I hear some locals from Aberdeen or Buchan I am somewhat bemused.
Our overseas members will probably have to sit this one out !
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on February 18, 2009, 08:39:09 PM
Tom it took a little working out but then I got it ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on February 18, 2009, 08:42:44 PM

For further courses in God's own tongue, Google Stanley Baxter and Parliamo Glasgow !!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 18, 2009, 09:49:51 PM
Tom it took a little working out but then I got it ;D

You'd better enlighten me David. :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 18, 2009, 10:11:51 PM
Got it, Tom.

Lesley, You off a yacht? Which yacht you off of?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 18, 2009, 11:28:19 PM
Yeh man!

 Not long before we'll be saying:

Spring is sprung,
the sun is riz.
I wonder where the burdies is?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ian mcenery on February 19, 2009, 01:07:50 AM
Yeh man!

 Not long before we'll be saying:

Spring is sprung,
the sun is riz.
I wonder where the burdies is?

Some say the buid is on the wing
but that's absaid the wing is on the buid  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 19, 2009, 03:00:27 AM
The weather of the past weeks reminded me of one of his well known poems

Winters come, the snow has fell
Wee Josie's nose is froze as well
Wee Josie's frozen nose is skintit
Winters diabolic, intit?

I doubt that few of our forumists will be able to translate the phonetics of pure Glesga.  When I hear some locals from Aberdeen or Buchan I am somewhat bemused.
Our overseas members will probably have to sit this one out !

I have no problems with this, thought it was ozspeak haha!! :o

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on February 19, 2009, 10:47:13 AM
I found Ox-tail in the supermarket a couple of days ago. ;D
Yesterday we had real oxtail soup :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 19, 2009, 08:55:19 PM
Thank you Paddy. I hadn't associated Glasgow with the yachting fraternity (nothing less than Americas Cup here) and (probably) to my shame I don't know Bud Neil. ???

Another look at the posts suggests that Bud Neil wrote Anthony's little ditty? I DO recognize that, so apparently the connections in my brain are disintegrating. Knew the verse but not who was responsible. Usually the Scottishspeak leaves me unfazed.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 19, 2009, 08:57:48 PM
A real treat Gote. The weather here has a distinctly autumnal feel so I'll be looking for such thing myself, very soon. Heavy rain forecast for today and tomorrow (when I have to work outside :'() but no sign of it yet.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 19, 2009, 09:10:43 PM
I really like the bassininfan Maggi. I must try that with our Springer Spaniel. He'll love it. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 19, 2009, 10:35:36 PM
Thank you Paddy. I hadn't associated Glasgow with the yachting fraternity (nothing less than Americas Cup here) and (probably) to my shame I don't know Bud Neil. ???

There are numerous yachting marinas in the Firth of Clyde Lesley, not only that, but every sizeable loch has a yacht club.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 19, 2009, 10:55:55 PM
There are numerous yachting marinas in the Firth of Clyde Lesley, not only that, but every sizeable loch has a yacht club.

Ahh... I need to get out more, preferably in Scotland. :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on February 19, 2009, 11:43:43 PM
In my usual fashion, I have been confusing people.  Bud Neil was a cartoonist who wrote a cartoon strip for the Glasgow Evening Times in the 1940's and 50's
It featured a cowboy character called Lobey Dosser and his two legged horse called Elfie - short for el fideldo.  Lobey was so popular that a statue to him was erected outside a pub in Woodside, Glasgow.  Wee Josie's nose was written by Bud Neill.  The one quoted by Anthony I always associated with Jimmy Durante or the Bowery Boys.  Somewhere near Brooklyn or thereabouts.  Maybe Carlo would know, if he reads this thread
Glasgow built serious ships on the river Clyde, not recreational yachts. I suppose that the nearest one to a yacht was the Cutty Sark built down river in Dumbarton.  Further down the Clyde estuary were small boatyards specialising in yachts - the most famous being the yard of Fyfe's at Fairlie who built many of the finest wooden yachts ever constructed, some competing in the Americas Cup for Sir Thomas Lipton.  Early in the last century, the Clyde was full of racing yachts in the summer season when business magnates had plenty of money to spend.  However, I don't think anyone in the UK has this sort of money any more to challenge for the Americas Cup.

We still have three large marinas for the yachting fraternity but the Clyde estuary is a rough sea and the season is short.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 20, 2009, 01:32:03 AM
Thanks for that Tom. I had always associated the Clyde area with large ocean-going ships.

As it happens, in the Pacific series of Louis Vuitton races here in Auckland, just finished last week, there was a British entry but whether they'll carry right on to the LV series off Spain or whereever - when they get their silly courtroon thing sorted - I don't know.

Certainly no-one in NZ is rich enough for the America's Cup. We keep going through big and generous sponsorships.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 23, 2009, 08:24:20 PM
We have a new member in our family. Here he is, Teddy. He was born on Dec 14th and arrived with us on Saturday. Toilet training is somewhat problematical as it's been raining heavily here since Friday and he's a bit young to put outside and leave until the results show. But fortunately he's very keen to follow Cain, our English Springer Spaniel so where Cain goes,Teddy goes too. (Cain isn't so keen yet but is beginning to realize Teddy isn't going away.)

Taking pics is a problem too as every time I have him lined up nicely he wriggles or runs and it all turns to rubbish. However, I hope you will like these ones.






Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 23, 2009, 08:32:50 PM
My word, how cute is he? I will have to show these photos to my friend Linda.... she adores Jack Russells and lost hers the other year and is keen to get another but they want to do some guilt-free travelling first.

 I would have picked Teddy in an instant.... great name for him to fetch Ian to show him the new arrival..... 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on February 23, 2009, 08:42:56 PM
Congratulations Lesley. I had a Jack for over 14 years (Bryn Thistledown...died just before Christmas 07). They are, as you may know, fantastic dogs. I miss her.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 23, 2009, 09:49:05 PM
Cain tries to pretend he doesn't exist but Teddy flips his tail across Cain's nose until he gets swiped. And he leaps onto Cain as he sleeps. Poor Cain stumbles off to another place and has taken refuge in one of the bedrooms, pushing the door shut behind him. In the meantime, Teddy has taken up prime position in front of the fire which we've put on this morning, the temperature said to be just to 12C today.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 23, 2009, 10:33:11 PM
Cain not able then Lesley? :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 24, 2009, 04:46:00 AM
Cain not able then Lesley? :-\

We did think about Able when deciding on a name for Teddy but decided against. We could have also followed my son's foolproof method and called him JR. John's cat is TC (Top Cat) and his dog is JD (John's Dog). Tried Eddie and Freddie too but no... In the finish, Teddy won out.

And no, Cain is not able, though Teddy is - so far.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on February 24, 2009, 07:35:39 AM
Cain not able then Lesley? :-\
And no, Cain is not able, though Teddy is - so far.
I'm sure Cain thinks that it's an appropriate name - short for Tedious! ;D
Our neighbours have a JR and he is a bundle of energy but dangerous to leave unattended in a house full of soft furnishings!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 24, 2009, 07:27:25 PM
So far it's most the newspaper and balls of wool - which means I may never have to knit again and finish the jersey I started in 2001.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 24, 2009, 08:10:00 PM
....which reminds me, must get some snake food. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on February 25, 2009, 09:28:08 AM
You are welcome to cme and take my mice Anthony  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 25, 2009, 02:14:12 PM
You are welcome to cme and take my mice Anthony  ;D

I think first he must go to Latvia to help Janis with his rodents!! ( I plan to  negotiate a contract, but neither party has signed yet, so keep this quiet, or I will lose my commission  :-\)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 25, 2009, 05:29:08 PM
Simple things can give such pleasure............ yesterday at our local SRGC Meeting we were given six big fresh eggs from a friend, Joan  ...... thank you, Joan (and Chris, who told Ian he'd been threatening the hens with dire consequences if they didn't going into decent egg production in the last week or so!!!)   ...... off to scoff yummy eggs for tea!  ;D 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on February 25, 2009, 07:44:08 PM
On the topic of tasty foods our local convenience store leaflet has an advert for Walkers crisps. Flavours include: 'Builders Breakfast', 'Onion Bhaji', 'Fish and Chips' and, especially for Maggie, 'Chilli and CHOCOLATE'!  The mind boggles. We only eat plain salted. Who eats all these ridiculous flavours ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 25, 2009, 07:47:13 PM
Simple things can give such pleasure............ yesterday at our local SRGC Meeting we were given six big fresh eggs from a friend, Joan  ...... thank you, Joan (and Chris, who told Ian he'd been threatening the hens with dire consequences if they didn't going into decent egg production in the last week or so!!!)   ...... off to scoff yummy eggs for tea!  ;D 8)

Well Maggi, that's a much better use for them than the one they were put to on Tuesday night. This is Orientation Week as students start at or return to Otago University. Being students, they get up to every imaginable prank and idiocy and they consume huge quantities of alcohol, a habit supported to irresponsibility by a few of the local pubs.

Tuesday night was the annual Toga Parade with a couple of thousand students marching along Dunedin's main street, clad in an assortment of sheets, bedspreads etc and mostly sandals. Usually it has been a quiet and even sedate affair but this year they were pelted with eggs from upstairs windows and with other utterly disgusting and unmentionable substances. Shop fronts were smashed, car windows broken and generally, they all behaved like on out of control mob. NOT a good advertisement for our rather nice city! >:( A few arrests were made and the businesses along George St were left to clean up the mess.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 25, 2009, 07:54:05 PM
Who eats all these ridiculous flavours
Not me! 

Teatime Eggs were quite delicious, as eggspected.  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 26, 2009, 01:04:19 AM
Three more of Teddy. Following days of rain ever since he arrived, Teddy is today discovering the great outdoors, specifically, my 6 cubic metre pile of potting mix. It is about 1.3 metres high and he has no trouble climbing to the top, with compost showering down around him. Until this morning he has been a pristine, sparkling white but now, alas, his little legs and tummy are a grubby grey.



Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 26, 2009, 08:11:40 AM
I'm sure you'll enjoy giving him a thorough soaking Lesley ! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 26, 2009, 11:30:15 AM
Good thing he's not a cat Lesley  ::) ::) ::)
Can see you are going to have a wonderful companion  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 26, 2009, 07:01:17 PM
Good thing he's not a cat Lesley  ::) ::) ::)

Our two Siamese girls happily go off playing in the rain, in fact daughter cat comes in and shakes herself like a dog - usually all over David

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 26, 2009, 07:27:53 PM
Our Springer Spaniel loves to be hosed or leap into any patch of water large or small. I haven't tried it with Teddy yet. He didn't seem to like the rain all that much. As for bathing, that pleasure is yet to come. Coward that I am, I'll leave it to Roger.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 26, 2009, 07:35:29 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of what a cat would be likely to leave behind in the compost pile  :)
The lady who lives across the road from me has 4 cats which think my yard is their toilet, I am forever finding hidden treasures  :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 26, 2009, 08:16:07 PM
I know the feeling MAggie - literally. Just one cat across the road from me but the blasted thing uses my potting mix pile and I find the evidence when pressing a little seedling into its new pot. The smell is appalling! Quick trip to the bathroom.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 27, 2009, 10:36:50 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of what a cat would be likely to leave behind in the compost pile  :)
The lady who lives across the road from me has 4 cats which think my yard is their toilet, I am forever finding hidden treasures  :(

Well the majority of dog owners round here don't seem to have heard that they should clean up behind their pooch... there is a pretty path alongside the burn but it is simply disgusting most of the time. I've had strong words with more than one dog owner who seemed to think it was fine for Fido to poop and that she had no need to scoop  >:(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 28, 2009, 03:01:46 AM

Well the majority of dog owners round here don't seem to have heard that they should clean up behind their pooch... there is a pretty path alongside the burn but it is simply disgusting most of the time. I've had strong words with more than one dog owner who seemed to think it was fine for Fido to poop and that she had no need to scoop  >:(
Carol, I don't think anyone should have to clean up after other people's pets.
What really gets up my nose is that there are laws in place for dog owners to have to clean up after their pets and not even allow them to run free without a leash, whereas cats are allowed to do as they please and being cats they usually choose to do their business in someone else's garden.
It isn't just the poop either, I encourage birds into my garden, and hate to see cats tippytoeing  into my yard each day to lie in wait.
Talking to owners usually gets, 'oh but that is a cat's nature, can't coop them up, they are free spirits' or something along those lines. :(

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 28, 2009, 08:09:50 AM

Carol, I don't think anyone should have to clean up after other people's pets.
What really gets up my nose is that there are laws in place for dog owners to have to clean up after their pets and not even allow them to run free without a leash, whereas cats are allowed to do as they please and being cats they usually choose to do their business in someone else's garden.

We have a field at the end of our garden and once the farmer has harvested the crop the dog owners for miels around come and walk their dogs... I could count on the fingers of one hand those that clean up and as for keeping their not so little treasure on leads - ha! There excuse is that Fido needs the exercise. We have had to chase many a dog out of the garden because the owner could not or would not keep it under control. A big footed dog can do serious damage to wee plants not to mention the scare it gives the cats...

I am not anti dog pro cat just wish that more dog owners would act in a responsible way.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 28, 2009, 01:39:54 PM

I am not anti dog pro cat just wish that more dog owners would act in a responsible way.

Me either Carol, I agree with you regarding the dog owners .
We adopted a cat from the SPCA 21/2 years ago and she has enriched our life no end, she is so funny and talks up a storm, but she's not allowed outside, even though she has had her rabies shot, am scared she might get run over.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 28, 2009, 08:42:13 PM
Me either Carol, I agree with you regarding the dog owners .
We adopted a cat from the SPCA 21/2 years ago and she has enriched our life no end, she is so funny and talks up a storm, but she's not allowed outside, even though she has had her rabies shot, am scared she might get run over.
Oh when we took our two siamese girls on the breeder said we could never let them out of doors... having had several siamese children we ignored her concerns and our two are as happy as clams :-) Amazing thing is they, mostly, use the field to poop in :-)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on February 28, 2009, 09:09:41 PM
Carol, the road that goes past our house is pretty busy considering we are out in the boonies, but everyone speeds, including huge logging semis.
The cat was almost 3 when we got her and had never been outside, so hasn't developed any survival instincts,
she is not going to like it when Spring comes as she is used to being with me day and night except when she naps in the arvo.
This is my cat
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 28, 2009, 11:02:00 PM
Maggie, do you seriously mean that your cat had NEVER been outside until 3 years old? Surely cruel and unusual punishment for an animal that likes to walk by itself and explore the great outdoors?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on February 28, 2009, 11:14:33 PM
I know plenty people with indoor cats ..... and happy rounded individuals those cats are, too.
In modern life we cannot expect that everything can be allowed to "act naturally".... otherwise we'd be encouraging dogs to form packs to hunt in towns  and I don't see that happening.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 01, 2009, 12:26:22 AM
Lesley, I only know what was told to me at the shelter, plus when we brought her home she showed no interest in trying to get out the door when it was opened.
Apparently she had had 3  different homes before we adopted her.
She also shows absolutely no interest in 'people' food, for which I am thankful.
She loves to watch the birds through the window, and hides from the crows, ducks her head so they can't see her and makes a weird chattering noise in her throat, it is really funny, she also loves to play with the hummers.
I thought about getting another cat for company for her but am not sure she would appreciate it, she follows me around like a puppy and at the moment is stretched out behind me on my chair as I type.
I do think she has turned into a princess. ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 01, 2009, 08:55:52 AM
We also know folk who's cats never go outside - they are perfectly happy and would probably die of shock if they went outdoors. If our two had not wanted to go our we certainly would not have pushed them to do so but they rapidly made it known that they wanted OUT... Though we are in a little village we too get far too much traffic and I do worry that one of them will get hurt. Two of our neighbour's cats have been killed on the road but fingers crossed Cally & Pip are doing fine.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on March 02, 2009, 03:45:59 AM
When we got Lachie we intended for him to be an "indoors only" cat, but we got the hint that he wanted to get outdoors,
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 02, 2009, 10:50:52 AM
Would have been simpler just to open the blinds, Fermi!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 02, 2009, 12:13:55 PM
Nice tail Fermi ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 02, 2009, 01:45:09 PM
Maggiepie, I think that's the cat, not Fermi ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 02, 2009, 03:11:47 PM
Maggiepie, I think that's the cat, not Fermi ;D

 :o :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 02, 2009, 07:50:21 PM
You're right David. Fermi's tail is quite a bit rounder, not so long. I can't say for sure about the stripes. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 02, 2009, 07:51:55 PM
You're right David. Fermi's tail is quite a bit rounder.

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gerard Oud on March 02, 2009, 08:36:20 PM
We have been so happy last weekend to visit Scotland to meet the Scottish hospitality, the beautifull mountains, hills, loch's, forrests, snowdrops, weather, the good breakfast, Scottish Rockers, countless other things. Italy used to be my favourite but i think it has changed after this weekend.

regards Gerard
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 03, 2009, 10:12:10 AM
Was it as warm Gerard? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gerard Oud on March 03, 2009, 12:57:01 PM
It was 12'celsius and a lot of sun for february. I think we had taken the good weather with us from holland.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on March 03, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
It was 12'celsius and a lot of sun for february. I think we had taken the good weather with us from holland.
That's why we didn't have it here, I presume?  :-\ ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gerard Oud on March 03, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
You got it. ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on March 05, 2009, 02:48:34 PM

This a a HAPPY thread
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 05, 2009, 03:10:10 PM

This a a HAPPY thread

You're quite right, Arthur, I'll delete all this miserable weather moaning!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Giles on March 05, 2009, 04:01:12 PM
Received today in the post from a fellow forumist !! :D :D :D
Definitely appropriate for the YES!!! The 'I'm so happy' thread.
Thankyou very much!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 05, 2009, 04:03:46 PM
Yes, reasons to be cheerful!
We received today, from Norway, seeds of Nomocharis- thank you, Bjørnar  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on March 08, 2009, 10:46:11 AM
Not sure where to post this but it made me laugh.  The dogs run along the length of the dock and jump into a 40 foot pool of water.  This one chickened out at the last minute but it was too late.  The expression on its face tells all.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 08, 2009, 02:20:38 PM
Definitely a good giggle TC!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 08, 2009, 07:37:20 PM
Who says animals can't express human emotions? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hristo on March 08, 2009, 07:45:50 PM
Love the dog pics!
Reasons to be happy x2
Iris sindpers flowering in bulb frame
Found Spiranthes spiralis in the wild
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 08, 2009, 07:51:19 PM
Who says animals can't express human emotions? ;D

Who says humans can't express animal emotions?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 08, 2009, 10:05:53 PM
Who says animals can't express human emotions? ;D
Our siamese fuzzies regularly express what we think of as 'human' emotions :)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 08, 2009, 10:53:20 PM
I'm so happy today because the post has just arrived with Iris reticulata seed from the lovely and most generous David N. Many, many thanks David. Seven different crosses from that man in Canada. I'll sow them this afternoon.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on March 09, 2009, 05:33:07 PM
The last few winters have been mild so I have been planting things that really are too tender.
There is still snow but now the first traces of disasters are showing. Some stalks of Helleborus orientalis from Cocaeli, Turkey that are black
The first pink buds of Helleborus Thibetanus are showing through the snow. :)
They look unharmed. before the snow they were 5cm cones now the petals show.
They have been growing under the snow in spite of our long spell of frost ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 09, 2009, 07:20:14 PM
Love the dog pics!
Reasons to be happy x2
Iris sindpers flowering in bulb frame
Found Spiranthes spiralis in the wild

Spiranthes spiralis flowering now? :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 09, 2009, 10:06:48 PM
Well, seeing it is now spring, and I have put a poem onto the moant thread, here's some to balance it.

"March brings breezes loud and shrill;
stirs the dancing daffodil...."

and my favourite from the Song of Solomon and made into a sublime verse anthem called 'My Beloved Spake' by Purcell:

"For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land."
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 10, 2009, 08:11:48 AM
Well, I'm happy not to walk up to snow and a howling gale this morning! Yesterday was bitterly cold due to the wind and thanks to the last lot of snow we now have tea bags and flat crocuses  :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 10, 2009, 07:16:29 PM
Tea bags?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 10, 2009, 07:22:55 PM
Tea bags?
     ......these are what your rhodo flowers turn into when they've been frosted. :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 10, 2009, 10:39:14 PM
Tea bags?
     ......these are what your rhodo flowers turn into when they've been frosted. :'(

Yup look exactly like tea bags - weep, weep - ah well there is always another year!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: SueG on March 11, 2009, 09:21:33 AM
Tea bags?
     ......these are what your rhodo flowers turn into when they've been frosted. :'(

Yup look exactly like tea bags - weep, weep - ah well there is always another year!
So glad you cleared that up - I had visions of some strange ritual where you all went out and put your used tea bags over the flowers! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 11, 2009, 09:51:03 AM
We do in Lancashire, Sue ...

Practical Gardening Tips!    In short .... PG Tips!   :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: SueG on March 11, 2009, 11:46:27 AM
On a different note - waiting for me last night when I got in was a box full of plants from a fellow forumist - what a good thing to come home to - made my evening, many thanks are due.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 11, 2009, 02:17:31 PM
Tea bags?
     ......these are what your rhodo flowers turn into when they've been frosted. :'(

Yup look exactly like tea bags - weep, weep - ah well there is always another year!
So glad you cleared that up - I had visions of some strange ritual where you all went out and put your used tea bags over the flowers! ;D

Actually old, emptied, tea bags are useful for putting over the likes of Trillium seed heads to keep the ants off them  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 11, 2009, 02:24:11 PM
You'd be surprised at what we can do up here with used tea bags on long winter nights, Sue. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: SueG on March 11, 2009, 02:37:31 PM
Please don't say any more - I've often had my suspicions about what people do during the long nights of the northern winter - now I know, they find new uses for old tea bags.  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on March 11, 2009, 05:18:22 PM
Actually old, emptied, tea bags are useful for putting over the likes of Trillium seed heads to keep the ants off them 

I also use them on hepatica seed heads to catch the seeds and stop them dropping into the next pot  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 11, 2009, 05:27:27 PM
Please don't say any more - I've often had my suspicions about what people do during the long nights of the northern winter - now I know, they find new uses for old tea bags.  ::)

You can hardly accuse Diane of being in the north  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 11, 2009, 06:56:36 PM
Well I'm glad that's cleared up. What you DON'T want to do, is leave one in a saucer on a low table, where a new puppy can get it. I wonder if fine dried tea would combat dust mites in the carpet?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on March 11, 2009, 07:05:15 PM
A few items dragged from the net. To the lady members of the forum I do not necessarily agree with some of the sentiments.  Tee-hee !!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 11, 2009, 10:13:45 PM
Well I'm glad that's cleared up. What you DON'T want to do, is leave one in a saucer on a low table, where a new puppy can get it. I wonder if fine dried tea would combat dust mites in the carpet?

I'm sure it will Lesley, either that or it will give the carpet a new and interesting patern  ;D

TC are you trying to get Maggi to beat up on you  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 11, 2009, 10:35:18 PM
A girlfriend sent this today.........

Older Women Are So Reasonable


NOW I HAVE A £1,500,000.00 HOME, A £45,000.00 CAR, NICE BIG




Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on March 12, 2009, 03:13:17 AM
Yes, we've finally had a decent rainfall!
According to the weather bureau website over 1/2 an inch (well, 16mm) has fallen this morning!
I'll actually have to empty to gauge when I get home!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 12, 2009, 03:53:13 AM
Well done Fermi. I hope you have lots more soon. It's winter here yesterday and today. Snow on the hills (and at Susan's place) and bitter sou'westers, gusting to 130kms per hour. Two gum trees down.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 12, 2009, 09:04:31 AM
Don't Australians traditionally celebrate the coming of the rain with a beer? I remember a Fosters™ ad showing drinkers in a London pub on a wet day suggesting that? ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 12, 2009, 10:09:06 AM
If that happened in Devon Alcoholics Anonymous would be in big business.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 12, 2009, 11:15:50 AM
Please read!
If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumstances.

 Only a little moment was enough for the following to happen. See the photo .....


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rogan on March 12, 2009, 12:08:45 PM
"It's winter here yesterday and today. Snow on the hills (and at Susan's place) and bitter sou'westers, gusting to 130kms per hour."

Ye Gads!! You must be joking! Here we're still sitting at a barmy 30'C with a humid breeze coming off the Mocambique channel - snow at this time of the year (or at any time of the year, come to think of it...) would be unthinkable!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: vivienr on March 12, 2009, 12:48:46 PM
Maggi, you are wicked!

I normally visit the forum by reading all the 'latest postings' which do not show attached pics, so you can imagine the image I had in my head before I opened the message properly  :( :o :) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 12, 2009, 01:03:54 PM
Hope I didn't give you too much of a fright, Vivien!  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: vivienr on March 12, 2009, 01:15:59 PM
Hope I didn't give you too much of a fright, Vivien!  ::)
I did wonder why you were putting it in the "I'm so happy" thread so I should have followed the clue!!

I am happy and excited because I am being allowed a day out in Blackpool on Saturday
(and I might even get to the East Lancs show the week after as hubby will be traipsing over the Cairngorms)
so I will see some of these plants in the flesh  :) :)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 12, 2009, 01:45:34 PM
Oh, lucky you! I would love to be able to get to more English shows!

Bit early in the year for your fella to be out in the Cairngorms, isn't it? Still plenty nasty tricks to be played by our weather , I reckon  ??? :-\

You'll be in  mental training for the East Lancs affair, I expect.... takes a strong nerve to cope with that bunch!!  ;D ;)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 12, 2009, 01:56:37 PM
Hi Vivien,
Did you get my personal message about the East Lancashire Show that I sent a number of weeks ago? (See the blue line under your avatar on the Hello Vivienr page).
You will be made very welcome if you can join us on the day - a host of forum members should be there.
All best wishes,
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on March 12, 2009, 01:59:00 PM
  I am happy and excited because I am being allowed a day out in Blackpool on Saturday ... so I will see some of these plants in the flesh  :) :) 

you might even see some forumists in the flesh    (Cliff knows all about flesh)    ;D  ;D
Look forward to meeting you Vivien

  You'll be in  mental training for the East Lancs affair, I expect.... takes a strong nerve to cope with that bunch!! 

I can't imagine what you mean Maggi  ;)  ;) 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 12, 2009, 02:08:53 PM
[  [/quote]
I can't imagine what you mean Maggi  ;)  ;) 

Nor I Maggi ... Nor I?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: vivienr on March 12, 2009, 05:05:57 PM
Did you get my personal message about the East Lancashire Show that I sent a number of weeks ago?

Yes, thank you Cliff. I have never been to Whitworth before. Will the venue be easy to find and park at?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 12, 2009, 05:14:58 PM
I can't imagine what you mean Maggi  ;)  ;) 

Nor I Maggi ... Nor I?

Quite simple.....The East Lancs Gang are dedicated to their plants, no doubt about that at all, but they
 ( YOU!) are equally dedicated to  many other assorted  pleasures, even hedonistic pursuits I suggest... and I wasn't  sure Vivien ought to arrive unprepared into your exuberant company.... ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 12, 2009, 05:39:06 PM
he's become less hedonistic since getting married self-indulgent, pleasure-seeking, sybaritic, lotus-eating, epicurean, good-time; unrestrained, intemperate, immoderate, extravagant, decadent.

hedonism |ˈhēdnˌizəm|
the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.
• the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.
hedonist |ˈhidnəst| |ˈhidənəst| noun
hedonistic |ˌhēdnˈistik| |ˈˈhidnˈɪstɪk| |ˈˈhidəˈnɪstɪk| |-ˈnɪstɪk| adjective
hedonistically |ˌhēdnˈistik(ə)lē| |ˈˈhidnˈɪstək(ə)li| |ˈˈhidəˈnɪstək(ə)li| adverb
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Greek hēdonē ‘pleasure’ + -ism .

I suppose so!    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P    ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 12, 2009, 05:54:46 PM

Yes, thank you Cliff. I have never been to Whitworth before. Will the venue be easy to find and park at?

Couldn't be easier Vivien ... right in the centre of town, on the left hand side of the long main road A671 travelling from Rochdale (it is about four miles from the centre of Rochdale) and parking is very good, but will obviously depend on numbers attending.  Please don't be shy on the day, make yourself known to any steward.

...And don't worry about Maggi's comment about 'hedonism' ... we NEED to keep warm, quenched and replete in the Pennines!   ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 12, 2009, 07:46:22 PM
Diane has given Cliff at least two little pushes toward retaliation for a certain picture posted recently, but to my great disappointment, he is resisting the temptation to reply. Not up to it Cliff? ;D

Foolishly, I too was expecting a horror image Maggi, from your posting above. In fact, the poor dog looks like a dead and dressed large white pig, with lines drawn ready for the butcher to operate. I hope the little lad didn't have a knife or saw handy. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 12, 2009, 07:52:31 PM
Two things, Australians of the less couth kind celebrate EVERYTHING by drinking beer. More refined Aussies, such as those present on the Forum, go for gin or Kahlua ( 8))

Rogan, I understand your horror at our snow in March. Believe me, we're pretty horrified too. There's no doubt that the hot and dry part of summer is over but we do still expect some warm temps, mid 20s anyway and we frequently have a wonderful Indian summer in May. We are such a small landmass that we get everything dished out by everyone else. The Australians send up hot and dry while the penguins send cold, wintery blasts at almost any time of year. We've learned to be a tough bunch here, especially in the far south.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 12, 2009, 09:36:57 PM
Diane has given Cliff at least two little pushes toward retaliation for a certain picture posted recently, but to my great disappointment, he is resisting the temptation to reply. Not up to it Cliff? ;D

Oh ye of little faith, dear Lesley ...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 13, 2009, 11:57:12 AM
No class, no yifty and I'm listening to Purcell ( Bliss! 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 13, 2009, 04:55:49 PM
Oh Lesley, you forgot the Australians who prefer wine. ;D ;D ;D

My sister ( in Oz) sent me this link today, it will help people learn to speak with a New Zillund accent  :o :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 14, 2009, 01:07:33 PM
My sister ( in Oz) sent me this link today, it will help people learn to speak with a New Zillund accent  :o :o :o

Sent me to something called Google Docs  ??? ::) ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 14, 2009, 02:08:04 PM
Carol, did you wait for it to load? ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on March 14, 2009, 06:42:41 PM
 Maggi, I won't mention the Rugby,ok  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 14, 2009, 07:15:53 PM
Did I just hear 'luck o' the Irish'? Good match, Micheal and a deserved win.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 14, 2009, 07:18:58 PM
Maggi, I won't mention the Rugby, ok  ;D

Very thoughtful of you, Michael  :'(  Even worse than getting beaten, the television was
playing silly beggars and when I went at half time to check, the bloomin' machine wasn't recording it!  :o And what was the last thing the Bulb Despot said before he left for America? " Don't forget to record the Rugby."

I don't know what is wrong with the TV, it was telling me the channel was unavailable, did the same the other night when I was tryingto watch/record Gardeners' World.  This is not making me happy.... but  cannot grudge the Irish team and fans  their moments of glory!  
Ian's elder sister and her husband is in Edinburgh with a bunch of chums from Aberdeen and their gang of pals from Ireland,  all enjoying their weekend... th'ey'll have a great party tonight!  
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 14, 2009, 07:29:23 PM
That's the amazing thing about rugby. No matter the result, fans on both sides can enjoy pre-match, intra-match and post-match camaraderie. None of this 'hate the opposition' nonsense. Yesterday I was listening to Radio 5 Live and they were discussing Jesse Owens and his attempts at winning the 'broad jump' in the 1936 Olympic games in Munich. His first two jumps were fouls. A German competitor came up to him and said to Jesse that he was clearly a good jumper, but he was hitting the line. He offered advice, which resulted in his first gold medal. The German competitor came up to him and put his arm round his shoulder to congratulate him. That is sportsmanship. Another anecdote was about Joe Louis and Max Schmelling, but you can Google that for yourselves.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on March 14, 2009, 07:39:54 PM
Anthony,we have the same here with Gaelic football and hurling matches,80,000 people in Croak Park and all the supports mixed, no problems, and they all go and celebrate together after the match. While a soccer match with five thousand supporters requires the same amount of cops to police as the 80,000,and sometimes leads to running battles on the streets with the cops trying to keep them apart.

It always amazes me as to why some people cannot enjoy their sport, but want to turn it into some kind of war.   
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 14, 2009, 09:57:03 PM
One thing I appreciated last night when NZ played India in a one day game in Auckland (talking cricket here) the Indian crowd of whom there were thousands, were equally generous with their applause of good strokes from the kiwis as they had been from their own team. For the record, India had already won the series 3-0 in matches that were all affected by rain, a 4th washed out altogether. NZ managed this last one, quite well in fact.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 14, 2009, 09:59:51 PM
Oh Lesley, you forgot the Australians who prefer wine. ;D ;D ;D

My sister ( in Oz) sent me this link today, it will help people learn to speak with a New Zillund accent  :o :o :o

I don't have any special love for the NZ accent but the one in this link was entirely - and agressively - ...American! ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 15, 2009, 07:31:22 PM
One of the things keeping David happy these days :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 15, 2009, 08:38:48 PM
Lesley, I am sorry if I have offended you, it wasn't my intent. :'(
I find a lot of Australian accents awful, yet most people I meet here in Canada think my accent is fantastic, I reply, what accent!! :o
I spent 8 months in the North of England in 1980 and didn't hear an Oz accent during that time, when we got to Heathrow there were a bunch of Aussies coming home from the Olympics and I couldn't believe my ears when I heard them talking.
During that 8 months I spent in England, I couldn't believe that people in the next village had a totally different accent to the people in our village.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 15, 2009, 08:51:21 PM
During that 8 months I spent in England, I couldn't believe that people in the next village had a totally different accent to the people in our village.

I find it funny when people talk about 'the Scottish accent'. Just like in England, and elsewhere, there are hundreds of different 'accents' in Scotland.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 15, 2009, 10:12:50 PM
During that 8 months I spent in England, I couldn't believe that people in the next village had a totally different accent to the people in our village.
When our son first went to school (skweel) in rural Aberdeenshire the children were taught for at least the first year in the Doric [a local dialect] because the children of the agricultural workers [ferm toon] only spoke in the Doric. Adrian had no problem in speaking in both languages and does so to this day :)
The Doric is a recognised language, then there are the local dialects... most folk can't understand Ronnie Loveland - even those who live in Inverness!

There is currently an on-going discussion on the Highland Council's decision to make all road signs throughout the region bi-lingual (Gaelic/English and YES Gaelic first!) now given that somewhere like Nairn or Grantown-on-Spey has no history of speaking the gaelic this is seriously odd! Seems it is also causing road accidents as, tourists in particular, stop to try and read what the road sign is actually saying  ??? ::) ??? ::) ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 15, 2009, 10:37:17 PM
A bit like the bilingual road signs (English and French) in Canada. Only Quebeck is French. Tail wagging the dog methinks? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 16, 2009, 01:09:24 AM
A bit like the bilingual road signs (English and French) in Canada

Anthony, New  Brunswick is the only 'official'  bilingual province in Canada.
Officially bilingual just means duplication in both languages, you would think ( at least I did) it would mean that kids starting school would learn both languages.
Not so, they just have french schools and english schools and immersion classes later on for those who want them. ??? ??? ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 16, 2009, 03:02:49 AM
Helen you didn't offend me, far from it. I'm just having my usual little dig at those - from every country - who mangle the language. Believe me, if any Australian thinks the kiwi accent is 'orrible, I totally agree. Years ago when I went to England, the English accused me of being Australian. Then when I went to Australia I was accused of being English. In both cases it really was an accusation. We (all) down under, sound dreadful to those from the more cultured :-\ north. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 16, 2009, 09:05:31 AM
This brings to mind the classic episode of 'Only Fools and Horses', when they went to Florida. The locals thought Del and Rodney were Australians. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Roma on March 16, 2009, 11:02:58 PM
Phew!!  Caught up at last.  Two days without internet and all those new postings to read!  Our neighbours across the road had a noise on their phone line.  One BT engineer worked at the junction box (it's only a few inches below ground in the grass verge at the roadside) most of Friday afternoon and even after dark.  Another was there on Saturday afternoon.  I had made a phonecall about midday on Saturday and the phone was OK.  We were out on Saturday night and came home late but I had to have my forum fix before going to bed.  Very frustrating to find no internet connection and a dead phoneline. A phonecall to BT on Sunday could not promise help before Tuesday but an engineer arived this afternoon and fixed the problem so I am very happy to be back on line tonight and catching up with the forum.   
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 17, 2009, 06:45:51 PM
Happy St Patricks Day to all our friends from the Emerald Isle ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on March 17, 2009, 06:55:25 PM
Thanks David,it was a beautiful day as well with wall to wall sunshine and 16c
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 17, 2009, 08:19:40 PM
Bit late  in the day to be thinking of this .... but is there a special cake or sweetmeat associated with St. Patrick's Day? ( she asked, full of hope ::))
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 17, 2009, 08:26:49 PM
Just bought a bit if Irish soda bread for dessert for Sharon and I tonight....
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 17, 2009, 08:31:16 PM
Just bought a bit if Irish soda bread for dessert for Sharon and I tonight....

 Hmm, and very tasty too, but not exactly "celebratory" in nature, is it? :-\

Are you happy to be home after the NARGS event, Carlo?  I heard your talks were very good  8) I would have enjoyed hearing them... and meeting you both. But I'm like a finewine you know..... I don't travel well! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 17, 2009, 08:45:04 PM

To my knowledge there is not special food associated with St. Patrick's Day.

We have always had rhubarb fool for dessert on St. Patrick's day, just because it is seasonal with the earliest of the rhubarb ready for use. Main course this evening was a risotto of spring greens - peas, mange tout, baby sweet corn and asparagus. But that's just the Tobins.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 17, 2009, 08:55:50 PM
It seems to me those Tobins eat jolly well  8) 
Glad to hear from Michael Campbell that you had a nice sunny day for St. Patrick...
 it would keep those naughty Leprechauns out of mischief.....

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 17, 2009, 09:02:55 PM

Glad to hear from Michael Campbell that you had a nice sunny day for St. Patrick...
 it would keep those naughty Leprechauns out of mischief.....

Not a hope Maggi, not a hope  :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 17, 2009, 09:44:14 PM
Just thought it was about time that we reiterated what a magnificent forum this is ... it has become so dynamic of late that it is difficult to keep up with all the new and ongoing threads, incredible images flit before our eyes and information expands within each of the ever increasing pages.  Long may it continue. 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 17, 2009, 09:50:24 PM
OK Paddy, rhubarb fool? Love to have the recipe for that (PM if you don't want it taking up space here). Just saw the first soil-breaking noses of my rhubarb today!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 17, 2009, 09:51:41 PM
OK Paddy, rhubarb fool? Love to have the recipe for that (PM if you don't want it taking up space here). Just saw the first soil-breaking noses of my rhubarb today!
I rather think a few folks would enjoy that recipe right here! I have my Mum's recipe somewhere ..... but where? :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on March 17, 2009, 10:28:16 PM
Bit late  in the day to be thinking of this .... but is there a special cake or sweetmeat associated with St. Patrick's Day? ( she asked, full of hope Roll Eyes)

Sorry Maggi,no cake. We had bacon and cabbage followed by rhubarb crumble.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 17, 2009, 10:31:38 PM
Roger and his brother did a pub crawl round half a dozen local Irish and other establishments. Teddy and Cain and I went to bed early (not altogether though).
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 17, 2009, 10:49:17 PM
Interesting to note that St Patrick's 'colour' was actually blue, not green. ::) I'll probably have a Guinness on Thursday after choir, but the nearest we got to having an Irish meal was the mashed tatties with our sausage casserole.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 17, 2009, 10:51:32 PM
Michael, any meal with bacon sounds good to me.
 I'm detecting a Rhubarb theme to the day ....perhaps a campaign is in order...... Rhubarb for St Patrick! 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 17, 2009, 10:55:13 PM
I caught the same theme Maggi...but I still think the cake winner has to be a recipe called "Rhubarb Fool" from a man named "Paddy Tobin."

I'm waiting with baited breath...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on March 18, 2009, 01:15:39 AM
Michael, any meal with bacon sounds good to me.
 I'm detecting a Rhubarb theme to the day ....perhaps a campaign is in order...... Rhubarb for St Patrick! 


Let's hear it for rhubarb.

Next time at Paddington Rail Station try the bacon sandwiches at the Cornish Bakery (south side of the tracks).  Hum.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 18, 2009, 09:06:24 AM
Now I can't get the 'Rhubarb and Custard' theme out of my head. ::) Must put some Purcell on the computer! :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 18, 2009, 09:50:39 AM

I'll go search for the original recipe for Rhubarb Fool. We have used it for years but do not refer to the cook book and, no doubt, some variation has crept in.

Another good one is Rhubarb Bread and Butter Pudding - now, that's delicious.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 18, 2009, 11:38:27 AM
Aha, a  Forum Recipe Book...." More ways with Rhubarb than you ever imagined"  ....... I'll phone Timber Press right now  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 18, 2009, 11:41:27 AM
They would have to Rheumburse you for your idea, Maggi?    :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 18, 2009, 11:42:49 AM
"Rhubarb Rhound the Worhld"
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 18, 2009, 11:49:08 AM
They would have to Rheumburse you for your idea, Maggi?    :D
Of course, Cliff, I'm no fool  ::)

Carlo, when Paddy mentioned Rhubarb Bread and Butter Pudding, was that noise I heard the sound of you fainting with pleasure at the very thought?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Mick McLoughlin on March 18, 2009, 12:37:26 PM
You've just missed the Wakefield rhubarb festival
in the heart of the Rhubarb triangle
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 18, 2009, 01:14:43 PM
You've just missed the Wakefield rhubarb festival
in the heart of the Rhubarb triangle

 Fancy that! So early in the year? I am surprised at that... would have thought April.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 18, 2009, 01:22:43 PM
Ah, I thought the mention of rhubarb would bring Mick out of hiding. A Yorkshire man would surely know all about rhubarb.

Maggi, we are picking our own rhubarb for the last two/three weeks. This is from the open garden, not forced.

Anyway, here is our recipe:


700g 1 1/2 lbs rhubarb, trimmed and cut into 25mm/ 1 inch lengths
175g / 6 oz soft dark brown sugar
grated zest of one orange
15g / 1/2 oz butter
10 - 15 ml / 2 - 3 tsp orange-flavoured liqueur - we use Grand Marnier
150ml/ 5 fl oz thick cream

Put rhubarb, sugar, zest and butter in large, heavy-based saucepan and mix well. Medium heat - bring to simmer; cover pan, reduce heat and cook until rhubarb is tender.

Strain through nylon sieve. Puree the rhubarb. Leave to cool completely.(The juice which was strained off can be kept as a drink)

Stir liqueur into cold puree.

Whisk cream to soft peaks. Fold into puree - not too much so that you have a marbled effect.

Spoon into four glasses, wine glasses for example.

Chill for at least one hour before serving.


450g/ 1 lb rhubarb
12 slices bread - We use sliced pan, that kind with square slices suited to the toaster.
450ml / 16 fl oz cream
230ml / 8 fl oz milk
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
175g / 6 oz sugar
1 tablespoon sugar for sprinking on top of pudding.

We use a square dish which will hold 4 slices of bread in one layer.
Butter the bread
Put 4 slices butter side down in the dish.
Scatter half the rhubarb on top of this layer
(Note: later on in the year when the rhubarb becomes sharper we sprinkle some sugar on each layer of rhubarb - a matter of taste)
Another 4 slices of bread on this
Rest of rhubarb on top of this layer of bread
Last 4 slices of bread on top.

Beat eggs, add cream, milk, sugar and vanilla essence and whisk all together.

Pour over bread and rhubarb.

Cover with clingfilm and leave overnight - a few hours will do if you did not plan ahead but the longer time allows the custard mixture to soak into the bread.

Preheat oven to 180C/350F/Gas mark 4

Sprinkle top of pudding with sugar.Bake in a bain-marie with boiling water coming halfway up the sides of the dish for about 1 hour. Top should be crisp and golden.

Serve with whipped cream.

Your own doctor will advise re cholesterol.

Enjoy! Paddy

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 18, 2009, 01:38:52 PM
Fantastic Paddy, two recipes for one request...truly tis the luck o' the Irish...

...and I can't wait to try them out with me own stalks!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 18, 2009, 05:21:08 PM
I'll expect a full report, Carlo.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 18, 2009, 06:21:24 PM
Great Paddy! I'll definitely try the rhubarb bread and butter pudding - though it is too early for rhubarb here I think  ???

Four men from the double glazing company arrived at 8am and now most of our new windows are in place... As Ian Y. could testify we have a huge window in our sitting room (approx 5 metres wide) looking out over the garden and beyond. The centre 3 metres is now all one pane of glass making the view even better!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 18, 2009, 08:46:13 PM
Thanks for the recipes Paddy. I'll be trying them here, too. Lots of rhubarb in our Market at present. It is never forced here, so far as I know. A home-made icecream (sugar, eggs and cream) is wonderful with pureed rhubarb stirred in, and a tsp of ground ginger added as well.

I tried to print the recipes but found I printed the whole thread. Any solution to that?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 18, 2009, 08:49:55 PM

I tried to print the recipes but found I printed the whole thread. Any solution to that?

Lesley, just highlight the part you want, then copy /paste it into your text editor and print from there.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Mick McLoughlin on March 18, 2009, 08:50:23 PM
Highlight the text right click and copy then paste into a word document.

Beat me to it Maggie
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 18, 2009, 08:55:23 PM
The rhubarb bread and butter pudding will be on the Nicholson's menu tomorrow evening.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 18, 2009, 09:04:29 PM

Beat me to it Maggie

Mick, the thought of Spring must be waking me up  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 18, 2009, 09:13:23 PM
Great Paddy! I'll definitely try the rhubarb bread and butter pudding - though it is too early for rhubarb here I think  ???

Four men from the double glazing company arrived at 8am and now most of our new windows are in place... As Ian Y. could testify we have a huge window in our sitting room (approx 5 metres wide) looking out over the garden and beyond. The centre 3 metres is now all one pane of glass making the view even better!

New kitchen! Double Glazing! That Lump Sum is getting some stick ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Casalima on March 18, 2009, 09:17:30 PM
Just thought it was about time that we reiterated what a magnificent forum this is ... it has become so dynamic of late that it is difficult to keep up with all the new and ongoing threads, incredible images flit before our eyes and information expands within each of the ever increasing pages.  Long may it continue. 
No rhubarb in Portugal (as far as I know) and my rhubarb memories go back to unfortunate experiences at primary school   :P :P But as a happy omnivore I'll be happy to give it a try the next time I come across it!
Meanwhile ... back to Cliff's comment on the magnificence of this forum: it is without a doubt the most amazing plant forum in the world!!!!!

E viva!!!!! 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 18, 2009, 09:17:57 PM

Four men from the double glazing company arrived at 8am and now most of our new windows are in place... As Ian Y. could testify we have a huge window in our sitting room (approx 5 metres wide) looking out over the garden and beyond. The centre 3 metres is now all one pane of glass making the view even better!

Carol, I'd love to see a pic of the window from inside looking out.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 18, 2009, 09:25:07 PM
Probably a bit dark now, Helen!   ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 18, 2009, 09:39:20 PM
Probably a bit dark now, Helen!   ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 18, 2009, 10:54:09 PM
Thanks Helen and Mick. I've always had trouble with Copy and Paste. Seem to have it right now.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 18, 2009, 10:58:40 PM
Thanks Helen and Mick. I've always had trouble with Copy and Paste. Seem to have it right now.

Lesley, sometimes the right click doesn't work for me, so then I use CTRL+C and CTRL+V, that always works.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 19, 2009, 07:49:22 AM
'Carol, I'd love to see a pic of the window from inside looking out.'
Patience, patience. :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 19, 2009, 07:59:39 AM
'Carol, I'd love to see a pic of the window from inside looking out.'
Patience, patience. :D

I've added it to himself's list of to do's  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 19, 2009, 10:02:36 AM
'Carol, I'd love to see a pic of the window from inside looking out.'
Patience, patience. :D
I am a very patient person ( not)

I've added it to himself's list of to do's

Carol, while you're at it, a pic of the new kitchen would be nice too ;)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 19, 2009, 10:14:02 AM
Carol, while you're at it, a pic of the new kitchen would be nice too ;)

... And inside the bread bin please?    ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 19, 2009, 10:20:48 AM

... And inside the bread bin please?    ;D

You better watch out Cliff, or I will want to see yours too. :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 19, 2009, 11:30:14 AM
Crumbs!!!   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 19, 2009, 11:33:12 AM
... nothing, but crumbs!    :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 19, 2009, 06:35:19 PM
Here you go Helen view from new sitting room window - it is so wide David could not get it all in... New kitchen, should be a pix or two somewhere - remember these were taken in December prior to new windows and prior to new fridge/freezer arriving... and before the dust bunnies had started gathering  :o ::) :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 19, 2009, 06:37:28 PM
The four guys from Everest finished up by 13:30 today. Cleaned up tidied up... some of the nicest workmen we've had in the house - my only complaint would be the constant playing of Radio 1  >:( Fine for them but I was trying to focus on MY work. Interestingly the Siamese girls didn't seem to mind them either, daughter cat usually says rude words to people who come to do any work on the house  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 19, 2009, 07:23:01 PM
... And the bread bin?    ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 19, 2009, 07:44:18 PM
... nothing, but crumbs!    :'( :'( :'( :'(

If you're nice I will give you the no knead bread recipe then you will have plenty to put in it  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 19, 2009, 07:46:47 PM
Here you go Helen view from new sitting room window - it is so wide David could not get it all in... New kitchen, should be a pix or two somewhere - remember these were taken in December prior to new windows and prior to new fridge/freezer arriving... and before the dust bunnies had started gathering  :o ::) :o

The windows are fantastic Carol, I wish I had them, although I don't have much of a garden to look at yet, but I do have a wonderful view and can see the golfcourse on the other side of the river.
Looks like you chose shaker cabinets, that's what I have too  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 19, 2009, 08:07:30 PM
I WAS happy, till I was reminded what a kitchen without dog claw scratches on all the doors looks like  :(

 My "new" kitchen is thirty years old though, so I suppose it has seen a LOT of dog claws. :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 19, 2009, 09:04:00 PM
Looks like you chose shaker cabinets, that's what I have too  ;D
Hi Helen
Yes we did choose Shaker cabinets in light oak - made the whole kitchen look twice the size :)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 19, 2009, 09:11:26 PM
I WAS happy, till I was reminded what a kitchen without dog claw scratches on all the doors looks like  :(

 My "new" kitchen is thirty years old though, so I suppose it has seen a LOT of dog claws. :P

Maggi our old kitchen had dog scratches everywhere and we've never had a dog! So far as we can work out the kitchen that was in the house when we bought it was a) probably second hand and b) around 30 years old, if not more!  This kitchen should see us both out... then it is down to our son to sell/sort. We are going to continue to spend David's pension on making the house as structurally sound as we can so that 20 years down the line we wont have to worry :)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on March 21, 2009, 07:36:39 PM
Who won the Grand Slam.? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Onion on March 21, 2009, 08:40:42 PM
I think Ireland ;D ;D ;D ;D
(Welsh fan)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ashley on March 21, 2009, 08:45:48 PM
Who won the Grand Slam.? ;D

;D ;D ;D  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 21, 2009, 08:52:16 PM
Congrats to the Irish team...  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 21, 2009, 10:05:41 PM
Great news for the Irish Team and their many happy fans ...... I just hope my TV recorded the matches this week for Ian to catch up with on his return.  :-\ :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 22, 2009, 08:45:08 AM
Great news for the Irish Team and their many happy fans ...... I just hope my TV recorded the matches this week for Ian to catch up with on his return.  :-\ :-X

So do I Maggi, I don't like going to funerals  :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 22, 2009, 08:55:18 AM
Well, luckily I seem to have got the England Scotland match.... though with the outcome being success for England, I don't see  the BD being too happy about it, but the first match hads failed... says "no signal"  ...again.... and I'm not convinced that all the last match is there , either . Flippin' technology.... I should move this post to the moan  moan page !
So I may need safety helmet when BD returns  :P but don't steam your black hat yet awhile, Carol !  :-X

I was pleased to hear that Andy Murray won yesterday, and thought that the Eglish wouldbe cheered buy the win of the Ladies Cricket Team over the New Zealanders..... but I have just remembered, even though Hans J reminded me the other day , that the Milan -San Remo cycle race was televised yesterday and I clean forgot!  :-\  Never mind, I had a lovely day with Lily and Figo the visiting I AM happy!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Casalima on March 22, 2009, 09:31:44 AM
Congratulations to Ireland!
Andy Murray-Rafa Nadal - that ought to be good!
Milan-San Remo - that was amazing!!!
Sport and plants to distract me from work-work-work!!  :D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 22, 2009, 11:46:08 PM
Alas, the wind wrecked any chance Andy had against Rafa. :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on March 23, 2009, 08:29:57 AM
England came second in the Six Nations after much criticism.   They scored the most points and had the least against.   Next season ..... :) ;) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 23, 2009, 11:25:48 AM
England came second in the Six Nations after much criticism.   They scored the most points and had the least against.   Next season ..... :) ;) :)

Next season it will be Scotland [Maggi we need a Saltire]   ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 23, 2009, 11:39:14 AM
What was that? a Saltire, eh?  Your wish is my command......


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 23, 2009, 02:06:45 PM
What was that? a Saltire, eh?  Your wish is my command......

Thank you, thank you... time to start 'flying the flag'  :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on March 27, 2009, 01:32:52 PM
No happy postings since 4 days ??
I have one :

Our national Kim Clijsters will be playing tennis again !  :D :D
That might get us back on the tennis map !  ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 27, 2009, 02:02:54 PM
That is good news, Luc. I wish the young lady a most successful return ......this may be bad news for the British girls, though... :P........ ;)

 More good news.... the Formula One season begins again this weekend!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 27, 2009, 05:22:20 PM
And I'm waiting to hear reports from those who tried the bread and butter pudding and the rhubarb fool.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Tony Willis on March 27, 2009, 05:25:32 PM
Alas, the wind wrecked any chance Andy had against Rafa. :(

I do not really understand tennis,was it not blowing at Rafa's end ?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on March 27, 2009, 05:33:43 PM
Ahh, Paddy. The rhubarb here is still nubs--no stalks or's coming though!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 27, 2009, 07:34:57 PM
And I'm waiting to hear reports from those who tried the bread and butter pudding and the rhubarb fool.


Sorry Paddy, completely forgot. Bread and Butter pud was great, haven't tried the fool yet.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 27, 2009, 07:37:23 PM
Alas, the wind wrecked any chance Andy had against Rafa. :(

I do not really understand tennis,was it not blowing at Rafa's end ?

I think it was an excuse Tony, pretty lame, but an excuse. I think the other three people who watched the match tried the same one ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 27, 2009, 08:43:53 PM
Glad you enjoyed it David and Carlo will have an opportunity when he has rhubarb. A Spanish friend dropped in this evening and had some. Bread and butter pudding is a regular for him at home but rhubarb was a novel experience.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on March 27, 2009, 09:54:12 PM
I'm so happy..... I've got a new camera.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)  My old one had spots develop on the internal mirrors (most likely dust) and I have had to be very selective about taking photos and placement of the flowers within the frame so I could edit out the dots in the corner.  I haven't yet taken a pic in anger (i.e I've taken a couple of test shots in the house to make sure all is working) but I am off into the garden shortly to try it out.  Yeah!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on March 27, 2009, 10:53:11 PM
I'm so happy..... I've got a new camera.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 

Ummmmm, Paul, you neglected to tell us which camera you bought ??? ???

Congratulations btw ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on March 28, 2009, 11:00:08 AM
No happy postings since 4 days ??
I have one :

Our national Kim Clijsters will be playing tennis again !  :D :D
That might get us back on the tennis map !  ;D ;D


We forgot Kim when we were counting famous Belgians  -  that makes it 5 now I think  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 28, 2009, 11:38:44 AM
No happy postings since 4 days ??
I have one :

Our national Kim Clijsters will be playing tennis again !  :D :D
That might get us back on the tennis map !  ;D ;D


We forgot Kim when we were counting famous Belgians  -  that makes it 5 now I think  ;D

Hope you are including Luc, Arthur?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on March 28, 2009, 09:36:04 PM
Alas, the wind wrecked any chance Andy had against Rafa. :(

I do not really understand tennis,was it not blowing at Rafa's end ?
Wind affects subtlety more than it does brute force and ignorance. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on March 28, 2009, 10:15:54 PM
3 - 0
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ian Minty on March 29, 2009, 12:40:58 AM
I'm so happy because I passed my CBT test for my 125 scooter in a freezing cold Aberdeen today.
Now I have to look forward to my chemotherapy on Monday - Nil desperandum carburundum illegitami as the say in dog latin.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 29, 2009, 06:48:09 AM
Our VERY best wishes, Ian ... if you can control a scooter you can control ANYTHING ... give that illness HELL!!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 29, 2009, 09:35:38 AM
Good reason to be happy Ian - you'll get over the illness!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2009, 02:22:46 PM
I wonder you weren't blown clean off the scooter in the weather we've been having , Ian!
Good luck with the chemo..... we know you will keep a positive outlook and give it your very best shot!  :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2009, 02:24:02 PM
3 - 0
  Er, yes, Luit, quite....... very embarrassing for we Scots..... very good players you have there.... and some luck, perhaps...  ::) ;D ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on March 29, 2009, 03:06:21 PM
It probably wasn't windy in Holland, Maggie, so we weren't acclimatised ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on March 29, 2009, 04:48:33 PM
In other words: not a good match, no wind, a ref. not seeing everything.
More luck than skill.  ::) ::) ::) but happy though.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 29, 2009, 06:42:31 PM
In other words: not a good match, no wind, a ref. not seeing everything.
More luck than skill.  ::) ::) ::) but happy though.

Ach they're just jealous and sulking Luit  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 29, 2009, 08:49:01 PM
You CAN CAN CAN beat it Ian, all the very best to you.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ian Minty on March 29, 2009, 11:15:32 PM
Thanks for all your messages of support folks, it means a lot.
Unfortunately this one can't be beat - it is too far on.
I can only fight it with the chemo to give me more time with the family.
And I can assure you that no one will fight this more than me.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2009, 11:23:33 PM
It is a terrible thing to happen to you Ian, I know they hit you with the news on your 40th Birthday which was adding insult to injury, but you amze me with the strength you are showing.
Mind you, with a great wife like Irene and those BEAUTIFUL daughters, if any man had a great incentive to fight, then it must be you. 
Make your hay while you can.....and get going on that "bucket list"  :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 29, 2009, 11:32:48 PM

We forgot Kim when we were counting famous Belgians  -  that makes it 5 now I think  ;D

Don't forget the guy - or more likely girl  :) - who invented the biscuits.  :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 29, 2009, 11:35:22 PM
Our Teddy continues to take part in all phases of our lives. He is now an accomplished gardener and here he is about to join the Forum.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 30, 2009, 09:51:37 AM
Gee Ian ... if only miracles were available on prescription!  So very sorry to hear your news ... makes a frozen shoulder seem totally insignificant ... all best wishes mate from all your friends in this wide alpine world.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 30, 2009, 01:33:45 PM
I can only fight it with the chemo to give me more time with the family.
And I can assure you that no one will fight this more than me.

Ian I, and I'm sure all the other forumists, are holding you and your family in our thoughts and prayers...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ashley on March 30, 2009, 08:07:41 PM
Ian I, and I'm sure all the other forumists, are holding you and your family in our thoughts and prayers...

Indeed we are.  All the very best to you and yours Ian.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 31, 2009, 07:20:41 PM
Tomorrow evening is our local AGS Group meeting night and the speaker is................ Brian Mathew. WOW WOW WOW ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on March 31, 2009, 07:26:16 PM
Please pass on my very best wishes to Brian, David ... you will enjoy a wonderful lecture!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on March 31, 2009, 07:55:06 PM
Will do Cliff. I want to try to persuade him to let me take a picture as I'm sure many on The Forum will, like me, have devoured virtually every word he has written but never seen him for real.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 31, 2009, 08:11:07 PM
Tomorrow evening is our local AGS Group meeting night and the speaker is................ Brian Mathew. WOW WOW WOW ;D
You are a lucky, lucky man to hear him speak I'm green with envy  :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on March 31, 2009, 11:52:38 PM

You are in for a treat.  Brian is a charming man who effortlessly delivers a talk that is informative, witty and leaves everyone wanting more.

I am fortunate in being able to meet Brian at Cyclamen Society Committee meetings. ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 01, 2009, 12:01:51 PM
As I am sure you will guess, in this household we hold Brian Mathew is VERY HIGH REGARD!!!
A fount of knowledge and one who imparts his information in a way that is easily absorbed and enjoyed well as being one on nature's gentleman. Please pass on good wishes from Aberdeen, David.
we both send a cuddle!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 01, 2009, 09:41:38 PM
I've not heard Brian Mathew speak but the best I ever DID hear, was Chris Brickell, a single talk given in NZ (Dunedin) some years ago. He spoke for a full two hours on the Caucasus and new introductions from that area and as he came to the end, the whole lecture theatre groaned and pleaded that he go on but his voice was cracking up by then. A brilliant speaker and we were greatly privileged to have him with us. People came from all over NZ and also from Australia for the talk.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on April 02, 2009, 08:10:53 PM
As promised here are a couple of pics of Brian. A wonderful lecture on Erythroniums and other small bulbs and his audience would have happily sat there until mid-night.

All good wishes were passed on and returned.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on April 02, 2009, 08:14:44 PM
... And Val Lee at the front of the rapt audience!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 02, 2009, 08:26:31 PM
... And Val Lee at the front of the rapt audience!

 Yes, the very lady who is nominated to be the next AGS President - congratulations , Val! 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 04, 2009, 01:59:56 PM
I'm so happy, primroses are out on our slope - Spring is here! I hope they will spread themselves; they look so gorgeous against the backdrop of snow topped mountains.  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on April 13, 2009, 09:48:36 PM
When we are taking our meals and look out of the window, we see this field.   :D
The second picture shows the whole field.

Hyacinthus field
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 13, 2009, 09:51:44 PM
My goodness.... and it is not so very long ago that the canal was frozen and all those people were skating on it.... ow look at the thousands of beautiful hyacinths... and in such soft colours....perfect to aid digestion!  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on April 14, 2009, 09:59:23 AM
There are worse places to take your breakfast Luit !  :o
A breathtaking view - and what with the fragrance when the wind blows in your direction ???  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on April 14, 2009, 10:08:27 AM
For me the scent would be too much
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on April 14, 2009, 10:21:44 AM
Many years ago I tried growing what then was called Lilium giganteum. They always promptly died the first winter.
Then I got some from that originated in China rather than in the Himalayas.
They survived the last four winters but these were unusually mild. This year I had -21.5° with next to no snow.
I assumed they were all dead.
NO! every Cardiocrinum I have, survived -21° and are now slowly starting  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on April 14, 2009, 11:59:59 AM
There are worse places to take your breakfast Luit !  :o
A breathtaking view - and what with the fragrance when the wind blows in your direction ???  8)
Luc, when the wind is in our way and it's nice warm, we close the windows of our bedroom.
Not sure if we would wake up then... ;D ;D ;D
Yesterday was no problem, all day foggy and maybe 10 C.! 10 kms. inland was all day sunshine  ::) ::) ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rogan on April 14, 2009, 01:01:35 PM
Oh! Wouldn't our moles have a 'field' day with all those Hyacinths - it would be vegetable holocaust - lovely sight from your window though - do you also have a field of bulbs, Luit?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on April 14, 2009, 06:35:15 PM
Why should I Rogan? All neighbours have one already... ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on April 14, 2009, 06:52:09 PM
Oh! Wouldn't our moles have a 'field' day with all those Hyacinths - it would be vegetable holocaust - lovely sight from your window though - do you also have a field of bulbs, Luit?
Are your moles vegetarian then Rogan? Ours (Talpa europea) are purely carnivorous.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on April 14, 2009, 08:52:55 PM
When we are taking our meals and look out of the window, we see this field.   :D
The second picture shows the whole field.

Wow Luit - that is a view I would happily sit looking at for hours and sniffing away at  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on April 14, 2009, 08:56:18 PM
NO! every Cardiocrinum I have, survived -21° and are now slowly starting  ;D ;D ;D

Göte isn't it amazing how plants can survive conditions we would curl up our toes and die in... We have the first one sticking its nose up in our garden... hopefully the rest will follow soon  ;D :) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on April 15, 2009, 08:59:32 AM
Oh! Wouldn't our moles have a 'field' day with all those Hyacinths - it would be vegetable holocaust - lovely sight from your window though - do you also have a field of bulbs, Luit?
Are your moles vegetarian then Rogan? Ours (Talpa europea) are purely carnivorous.
I am afraid that many people confuse moles and voles especially when writing in a foreign language.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rogan on April 15, 2009, 03:48:45 PM
"Are your moles vegetarian then Rogan?"

I should be more careful when I write - mole rats (of which the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber), a subterranean rodent, is one) would be more accurate. Our moles are also insectivorous and don't harm bulbs except by burrowing underneath them.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on April 15, 2009, 05:09:06 PM

I should be more careful when I write - mole rats (of which the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber), a subterranean rodent, is one) would be more accurate. Our moles are also insectivorous and don't harm bulbs except by burrowing underneath them.

Our moles prefer to eat worms...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on April 17, 2009, 06:05:31 PM
I'm so happy, I just heard Susan Boyle sing 'Cry Me A River'!!!! :o :o :o :o
As well as 'I Had A Dream',  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 17, 2009, 06:57:14 PM
Small, frumpy Scot ....with HUGE talent...... works for me!!!  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 17, 2009, 07:19:55 PM
Absolutely wonderful that her dream is coming true - she sang from the heart! :) Our son was so impressed he sent us the link on YouTube - that and Flawless - a real boost for the UK! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on April 17, 2009, 07:22:06 PM
Who is she??
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 17, 2009, 07:34:58 PM
Who is she??
A surprisingly talented Scot - see if you agree David  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 17, 2009, 07:43:59 PM
Susan Boyle is aScotswoman who autitioned for the TV programme "Britain's got Talent" and she has been a real find.  Treated rather badly by the panel and audience, when she began to sing it was another story. My chum told me about it and I found this,

 also a piece on the ITC website and a Youtube search for her name plus "Cry me a river" will get you a link to a 1999 charity record she made for her local community in Scotland
...some newspaper links verifying the clip, also. An extraordinary story.... wee Scots wifie with just a hugely wonderful voice. Her auditon piece was from "Les Miserable" ...astounding!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 17, 2009, 07:46:35 PM
I'd like to add that the talents of the Members of the SRGS with superb photography and fabulous wealth of knowledge and expertise and humour makes me very happy too!!!!!!!!! ;D  
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 17, 2009, 07:53:09 PM
Or even the SRGC, Robin??
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on April 17, 2009, 08:23:26 PM
That's the best version of 'Cry me a River' I've heard, including Julie London's version.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 17, 2009, 08:39:28 PM
Or even the SRGC, Robin??

Oops! :-[ embarrassed silence :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 17, 2009, 08:47:36 PM
Or even the SRGC, Robin??

Oops! :-[ embarrassed silence :-X
Only teasing!

 Since so many of the other organisations are "societies", NZAGS, NARGS, AGS and so on... it is a frequent error...... there's no mistaking the welcome in our club though... Scottish through and through and eminently "clubbable"  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on April 17, 2009, 09:00:25 PM
That's the best version of 'Cry me a River' I've heard, including Julie London's version.

What about Shirley Bassey's version, David?
That was always my favourite version, not sure now though  :)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 17, 2009, 09:12:06 PM
I rather liked Alison Moyet's version, about six years ago... maybe longer.....I am most impressed by Miss Boyle , that's for sure.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on April 17, 2009, 09:23:00 PM
I rather liked Alison Moyet's version, about six years ago... maybe longer.....I am most impressed by Miss Boyle , that's for sure.

Maggi, I  think you would have to be tone deaf not to be impressed with the lady.
Just to think she has never been married and never been kissed  :o
Apparently the magazines are standing in line to see who gets to do a makeover on her, hope she is as sensible as she looks!!!  :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 17, 2009, 10:01:37 PM
We heard her too, last night on the telly. Super singer. "They" will probably try to make her taller, thinner, less grey and more photogenic. Get your hand off! As she is, she's charming. Paul Potts is just another singer since they fixed his teeth. Glad to see his wife isn't willowy. (They're in NZ pro tem.)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on April 18, 2009, 12:17:15 PM
Or even the SRGC, Robin??

Oops! :-[ embarrassed silence :-X
Only teasing!

 Since so many of the other organisations are "societies", NZAGS, NARGS, AGS and so on... it is a frequent error...... there's no mistaking the welcome in our club though... Scottish through and through and eminently "clubbable"  ;)

Aye Maggi, mony a tru wurd sed in jest - see attached, seems I was confused so 'I joined the club'....!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on April 24, 2009, 10:22:22 AM
Well, I've just been in the school assembly/dining hall, along with two colleagues, invigilating a third year biology exam. There were two fire extinguishers in the hall; one CO2 and one foam. The latter was condemned on 5/7/06! ::) There were 92 pupils sitting the exam, everyone in a tie with either a black or white shirt/blouse. 10 were left handed and there were 66 girls.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 24, 2009, 10:40:23 AM
How many of the girls were left-handed?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on April 24, 2009, 11:11:13 AM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on April 24, 2009, 12:13:34 PM
Any have nits?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on April 24, 2009, 12:18:25 PM
Well, I've just been in the school assembly/dining hall, along with two colleagues, invigilating a third year biology exam. There were two fire extinguishers in the hall; one CO2 and one foam. The latter was condemned on 5/7/06! ::) There were 92 pupils sitting the exam, everyone in a tie with either a black or white shirt/blouse. 10 were left handed and there were 66 girls.

I can see what a stimulating experience this was for you Anthony :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on April 24, 2009, 12:24:24 PM
Any have nits?
Don't be daft, Cliff, Anthony's not so foolhardy as to get that close to find that out ..... at least, I hope not :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on April 24, 2009, 12:53:47 PM
Boring morning, Anthony or is the start of a 'Puzzle'?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on April 24, 2009, 02:15:03 PM
Any have nits?
Something I have never seen, although I do have an original metal Derbac comb in its tin. I would say that nits only go for clean hair, but my first sentence would suggest I only associated with people with dirty hair, so I won't. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on April 24, 2009, 02:58:40 PM
I saw on TV today she has had a makeover.

I like Justin Timberlake's 'Cry me'

'Flawless' - well err, flawless ( look at the guy who does a head stand from lying on the ground and without using hs arms
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on April 24, 2009, 11:24:41 PM
Saw something about nits recently and apparently the dirty versus clean hair is a myth..... they'll live wherever they can.  I think it is more that the dirty haired people are less likely to find them early, so they get much worse. ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on April 24, 2009, 11:27:05 PM
I saw on TV today she has had a makeover.

I like Justin Timberlake's 'Cry me'

'Flawless' - well err, flawless ( look at the guy who does a head stand from lying on the ground and without using hs arms
That's a rather random statement Mark?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on April 24, 2009, 11:48:59 PM

I'd agree re Mark's post, although at the time I must admit I thought the same thing about your school assembly posting.  ;D ;D


Who exactly is the "she" who you refer to that has had a makeover? ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on April 25, 2009, 12:07:48 AM
Who exactly is the "she" who you refer to that has had a makeover? ???

The woman from Scotland from Britain Has Talent
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on April 25, 2009, 12:29:45 AM
Ah, 'Susan Boyle'!  Had lost that train of thought.  Thanks.  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on April 25, 2009, 12:45:24 AM

Just caught up with the 'Flawless' clip you linked to.......  :o :o :o :o :o  Wow!  Absolutely amazing.  Thanks for the link.  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 06, 2009, 06:22:01 PM
Today , David & I went over the Cabrach to Kildrummy Castle Garden which we last visited years ago... The garden was looking good with lots of roddys. and primulas just coming into flower and the only spoiler was the rain that came on about 12:30 but the met. office had warned us so we had arrived in good time.

The reason I'm happy is that I bought an original Mary McMurtie watercolour of Japanese Anemones from their little shop, which she had painted in 2001. Irene, the lady taking the entrance money who also sold us the pictures, was so excited to have made the sale and talked of Mary visiting the gardens to paint. There were another three originals there and I lusted after them all but settled for some prints.

For those who don't know Mary was a stalwart of the Aberdeen group and we remember meeting her at shows. She painted right up to her death - the detail is incredible.  ;D :) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 06, 2009, 06:37:47 PM
Carol, you sound so thrilled with your acquisition would it be possible for us to see a photo of the painting you bought?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 06, 2009, 07:13:43 PM
I'll try but it is behind glass and I will not take out of frame... David might do a better job than me :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 06, 2009, 11:08:58 PM
Here is a link to a site with info about Mary McMurtrie, it includes a rather good photo of her... at 100 years old!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 06, 2009, 11:15:19 PM
A National treasure indeed. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 07, 2009, 12:05:45 PM
Here is the painting plus the two prints that I bought yesterday... with thanks to David for taking the pix.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 07, 2009, 12:12:12 PM
Thanks, Carol, for showing these delicate and beautiful painting and prints by Mary McMurtrie - they are so natural in composition as if the flowers had just been picked - 'A National treasure' as Anthony describes her, no wonder you are so happy  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 07, 2009, 12:22:35 PM
Here is a link to a site with info about Mary McMurtrie, it includes a rather good photo of her... at 100 years old!


Thanks for these great links, Maggi, to pages on Mary McMurtrie and some further images of her paintings - what a wonderful woman she must have been to have the passion to go on painting until 101!!!!!!  She looks as if her life with wild flowers, alpines and painting were the recipe to her longevity - so herein is a message I think  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 07, 2009, 02:29:13 PM
Thanks, Carol, for showing these delicate and beautiful painting and prints by Mary McMurtrie - they are so natural in composition as if the flowers had just been picked - 'A National treasure' as Anthony describes her, no wonder you are so happy  ;D

That is exactly it... Mary's paintings make you think of a hand held bunch of flowers that has just been picked by a small child for their mother :) Now I have to find the right spot to hang the painting in - one where we can see but is not going to get direct sunlight on.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 08, 2009, 12:16:24 AM
All are delightful Carol. What a lovely treasure to have in your home. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 08, 2009, 08:35:31 AM
Thanks Lesley - they are especially welcome at present when the wind and rain are battering the garden to pieces... David was in our village car park yesterday and said it looked as if a wedding had taken place with all the 'confetti' from the cherry and almond trees. Our flowering weeping cherry hasn't got a petal left on it, ditto the Mec. punicea which had been looking very good - typical we've got friends coming on Sunday to look at the garden!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 08, 2009, 09:43:44 AM
Carol, I keep thinking about the paintings and love the print you have of the harebells as they remind me of happy days walking in Scotland.  Did they have other prints/original of this available?  I am going to try and find one of her books when I'm in UK - her paintings dance in my mind  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 08, 2009, 09:50:52 AM
Carol, I keep thinking about the paintings and love the print you have of the harebells as they remind me of happy days walking in Scotland.  Did they have other prints/original of this available?  I am going to try and find one of her books when I'm in UK - her paintings dance in my mind  :)

Robin, this link I gave is to Mary McMurtrie's daughter's website... you will see they have prints for sale, and some books too, I reckon. I know Elspeth Haston well, so I could take delivery if you like  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 08, 2009, 10:05:03 AM
Thanks Maggi, will be in touch - I'm coming to Scotland in Mid June for a few days and will see if I can sort something out then...meanwhile will revisit the site your posted  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on May 08, 2009, 12:07:50 PM
I finally think I am over the worst of this darn flu (which I moaned about in the suitable topic last week. ;)).  Hopefully it stays away too, but at least feeling a little more my normal self.

Yeah!!  I am SO happy about it.

Happy about the new Star Trek movie too, as I got to see it yesterday and it is VERY well done.  Another Yeah!! (I've been a trek fan for years, even been to a couple of conventions and everything!  :o)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on May 08, 2009, 01:27:28 PM
You 'Trecki' you. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Casalima on May 08, 2009, 02:03:10 PM
Thank you Carol and Maggi for the introduction to Mary McMurtrie - Scotland, Portugal and plants is an excellent combination  :)
I would love to buy the publications about Portuguese plants!!

(slowly emerging from rain, sun, plant fair, plant-friend-meetings, and way too much work)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 08, 2009, 10:14:57 PM
Carol, I keep thinking about the paintings and love the print you have of the harebells as they remind me of happy days walking in Scotland.  Did they have other prints/original of this available?  I am going to try and find one of her books when I'm in UK - her paintings dance in my mind  :)

Yes they had more copies of the print of harebells - I can let you have a phone number if it will help...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 09, 2009, 07:44:42 AM
Carol, I keep thinking about the paintings and love the print you have of the harebells as they remind me of happy days walking in Scotland.  Did they have other prints/original of this available?  I am going to try and find one of her books when I'm in UK - her paintings dance in my mind  :)

Yes they had more copies of the print of harebells - I can let you have a phone number if it will help...
Thanks Carol, that would be glad you showed us Mary's paintings  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 09, 2009, 08:05:46 AM
Robin... you now have the phone number for the gardens and this is the website with some nice photos - just ignore the eclectic spelling and grammar!  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on May 09, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
It's Trekkie, David.  ::)

 :P ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 09, 2009, 01:24:32 PM
Whey hey! Here I am, in spite of the pipes and trenches......happy as a pig in a truffle forest!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 09, 2009, 01:36:04 PM
Oh, bless "you", Ragged Robin  :D Terrific to see you keeping so bright in the chaos  ;).... I take it this is as a result of your building works? Is it a whole new house or extension to an exisiting one?
With my experience of builders on both sides of our house, I personally would rather pull my nails out with rusty pliers than have the builders in here... I have great admiration for anyone who can cope  with the mess and disruption..... especially since you are looking so fresh and pretty in spite of everything!!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on May 09, 2009, 02:29:05 PM
Maggi, it's hard to be up beat but things like the sudden appearance of my namesake right in the midst of the chaos makes everything OK AND the builder stepped around it once he knew he would be treading on my toes!!!!!!  This is the 4th time we have had to dig out to the footings because of water leaking in to our chalet extension - we hope this is the last time.  Bad workmanship transpired the first time round.  All earth has to be dug out by hand to 3 meters deep and very very narrow and dangerous for those working. Each time I have rebuilt my rock garden although a lot did survive I hope to really develop it with all the inspiration and ideas from the forum Members.  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on May 10, 2009, 08:16:10 AM
Our little village garden club held its plant sale and coffee morning yesterday (Saturday) and, after deducting all expenses, turned a profit of just short of a thousand pounds! As its treasurer I am very pleased for the garden club but also wish that the HRGC could do as well with its own fund raiser.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 10, 2009, 02:48:39 PM
Fantastic amount to raise, David.  8)
Wish the plant sales at the Aberdeen Show could do as well!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 10, 2009, 04:51:08 PM
Fantastic amount to raise, David.  8)
Wish the plant sales at the Aberdeen Show could do as well!

The crowd was four deep around the plant stall which was 4 trestle tables in an L shape. The tables were groaning with plants, the floor under the tables was solid with plants and the space where we were meant to stand was pretty full too. At the end we gave away half a dozen plants... everything else had vanished like snow off a dyke. We were lucky that a club member had put in hostas, lilies, candelabra primulas and other choice items in 2 litre pots so we were able to ask a reasonable price for. You have to balance that with the bedding plants at £1 for a tray though! Folk come from miles around to buy the plants... pity our show is before their sale or we could ride on the back of, oh well we've two new committee members [one of whom you know Maggi, Alisdair McLean] so next eyar we will have more roddys for sale :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on May 10, 2009, 06:22:21 PM
Remember, though, Maggie that most of your plants are sold on a 50/50 basis. The garden club was all by donations so the club got all the loot.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 11, 2009, 11:16:33 AM
I finally think I am over the worst of this darn flu (which I moaned about in the suitable topic last week. ;)).  Hopefully it stays away too, but at least feeling a little more my normal self.

Yeah!!  I am SO happy about it.

Happy about the new Star Trek movie too, as I got to see it yesterday and it is VERY well done.  Another Yeah!! (I've been a trek fan for years, even been to a couple of conventions and everything!  :o)
Maybe your new profile should read "always going forward 'cause I can't find reverse" Paul?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on May 11, 2009, 10:22:09 PM
I'm so happy!

A few weeks ago, after the petals fell from my twenty or so flowers of Anemone caucasica, I encased each seedhead in a small plastic bag about an inch square with a zip fastener. The fastener was closed but left slightly open at the flower stem. I was concerned that the seeds might rot under such a poorly ventilated conditions, but I'm happy to announce that the system worked perfectly, and I have today a good haul of nice, ripe-yet-green seed of this most charming of anemones.

It will be sown before I go to bed.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 11, 2009, 10:41:40 PM
Yes! Don't you love it when a plan comes together?  Very nice looking seed, Rodger.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 12, 2009, 03:50:42 AM
That does look very good quality seed Rodger. Almost good enough to sprinkle on your porridge or make a seed cake.  ;D

I'm so happy too. See the Muscari thread. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 20, 2009, 05:32:55 PM
My friends at Zoolab UK ( phoned me up the other week and asked if they could again use a couple of Graeme High School science classes to pilot a new "Eco Lab" workshop they are developing on Energy, aimed at P7/S1/S2 pupils. The two classes chosen were my S2 class and a colleague's S1 class. The workshop fitted into the 53 minute periods we have and focused on energy in the home and renewable resources. Kids enjoyed it and I just sat back and watched. Brilliant. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on May 20, 2009, 06:35:49 PM
Its great when commercial companies can involve schools in projects. I would expect that the classes learned a lot as well as enjoying themselves.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 20, 2009, 07:31:20 PM
Here's something else to make you smile:
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on May 24, 2009, 08:57:59 AM
Not sure whether this suits this thread of the "Moan" thread but - I have to put in a new septic tank system in the garden and this, because of poor results to drainage tests, will involve importing topsoil to create a raised bed, 600mm high and 90 square metres in extent - 10m X 9m. Obviously, this is going to cause some disruption in the garden. Luckily, it will not interfere with any of the present beds in the garden, all work confined to what is under grass at present.

The basic 10m X 9m shape is essential to layout drainage piping, stone filled drains etc but I have it in mind to bring in further topsoil so as to be able to create a raised bed of a more interesting shape, rounding off the 10 x 9 rectangle, which would fit into the garden.

So, this may be an opportunity to make an interesting bed in the garden but, on the moan side, it will be a lot of disruption to the garden, a lot of work and a LOT of expense.

Anyone with this or similar experience? Any comments/suggestions?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on May 24, 2009, 01:46:16 PM
Paddy, whilst we are fortunate enough to be on mains drainage, as a 'working man' I had involvement with a number of mound systems for properties with poor soil porosity. I am interested that you are allowed to use soil in Ireland for the mound. In Scotland they are constructed of sand with a very specific porosity value then capped with soil, all very, very expensive.
Grass is the normal covering but I see no reason at all why decorative plants cannot be used - indeed I sometimes tried to persuade people to do this, unofficially. Remember that there are perforated pipes within the mound that will be constantly seeping water so you should be looking for shallow rooted plants. You dont want to be unblocking pipes and drains every couple of years.
Good luck with it and post some pictures as it goes along.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on May 24, 2009, 08:43:29 PM

There will be a lot of stone under the imported soil. The perforated drainage pipes will lie on top of these, covered with more stone and then topped with soil. Mary has suggested it be kept in grass and used as a croquet lawn. Where she gets these notions from I don't know! She did allow that the slopes could be planted. It will be a case of wait and see.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on May 25, 2009, 04:28:17 AM
I'm so happy!

I spent part of this afternoon murdering blackberries. Feral blackberries are ubiquitous in waste places here, and the birds spread the seeds everywhere, so even in the best tended gardens blackberries turn up in all sorts of places.

They're insidious. You can have a blackberry that's sent canes 15 feet into the air amongst taller shrubs and be blissfully unaware of it for years.

The technique I use is to cut the canes off just above ground level and then dab the cut surface with concentrated glyphosphate (Roundup).

Of course, the blackberries have the last laugh: my right arm in particular is noticeably scratched.

Some real gardening, too: harvested seed of Eranthis hyemalis "aurantiaca". Not much - I'm a week or two late. But enough for a reasonable donation to the seed exchange.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 25, 2009, 04:46:42 AM

The technique I use is to cut the canes off just above ground level and then dab the cut surface with concentrated glyphosphate (Roundup).

I'll have to do this too. I didn't even get around to harvesting the fruit this year so that instead of a few billion seedlings there will be billions of trillions next year. Oh gosh, sounds as if I've joined the banking sector. :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: FrazerHenderson on May 25, 2009, 07:14:29 PM
I'm happy because...

... I didn't hear the voice on the telephone say last night "Thankyou for voting for Darth Jackson and Nick Nell".
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on May 25, 2009, 07:19:24 PM
I'm happy because...

... I didn't hear the voice on the telephone say last night "Thankyou for voting for Darth Jackson and Nick Nell".
Perhaps you need new batteries in your hearing aid, Frazer?  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on June 10, 2009, 06:17:21 PM
Carol Shaw posted a note about Mary McMurtrie some time ago and her happiness at having some of her pictures. I received this press release today about a book about to be published which might interest some members of the forum.

Unfortunately, the illustrations did not copy and paste.


Press Release

 Mary McMurtrie’s

Country Garden Flowers

Timothy Clark

Garden Art Press ۰ 9781870673600
 ۰ The life and gardening of one of Scotland’s most original artists and gardeners

۰ Explores the life and work of esteemed flower enthusiast Mary McMurtrie

۰ Provides the reader with illustrations and descriptions of historic plants, as well as advice on how to grow them

۰ McMurtrie preserved many plants at risk of being destroyed during World War II

۰ Contains paintings that Mary McMrutrie intended to use to illustrate an unpublished book on cottage garden flowers

۰ Records how she created the garden at Balbithan, Aberdeen.

۰ Her flower paintings have been widely exhibited in Scotland, England and Europe

۰ Includes chapters on ….

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 12, 2009, 07:07:34 PM
Horray! I'm RICH!! I'm a Millionaire!!  
Well, not YET, but it seems I soon COULD be rich.....look at this......
click the pic to enlarge

YES, Look! If I sell all my dratted Trop. speciosum seedlings at this price, I can retire to the Bahamas forthwith!  ::) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on June 12, 2009, 07:10:18 PM
....... but the Bulb Log would suffer! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on June 12, 2009, 07:14:22 PM
Horray! I'm RICH!! I'm a Millionaire!!  
Well, not YET, but it seems I soon COULD be rich.....look at this......
(Attachment Link)
click the pic to enlarge

YES, Look! If I sell all my dratted Trop. speciosum seedlings at this price, I can retire to the Bahamas forthwith!  ::) ;D
And grow cacao trees to make your own chocolate?  ;D ;D ;D     8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 12, 2009, 07:29:14 PM
Yes, Luit!! A cacao plantation!
David, the Bulb Log wouldn't suffer, Ian wouldn't leave the UK and I'd get exhausted by the heat before my  plantation had begun to fruit, so I'd be back in Scotland pretty quickly, to resume the care of the Bulb Despot!  :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on June 12, 2009, 07:31:36 PM
Well that's OK then, I shall sleep easy tonight ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 12, 2009, 07:36:56 PM
Maybe I'll just stay here and use some of the money to pay someone else to  dig and pot the wretched things and then undercut Thompson and Morgan by a pound or so and just be rich enough to have  the best hand made chocs delivered here every day!!  ::) ;D  £9.99 seems and awful lot of money for a Trop. speciosum to me!
 Really, if it were not such a pain to extract the roots from our overplanted garden, I would be tempted by this!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on June 12, 2009, 07:38:22 PM
Nice holiday destination for tired forum members, Maggi ... will you do short lets?  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 12, 2009, 07:50:37 PM
That could be another nice little business, Cliff..... "hols for puggled growers"...... ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Eric Locke on June 12, 2009, 08:19:28 PM
Another expensive deal from T & M  >:( Don"t know how they get away with it. :o

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on June 12, 2009, 08:25:27 PM
Horray! I'm RICH!! I'm a Millionaire!!  
Well, not YET, but it seems I soon COULD be rich.....look at this......
(Attachment Link)
click the pic to enlarge

YES, Look! If I sell all my dratted Trop. speciosum seedlings at this price, I can retire to the Bahamas forthwith!  ::) ;D


Woodies have been offering Libertia perigrans at €16.50 per pot over the past month. I have a patch in the garden which measures about 4metres X 3 metres. I reckon I could make a good profit by potting it up and selling it on.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 12, 2009, 09:59:17 PM
Paddy, this is great, we can both become the idle rich!
Why is it that none of the nurserymen I now are headed for the Bahamas anytime soon   ???  ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Eric Locke on June 12, 2009, 10:26:19 PM

Paddy, this is great, we can both become the idle rich!
Why is it that none of the nurserymen I now are headed for the Bahamas anytime soon   ???  ???

Because they have been already. ;D ;D ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on June 13, 2009, 01:04:37 AM
I'm so happy!

I thought to look at my big potted Jeffersonia dubia yesterday and discovered, alas, that all the seed capsules had opened and shed their precious cargo into the pot. Alas, alack!

Today, I bethought myself to look at the ones in the garden and wouldn't you know, but they still had plenty of intact capsules! That makes me sort of happy.

But what makes me really happy is the result of then crawling over to the patch of J. diphylla and discovering that (a) it had set plentiful seed this year, if the many fat capsules are any indication and (b) that only one of those many capsules had opened - and that one had not yet shed its seed!

Attached, the harvested capsules of J. diphylla. They're still green, so I'll leave them to finish ripening. If you look closely, you can see that a couple of capsules have begun to gape open. and there are a few stray seeds in the dish.

Coming next winter to a seed exchange near you: Jeffersonia diphylla.

I'm s-o-o-o-o-o-o happy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gunilla on June 13, 2009, 06:03:55 AM
Rodger, I think the design of the Jeffersonia diphylla seed capsule is enough to make you happy  :D

Jeffersonia diphylla seed capsule
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on June 13, 2009, 07:46:15 AM
smile for the camera little seed capsule! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 13, 2009, 11:19:05 AM
Yes, Rodger, a harvest like that is cause for happiness......... potentially for lots of us, too!! Yippee!

Fascinating to consider the receptacle and dispersal mechanisms for seed, isn't it? All that micro-sculpture and engineering   :o 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 13, 2009, 11:40:08 PM
Not wishing to dampen the anticipation of seedlist recipients, but isn't the seed of Jeffersonia species best sown VERY VERY fresh? Mine germinates if it literally is sown on the day of harvest but even a week of drying and I never see a seedling. I've never had it germinate from the seed exchanges either.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on June 14, 2009, 12:11:58 AM
I've received fresh Jeffersonia seed from overseas and sown it successfully, both J. diphylla and J. dubia.  I think the seed was dry at the time, but was only harvested within the last week or two, and sown immediately on receipt.  So they can be dried, at least to some degree.  As yet I haven't flowered diphylla, but have had dubia flower the last 2 years.  Still not doing brilliantly, as my climate isn't ideal, but they're alive and still come up each year.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on June 14, 2009, 02:53:42 AM
Not wishing to dampen the anticipation of seedlist recipients, but isn't the seed of Jeffersonia species best sown VERY VERY fresh? Mine germinates if it literally is sown on the day of harvest but even a week of drying and I never see a seedling. I've never had it germinate from the seed exchanges either.

My plants of both were grown from exchange seed.

Mind you, I *do* pre-soak most seed for a very long time anything from a few days or a week to as long as a month.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 16, 2009, 10:23:42 PM
Not sure whether I'm so happy here or having a moan but NZers are being exhorted to stock up on essential foods, pet foods, medicines etc, in order to see out at least 7 days of isolation if they get swine flu. We have about 100 confirmed cases so far but they include the first few in the community at large as distinct from those caught directly from returning travellers.

Being the responsible person I am who always does as the authorities tell me, I have made an extensive list and have already started to stockpile. I've started with liquids. 1 doz assorted wine, a bottle each of Scotch whisky and rum (very good for stomach upsets), a bottle of olive oil for cooking, orange juice, powdered milk, extra tea bags (Earl Grey and English Breakfast) and 200 litres of water, on the principle that if we get further storms and snow, the power may go off and our pump from the storage tank won't work. A good start?

I'll go on to bread and meat in the freezer, and frozen vegs - which I loathe - and pasta, rice etc etc. We have heaps of bottled fruit, pickles, chutneys et al so I doubt if we'll starve.

Roger is also adding batteries, extra torch, radio, quick grab blankets and sleeping bags, his little gas portable cooker, 20 litres of petrol and assorted other man-type things, in case we have an earthquake or major flooding while we're ill with flu and have to flee the house (He was a boy scout) so come hell or high water or swine flu, we'll be prepared. If none of those things happens to us, at least we won't have to visit the supermarket again for a month!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: annew on June 16, 2009, 10:29:01 PM
Good Luck and hope you don't need it, but it sounds like you are ready for anything!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: t00lie on June 16, 2009, 11:37:09 PM
[quote author=Lesley Cox 
or major flooding while we're ill with flu and have to flee the house (He was a boy scout) so come hell or high water or swine flu, we'll be prepared.

Gee Ms Cox  ---if Roger is thinking you might get flooding where you live at 220 mtrs above sea level then there's no hope for the rest of us poor souls on the flat --Tell him i'll not bother preparing then............. ;D ;) :o

Cheers dave.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on June 17, 2009, 06:45:19 AM
Don't forget the toilet rolls, Mrs Cox ...?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on June 17, 2009, 07:43:50 AM
Don't forget the toilet rolls, Mrs Cox ...?
is it on wheels? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on June 17, 2009, 08:02:58 AM
The Swine flu is a very interesting malady. The figures I have remember (mind you they may be obsolete now) are 140 dead in swine flu as to compare 300.000 in the "normal" yearly flu.

It reminds me about the avian flu and all the fantastic remedies that were taken. I wonder how many who noticed that the danger was not in the flu but the suspicion that it would mutate and become more virulent - something that had not happened in the last thousand years were it is endemic.

Also about foot and mouth disease. Do we remember all restrictions imposed on people coming from a country where there was an isolated case. Foot and mouth is endemic in Turkey but nobody ever imposed restrictions and nobody got contaminated. ???

Do we remember that nine years ago all computers were supposed to break down. The strange things are
#1 All who have started an old PC know that for a PC the year zero is 1980 not year 0 :D
#2 All who have looked at the interrupts that give the year know that even the first PC's would give the millennium as 1 or 2.  :D
#3 Compouters do not count decimally but binary so the first important year would be 1980+255= Anno Domino 2235 in which year I am afraid that none of us would bother. ;)

Most computer experts suddenly "forgot" the points above and happily sold hard- and software together with their good advice. ::)

Who said that the world wants to be cheated???

It would be a pity if you did not have reason to use your liquid fortifications Lesley ;D

Have a nice and healthy midsummer everybody

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on June 17, 2009, 08:04:04 AM
Don't forget the toilet rolls, Mrs Cox ...?
is it on wheels? ;D
Must be the one I saw on a Japanese Inventor's fair
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on June 17, 2009, 05:21:37 PM
Don't forget the toilet rolls, Mrs Cox ...?
is it on wheels? ;D
Must be the one I saw on a Japanese Inventor's fair

Oh no...does swine flu give you the runs  ???  Off to Scotland tomorrow for a few days - yippee! Only problem is I hear it is 13 degrees brrrrrrr but I suppose it works to my advantage as Scotland has quite a few cases of the Swine Flu virus and the only other thing I found on the web as a preventative measure is to wipe you hands regularly with alcohol  ::)  Think I'll stick to drinking champagne at the wedding  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 17, 2009, 05:28:53 PM
With luck the sun will be shining and the rain will have stopped before the wedding, Robin. It was lovely yesterday!  Have a good trip!!  :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 17, 2009, 09:32:09 PM
Dave, in our case it's probably the earthquake that may hit while we have the flu that is a greater risk than the flooding. Yes, Cliff, we have plenty loo rolls (bog rolls would be the right term at present, following all the snow and ice) and no, Rogan, it isn't mobile, though that would be handy wouldn't it?

I'm deeply wounded that everyone is taking my precautions so flippantly when I'm trying to be a good and responsible citizen.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think you're right Gote, that humanity seems to need something to worry about or be frightened of. But I would have thought the recession was enough at one time, without swine flu as well. We'll certainly find a good reason to broach the bottles though. :) :) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on June 17, 2009, 10:32:26 PM
With luck the sun will be shining and the rain will have stopped before the wedding, Robin. It was lovely yesterday!  Have a good trip!!  :-*

Thanks Maggi, I'm looking forward to meeting some Forum Members on Monday too  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 17, 2009, 10:43:36 PM
With luck the sun will be shining and the rain will have stopped before the wedding, Robin. It was lovely yesterday!  Have a good trip!!  :-*

Thanks Maggi, I'm looking forward to meeting some Forum Members on Monday too  :)

 Why, then it is sure to be a fun trip, come rain or shine!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on June 18, 2009, 05:54:04 AM

You have 100 confirmed cases in the country, and we have nearing that just in my city alone.  More than 2000 confirmed in Australia now. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on June 18, 2009, 08:31:43 AM

You have 100 confirmed cases in the country, and we have nearing that just in my city alone.  More than 2000 confirmed in Australia now. ::)
Question #1: How many die?? Question #2: How many are struck by the 'Normal' flu? How many die from 'Normal ' flue.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on June 18, 2009, 10:50:45 AM

Exactly.  None dead, although a couple in intensive care.  I think outside Mexico and the US only Scotland has had a death associated with it?  Way less are dying from this than from the normal flu.  The whole thing is a storm in the proverbial tea cup.  It IS a good test run for when the real thing does occur as a major death potential, but the media are making so much more of this than they should be.  The fact that New Zealand is asking people to stock up on a week of supplies in case they need to be isolated shows that over there the over-reaction seems even more prevalent than here (and I thought we were getting pretty bad here!  ::)).
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on June 18, 2009, 04:16:24 PM
We are in a blissful agreement on this Paul ;D
We do not know that the Mexican deaths were CAUSED by swine flue. We only think we know that the dead had swine flu (also???). Considering the number of Mexicans that die evry day for various causes, The supposed large earlier unnoticed spread of the flue in Mexico I get the imperssion that this is a variation of the post hoc ergo propter hoc syndrom just in this case 'cum hoc....'
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on June 18, 2009, 07:25:28 PM
According to reports on the Scottish death there were, in addition to the virus "other under-lying health reasons"
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 18, 2009, 07:38:05 PM
According to reports on the Scottish death there were, in addition to the virus "other under-lying health reasons"

In the P&J today, the death of that unfortunate woman in Scotland has been attributed to pneumonia caused by the swine flu virus. :'( Her premature baby is not thought to have had the virus. A tragedy indeed for the family.
Many thousands dead each  year worldwide with "ordinary" flu, though, so I shan't be stocking up my cupboards just yet.  :-X

Some news to be happier about: Fred Goodwin the useless banker is to have his pension payment reduced......about time too; The  man's an incompetent disgrace.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on June 18, 2009, 07:41:27 PM
It doesn't exactly leave him on the breadline does it? ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 18, 2009, 07:53:56 PM
It doesn't exactly leave him on the breadline does it? ::)
No, more's the pity!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on June 18, 2009, 08:10:49 PM
It doesn't exactly leave him on the breadline does it? ::)

He has to earn a 'crust'
... or a little 'dough'.    :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gerry Webster on June 18, 2009, 08:13:15 PM
It doesn't exactly leave him on the breadline does it? ::)
No, more's the pity!
With an annual pension of £342,000 & a tax-free lump sum of £2.7 million I daresay Sir Fred is laughing all the way to the bank. RBS perhaps?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 18, 2009, 08:18:22 PM
I'd cut him down to 10k a year and have him lump  that sum ! I'd take the "Sir" away from him too.

Someone caring for a sick relative  24 hours a  day, seven days a week gets just over £50 a week..... who is thinking to pay those folk any bonus?  
Remind me again why this thread is meant to be making me happy?  :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on June 18, 2009, 08:24:08 PM
It doesn't exactly leave him on the breadline does it? ::)

He has to earn a 'crust'
... or a little 'dough'.    :D

Crumbs! :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on June 21, 2009, 06:43:16 PM
I am so happy because cherries are cheap and I just made a cherry cake.
Thought I would share some with members of the forum  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on June 21, 2009, 07:07:43 PM
I'm so happy you shared it with us; what   a fab cake! Looks really delicious... and how yummyto have it made with FRESH cherries.... double yum!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 21, 2009, 11:28:06 PM
Helen, that looks SCRUMPTIOUS! Can we have a recipe please? I think you had better take over my avatar title of "Cake maker in chief" though I do have something planned for Maggi's 10,000th post, coming ever closer.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Eric Locke on June 21, 2009, 11:28:56 PM

I would love a slice of that cake Helen. :P :P :P

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on June 22, 2009, 12:10:52 AM
Maggi, this is the third time I have made this cake, it really is yummmm!!

Lesley, it is scrumptious, here's a link to the recipe. ;D ;D ;D
I am not sure if you are supposed to use a pound of pitted cherries or a pound of cherries pitted. I err on the side of gluttony and use a pound of pitted cherries.
I also only use half a cup of sugar and I use cane sugar or raw sugar.

Eric, you can have the whole cake with this recipe  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on June 22, 2009, 12:54:11 AM
Thanks Helen. I'll have to put it aside for 6 months but will print it in the meantime and drool a little. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on June 22, 2009, 10:24:54 AM

I have to echo Lesley.... that cake looks scrumptious!!  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on June 22, 2009, 10:14:26 PM
Paul, it is really good, almost as good as an apple cinnamon teacake!!!
I only say that because I ate most of it and don't think I could look at another one for months. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on June 23, 2009, 10:44:07 AM
Yippee! My Higher marking is finished! 154 papers marked, totalled and sent off to the SQA this morning. ;D

Yesterday evening ('Ragged') Robin visited my wee garden just in time to see a huge female American Robin moth (Hyalophora cecropia) that emerged over night. Last night she paired with the male that emerged on Saturday and were still joined this morning. I'll poswt a pic.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on June 23, 2009, 10:53:51 AM
Yesterday evening ('Ragged') Robin visited my wee garden just in time to see a huge female American Robin moth (Hyalophora cecropia) that emerged over night. Last night she paired with the male that emerged on Saturday and were still joined this morning. I'll poswt a pic.

I trust you meant the moth and not our beautiful Robin!!  Although the pictures could have made your fortune!   :D :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on June 23, 2009, 11:08:27 AM
No I mean The One and Only.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on June 23, 2009, 10:26:38 PM
Yippee! My Higher marking is finished! 154 papers marked, totalled and sent off to the SQA this morning. ;D

Yesterday evening ('Ragged') Robin visited my wee garden just in time to see a huge female American Robin moth (Hyalophora cecropia) that emerged over night. Last night she paired with the male that emerged on Saturday and were still joined this morning. I'll poswt a pic.

Anthony, thanks so much for your warm welcome to your garden yesterday evening, it was really good to meet you and wander round your rock garden  and see your amazing Robin moth - she is so beautifully marked with spotted body and tan legs and it was fascinating to see her wing display and get so close.  Looking forward to seeing a photo of the pair (would you like me to post the photo I took too?)  Back in Switzerland today and discovered we had better weather in Scotland  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on June 24, 2009, 10:49:04 AM
Yes, please post your pic. I haven't downloaded my pics yet. End of term on Friday, so lots to do. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 01, 2009, 11:10:58 PM
Whoopee, I'm more than happy, I'm ecstatic -  having finally found a French website that describes Alpine flowers in a comprehensible, visual, simple, cross-reference friendly, highly motivating to find out more, and consequently catch up with the rest of the Alpine World, way  ;D

Just got to improve my french now as well  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Magnar on July 02, 2009, 08:56:00 AM
Yesss, I am so happy! Seeds of Ranunculus lyallii have germinated abundantly 2 years after sowing. Seeds from Jelitto, so I guess it is the right thing.  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 02, 2009, 10:07:09 PM
I'm happy for you Magnar. I imagine, thinking of what you grow so superbly in north Norway, that R. lyallii will flourish and flower strongly for you. Good luck with it.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Eric Locke on July 02, 2009, 11:51:10 PM

I"m happy that a new Pleione cross which only produced five seedlings has three that are starting now to grow. :) :) :)
I was convinced these were lost.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on July 03, 2009, 10:00:41 AM
Well done Magnar and Eric !
Looking forward to the pix in a number of years...  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 03, 2009, 10:17:48 AM
Here,here - no wonder you're both so happy  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 05, 2009, 08:11:39 PM
Now that Wimbledon is over and the pat-ball grunt and groan merchants have crept back into hibernation for another year we can now get back to the serious business of Test Cricket and hopefully putting the Aussies to the sword!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 05, 2009, 09:32:49 PM
Now that Wimbledon is over and the pat-ball grunt and groan merchants have crept back into hibernation for another year we can now get back to the serious business of Test Cricket and hopefully putting the Aussies to the sword!!
You may say that David, but I couldn't possibly comment. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on July 06, 2009, 02:07:53 AM
Now that Wimbledon is over and the pat-ball grunt and groan merchants have crept back into hibernation for another year we can now get back to the serious business of Test Cricket and hopefully putting the Aussies to the sword!!

David, bite your tongue, the ashes need to stay in their rightful home, which would be Oz  ;D ;D ;D.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on July 07, 2009, 05:36:59 AM
I'm so happy!

I recently posted a few pictures of my garden, including one of my prize specimen of Mandragora officinarum with its clutch of egg-like green fruits. These have now been harvested to finish ripening in the shade rather than the blazing sun, and the happy report is that there were 25 fruits on the plant. Outstanding! There should be plenty of seed for both the AGS and the SRGC exchanges.

Downside: the small study where I keep seed being cleaned and packaged is now scented with the nearly nauseating cheesey-fruity scent of the mandrake fruit as it sits and ripens.

I'm also happy that a visitor pointed out seed capsules on two trilliums I don't pay much attention to, and further, identified them as T. maculatum and T. chloropetalum white form. I'm swotting up in Case's book to try to verify these ids, and will have to mark them as possibly mistaken if I cannot when I send the seed in.

It is important to say that my renewed interest in collecting seed for the exchanges I belong to is due to these very forums and the high level of intelligence displayed in the discussions. You didn't realize, did you, that when you freely use technical vocabulary (or, in the case of Lesley, give a recipe for Neenish tarts), you were causing my study to reek of ripening mandrakes. Yes, I'm so happy. And it's all your fault.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on July 07, 2009, 08:16:17 AM
You are welcome Rodger  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on July 07, 2009, 09:50:07 AM
It is important to say that my renewed interest in collecting seed for the exchanges I belong to is due to these very forums and the high level of intelligence displayed in the discussions. You didn't realize, did you, that when you freely use technical vocabulary (or, in the case of Lesley, give a recipe for Neenish tarts), you were causing my study to reek of ripening mandrakes. Yes, I'm so happy. And it's all your fault.  ;D
Good onya, Rodger!
I'll look forward to seeing the Mandragora on the seedlist as it's on our "allowed list" for importing into Australia! ;D
The more donors the better!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 07, 2009, 12:14:00 PM
It seems to me that 25 fruits on a mandrake is near a record number.... I'm impressed.  8)
Pity about the smell, though.... multiplied 25 times   :P
Perhaps a small note on the front door, Rodger, warning visitors that there IS a strange smell but NO, it is not from the human occupants, might be a wise precaution?  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on July 07, 2009, 05:49:09 PM
It seems to me that 25 fruits on a mandrake is near a record number.... I'm impressed.

I'm impressed, too. We had a long cold spring that seemed never-ending, but when the weather turned warm it did so "with a vegeance", as the literary phrase puts it. A number of things in my garden (and others' in Victoria) have flowered much better this year than in the past, perhaps due to more protracted winter chiling starting with a cold December and then hanging on until about May.

I have a group of mandrakes in a shaded bed under the overhang of a deodar, and they only set fruit scantily and sporadically, but this prize-winning plant in full sun has never performed any better than the shaded ones - until this year.

I've posted a note on mandrake cultivation in the General Forum for those interested.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 07, 2009, 09:40:34 PM

I added a comment to your posting in the General Forum about my mandrakes not flowering/fruiting well over the years but now see your comment here as very relevant to the question I raised there. Your poorly fruiting plants are under a deodar - mine are under a large birch and in shade.

Perhaps, I should lift one and transplant it - screaming and shrieking (that will be me, not the plant!) - to a more suitable location. After all the fruits are far more decorative than the flowers.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 07, 2009, 09:48:55 PM
Can we see your mandrake fruits, Roger, my imagination is running wild with all the descriptions of seed production  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on July 07, 2009, 11:01:10 PM
Can we see your mandrake fruits, Roger, my imagination is running wild with all the descriptions of seed production  :o

Nothing could be simpler. It's an overcast day with a little rain coming down, so ideal for taking good pictures.

The coin envelope at the back of the green plant saucer is 2" × 3.5", to give you a sense of scale. The black tray in the front contains such seeds as I've already harvested. Of the four fruit I've dealt with, two were dried out husks — perhaps a homeless slug hollowed them out to make a cozy nest. The other two had over 53 sound seeds between them, as shown.

You can see how some of the fruits were scalded by the brilliant sun last week.

The second photo is of my supposed Mandragora autumnalis in flower. You will note the purplish tinge to the cluster of flowers in the center of the rosette of leaves. This may, or may not, be diagnostic.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 07, 2009, 11:13:29 PM
Very good pictures, thanks Roger for the scale set-ups, it will be intriguing to see future developments....

Great looking pine/leaf litter for your Mandragora autumnalis
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on July 08, 2009, 02:11:44 AM
Rodger, they look like tomatillos without their husks  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on July 08, 2009, 02:40:35 AM
Rodger, they look like tomatillos without their husks  ;D

Well, Mandragora is in the Solanaceae! Akin to tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatilloes, potatoes, deadly nightshade, hensbane, bittersweet.

The fruit might even be edible (in some sense) when fully ripened, but the flesh is probably loaded with a witch's brew of alkaloids: hyoscamine, scopolamine, etc. Dangerous stuff.

When I separate the seed from the flesh, I'm always careful to wash my fingers thoroughly afterwards.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on July 08, 2009, 08:53:24 PM
It's interesting to see these successes and problems with Mandagora.  Thanks for showing the pictures of the fruits from your plants, Rodger.  I've never been sure whether it's OK to harvest them green and you will see from the following picture that the mice/squirrels/birds can move in before I do.  I've also been wary of harvesting it due to the poisonous nature of its relatives.

My plant was sown in 2001 from AGS seed.  So the seed was obviously not fresh seed but it germinated fine.  I planted it out in a couple of years into a gravel topped bed in an open situation but where it is shaded in winter and spring by the house.  It has always flowered well and fruited well. 
The pictures show the plant in March this year and how it looks now.  The seed will go to the exchanges as I don't need another plant .... 

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 08, 2009, 10:03:58 PM
I'm so happy!
 You didn't realize, did you, that when you freely use technical vocabulary (or, in the case of Lesley, give a recipe for Neenish tarts), you were causing my study to reek of ripening mandrakes. Yes, I'm so happy. And it's all your fault.  ;D

We're happy that you're happy Rodger. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 08, 2009, 10:09:29 PM
Sounds as if there will be plenty seed for everyone then which will make ME happy as I'm intrigued by this plant with so much history and legend attached to it. It IS on our Bio Index. :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 10, 2009, 08:40:27 AM
Overnight I see I've been upgraded to Hero Member - how cool is that  ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lvandelft on July 10, 2009, 11:29:40 AM
Overnight I see I've been upgraded to Hero Member - how cool is that  ;D
Robin, that is not just cool. It's rather speedy too, within 4 months  ;D ;D ;D
I used years to make it  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 10, 2009, 11:48:05 AM
Not sure what I did to deserve it Luit   ::) However this Forum has got my brain so charged in all directions and opened up a whole new world of exploration, in good company, that I'm enjoying immensely  ;D

in other words I'm a:

Happy Enthusiast Replying Obsessively  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 10, 2009, 12:09:42 PM
Pretty accurate for most of us here I think.  ::)

I realised that I have spent more than 57 days on this forum..... that is more than 8 weeks of my life here (and that is complete 24 hour days too!  :o).  Quite scary really.  And that is with a few months break at various times when I have been too busy to get here very often.  Addicted is probably about the best term for it. ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on July 10, 2009, 12:55:54 PM
I think it takes 750 posts to become a 'Hero'...
I wonder what that makes Paul wit 4600 odd posts ???  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 10, 2009, 01:13:11 PM

A rather sad and sorry individual who has no life in the outside world!  :o ;D

Or the simpler version..... it makes Paul with 4600 odd posts ==> a person who talks too much! ::)

And I'm sure that many here would agree with the "odd" description being applied to my posts. ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 10, 2009, 01:43:30 PM
Paul and Luc, thanks for you amusing comments below is a selection of how you could be defined - me, I'm sticking to Hero Sandwich:  at sea -sandwiched between the professionals!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ??? ;D ;D ;D ::) ;D ;D ;D :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 10, 2009, 02:19:39 PM
I'm so happy you are pleased with your hero status, Robin.... as Luc says, that is awarded for 750 posts..... have you seen that you have also been awarded your own Forum title, too.......... ::) ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 10, 2009, 05:38:19 PM
We have had a red letter day here today.

With the dreadful economic situation and government cutbacks my son was made redundant from his job in June - along with seven others in his school. He began applying for positions in other schools  immediately, was called for interview on Wednesday and was told today that he had been successful. We are thrilled and delighted - and very relieved (he might have suggested moving back home)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 10, 2009, 06:07:40 PM
That is really wonderful news, Paddy, congratulations to your son to have come through such a difficult time  :)  I assume he is a teacher and am doubly delighted that he is back in business as we so desperately need to attract young people into teaching.

We have had a similar situation with other son over the past few months and it is very nerve wracking in the current climate; however well qualified they are and however hard they have worked. Thankfully we have just had good news too - so that makes two families 'so happy' today  ;D

I hope that all the other young people who find themselves in this situation are not despondent - it's particularly hard for those starting on a career when being accepted as part of society and feeling you are contributing is key to how you view working life.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 10, 2009, 06:11:10 PM
Thank you Maggi, I am very thrilled - I shall have to live up to my title now  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 10, 2009, 07:11:53 PM
Thank you, Robin, and delighted to hear your own good news.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 11, 2009, 12:21:14 AM
So good to hear happy family news from Paddy and Robin.
 I hope we soon hear that Mark has found another job .... or else all of Antrim will disappear under new troughs! I'd like to learn that  Paul will get another contract for the ANBG too.......velvet cloaks being so expensive and all..... ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 11, 2009, 05:06:38 AM

So would I.  Won't hear anything until at least the end of August at the earliest, I would imagine, and then contract might not be until December.  If I have another job before I hear from them (have been applying for a couple and dropping resume in at other places) I will be in a quandry.  I don't like to chop and change jobs, so I would probably stick with someone who has given me a job, rather than dropping that and going back to the Bot Gdns until next June when I would be in the same boat again.  ::)  Unforunately contracts seem to be the way people are going now, which makes life difficult at the end of each one. :'(

Congrats to those here who are reporting family members getting jobs.  Not much fun not having one when you want to work, that is for sure. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 11, 2009, 09:42:17 PM
We have had a day of the most torrential rain. A wheelbarrow left close to the back door had about 10 cm of rainwater in it after the day. Despite the rain I went for a walk, came back soaked to the skin and have spent the rest of the day reading, watching television, visiting the forum, of course, and eating!

Also, I spent a little time looking at recent photographs and am posting two which I hope  may lift the mood of anyone who has had a wet day such as I have had.

The first shows the enthusiasm with which my dog, Sid, greets the game of "Fetch". He will play when it suits him but the day of the photograph was a hot one and he had more sense than I.

The second two show a raised bed which I made earlier in the year, earmarked for snowdrops on the higher side and general planting on the lower. However, Mary got in before me and planted something not usually seen in such a raised bed. View the photographs and see if you can identify her planting.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 11, 2009, 09:45:08 PM
I  don't mean to make a puzzle of the photograph and so will tell you that Mary put potatoes in my raised bed - "Harlequin Pink Fir Apple". They are just ready to be lifted but can wait a little while as we are eating "British Queens" at the moment - lovely simply boiled and served with butter with chopped applemint.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martin Baxendale on July 11, 2009, 09:45:23 PM
Spuds, Paddy? My Mum's started shoving in potato tubers here and there around the garden when there are a few left over that we couldn't fit on her allotment - usually close to snowdrops to help give them a dry summer rest.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martin Baxendale on July 11, 2009, 09:46:04 PM
Rats!  You answered your own question while I was typing my answer  :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 11, 2009, 09:48:00 PM
Well, Martin, they will taste nice - even better than snowdrops!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 11, 2009, 11:34:19 PM
Well done on the job front, sons of Paddy and Robin. It is a difficult time for so many people. Our govt having promised not to cut frontline staff in any department, has set about doing just that in many areas such as social welfare, policing and others. Plain crazy. Funny, it's never the bean counters or the managers who get the chop. I especially feel for those men and women who are in their 50s and 60s, too young and not sufficiently secure to retire yet in many cases but deemed too old to get another job, often in another field from what they're experienced in. It really stinks. Best wishes Paul for your hunt, and to Mark too.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 12, 2009, 01:06:45 AM
I'm so happy.... that the English Test Cricket team is praying for rain!!  ;D ;D ;)

I SO hope they don't get it. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 12, 2009, 10:02:36 AM
They got it, but later than they wanted it! They played, to quote the bard!, like a man without legs in an ar*e kicking contest.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 12, 2009, 10:44:31 AM
Yes David, but what till today bring rain-wise?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Eric Locke on July 12, 2009, 09:31:23 PM

I would be so happy when the cricket season ends. ;D ;D ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 12, 2009, 10:00:16 PM
Only to those who aren't passionate about it Eric.  ;D Now as for football (soccer)!!! ::)

Seems the UK or at least that part of it in the south west, is enjoying a rare spell of fine weather. What a pity. 8) 8) 8)

Our cricketers will meet the Aussies soon. We may as well concede before it all begins and save the humiliation. ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 12, 2009, 10:02:15 PM
Vicious frost this morning. Ice on the INSIDES of the windows. Oh for double-glazing.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 12, 2009, 10:46:59 PM
Good on the English for holding on to the end for a draw!  Well done!

I find soccer (football) about as interesting as paint drying.... can't understand why so many 100 million dollars is wasted on a single player.  Talk about a waste of money!  :o  BUT, each to his own and I can accept that others like it.  ;D  Boring place if we all liked everything exactly the same. ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 12, 2009, 11:32:03 PM
Hmmm... having seen some of the news reports now of the time wasting that took place (including bringing the team physio on to waste time, when there was no-one there needing any help  ???).... I am perhaps a little less congratulatory of the English cricket team for holding on.  Sounds like it was those methods that saved them, rather than proper cricket.  A shame really, as I had thought it was just the "tail wagging" which I think is always brilliant (particularly with how poorly the upper order did in this case... so often the lower order show them how it should be done!  ;D).

Congrats to those in the team who did stick to the spirit of the game though.  Well done to you guys! 8)

Yes, this is not a "I'm so happy", but I started it here so I figured it shouldn't be taken to another topic mid-discussion.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 13, 2009, 12:23:32 AM
Might as well get the rest of the sport out of the way.......  ;)

Yay to Mark Webber.  SO nice to see an Aussie win a Formula One Grand Prix.  First time since 1981.  And he comes from Queanbeyan, which is adjacent to Canberra (just over the border in New South Wales), so he's a local.  Go Mark!!  Congratulations!

OK, I'll stop being happy about sport how, well at least vocally anyway.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on July 13, 2009, 08:57:28 AM
Vicious frost this morning. Ice on the INSIDES of the windows. Oh for double-glazing.
We call them "Isblommor" = Ice flowers. Ice ferns would be a better word.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 13, 2009, 10:17:39 AM
If that is the way the England team are going to play the game I can only hope that the Aussies secure full retribution and beat us 5-0!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 13, 2009, 10:27:29 AM
The Aussies can't win 5-0 .... the first was a draw. But I'd still be quite happy with 4-0 ;D  Heck, 1-0 at the end would be good enough!  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on July 13, 2009, 12:04:30 PM
Good to see ladybugs are thriving.

Now that's a swarm. See the video. (

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 13, 2009, 12:54:12 PM
The Aussies can't win 5-0 .... the first was a draw. But I'd still be quite happy with 4-0 ;D  Heck, 1-0 at the end would be good enough!  ;)

Maths was never my strong point ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Brian Ellis on July 13, 2009, 01:19:40 PM
Amazing Video John, I'm glad we haven't got quite so many!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on July 14, 2009, 08:07:59 AM
"Who said this Ashes series could never reproduce the drama of 2005" - "England's nail biting last-wicket draw in Cardiff"
These are quotes fom an English newspaper yesterday. If cricket is becoming as exciting as this I might just set up tiered seating round a Cardiochrinum for a year or two.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 14, 2009, 10:06:49 AM
........... and you a Yorkshireman David? :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on July 14, 2009, 10:58:30 AM
David, in my day cricket WAS exciting - Trueman, Boycott et al not to mentian Parky shooting his mouth off.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 14, 2009, 01:00:08 PM
David, in my day cricket WAS exciting - Trueman, Boycott et al not to mentian Parky shooting his mouth off.

Ah, the greats I would add Brian Close, and one before my time David, (and possibly yours too ;D  ) George Herbert Hirst. I long since ex-communicated Parky from my list of great Yorkshiremen on the grounds that no true Yorkie would pronounce castle as ca(r)stle, and went to the movies rather than "the pictures" :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 14, 2009, 01:09:05 PM
Oh no, we've degenerated into the infamous.... "back when I was a boy" conversations.  :o :o :o :o :o  We've hit rock bottom.  ;) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 14, 2009, 02:03:45 PM
Paul, degeneration is good for the soul ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on July 14, 2009, 02:37:10 PM
I suppose that you choose not to remember England winning the ashes 'when I was a boy', Paul. Yes, it was one of the FEW times that they did.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 14, 2009, 11:41:47 PM

I have trouble remembering last week at times, let alone when I was a boy. :o  And I'm "only" 40, so that doesn't bode well for the future. :'(  Ah well, I'm sure it will... er, I'm sorry, what was I saying again? ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on July 16, 2009, 02:33:43 AM
This afternoon there was a fascinating interview with the Scottish writer Jackie Kay on the CBC's Writer's & Company: Scotland’s New Century.   You can listen to the whole interview at ( by clicking the conversation button midway down the page.

Kay reads her poem "Old Tongue" near the end, worth a listen. ;D


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 17, 2009, 06:12:39 PM
We all hope to be happy with good weather this Weekend for the Tour de France to pass through Martigny on Sunday - thank goodness it wasn't today they would have been drowned out  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 17, 2009, 06:45:42 PM
Poor souls on Le Tour have had a very wet day into Colmar, Robin.... must be truly miserable to ride in these conditions. 
Will you go out to see them at Martigny?  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 19, 2009, 04:21:52 PM
Yes Maggi, just been down to the bottom of the mountain to see the Tour de France flash by in to Martigny - lots of people on the roadside to wave them on cheering, a great atmosphere and a few photos in sunny weather but not too hot weather (luckily) Hope you enjoy them  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 19, 2009, 05:09:14 PM
Hey! That's great!!  And you get a second chance to see them on Tuesday, when the race begins again in Martigny a fter the rest day......... I wish I could whizz out there!!
So exciting when the peleton rushes past at speed ..... just love it! 
I feel very guilty about so enjoying the racing when a poor woman was killed yesterday by a police motorcycle, and two others hurt too, as the caravan of sponsors went along....  :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 19, 2009, 05:26:25 PM
You've done really well with capturing tha great peleton shot # 6, Robin, you've caught Ballan, the world road champion; the Yellow jersey, Nocentini;  the polka dot jersey; 192 is one of the only two japanese riders in the tour; Julin Dean, Lance Armstrong, Marcel Bruseghin, Leonargo Duque, Mark Cavendish,  oh, heaps of riders I recognise!! Thanks!! :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 19, 2009, 05:46:08 PM
Glad you enjoyed the shots Maggi - all over in a split second but what an adrenaline rush with the helicopter over head and the buzz of the crowd - I can quite see how someone could get hurt or worse people lunging in to the road to photograph and newspaper flying across that we managed to catch (could have wrapped round someone's face or got caught in the bike) The Dutch contestant had an accident and took another 30 mins to come through he may not be able to go on (Dutch supporters who live close by are in photo 7)  Apparently 1,000's of people have descended on Martigny and the road to Verbier is closed with people camping on the road edge over the next 2 days....very dramatic for sleepy old Martigny!!!! 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 20, 2009, 11:11:25 PM
I watched the end of the test match this morning. ;D Hedley Verity is no longer the last cricketer to bowl England to glory against the Aussies at Lords.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 20, 2009, 11:53:24 PM
It was a good match, only marred by some of the umpiring decisions right at the beginning of the Aussie second innings (first one caught off a clear no-ball, second catch clearly touched the ground ::)).  Only things that damaged the match.  Was a good fight back after that start for the Aussies in the second innings, which by the end of the fourth day left the match still open for a win by either side, instead of a forgone conclusion.  Great stuff.  8)  I hope the rest of the matches are close too.  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 21, 2009, 08:02:53 PM
I hope you aren't whingeing Paul? ;) I'm trying to find a suitable cap to wear on my doggie walks. A harlequin cricket cap would be just the ticket, if I could find one?!! :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on July 21, 2009, 08:38:30 PM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 21, 2009, 08:43:33 PM
Well I'm very pleased to hear that Carlo, when is the happy day to take place and what is her name?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 21, 2009, 08:49:42 PM
EEEEEKKK!! AH HA!! It's Sharon, isn't it... it's Sharon........ WowowEEEEEE!!!!  8) 8)[attach=1]



that is great news......

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 21, 2009, 09:25:03 PM
Hey, Hey, Carlo.

Congratulations and best wishes.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 21, 2009, 11:27:19 PM
Congratulations Carlo.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ian mcenery on July 22, 2009, 03:16:47 PM
Well done Carlo  8)

Congratulations and best wishes to you both

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 22, 2009, 04:09:23 PM
Many's great to hear good news :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on July 23, 2009, 03:23:29 AM
Magnificent news, Carlo ... hearty congratulations to you both.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on July 23, 2009, 03:12:04 PM
Thanks is indeed Sharon, as Maggi surmised (Ian met her at the Portland NARGS meeting). No date yet, but we are very happy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on July 23, 2009, 03:29:36 PM
Carlo, Sharon, this is lovely news - our fondest best wishes to you for a wonderful future !  :-*

Yes, Ian had the good fortune to meet Sharon, so, while I haven't had that luck, I can pass on that this lady is delightful  and Carlo is a lucky chap indeed.  
Ian says that Sharon showed every sign of being sound in wind and limb, so it must be one of those extraordinary freaks of romance that she is having anything to do with the orchid-loving Blogger from NY, but there you go!!   :o
Now, you both know I'm kidding here, right, LoveBirds??   ::) :-* ;D :-*

We send you this, Sharon and Carlo.........
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 29, 2009, 04:40:21 PM
oooOOOOOO I'm so happy with my new camera a Canon SX1 - the zoom is so much better, the Macro is terrific, the resolution is crisper and it has HD video!!!!!!!  I can't wait to explore with it but this is my first attempt at a Macro (which I'm not so happy with) but I hope I will get better  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on July 29, 2009, 05:02:42 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of macro, Robin ... your image is beautiful.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 29, 2009, 09:31:05 PM
Thanks for your Macro approval Cliff - spurs me on  ;D 

Not the same game as a reflex camera I know but it's great to be able to catch things on the fly with my digital upgrade!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 29, 2009, 10:23:52 PM
Looking good, Robin.

You may well find it is addictive - but then, there is an appreciate audience here for good photographs

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 29, 2009, 10:30:58 PM
Thanks Paddy, it's great to see so many amazing photographs of plants and creatures shot in such varying styles and from different points of view  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 30, 2009, 09:39:21 AM
Your beetle is one of several wasp mimics Robin. It is Strangalia sp.; possibly S. maculata? It's a 'longhorn' beetle (Cerambycidae) and its larvae feed in rotting deciduous tree stumps. It is widespread in Britain. Excellent photo.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 30, 2009, 12:09:10 PM
Great to put a name to the beetle Anthony, thanks so much for the ID and info - there are lots of beetles of all shapes and sizes on the flat heads of the meadow Achillea and now that Leucanthemums have started flowering I am looking to see what they will attract!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: tonyg on July 30, 2009, 03:58:27 PM
Oh YES! Robin - I had not liked to suggest that a better camera would open up new opportunities ;)  Looking forward to even better in-situ reporting :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 30, 2009, 06:02:06 PM
Well it will take me a while to reach the dizzy heights of yours and Cliff's postings but it's worth the challenge  ;D ;D ;D

                                      ;D Z   Z :P
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Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 30, 2009, 09:43:08 PM
That's easy for you to say Robin.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 30, 2009, 10:36:18 PM
Well I can't blame the camera if things don't work out, Anthony  ::) :) 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 30, 2009, 10:37:54 PM
True, but I was trying to read the up and down message. :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 31, 2009, 12:06:15 AM

I was just thinking how much time it must have taken to put that message together..... and the thought process that lead to all that work going into it in the first place.  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 31, 2009, 06:07:46 AM
I've got at least a month of work starting on Monday.  It's a good start.  I am hoping all will go well.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 31, 2009, 08:15:57 AM
I've got at least a month of work starting on Monday.  It's a good start.  I am hoping all will go well.  ;D

Wonderful news, Paul, I am really happy for you - good luck in the beginning of your new venture  :) :) :) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on July 31, 2009, 08:17:56 AM
True, but I was trying to read the up and down message. :o

It's a well known quote of caution  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on July 31, 2009, 09:11:33 AM
I've got at least a month of work starting on Monday.  It's a good start.  I am hoping all will go well.  ;D

Well done Paul, is this at the Botanical garden?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on July 31, 2009, 09:37:38 AM
Nope, it isn't.  I f I got another contract with them it would likely be until the end of the financial year, and it wouldn't start until at the very least September, probably not until closer to Christmas.  I'll actually be doing grounds maintenance at a large institution, not far from the Bot Gdns as it happens.  It is horticultural work, and that is the main thing.  And money of course!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on July 31, 2009, 04:22:17 PM
Not quite a moan or something to be happy about but just had travellers/gipsies come to ask to re lay or clean the paving out the back. He said he'll lift the blocks, treat them to stop moss and relay them properly to stop the weeds!! I said I'm happy with the blocks and I hit the weeds with Roundup when they show. He said "you should have used Ron Sealer. It will kill the weeds to their roots"
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 31, 2009, 06:02:06 PM
.....or perhaps for the bigger weeds Ron Whaler? ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 31, 2009, 09:25:17 PM
 ;D, not so much a grin as a snigger.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on July 31, 2009, 10:37:06 PM
he was so confident when he told me.

Now, either they are stupid or they think I'm stupid. The same van came by an hour after the first request except the first guy was driving this time. Conversions goes like this.
"Would you like your walls jet washed".
"No thanks".
"Would you like your roof jet washed"
"No thanks"
"We use the best chemicals to make the walls and roof water proof. It will stop moss coming back"
"That's lichen on my roof"
"I do roofs every day and that's moss. It will let water in"
"I'm not interested please leave"
"We will do the roof, walls and drive for £300"
"Please leave"
"Thanks for your time, sir"
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on July 31, 2009, 11:24:30 PM
We have a dog which frightens the life out of anyone who calls to the house - the postman will not get out of the van without the shaft of a golf club in his hand. So, when someone calls whom we have no interest in speaking to we simply leave the dog out. They never get out of their cars and so never get to call to the door at all.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on July 31, 2009, 11:46:04 PM
Mmm! Not like Heidi then? Our postie is on first name terms and has a bag of treats.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 01, 2009, 07:38:24 AM
Dogs have a phenomenal memory for where treats come from - we have a bowl above the fireplace that only has mini bisciuit bones in it a Christmas and Jazzy still hope it might be full  :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 03, 2009, 11:16:14 PM
Yes! I'm so happy....we had the very great pleasure to meet today one of our Russian Forumists, Olegkon..... Oleg Kononovich  ( dubbed the "onion farmer to the forum" because he was one of the first great Allium fans here) who is visiting Scotland at the moment.
more here:
A real delight to meet Oleg in person and be able to show him our garden..... and, oh joy! .... it was a really lovely warm and sunny day so the pleasure was even greater!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 11, 2009, 07:50:21 PM
Today I gave notice that I am retiring from work; 36 years completed, 55 years of age; black dog on my back but the future is mine.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 11, 2009, 08:07:10 PM
Paddy, I don't think that I am alone in wishing you a much happier future.  I hope that with your new found freedom that "black dog" of depression will soon be walking by your side, with your faithfull four -legged companion, and not blighting your existence.

 Here's to the future!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on August 11, 2009, 08:14:45 PM
Well done Paddy. As I always say about retirement-the hours are fantastic but the monies not quite as good! I'm sure you have lots of interests that will keep you busy and you will join those of us who say that they don't know how they found time to work. You will probably find that you continue to work in the garden at exactly the same pace you worked when you had to work as well; and you will also find that just as you never caught up before, you will never catch up again ;D

Oh! and I can recommend days out with Mary every Wednesday. Get over the past and look to the future.

All the very best to you.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 11, 2009, 08:24:10 PM
Congratulations on a new chance to do something you want to do and hopefully that will include loads more postings on the Forum as I for one really enjoy chance for the weeds in the garden then  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on August 11, 2009, 09:10:04 PM
Brilliant Paddy, I'm jealous. I'm also've got me thinking....but I fear I'll have to hang on for a year or two.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Carlo on August 11, 2009, 09:27:59 PM
Well, 51 here...and I'll be at it for a long time. I'm jealous Paddy. But at the same time thrilled for you. Like myself, I'm sure you have a list of projects and things to do, places to go, things to see, that you haven't been able to get to. ENJOY (for both of us...).
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 11, 2009, 09:44:34 PM
The BD had to give up his family business and retire at the age of 49 because of ill health...... not an easy decision and a struggle to manage untill he could take a pension in the last couple of years.... but his health is better, for the most part . Without health  nothing is fun or worthwhile, so best wishes to all you folks for a long and happy retirement whenever it comes to you..... :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on August 11, 2009, 09:46:03 PM
Congratulations, Paddy, I hope your notice isn't too long.
One thing about retirement I have noticed is that suddenly the days have less hours and it always seems to be Friday. ???

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 11, 2009, 09:52:05 PM
Without health  nothing is fun or worthwhile...

Here, here, Maggi, and this Forum encourages a healthy state of mind with plenty of fun and worthwhile postings!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 11, 2009, 09:58:55 PM
Without health  nothing is fun or worthwhile...

Here, here, Maggi, and this Forum encourages a healthy state of mind with plenty of fun and worthwhile postings!  ;D

 Well, I hope so.... I have heard it said that we are all as mad as a box of frogs.... but so long as we are all enjoying the plants, who cares?!  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 11, 2009, 10:12:55 PM
Exactly just so long as no one gets hopping mad everything is hunky dory   :o  ;D  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 11, 2009, 10:16:48 PM
Paddy, I too wish you a long and happy retirement, doing what you want to do and enjoying every minute of it. If I could remember it I'd wish you that Irish blessing...May the wind be always at your know the one I mean. Very best wishes, anyway.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Brian Ellis on August 12, 2009, 07:18:29 AM
I add my good wishes Paddy, a friend of ours was asked how long it took to get used to retirement, his answer was "About four and a half seconds".  I know your circumstances are different, it took me nearly two years before my work ethic became weak enough to enjoy my enforced early retirement, I hope that you are able to put it all behind you and enjoy your retirement with vigour ;)  All best wishes
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: KentGardener on August 12, 2009, 07:34:10 AM
Congratulations Paddy - I am very envious - only 18 years until I can retire.   :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on August 12, 2009, 07:49:02 AM
Congratulations Paddy.  Well done on making such a big decision and being in the position to be able to act on it.  8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on August 12, 2009, 07:52:30 AM
Retirement is the best thing since sliced bread. I have not given my previous work a thought since I walked out of the door last September, and that was after 25 years. I have certainly never been back to visit. I do disagree with David N about the hours though, retirement is an eighteen hour a day, seven day a week job and I still don't manage to fit everything in that I want to ;D. It's great fun though.
Enjoy, Paddy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on August 12, 2009, 08:09:35 AM
I'd like to add my best wishes and congratulations for reaching this stage in life !  I'm sure you will find far too many things to do... and days will seem too short !!
Your garden awaits you !
All the best.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: JohnnyD on August 12, 2009, 08:19:25 AM
I am totally jealous Paddy.
At 68 you would think that retirement would be a distant memory but no!
My son and I are partners and whenever I suggest retirement all I get is "Dream on Dad" :-\

I wish you all the best Paddy, and many happy years to come.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: JohnnyD on August 12, 2009, 08:20:29 AM
p.s. - on second thoughts, perhaps I should have posted under Moan,Moan,Moan....... ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 12, 2009, 08:29:01 AM
The thing about the word 'retirement' is that it implies sitting round and putting your feet up    ::)   whereas in effect days whizz by and your feet never touch the ground  :o 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 12, 2009, 08:47:32 AM
Many thanks for all the good wishes.

I have handed in my notice and my retirment date is 30th of November coming. However, I won't be in work in the meantime. I have been out of work on sick leave since February last and will continue on sick leave until November. In a way I have retired already but I haven't left it behind me. Up to recently I had hoped to return to work and continue until I was 60. Health, and doctors' advice, determined that it would be different but I am now settled to this decision though there is a little upset that it is a decision which was foisted upon me rather than one I could take in my own time. This time of absence from work has given me a fair taste of what retirement might be like and I can state that it has been far better than being in work. So, I am looking forward rather than looking back.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on August 12, 2009, 09:22:21 AM
Good Luck Paddy.
I am some years your senior and I recall my old professor who at about my present age said.
"I work whenever I get a few free minutes".
As a young student I found it a good joke. Today I know that it is the harsh reality. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ashley on August 12, 2009, 12:24:53 PM
All the very best Paddy, and to Mary who has presumably adjusted to having you 'under her feet' :)

'See you both on 24th September?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 12, 2009, 01:12:00 PM

Will have to check what's on but most likely will be there - now that I have time for these things.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 13, 2009, 07:07:15 PM
Have a good time Paddy ;D
Do you have plan to visit all the forumers gardens??
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 13, 2009, 08:05:15 PM
Have a good time Paddy ;D
Do you have plan to visit all the forumers gardens??

Now, there's an idea!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 13, 2009, 08:10:31 PM
Would be an interesting adventure  ;D take pics  ::) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on August 13, 2009, 08:12:19 PM
You can come here. We don't charge but a voluntary two hours of weeding is customary!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 13, 2009, 08:12:36 PM
It is a fine idea, Erika  8) :D ..... there would be a book in that, as well, don't you  think, Paddy?
 Something along the line of "around the world in eighty days" ....... though I think it would be a much longer project.... there are SO many forumists...... and could your system take all that cake?  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 13, 2009, 08:20:41 PM
if only the cakes!! He has to taste my husband"s wine as wwell and I made house made liquers ::) so poor Paddy may write a excited article about my garden :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 13, 2009, 08:25:46 PM
Oh, I think I could bring myself to test all the cakes, taste all the wine and liquers, even do a bit of weeding. It would be a most interesting adventure.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 13, 2009, 08:27:20 PM
Do it!
Let me know in time!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 13, 2009, 08:27:47 PM
if only the cakes!! He has to taste my husband"s wine as wwell and I made house made liquers ::) so poor Paddy may write a excited article about my garden :D

Oh, Erika, I think Paddy is too hopeful.....
after all that food and drink, Paddy.... would you really  be able to write anything at all, or even hold a pen?  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 13, 2009, 08:37:50 PM
use dictaphone ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 13, 2009, 08:52:21 PM
use dictaphone ::)

 Clever answer!!  8) :D ;) :) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 13, 2009, 09:23:55 PM
Bring camera/sound crew and enjoy life.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on August 13, 2009, 09:43:43 PM
Use a what ta phone? ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 13, 2009, 09:51:47 PM
Reviewing Arykana's recipes, I think my first visit will be to her.
[Sorry, I'll have to start calling you "Erika".]

Go to Cook's Corner to see exc recipe for plums, my favourite plum recipe and enjoyed this evening.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 13, 2009, 09:55:23 PM
Anthony! Behave yourself!

Paddy, I've just been reading your plum recipe, which sounds scrummy.... my problem is that I am so greedy with good fruit and veg that I scoff the lot fresh/raw and it never gets the length of being cooked.  :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on August 13, 2009, 09:59:02 PM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on August 14, 2009, 07:19:13 AM

[Sorry, I'll have to start calling you "Erika".]

just drop me amail:-))
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on August 16, 2009, 10:54:56 AM
Another message bursting with good wishes for your retirement Paddy! As one who took the early retirement option when it was offered I can vouch for the beneficial impact it will have on your life - freedom from stress, an escape from the rat-race, time for contemplation, babysitting, childminding, ironing, washing, cooking, cleaning, chauffering, weekly shopping, D.I.Y., etc, etc.
Good luck with all your plans and intentions sir ... it takes a strong minded individual to REALLY enjoy retirement!   :D 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 16, 2009, 09:49:17 PM
Well over a year ago I sowed some seed of Epimedium hybrids, kindly sent to me from Scandinavia. I was a little disappointed though that only one germinated, last spring. So I was so happy to see a few days ago, that heaps more had appeared over one night (the original on the lower right) and within two days they are putting up new, true leaves. There are over 50.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 16, 2009, 09:51:54 PM
Ah, Lesley, the simple joys are hard to beat.

Cliff, thanks for your comment. I will certainly do my best to enjoy retirement.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on August 16, 2009, 11:33:21 PM

Patience really is a necessity when it comes to seed isn't it.  I received a few different collections of Cyclamen repandum 4 years ago from a forum member.  I had one or two germinate the first year in each pot, a couple more the second year, and still more coming up this year.  I expect a few flowers from the oldest one this year, but I am not game to touch the pots because more keep germinating.  They're just going to have to live with the competition for a while.  Good luck with the Epimediums.  They're something I've never grown from seed.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 17, 2009, 10:11:55 AM
Congratulations Lesley on your seedling success - with so many little seedllngs when will big seedling have to move out  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 18, 2009, 09:54:08 PM
When the little ones are a little bigger, I'll pot up the whole lot individually.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 19, 2009, 01:57:54 PM
Tomorrow we're off for a break in Italy - who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 19, 2009, 02:34:14 PM
Nice to see Jazzy getting into the Italian spirit of things in preparation for the break..... have fun!

Don't suppose she'd be going if you were taking a far eastern holiday... but I'd love to see her efforts with chopsticks.... ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on August 19, 2009, 02:47:04 PM
Obviously not pasta his best, Robin ... have a wonderful time!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on August 19, 2009, 03:19:49 PM
Buon viaggio Signora Robin !   8)

Now, this is as far as my Italian reaches... provided it's correct..  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 19, 2009, 06:19:32 PM
e perfetto Luc, molto gentile di voi, arrivederci   ;)

Thanks Maggi and Cliff I'll be taking my camera and hoping to catch some Mediterranean flora and fauna  ;)

Gosh I'm slow only just twigged the pasta joke Cliff - love it  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 19, 2009, 09:12:27 PM

Enjoy the trip and I look forward to the photographs.

One thing which we recall with amusement about our first holiday in Italy, it was when John was about 12 years old, was the attitude to children having wine/coffee with dinner.

There was never an eyebrow raised when John had wine with his dinner, indeed it was simply taken for granted. However, when he asked for coffee afterwards, as he normally would,  the waiter looked at us as if we were allowing our child to be abused, even calling other waiters to see the child who was being allowed to have coffee. We found it hilarious. He got his coffee and then, in what was to us a peculiar contradiction, was offerered a little taste of grappa - again without a blink of an eye. Funny how we differ one country to another over quite simple things.

Enjoy, Paddy
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 19, 2009, 09:29:50 PM
Thanks for you good wishes Paddy!

We are so looking forward to this break - we love Italy and, as you say in your amusing tale, the Italian way of life which has no rhyme or reason but is throughly enjoyable if you go with the flow!  The internet there, amongst other things, works on a wing and a prayer but the friendliness and generosity of the local people makes up for every peculiarity  :o

Best of all Richard (our son) is joining us there for a break between jobs, we last saw him at Christmas  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on August 19, 2009, 09:41:11 PM
Tomorrow we're off for a break in Italy - who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks  :D
Nice Weimaraner. Heidi is out of sorts as she is in season again - 4 months since her first! :-\ Doesn't stop her tearing up the sodden grass in the local park doing doggy handbrake turns at great speed! :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on August 19, 2009, 10:29:52 PM
Living with Weimaraners can be very entertaining, you never quite no what will happen next!  Heidi sounds full of energy Anthony - she is a great companion too it seems   ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on August 19, 2009, 10:35:25 PM
It is amazing how quickly she learned not to go onto the flower beds. :) I wish the children could have learned  the meaning of the word "no"! ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on August 20, 2009, 05:36:48 PM
A new issue of the RHS magazine, "The Garden" arrived today and I see there is an article about Crocosmia.... featuring lots of great varieties , described by "Mr Crocosmia", Mark Fox. Hast ye back to the Forum, Mark! 

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on August 20, 2009, 05:47:04 PM
I've just been looking at it also.

Anyone see 'our' Jo Hynes on TV this afternoon? She was on the BBCs 'Open Gardens' where she had to decide if a garden was good enough to go in the yellow book. She said ....
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 20, 2009, 05:52:50 PM

Spotted Jo in some of the previous programmes.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on August 20, 2009, 08:28:49 PM
Well .... I didnt watch the programme until now and although she is in the trailer she wasnt on this programme. Only 22 programmes to choose from.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on August 26, 2009, 08:35:01 AM
The Seed Season has started again! Received my allocation from NZAGS this morning! Time to get ready for labelling, potting, sowing and of course, getting donations ready to send overseas!
PS if Will was a member of the Forum he'd be posting this under the "Moan, Moan, Moan...." thread!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on August 29, 2009, 06:54:19 PM
Today we ran a small stand at Inverness Horticultural Society Show, our purpose being to support a neighbouring society and to promote the Highland Rock Garden Club and the SRGC. Carol did the mandatory trough demonstration in half an hour whilst I manned the stand. It is the wrong time of year for our plants and, thank God, we didn't take any of our vegetables to show (the shame of it!). We spoke to large number of people and managed to sell enough seeds and bulbs to cover our small petrol costs.
The show seemed to be quite successful as they took about £700 on the door. I thought that admission was high at £2.50, and that did not include tea, but plenty of people came along.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on August 29, 2009, 06:58:00 PM
£2.50 does sound a bit steep. I know we're only a village but...we only charge 20p to get in. Then we try to get £1 off you for raffle tickets, Tombola tickets, plant sales, tea & cakes, auction, etc
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on August 29, 2009, 07:34:54 PM
. . . Inverness Horticultural Society Show . . . admission was high at £2.50, and that did not include tea, but plenty of people came along.

Our local RG society, VIRAGS, decided some years ago to stop having a fixed admission fee to our annual spring show. It's now "admission by donation". We actually take in considerably more money in admissions than we ever did with fixed-price entry.

Used to be that we sent out tickets for members to sell and the bookkeeping that ensued was a nightmare for the treasurer. Now life is simpler, plus the system works with electronic delivery of the newsletter, plus we make more money. This is called win-win-win.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on August 29, 2009, 09:59:38 PM
This shows a great leap of faith by your committee, Rodger, to go to 'entry by donation'. As Show Secretary of Highland RGC youhave started me thinking but it is a very scary thought.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on August 30, 2009, 06:55:01 AM
Our local horticultural society doesn't charge at all for entry to our shows (be it donations or otherwise).  We make our money from the plant sales table.... the entry charges didn't add up to much.  Members and those putting in entries used to get in free, and they are the majority of the people who come to the show anyway.  I think that people like not having to pay entry to a show, and then tend to be more likely to spend that money on plants/devonshire tea etc. anyway.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 30, 2009, 09:30:19 PM
A lot of groups here have a gold coin donation for entry, $1 or $2 and it works very well, many people choosing to give the $2 coin. At our Farmers' Market, we have access to Cadbury's carpark across the road and Cadbury's staff donate their time each Sat morning to man it and take gold coin entry fee. So far this year they have taken about $40,000 all of which goes to a kids' cancer charity.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on September 02, 2009, 04:50:51 PM
Our local AGS Group meeting tonight if I can swim there (see Weather thread!!) and Wol Staines is speaking. I have it on good authority that he is bringing some snowdrops to sell as well ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on September 02, 2009, 05:03:59 PM
Worth the effort of getting into the wet suit and flippers then David!
Give Wol our regards, please.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on September 02, 2009, 06:59:42 PM

Just back from a swim, in the rain, waves of about two metres with a difference between high and low at the steps into the water of about three metres, big rise and fall. No trouble while in the water but difficult enought to get out again.

I'd risk it.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on September 03, 2009, 02:41:21 AM
I'm so happy!

My decision to contribute seeds to the exchanges this year, for the first time in quite a long while, has led me to keep on eye on plants that otherwise get ignored. Today I was able to harvest ripe berries from Arum nigrum, Caulophyllum thalictroides and, surprisingly, Viburnum opulus 'Nana'.

The arum is one of those garden mysteries never planted but thriving nonetheless. I suspect it arrived either in the pot with, or in lieu of, a pinellia I planted in that area some 12 years ago. It is thanks to these forums that I finally have its identity nailed down: ever since it started to flower, it was my "very stinky small aroid".

I've had the caulophyllum the same length of time, having bought all sorts of treasures from Thimble Farms in 1997 when I began to visit Saltspring Island regularly. Somewhere I have a rather funny picture of myself waiting at the ferry dock with two large paper shopping bags (the kind with handles) full of plants, the leaves of Rheum tanguticum 'Red Select' poking out and looking like some Swiss chard on steroids.

The viburnum berries are a total surprise as that cultivar is notoriously sterile. It remains to be seen if the seeds are viable.

Sadly, only the arum is going to the exchange; there were only nine berries left on the caulophyllum, and I'm too interested in whether the virburnum seeds will grow to spare any - and there aren't many anyway,

Fun and games! I'm so happy!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on September 03, 2009, 08:30:02 AM
Our local AGS Group meeting tonight if I can swim there (see Weather thread!!) and Wol Staines is speaking. I have it on good authority that he is bringing some snowdrops to sell as well ;D

I hope you were careful David  :o
You might be spared from the swine flue, but don't forget, white fever is never far away...  :o ::) :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on September 03, 2009, 01:33:06 PM
 :D :D ;D  I am ready for my exhibiton!!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D now, I can paint somthing for my pleasure  ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on September 03, 2009, 01:56:28 PM
Erika, there is a great sense of relief when one has finished all the preparations for any task, isn't there?
 Good that you can now relax and make your paintings purely for your own pleasure!
Hope the exhibition is well received  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 03, 2009, 03:06:51 PM
Good luck Erika, I hope the exhibition goes well - are you selling as well as exhibiting?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on September 03, 2009, 04:53:16 PM
Thank you for the good wishes!!
Yes, I am selling, indeed 4 already sold ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on September 03, 2009, 08:05:22 PM
Our local AGS Group meeting tonight if I can swim there (see Weather thread!!) and Wol Staines is speaking. I have it on good authority that he is bringing some snowdrops to sell as well ;D

You might be spared from the swine flue, but don't forget, white fever is never far away...  :o ::) :-X

I have a slight touch of the white fever Luc! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Brian Ellis on September 04, 2009, 08:40:47 AM
I have a slight touch of the white fever Luc!

Don't be concerned David, we all survive the effects :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on September 07, 2009, 06:42:52 AM
hi, I just cannot found the right place!!
I take up some Hungarian poems in English on my site
and here is some ladscape to know better my place


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on September 11, 2009, 07:18:12 PM
Now, I know we're all familiar with the postings of our President, Ian, the Christie kind, but I am sometimes asked if our esteemed, and very popular Honorary President, Mrs Bette Ivey, follows the Forum.

Bette spends so much time out and about around the country, promoting the SRGC at every opportunity, that she has little time to spend on her computer. I am pleased to tell you that she does manage to snatch the odd day in her garden when she is at home. Our H.P. is very much a hands-on gardener; not for her the habit of only pottering daintily amongst her bulb frames, no, Bette is happy to get her hands dirty and get down to the nitty gritty of garden tasks... and to prove it, here is a photo.................................


( click the pic to enlarge)

This charming picture was just smuggled to me by a dear mutual friend, Anne Baxter. I'm naming Anne as the go-between because Bette will get to Anne to beat her with a handbag before she gets to me !!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 12, 2009, 10:57:21 PM
That's a wildly exciting hair do she has Maggi. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on September 13, 2009, 02:25:30 PM
That's a wildly exciting hair do she has Maggi. ;D

 No, No, Lesley.... that's a hat !  ::) ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on September 14, 2009, 10:50:54 AM
Bucks the current trend.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 14, 2009, 01:36:43 PM
Is it related to the Quangle Wangles's Hat?  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on September 14, 2009, 01:47:33 PM
Will have to "google" that to know for sure, Robin, but I'd say, since  the ebullient Bette is our much loved Honorary President, that it is more likely to be closer to the HP's Sauce. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 10, 2009, 09:26:32 AM
Filthy cold wet day here in Aberdeen, so I was greatly sheered by this list of mis-prints sent to me by my brother-in-law, Bill, a man who can be relied upon to share a good joke.....

 Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't  you say?  

Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter   

This one I caught the other day and called the Editorial Room and asked who wrote this.  It took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible!!!  They put in a correction the next day. 

I just couldn't help but sending this along. Too funny. 
Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says   
      No crap, really? Ya think? 

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers   
       Now that's taking things a bit far! 

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over    
       What a guy!   

Miners Refuse to Work after Death  
 No-good-for-nothing' lazy so-and-so's! 

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant   

See if that works any better than a fair trial! 

War Dims Hope for Peace   
 I can see where it might have that effect! 
If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile  

   Ya think?! 

Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures   

      Who would have thought! 

Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide  
They may be on to something!

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges   

      You mean there's something stronger than duct tape? 

Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge  
     He probably IS the battery charge! 

New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group  
Weren't they fat enough?! 

Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft 
That's what he gets for eating those beans! 
 ---------------- ---------------------------------   

Kids Make Nutritious Snacks   

       Do they taste like chicken?
Local  High School Dropouts Cut in Half    
       Chainsaw Massacre all over again! 

Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors   

       Boy, are they tall! 

And the winner is....
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead    
     Did I read that right? 

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 10, 2009, 10:05:26 AM
Wet and miserable here but with a list like that I'm smiling, neigh laughing, with all this horsing around   :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D

Mined boggling what people find when they they unearth these gems  :o :o :o ??? ??? ???

Thanks for the funny side of the day Maggi you are the life and sole of the Forum when it comes to anything fishy  8)  :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on October 10, 2009, 10:53:43 AM
I am sure a lot of people will remember the originals.

Some of the artists of the 60's are revising their hits.

They include;

Hermans Hermits - Mrs Brown you've got a lovely walker.
Bee Gees - How can you mend a broken hip?
Roberta Flack - First time ever I forgot your face.
Paul Simon - 50 ways to lose your liver.
The Commodores - Once,twice,three times to the bathroom.
Marvin Gaye - Heard it through the hearing aid.
Procol Harem - A whiter shade of hair
Leo Sayer - You make me feel like napping.
The Temptations - Pappas got a kidney stone.
Abba - Denture Queen
Helen Reddy - I am woman hear me snore.
Leslie Gore - It's my procedure and I'll cry if I want to.
     And my favourite...
Willy Nelson - On the commode again
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on October 10, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
Obviously a connoisseur of 'our' music, Art ... as was your mate Dan at the conference (Dylan and Cohen tour t-shirts displayed on the same weekend)?!!   8) :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on October 10, 2009, 06:11:43 PM
Arykana, grapes from your garden?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on October 13, 2009, 09:37:50 AM
I thought these deserved a wider airing.

"In Honour of Stupid People . . .

In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods .......

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom) -- "Do not turn upside down - (well...duh, a bit late, huh!)

On Sainsbury's peanuts -- "Warning: contains nuts." - (talk about a news flash)

On Boot's Children Cough Medicine -- "Do not drive a car or operate
machinery after taking this medication." - (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we
could just get those 5 year-olds with head-colds off those bulldozers.)

On Marks &Spencer Bread Pudding -- "Product will be hot after heating." (...and you thought????...)

On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping. (That's the only time I have to work on my hair.)

On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary.  Details inside. (the shoplifter special?)

On a bar of Dial soap -- "Directions: Use like regular soap." (and that would be???....)

On some Swanson frozen dinners -- "Serving suggestion: Defrost." (but, it's just a suggestion.)

On packaging for a Rowenta iron -- "Do not iron clothes on body." (but wouldn't this save me time?)

On Nytol Sleep Aid -- "Warning: May cause drowsiness."  (..I'm taking this because???....)

On most brands of Christmas lights -- "For indoor or outdoor use only." (as opposed to what?)

On a Japanese food processor -- "Not to be used for the other use." (now, somebody out there, help me on this. I'm a bit curious.)

On an American Airlines packet of nuts -- "Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts." (Step 3: say what?)

On a child's Superman costume -- "Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly." (I don't blame the company. I blame the parents for this one.)

On a Swedish chainsaw -- "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."  (Oh my God..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)"

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: annew on October 13, 2009, 05:33:04 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on October 13, 2009, 05:48:21 PM
Many thanks to Tony Willis for his excellent lecture; 'Two weeks in Chile' which he presented to the AGS East Lancashire Group last evening.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: annew on October 13, 2009, 05:57:32 PM
And to Cliff for his fantastic photos shown to the West Yorkshire group last Saturday!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 13, 2009, 07:02:36 PM
.... and fond thanks to Brenda and Alan Newton for taking such good care of the BD (and Trevor and Angie Jones ) when they visited for the Ponteland show and the talk Ian gave to their Group yesterday..... and for sending me a goody bag from the Best Butcher in the country!!   ;D 8) 8) 8) ::) ;D 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on October 13, 2009, 09:59:17 PM
And to Cliff for his fantastic photos shown to the West Yorkshire group last Saturday!

Many thanks Anne ... and congratulations on winning best exhibit at the show held on the same day!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 13, 2009, 11:49:59 PM
and for sending me a goody bag from the Best Butcher in the country!!   ;D 8) 8) 8) ::) ;D 8)

Chocolate coated sausages Maggi? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 14, 2009, 02:01:16 AM
Ewwwww ..... Lesley!!  :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 14, 2009, 11:14:03 AM
In my goody SRGC tote bag I had my copy of the Rock Garden 123 July 2009 waiting for the moment to be read!  Well, in a car park, whilst my other half was busy in the DIY place, with sun spilling in the window I read it from cover to cover - what a happy time was spent enjoying the articles and photography, each so different and full of information, and in particular to already have some idea of who all these wonderful Forumists are who convey their enthusiasm through every turn of the page - thanks to all the contributors and I'll be happy to be stuck in a car park anytime with such a good read  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on October 19, 2009, 06:45:15 AM
Hello, hope you all suffer from my absence!!  ;D
I am over on 2 exhibition, several author reader meeting /I have got paints and draws from the children, they are so cute!! you can see them ( and an operation!! Good to be here again :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 19, 2009, 08:18:42 PM
Erika, we all suffer when a loved Forum member leaves us for even a short while. It's good to have you back. An operation can be very traumatic but I hope all is well now and you are, or soon will be, in the very best of health.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on October 20, 2009, 06:37:39 AM
Thank you!!  :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 20, 2009, 09:23:38 AM

I hope the operation was a success and that all goes well from here.  Welcome back.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 20, 2009, 10:01:40 AM
Welcome back to your Forum home, Erika, wishing you well and looking forward to your postings - the children's art work is wonderful and full of good spirits  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on October 20, 2009, 12:38:10 PM
Hi Erika, glad to see you back. The children's art is wonderful.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 22, 2009, 06:41:47 PM
I'm really happy with the new page drop down menu - terrific addition and much easier to find things - thanks to who?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 22, 2009, 08:12:36 PM
I'm really happy with the new page drop down menu - terrific addition and much easier to find things - thanks to who?
Handy, isn't it? Joakim's idea and Fast Fred who implemented the new feature at top speed!  Sometimes I know exactly why there are those burn marks in Fred's flooring.... he can be faster than a speeding bullet! :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 22, 2009, 09:05:15 PM
Yes, Thanks, Joakim, Maggi and Fred. It's a great help and saves so much clicking and waiting. Good work. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on October 22, 2009, 09:28:19 PM
Can't figure out what you are talking about. Can you enlighten me?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 22, 2009, 09:38:56 PM
Can't figure out what you are talking about. Can you enlighten me?


Paddy, look at the bottom left hand side of the page...... there is a new button, which allows you to choose any page to go to in a particular thread. Previously there were only a few page numbers showing as an option to click to, so if the thread was at page 47 and you wanted to read page 23, it was a long chore to click enough times to get you there by hops of a couple of pages at a time.... now you just type in the page number and off you go!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on October 23, 2009, 07:44:07 PM
I thought these were too good not to share  :)

Particularly like the last one  ;D

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are
things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now
Published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges
Were actually taking place.


ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?

WITNESS: No, I just lie there.


ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?

WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.


ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?


ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?

WITNESS: I forget.

ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?


ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?

WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'

ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?

WITNESS: My name is Susan!


ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?

WITNESS : We both do.




WITNESS: Yes, voodoo.


ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep,

he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?


ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?

WITNESS: Uh, he's twenty-one.


ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?

WITNESS: Are you shittin' me?


ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby ) was August 8th?


ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?

WITNESS: Uh.... I was getting laid!

____________ __________________________

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?


ATTORNEY; How many were boys?


ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?

WITNESS: Are you shittin' me? Your Honor, I think I need a different

attorney. Can I get a new attorney?


ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?

WITNESS: By death.

ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?

WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?


ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?

WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.

ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?


____ _________________________________

ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition

notice which I sent to your attorney?

WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.


ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead


WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Would you like to

rephrase that?


ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?



ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?

WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.

ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?

WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an

autopsy on him!

______________________ ______________________

ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that question?


ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a



ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?


ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you

began the autopsy?


ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?

WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.

ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?

WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on October 23, 2009, 08:30:36 PM
Brilliant.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 23, 2009, 08:37:17 PM
particularly like the last one

me too  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: TC on October 23, 2009, 11:25:56 PM
I could not think where else to post these.  I think that the gorilla is giving one of our politicians a cogent comment !!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 24, 2009, 10:00:48 AM
Wonderfully amusing photos, is that a bull frog with a smile as wide as a canyon  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 26, 2009, 12:46:23 AM
Had a close encounter with THE LAW on Saturday morning while it was still dark. A big spring Food Festival was being run in conjunction with the Market and from 5am the occasional police car came by to see that all was well as stalls were setting up. One found me at 5.45 in the process of taking a couple of cuttings from the plantings at the railway station. But I was able to assure the two constables that I had permission from the chief wallah in Dunedin City Council's Parks and Reserves Dept, a friend of mine. Why I'm so happy, is that the cuttings are from Rosa moyesii 'Geranium,' which is just about impossible to come by here nowadays. It's one I've wanted for many years and I've grown seed from it but they didn't come true, but were a rather vulgar pink.

It's too early for the cuttings - they're just coming into bud - but worth a try. If they don't root I'll get some more after flowering.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on October 26, 2009, 04:16:00 AM
It's too early for [rose] cuttings - they're just coming into bud - but worth a try. If they don't root I'll get some more after flowering.

Best time is right after the flowers fade. Take a flowering branch as your cutting, remove spent flowers, and proceed from there as usual.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 26, 2009, 04:38:07 AM

The bullfrog scarily reminds me of Cartman from Southpark!! :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 26, 2009, 08:47:40 PM
It's too early for [rose] cuttings - they're just coming into bud - but worth a try. If they don't root I'll get some more after flowering.

Best time is right after the flowers fade. Take a flowering branch as your cutting, remove spent flowers, and proceed from there as usual.

I'll do that Rodger, trouble is, by then the beginning of my working day will be broad daylight and I quite like to take them in the dark. :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fredg on October 26, 2009, 10:40:06 PM
Some people find this amusing, I've no idea why.  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 26, 2009, 11:10:37 PM
Perhaps if there were a few "w"s in there?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 26, 2009, 11:16:48 PM
I'm so happy because at the weekend - and before the rain came down - Roger helped me move the rest of my soil pile where I'm making a new bit of garden. I had been chipping away at it for the best part of a month but there was still at least half to do. We finished it in a good hour.

What I'm NOT AT ALL happy about is that there are dozens and dozens of tiny plants coming up all through it, of Californian thistle, from bits of chopped up root. They're easy to get out now while there's no compaction and the soil isn't too deep as it's spread but any I miss will be a real problem in months to come. The supplier and I will be having a serious conversation later this week. >:( >:( >:(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 27, 2009, 04:44:50 AM

Just looking it up on the Net to find out what Californian Thistle is.... came across a couple of weedsites that say it is a plant of concern for NZ.  Your supplier might get into trouble for helping spread an environmental weed, which you could always comment on when having your words with the supplier.  Given the only real method of spread is via rhizomes, it really is a stupid thing for them to be selling soil that is infested with it. :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 27, 2009, 04:48:43 AM

Perfectly innocently written I would assume, although the legs straight up bit seems a strange addition.  ???  So many different "from the mouths of babes" types of stories going around, you have to wonder just how many of them are not from children at all. :o  Gave a bit of a chuckle, so thanks for posting.

And I believe in another topic there were references to red light districts as well.  This board is seriously deteriorating.  Obviously there is too much chocolate available and the powers that be aren't keeping a proper eye out for our virtue and innocence. (I need that smiley with a halo picture again!!  ;D)

Thanks for the post.  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 27, 2009, 09:00:35 AM
Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense and sometimes here, called Canadian thistle but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) is native to the western seaboard of the USA and Canada and is, with Oxalis acetosella, the white convolvulus and sorrel, the worst of all weeds. I rate it worst of all because it's so hard to handle, in gardeners' terms. At least the others don't savage you when you try to eradicate them and the dead stems are more dangerous then the living. Yes it travels by very brittle rhizomes but it also produces masss of fertile seed and sometimes the air on a breezy summer day is full of the damn things. There's heaps of it in the paddocks around us and even if I can control what comes in my new soil, I can't stop the seeds blowing in from all around. I've already found new seedlings in the same soil so it's probably riddled with them.

There have been attempts to introduce biologocal controls but so far, with no effect whatsoever. So far as the supplier is concerned, he will have bought in the soil, thoroughly rotary-hoed, and is on-selling it. It's always a gamble buying topsoil and I guess it's a case of buyer beware. The supplier has it stored under cover and anything won't start into growth until thoroughly rained on, as mine now has been, with the result that if I do nothing, I'll have a thistle forest in a couple of weeks. It will put back my planting plans by a few weeks. In general this supplier is very good and I get a lot of stuff from him, compost, pea straw, my potting mix, grit etc.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on October 27, 2009, 09:12:37 AM
Lesley, Cirsium arvense is the European creeping thistle, which is very common round here.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lori S. on October 27, 2009, 01:59:20 PM
Lesley, Cirsium arvense is not native to Canada nor to North America.  "Canada thistle", the common name,  is truly a misnomer.  (And "Canadian" thistle is sort of a double misnomer!)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 27, 2009, 07:07:58 PM
My apologies then, to all Canadians (and Americans.) I read somewhere a long time ago that it was native there. Wherever, I doubt if anyone would doubt that it is a monster if let loose in cultivated land or gardens.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 27, 2009, 07:16:57 PM
Google tells me it is native in Europe and Northern Asia but widely established just about everywhere else. Many countries including the UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, NZ and the US treat it as a noxious weed.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 27, 2009, 10:31:07 PM
Yes!  I'm so happy for our daughter (Forumist Angelwings) whose commissioned designs are featured in Hobbs' new Heritage & Artisan Limited Edition jewellery in Kings Road London - a great achievement for their fledgling business "Foxgloves London" in the present economic climate, so I hope no one minds me blowing their trumpet   ;D  ;D ;D 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 28, 2009, 12:10:56 AM

And you're not alone in calling it Californian Thistle, as that is what I searched and found out the botanical name from.  Quite a lot of entries too!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on October 28, 2009, 07:55:07 AM
Hearty congratulations to all ... let's hope that the rich and famous of the land will peruse and buy.  Maggi would be prepared to model them, I'm sure?   ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 08:11:22 AM
Thanks for you support Cliff, I hope so too, they have worked so hard - Tanya has a real eye for bringing Nature to life in her designs   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on October 28, 2009, 09:40:33 AM
Great news for your daughter, Robin. The start of further success we all hope. Paddy
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 09:51:46 AM
Thanks for your good wishes Paddy  :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on October 28, 2009, 10:21:06 AM
I am so happy the SUN is shinning today, :), And my niece gave birth to her first baby ( Lola Shepherd ) is means so much to us all as her mum passed away just before Xmas last year with a Brain Tumor ( my sister) so it has made us all happy after out difficult year without my sister and her mum.
I am so  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :).
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 11:18:23 AM
How Wonderful, Angie, so pleased for you and your neice's family....the sun is definitely shining on your happiness - what a lovely name too  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 28, 2009, 11:33:24 AM
Congratulations, Angie!!  Wonderful.

Congratulations to you too Robin, or rather to your daughter.

Quite an accomplishment on both counts, although for rather different reasons.  ;D  Then again, Robin's daughter's business is probably her baby as well, so maybe not THAT different.  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 11:41:28 AM
Thanks Paul, for your humour too   ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on October 28, 2009, 11:44:48 AM
You're welcome, Robin.  Usually people curse me for my humour though, so I've obviously got you fooled!!!  ;) :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on October 28, 2009, 11:50:55 AM
Yes!  I'm so happy for our daughter (Forumist Angelwings) whose commissioned designs are featured in Hobbs' new Heritage & Artisan Limited Edition jewellery in Kings Road London - a great achievement for their fledgling business "Foxgloves London" in the present economic climate, so I hope no one minds me blowing their trumpet   ;D  ;D ;D 
Well done. I clicked on the Hobbs web site and had to smile. The children bought their mum a pure mohair jumper dress very similar to that illustrated (without the pattern) in a Mallorca 'designer' shop for €20.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 28, 2009, 12:03:45 PM
Angie, I know a gorgeous young girl called Lola, she l ives nearby and is just the sweetest wee thing.... beautiful and full of life and I hope that "your" Lola will be just as FAB.... which, of course, she will be!
Congratulations to you all.

( PS, Lesley Cox's little red car is called Lola, too!  ;D )

Robin, super news for Tanya's business, I wish them every success.
Me... Model the items...? I think they can do better..... but I will be contacting Tanya to see about commissioning a Westie pendant.... Lily thinks that would be a great idea!  ;D 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 02:04:08 PM
Maggi, thanks so much for your kind words - I'm sure Tanya will rise to the Lily challenge  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on October 28, 2009, 02:25:54 PM
What about a Ranunculus glacialis in a crevice on the North Face of the Eiger?    :D ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on October 28, 2009, 03:10:04 PM
We'd need a pic Cliff. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 28, 2009, 04:42:45 PM
Nothing is insurmountable  ;D   :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on October 28, 2009, 05:58:57 PM
Thanks everyone went to see baby Lola this afternoon , she's great :) I new Lesley had good taste naming her car Lola 8)

Robin looked at the links 8) you must be so proud of your daughter and go ahead and blow there trumpet , they work so hard to get anywhere nowadays. Some nice Xmas presents coming your way.

Paul liked your humour, Brain is still working well. ::)

From a happy Angie :) :) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 28, 2009, 08:15:05 PM
Wonderful baby news Angie. Warmest best wishes for a happy little family there.

Robin, I really love those woollen coats and sweathers with heavy cableing. Sooo warm in winter. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 28, 2009, 08:16:50 PM
Angie my car's name was the result of a Forum competition. :D It's a little bright red job.

I'm sure the Forum men won't mind if this once we ask for baby pictures too Angie.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: t00lie on October 29, 2009, 07:38:23 AM
They say Patience is a virtue.

Found this pot today with 2 Trillium cotyledon seedlings. :o

Label says Trillium undulatum sown Oct 2002 ,(via the NZ Trillium Groups first weekend meeting).

I thought i had 'biffed' the contents last year.

Cheers Dave
Virtuous one   ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 29, 2009, 08:34:00 PM
So soon too Dave, a mere 7 years! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 29, 2009, 08:35:12 PM
Some small bell in my mind is ringing and telling me that the seed of T. undulatum offered at that weekend, had been donated to the group by Carl Denton, so it should be true.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on October 29, 2009, 11:20:45 PM
Lesley just for you , Lola my nieces baby, I think she is cute ;D Bit to young to join the SRGC forum.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 30, 2009, 03:29:17 AM
VERY cute indeed Angie, a real honey and when the picture is enlarged, almost she could be cuddled. Not too young for Junior membership of SRGC though. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on October 30, 2009, 08:10:31 AM
I guess a donation of an SRGC forum polo or T-shirt is in order here..  ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on October 30, 2009, 11:44:29 AM
Lola is just beautiful, Angela.... so perfect... and likely to be a blonde bombshell, from the golden fuzz?

I love babies... pity I'm  not so keen on older children :P

 Luc.... I like your idea.... but perhaps a  Forum tote bag to carry Lola's accessories is a better gift?!  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 30, 2009, 11:59:47 AM
Angie, Lola is as perfect as her name - just so cuddlesome and content looking you must be over the moon - many congratulations to the whole of your family on her arrival - I wonder if she has inherited the gardening bug  ::) :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on October 30, 2009, 03:57:24 PM
Thanks everyone. enjoy your weekend.

Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on October 30, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
She's beautiful Angie, cherish and enjoy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 09, 2009, 09:25:01 PM
Have a look at what I have in  mind for the garden:

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 09, 2009, 09:34:36 PM
Charming and understated , Paddy.... but I'm not confident that your water board and electricity connection  will be up to it :-\ :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 09, 2009, 09:37:46 PM
So much water for a desert country!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on November 09, 2009, 10:32:48 PM
While the rest of you are cooing over a successfully propagated specimen of Homo sapiens, I'm cooing over a self-sown plant of Cyclamen libanoticum. I must be doing something right if this species is self-sown!

Just a couple of leaves, but it's put itself in a site I wouldn't have planted it in, right next to my front walk. Probably too young to flower, but in a couple of years...pow!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 09, 2009, 11:01:25 PM
Actually, Cyc. libanoticum will flower at as young as two.

Paddy, such a design will look very tasteful near your hydrangea bed. The splashing should help to keep them cool too. Pleased you've found something so eminently in harmony with the southern Irish landscape.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 10, 2009, 11:36:49 AM
Spot on, Lesley. Just the place for it!!!LOL At present the ground in the garden is completely squishy and splashy - wellington boots essential. We have had lots and lots of rain here of late.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 10, 2009, 08:30:51 PM
In this thread : you may have seen reference to an article, featuring Ian and mylself, that has been published in a glossy magazine/catalogue which is produced by a family owned firm of Jewellers in Aberdeen. Finnies the Jewellers have been in business for around fifty years and or on of the largest family owned jewellery businesses in the city. Let's just say that Ian and I have known the family and their business for a long time.....for trophy engraving, for a start, before you all begin with your bling jokes!
The Finnies know about our involvement with SRGC and the world of plants and gardening and I was asked if we'd like to have a piece about Ian and I  in this issue of the magazine, which will go out to ten thousand customers of the firm, and I though it a super chance to get the Rock Garden Club a bit of publicity and so we went ahead, with the slant being that there is a strong Aberdeen connection to the SRGC in its world wide presence on the web...... here is the article..... it is in pdf form, just click on the link below....
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 10, 2009, 08:42:19 PM

I must compliment you on two fronts immediately. The article is excellent, a true representation of the SRGC and due praise for the work yourself and Ian do for the club.

Secondly, you look very well in the photograph.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 10, 2009, 09:13:35 PM

Thanks, Paddy [attach=2]
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 10, 2009, 09:23:34 PM
Maggi, I second Paddy's thoughts - I kept searching for the elusive article and then suddenly noticed the attached pdf on your post.  Wonderful to have such happy publicity for the SRGC, beautifully written, and to see you and Ian so at home in your glorious garden. What treasures you have there, congratulations in every way and thanks for all the hard work you do on behalf of us all to make the Forum such a vibrant meeting place  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 10, 2009, 09:50:43 PM

A stray thought/question: what awareness of the online SRGC is there among the terrestrial members? Are we, here, in a sort of parallel SRGC world but, perhaps, a little divorced from the club on the ground, so to speak?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 10, 2009, 10:03:22 PM
Maggi, I'm with Paddy and Robin.
It's a lovely pic and your gardens ( the bits I can see) beg to be explored.
Would love to spend a day doing just that!! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 10, 2009, 10:23:23 PM
Sadly, Paddy, it seems that there is little understanding of the sheer size and scope of the website and, particularly, the Forum, among the "terrestrial" members, as you put it. There are those, who  though they may not frequent this place, are aware of the importance it has in bringing so many of us together in the name of the SRGC around the world and, of course, both our current President, Ian, the Christie kind,and our soon to be President, Liz Mills, recognise fully the part the website plays in the continuing health of the club, but I am keenly aware that there are those who regard all we do here as some sort of vague entertainment : if only they could or would see for themselves the wonderful photos, with habitat and cultivation descriptions of the marvelous plants of the world that forumists share in these pages. Luckily those folks are in the minority !  ;)
In times when membership  coming through local groups  tends to be falling, the numbers finding the SRGC and joining via the website are at a rate of around  6 to 1 of postal applications. A very tangible illustration of the value to the Club of the website!

As was pointed out at the recent Discussion Weekend, when it was heartening to see the number of registered forumists and the lovely Lurkers stand to show their support of the venture, the numbers of simply the registered forumists visiting the Forum every day constitutes a DAILY gathering of the size of the audience assmbled for the weekend! We are the largest "local group" of the club... and the most active!

With the online seed ordering service about to be in use again, and things like our project to document seeds by scale photos etc, never mind the tens of thousands of people every week who are coming to read the Bulb Log and so on, the website is really the engine house for the future "prosperity"  of the club in terms of generating membship and giving world wide members a place to meet and call home as they exchange views about the wee mountain plants of the world that so fascinate us. I must say that our "unique selling point", so to speak, is undoubtedly the fact that we are not afraid here to discuss all sorts of other things, too.... from Tree Dahlias to mice ..... just as one would in a face to face social interaction.... that's what makes this a friendly welcoming place and what so very many people remark about the Forum......I very much hope that this place will prove not only a tonic, but a backbone to the SRGC in the coming years of the 21st Century...... the world is not as it was in 1933 when the Club was founded and the Club must realise that and embrace this new world! The Terrestrials will catch up with us in the end.... we just need patience!  Of course there will always be a place of prime importance for the Journal and I fervently hope that local Groups can survive the downturn in society membership that seems to be rife in this era of home cinemas and gyms etc. but the vigour of a good website and a popular and busy Forum, such as we enjoy, can surely not be understated?
Thank goodness for Fred, our WebMaster/Designer, beavering away in the cold high country outside Aberdeen and praise be for a broadband connection here in the city so I can be at hand for the website's email enquiries and to lend my assistance in the Forum in whatever capacity is called for, minute to minute! Long live the Scottish Rock Garden Club!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 10, 2009, 11:00:03 PM
A very informative response, Maggi. Many thanks.

Hopefully, the local terrestrial club will thrive to match the online interest and I have no doubt that it will. Although many garden clubs worry of aging membership and lack of interest among the young there is an enormous interest interest among younger people in vegetable growing and the like. This interest will mature into general gardening and, perhaps, into a more specialised gardening interest such as the growing of alpine plants.

In the meantime the online branch of the SRGC will continue to spread the message of the joys of gardening and of meeting other gardeners.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 10, 2009, 11:01:36 PM

I must compliment you on two fronts immediately. The article is excellent, a true representation of the SRGC and due praise for the work yourself and Ian do for the club.

Secondly, you look very well in the photograph.

I never thought of Maggi having two fronts. ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 10, 2009, 11:08:44 PM
I suppose the logical follow on to my last post is this: A plea to those of you reading this who are not fully paid up members of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, but who nevertheless are able to search these pages and benefit from them, to seriously consider joining the SRGC....  it is easily achieved online, see here:  8)

As part of the remit ot the SRGC to encourage the interest in  and knowledge of rock garden plants, the website and forum is (with the exception of a tiny area only for registered forum members) open to all to read, enjoy, register and contribute to the Forum.
Provision of this facility  does not happen by magic, however, it takes effort, and, as with most things, certain amounts of cold hard cash! While the costs of hosting the website and forum, (the payments for bandwidth and so on) are minuscule in comparison to the costs of producing the Journal  (and capable of reaching far larger numbers, it must be said! ;) they are still costs which must be met by the SRGC.
It is testament to the regard  in which the website is held , both as a plant  resource and as a networking arena, that the likes of Luit Van Delft donated  surplus bulbs to be sold from Cees Breed's Connoisseur Collection to make a gift to the Club in thanks for its existence.
Such individual generosity is both touching and very gratefully received by the Club. I would like to urge all  of you who  appreciate this website and Forum to give thought to how, very simply, you might easlily help to support its future.... Join the SRGC.... you will not only have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to the upkeep of this place, but also you will receive the super twice yearly journal, be eligible to take part in the seed exchange, have free entry to all SRGC Shows, the chance to become a member of a local Group for those of you in the UK .....goodness me.... how could you resist?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on November 11, 2009, 02:27:24 AM
While the rest of you are cooing over a successfully propagated specimen of Homo sapiens, I'm cooing over a self-sown plant of Cyclamen libanoticum. I must be doing something right if this species is self-sown!

Just a couple of leaves, but it's put itself in a site I wouldn't have planted it in, right next to my front walk. Probably too young to flower, but in a couple of years...pow!


Should I not mention that for me they are actually starting to become a bit of a weed in one part of my garden?  I get LOTS of seedlings there.  That reminds me, I was going to send some seedlings to people last year and never did.  Must look up who I promised them to.... I think it was Thomas and Kathrine (from Budapest).  I have to remove some seedlings soon, as there are young ones all over the place.  :o


Well done on the advertising front!!  8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on November 11, 2009, 08:09:11 AM
Whilst a large block of members are both terrestrial and virtual members of the SRGC I believe that many are just one or the other. In our local group, Highland, quite a number of members do not have email and don't want it. And they include 'younger' members as well as crumblies. If this is representative across the whole of the SRGC then a lot of terrestrials will never see the web site.
By the way, Maggie, that is a great article, well done.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 11, 2009, 11:25:58 AM
Whilst a large block of members are both terrestrial and virtual members of the SRGC I believe that many are just one or the other. In our local group, Highland, quite a number of members do not have email and don't want it. And they include 'younger' members as well as crumblies. If this is representative across the whole of the SRGC then a lot of terrestrials will never see the web site.
By the way, Maggie, that is a great article, well done.
David, at what age does one progress from 'wrinkly' to 'crumbly'? I remember when I was at school 40 years ago my Latin teacher's nickname was 'Prune'. In the years before his retiral in the late 1980s it had changed to 'Flakey'. :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 11, 2009, 11:45:17 AM
Hmm, perhaps there is a case for a commission of SRGC moisturising cream, also?

David's expression of the "non-internet" feeling in his Group is interesting. In Aberdeen, though there seems a reluctance on the part of some to offer their email address for ease of communication, a poll at various meetings over the years shows that a very large number do have internet access and use it to access the forum..... this is repeated in other places where Ian has asked the question about internet useage.
I think the question of age amongst users of the internet is spurious.... in my experience there is considerable enthusiam for the internet among the "more mature" folks of my aquaintance!
I find it amusing when some younger folk say that they have to use computers at work and so don't want to be using them at home, too. ::)  Doesn't seem to stop them buying stuff ! :P And isn't that attitude a rather like an academic saying they use books all the time in their work, so they don't read books in their private life?!! :-\ :o
Of course there will always be people who prefer not to take advantage of certain technology...and that is their right.... for myself, I don't drive a car, but I do not poo-poo those who do.... and it is that attitude, of dismissing the value of the internet, which saddens me.  I strongly believe that, without the vigour that the website and forum bring to the SRGC and contribute to the feeling of inclusion for all members, that the number of "pure terrestrials" would find that in times to come, there would not be enough of them to sustain the "land-based" activities of the Club....and that would be tragic.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 11, 2009, 11:52:47 AM
I, for one, enjoy all aspects of SRGC membership in equal measure, but I enjoy the forum best!!!   ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 11, 2009, 01:07:26 PM
This is the first forum have joined and contributed to and now would not be without  :D  However, I do remember feeling distinctly wary of giving my details and whereabouts at the beginning as we all know that information on the internet is in the public domain.  Now Google is asking us to act on our own behalf to make what privacy amendments we feel are necessary as the UK Government has made it clear that they are delighted with all the work they have done to help make our personal information and whereabouts easily accessible to them. In the end therefore it is up to us as individuals to protect our own privacy and find a way to still enjoy sharing information in an uncompromising way  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 11, 2009, 01:29:58 PM
This accentuates one of the problems of becoming an officer, committee member, representative or contact for any organisation, society or club.  Potential members need as many contact details as possible (to accommodate all forms of enquiry), but the release of this information puts it directly into the public domain.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on November 11, 2009, 01:37:43 PM
The use of terms for age groups is very personal. I would say that I am moving from Grumpy into Crumbly, the next stage being a 'M old B' and looking forward to that! ;D
Internet usage is very variable across the club. I can think of at least one council member and two group conveners who do not use the internet. Obviously, 100% of forumists do use it.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 11, 2009, 02:00:52 PM

As regards privacy in the Forum: one is at liberty to hide one's email address from view  and to reveal only as much information as one wishes in the public areas of the Forum. I must say, however, that I personally prefer to converse with a person's name, even if assumed, than to address someone as "Tabletop" .... but then, as I 've admitted before, I'm rather old-fashioned by nature!

I do realise that internet searches can reveal all sorts of things about people..... but then again, so can a search of a regular, paper, phone book or electoral roll....... and perhaps more useful things in the area of public privacy  protection than "I'm Solange from Wisconsin, I like to grow Sorbus"....... ::)

The percentage of Club "officials" who do not use email is pretty small. There are those who do, but who guard the fact like the code to a gold vault !  ;D

Certainly in Aberdeen, we are still able to access the interent, FREE, in any local Library..... I am not aware if this is the case throughout the UK ?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 11, 2009, 03:34:18 PM
Maggi, if a person doesn't want to give out their personal email they only have to get a gmail or other free web based email account and use that for their subscriptions.
It also helps to have one in case of hard drive crashes so you still have all your accounts accessible.
I have noticed that ( some) people who don't like to give our their email addresses are often the same people who forward unwanted mail to their entire address book and by the time it gets to you, there are a dozen forwarded mails all complete with a zillion email addresses.
I'm sure I am not the only one who has experienced this.

This is the absolute best forum I have ever been part of and it is the 'only' way for me and others like me who aren't lucky enough to live in Scotland to be part of SRGC in a meaningful way.
We may not be able to go to the shows and lectures etc but we can drool over the wonderful pics that are posted from these shows as well as the pics from people's own gardens  .
Plus we get to meet  all the great forumists and be entertained daily as well as educated.
I know the forum has enriched my life in so many ways.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 11, 2009, 07:56:16 PM
It has all been said already but I too, think it was a wonderful article Maggi and you are to be commended for taking the opportunity offered, to promote the Club. So often it's easiest not to bother. I thinks it's right that in the furure such groups will be unsustainable without Internet, especially on an international scale and even on a local basis, groups such as my own local Alpine Garden Group are very close to recession. I am the least technological of people yet have embraced email as a means of communication and those without it, and to whom I owe letters, tend to be badly neglected. Entirely my fault, not theirs but it tells the story.

If there are young adults now who choose not to use computers after office hours, it is unlikely there will be in the near future with every classroom having a computer for each student, even at the very youngest age of schooling. In my very youngest days cars were not for everyone and my mother's generation were almost without them altogether but precious few of us could manage without one now.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on November 11, 2009, 11:03:42 PM
More anent Cyclamen libanoticum. The rains have stopped for today and it's sunny, so I've been out raking up leaves off my driveway. (Leaves dropped by Quercus robur, Alnus rubra, and Populus tremuloides.)

As I was working near the specimen of Picea glauca 'Alberta Blue' which is underplanted with cyclamen, including C. libanoticum, I bethought myself to see if there were any self-sown seedlings in amongst the mature plants. Indeed there were! Out came my special trowel and a kneeling pad, and with much greater care and attention than usual, I lifted 30 to 40 seedlings, some still in the seed pearl stage, others two or three years old (at a guess), but all with a single leaf. I've replanted them away from the parents, about half being used to extend the parent planting, the other half placed near the self-sown seedling a couple of meters away about which I crowed the other day.

A few moments to water them in and they're good. My experience with cyclamen is that they are best transplanted just as they are coming into growth. I am reasonably optimistic that the majority of the transplants will survive.

My parent planting has always been something of a disappointment because Eranthis hyemalis had gotten into it, and the lush growth of the eranthis about the time the cyclamen came into flower meant you simply couldn't see the gorgeous flesh-pink flowers of the cyclamen. The last couple of years, I've been methodically lifting and moving all eranthis that flower among the C. libanoticum, using them elsewhere in the garden where their prolific seeding will not be a problem. I wonder if the reason I am getting cyclamen seedlings now is because they no longer have to compete with the eranthis.

At any rate, I'm s-o-o-o-o-o happy! Tra la la! <wanders off snapping fingers and clicking heels together>
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 11, 2009, 11:11:03 PM
Happy day, Rodger, hurrah!  ...... it would bring considerable delight here if we were a)  able to grow C. libanoticum outside and b) to have it self seeding......  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on November 11, 2009, 11:16:25 PM
Remember, Rodger, also lightly bounce on the right leg, bend the left leg sharply at the knee and gently kick your backside with your left heel.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 11, 2009, 11:33:45 PM
... Whilst twirling your tam o' shanter, obviously!   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 11, 2009, 11:41:12 PM
At any rate, I'm s-o-o-o-o-o happy! Tra la la! <wanders off snapping fingers and clicking heels together>
Remember, Rodger, also lightly bounce on the right leg, bend the left leg sharply at the knee and gently kick your backside with your left heel.
... Whilst twirling your tam o' shanter, obviously!

Crumbs! It occurs to me that I must quickly remind Forumists that many of us are not as young .... or supple... as we once were ... and that any injuries sustained as a result of over-enthusiastic physical expressions of jubilation cannot be blamed on the SRGC!  :P ::) :-X ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rodger Whitlock on November 12, 2009, 04:37:40 AM
it would bring considerable delight here if we were a)  able to grow C. libanoticum outside and b) to have it self seeding......  ::)

C. libanoticum is fairly hardy. Not only does it do well in the open garden (admittedly in a somewhat sheltered position), but a pot of it came through last winter with no difficulty in a frame. Last winter was colder than usual with us, a couple of nights in December getting down to -10C. C. graecum, under the same conditions, died horribly.

C. pseudibericum is another cyclamen that I have found to be hardy. On the other hand, C. cyprium is right on the edge: a couple of small seedlings came through in a planter with overhead protection, but years ago flowering plants in the open died in a hard freeze. C. europaeum, however, is a dud: our winters are simply not cold enough, nor (I suspect) our summers hot enough.

Perhaps the key is that these marginally hardy species can take brief periods below freezing, but they will not survive protracted periods of intense cold.

Decent drainage (all important in my ex-marsh) and some overhead protection from trees, shrubs, coldframe covers, or even the overhang of a roof seem to be the ingredients leading to survival.

Truth is, though, that we really do have a very mild climate here, and that's at least half the battle when it comes to cyclamen hardiness. I remember vividly my first Christmas in Victoria, 1970, well over half a lifetime ago. After a communal bachelor Christmas feast, we all went out for a walk to settle our overtaxed digestive tracts. Among the sights was a bed of roses in bloom in a park. Roses on Christmas Day! Wow! After five years in the cold snowy climate of Rochester, New York, it was an eye opener. Perhaps the roses weren't up to show standards, but a mild winter like that is not particularly rare here in Victoria.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 12, 2009, 11:48:05 AM
We do have some C. pseudibericum tolerating life outdoors here... and we are always trying with seed to increase the species in the garden .... so worth it to have these gems in a more natural setting.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Roma on November 12, 2009, 11:33:23 PM
There was talk somewhere of neglected plants surviving a long time in pots but I have 'lost the thread' so will post this here.
I have a rather straggly plant of a Heliocereus species - a night blooming cactus with red flowers, a bit like an Epiphyllum.It went out to the greenhouse a few years ago when we had the house painted and never got back inside.  I was amazed that it survived and even produces one flower per year as the greenhouse is just frost free and does occasionally drop below 0C.  Repotting was going to be difficult so I thought I'd take a cutting which I left to dry for a few days which stretched into months.  The cutting got a bit flabby but I still said I'll pot it tomorrow.  At the weekend I decided to light the gas heater so the cutting had to be moved.  Not only had it plumped up a bit presumably with all the moisture in the air recently but it had produced roots!  It is now in a pot of very gritty compost. 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 12, 2009, 11:42:27 PM
My word, Roma... that cactus has a strong will to live... we'll await the photo of the flower in a year or two!

I remember the thread you mentioned.... took a while to track it down... it is " HOW OLD DOES YOUR ALPINE GROW ? "  from April 2008!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 13, 2009, 09:16:42 AM
Gi's a swatch o' the flo'er Roma. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Roma on November 13, 2009, 05:47:24 PM
Just for you Anthony.
Heliocereus in August this year.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Rafa on November 15, 2009, 02:52:53 PM
I loved this tv series called Allan Partridge, when my wife lived in Norfolk,
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 15, 2009, 04:12:52 PM
Is this where you are learning your English, Rafa!??! ;D ;)

I'll move this into the "I'm so happy thread".....
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 15, 2009, 04:52:37 PM
Just for you Anthony.
Heliocereus in August this year.
Thanks Roma. Fantastic colour, and I assume pretty big. Some of these climbing jungle cacti open at night, are highly scented and bat pollinated. I think it is one of these that the highly coloured round cacti are grafted onto?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on November 15, 2009, 04:57:19 PM
ummm makes me want to grow Epiphyllums again. I lost all mine on new years year 1999/2000 due to a very hard frost. They were in an unheated green house and I'm partying in Belfast
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 15, 2009, 10:01:58 PM
So it was a case of "if I scream loud and long enough, someone will eventually listen" Roma.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Roma on November 15, 2009, 10:39:32 PM
Yes Lesley, I know you're supposed to let Cactus and succulent cuttings dry off for a few days before potting but I did leave it rather a long time.  If I hadn't had to light the gas heater and had nowhere else to move it to the poor thing might still be there yet.   
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 16, 2009, 09:27:07 AM
As Maggi mentioned on another thread, Socieities tend to have older membership these days.  I think this might make people smile.

New Alphabet
New Alphabet
A is for apple, and B is for boat,
That used to be right, but now it won't float!
Age before beauty is what we once said,
But let's be a bit more realistic instead.

The  Alphabet:
A's for arthritis;
B's the bad back,
C's the chest pains,
Perhaps car-d-iac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas which I'd rather not mention.
H  High blood pressure--I'd rather it low
I  for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low
O is for osteo, bones that don't grow!
P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill, I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus, bells in my ears!
U is for urinary, troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy', you know.
W for worry, NOW what's going 'round?
X is for x-ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind.

I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed,
And I'm keeping twenty-six doctors fully employed!!!


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 16, 2009, 09:38:33 AM
I enjoyed that so much, Art ... I must show it to Mrs B. (if I can remember where I put her)?   ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 16, 2009, 10:24:30 AM
Really amusing Art - makes me happy to think that I haven't used up every letter of the alphabet yet  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on November 16, 2009, 08:31:55 PM
Art, did make me smile :) I wonder who thinks all these things up.

Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 16, 2009, 09:42:21 PM

by: Anacreon (c.572-488 BC)

OFT am I by the women told,
"Poor Anacreon! thou growest old;
Look; how thy hairs are falling all;
Poor Anacreon, how they fall!"--
Whether I grow old or no,
By the effects I do not know;
But this I know, without being told,
'Tis time to live, if i grow old;
'Tis time short pleasures now to take,
Of little life the best to make,
And manage wisely the last stake.


by: Anne Bradstreet (c.1612-1672)

MY memory is short, and braine is dry.
My Almond-tree (gray haires) doth flourish now,
And back, once straight, begins apace to bow.
My grinders now are few, my sight doth faile
My skin is wrinkled, and my cheeks are pale.
No more rejoyce, at musickes pleasant noyse.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 16, 2009, 09:52:42 PM
Just a Wonder

A row of bottles on my shelf
Caused me to analyze myself.
One yellow pill I have to pop
Goes to my heart so it won't stop.
A little white one that I take
Goes to my hands so they won't shake.
The blue ones that I use a lot
Tell me I'm happy when I'm not.
The purple pill goes to my brain
And tells me that I have no pain.
The capsules tell me not to wheeze
Or cough or choke or even sneeze.
The red ones, smallest of them all
Go to my blood so I won't fall.
The orange ones, very big and bright
Prevent my leg cramps in the night.
Such an array of brilliant pills
Helping to cure all kinds of ills.
But what I'd really like to know...
Is what tells each one where to go!

Prayer for Senility:

God grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Personally, I think the words of Grandpa Simpson sum it us best for me: "When I was young I was full of piss and vinegar. Now, I'm just full of piss."

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on November 17, 2009, 10:18:40 AM
 ;D ;D ;D

Personally, since it's all alleged to be downhill from now on, I propose to age in descending order and hopeto become the oldest looking 21 year old ever ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 19, 2009, 11:22:15 AM
Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses
The irony of life is that, by the time you're old enough to know your way around, you're not going anywhere.
God made man before woman so as to give him time to think of an answer for her first question.
I was always taught to respect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 19, 2009, 11:25:17 AM
9 Things I Hate About Everyone

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2 People who are willing to get off their arse to search the entire room for the T.V... remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3 When people say 'Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too'. Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4 When people say 'it's always the last place you look'. Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their arses!

5 When people say while watching a film 'did you see that?'. No Loser, I paid £10 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

6 People who ask 'Can I ask you a question?'.... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8 When people say 'life is short'. What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks 'Has the bus come yet?'. If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 19, 2009, 11:29:39 AM
Hymn #365

This is a hoot, but I suspect the minister didn't appreciate it.

A minister was completing a temperance sermon.. With great emphasis he said,'If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.'

With even greater emphasis he said, 'And if I had
All the wine in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river..'

And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he
Said, 'And if I had all the whiskey in the world,
I'd take it and pour it into the river.'

Sermon complete, he sat down.

The song leader stood very cautiously and announced
With a smile, nearly laughing, 'For our closing song,
Let us sing Hymn #365, 'Shall We Gather at the River.'

Smile, life is too short not to !
If this brightened your day
Don't let it stop here
Pass it on with a smile
Keep spreading the Cheer. 

See you at the river

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 20, 2009, 12:28:24 AM
David, if, as you de-age, your knees, back and memory show signs of improvement, please let me know and quickly. I'll start the same process. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on November 20, 2009, 12:25:25 PM
David, if, as you de-age, your knees, back and memory show signs of improvement, please let me know and quickly. I'll start the same process. :)

No marked improvement yet Lesley but then I'm only a couple of days younger ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 21, 2009, 10:17:19 PM

 Forum Friends!  Great News!
 Registered Active Members of the Forum now number 1000 !  

This is a happy event for the Forum, which goes from strength to strength with your enthusiasm and participation. Well done!

The Forum's One Thousandth Member is "cycnich",  who, when I find out more details, will be in receipt of a Forum T-Shirt as a memento of this fun milestone  ;D
I have made an "official announcement in the Admin Section,
 but I didn't feel I could  use this  in that section, to express my delight........


so I contained myself, and used this instead..... but I'll put three  here, one each for Fred, Ian and I !

      [attach=2]          [attach=3]          [attach=4]
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 21, 2009, 10:41:33 PM
I could let you know who my friend is ...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 21, 2009, 10:50:43 PM
I could let you know who my friend is ...

 Art, cough it up, Lad!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 21, 2009, 11:23:39 PM
Known to many in the Cyclamen Society - cycnich is Pat Nicholls  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 21, 2009, 11:55:21 PM
So, we will be ready to welcome Pat on his "arrival" in these pages.... let's hope he does arrive... it would be embarrassingif he disappears off into the ether..... :-[
The name given for Number 1000, as he must surely be known, is, though, "cycnich"....rather than "cynich".....  ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 21, 2009, 11:56:48 PM
Doh  :-[
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 22, 2009, 12:04:00 AM
Well many congratulations to cycnich on being the 1000th. A pic in T-shirt would be good. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2009, 12:15:59 AM
Well many congratulations to cycnich on being the 1000th. A pic in T-shirt would be good. :)

 Gently, Lesley, gently, we don't want to put the poor chap off us right away...  ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2009, 12:17:54 AM
Doh  :-[

 Don't feel bad, Art... I had to read it three times till I SAW it as cycnich and not cynic(h) ! Perhaps Pat will explain which he intended when he arrives ?!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 22, 2009, 12:21:35 AM
Power to the people!

I see a certain rugby coach (Andy Robinson) has come back to haunt the Aussies again! 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 22, 2009, 12:24:44 AM
I should add he is no relation
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2009, 12:28:10 AM
I should add he is no relation
Crumbs! That's a relief!  :D

..... "that" Rugby match.......
The BD watched the match on TV and told me that the Scots played wonderful defensive rugby to win by one point over the Australians today!  Since  it seems that we won 9 balls in their half of the pitch and they won 59 in ours, it is true that defensive play was obviously our forte on the day..... it wouldn't hurt to get up to speed with the attacking game as well ,though would it?  So, we are pretty happy, but there is room for improvement!  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on November 22, 2009, 01:11:32 AM
Well, cycnich certainly makes sense as a name, if it is Cyclamen Society member Pat Nicholls.


Heck, it's been 27 years since the Scotland team beat us (I think I heard it was 1982 the last time the Aussies were beaten by Scotland)..... you've got to give them a win every few decades don't you?  Otherwise they'll just completely give up.  ;D ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2009, 01:19:39 AM
"Give up?"  We don't know the meaning of those words..... my personal opinion is that the average sportsman is too dim to manage more than one word at a time, so they and the spectators too, trundle on, unabashed! 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: KentGardener on November 22, 2009, 08:46:48 AM
I was just looking in the member list to see if there is a way of finding anyone in Malta (I am there for the new year and thought it would be nice to visit some private gardens if I can find any) when I noticed that the member list said "1 to 30 of 1000 members".  I got all excited and wondered if anyone else had noticed that there were exactly 1000 members - I should have guessed Maggi would be on the ball.

Congratulations to the SRGC forum  8)

P.S.  does anyone know if it is possible to search members by country?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on November 22, 2009, 09:34:16 AM
I to would like to congratulate the SRGC forum on its 1000 members and since we are on this subject to all members like me that are just learning please, please join in the discussions the first post is scary but after that its great and as you see everyone is friendly an so helpful. I have learnt so much on this forum.
Thanks to all that make this possible.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: cycnich on November 22, 2009, 10:44:29 AM
Thank you all for your welcome, and yes you have guessed correctly, Pat Nicholls and Cyclamen society hence cycnich
I hope I can make a whorthwhile contribution to the forum and it was a great suprise and honour to become the 1000th member I did not realise that was the case.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on November 22, 2009, 10:47:19 AM
Welcome Pat - hope it will not be long before you post some of your excellent photos  :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 22, 2009, 10:48:31 AM
Welcome Cycnich - you are the most famous person on this Forum - congratulations  :)  
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gerry Webster on November 22, 2009, 11:03:29 AM
Welcome Pat. The last time I saw you was in Haywards Heath! I still have a C. graecum anatolicum which came  from you - the best one I have. Good to know you are still growing them.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: admin on November 22, 2009, 11:05:27 AM
The forum is the biggest, fastest growing and most active SRGC group.

Well done Maggi and Ian for their  very proactive role.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: cycnich on November 22, 2009, 11:16:20 AM
Hi Gerry
           Long time no see and I still have several crocus that came from you . Pat.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 22, 2009, 12:25:53 PM
Yes, I'm so happy that we have such a great SRGC Forum thanks to our Global Moderators, our Whizz Kid Admin and all our  Friendly Forumists   8) 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2009, 07:55:49 PM
I was just looking in the member list to see if there is a way of finding anyone in Malta (I am there for the new year and thought it would be nice to visit some private gardens if I can find any) when I noticed that the member list said "1 to 30 of 1000 members".  I got all excited and wondered if anyone else had noticed that there were exactly 1000 members - I should have guessed Maggi would be on the ball.

Congratulations to the SRGC forum  8)

P.S.  does anyone know if it is possible to search members by country?

Possible by some email address extensions, John ...... but that;'s not very reliable.

As far I know we have no  Forum members in Malta .... if I've got that wrong, I hope I have not made a Maltese Crosss..... ::) :-X 
 And, though the SRGC has members in something like 38 to 40 countries across the world, I don't think Malta is represented. :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 22, 2009, 09:09:47 PM
- I should have guessed Maggi would be on the ball.

So it's Maggi for the Scottish Rugby team then? That will REALLY be a problem for the Aussies and NZers too probably, never mind the South Africans, French, Irish, English, Italians and Argentinians. Hey !! we could arrange a Rugby World Cup in 2011 made up entirely of Forum members. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 22, 2009, 09:30:42 PM
A warm welcome Pat, from the Southern Half.
And roll on 2000 :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on November 23, 2009, 02:39:36 AM
Heck, it's been 27 years since the Scotland team beat us (I think I heard it was 1982 the last time the Aussies were beaten by Scotland)..... you've got to give them a win every few decades don't you?  Otherwise they'll just completely give up.  ;D ;)
I don't follow the thugby, but I gather from what the commentators said afterwards that the Wallabies didn't try hard enough or something ;D
Congrats to Scotland on the win.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gwenblack on November 23, 2009, 01:14:51 PM
Couldn't resist adding a grouse about common annoyances    Why do folk say , "  I'll just double check."   when they didn't check a first time ? Once will do if they do it properly,and if I hear " Absolutely fantastic"one more time I'll scream.
 YES  I'm so happy when someone like Peter Ustinov features on TV with his immaculate and cultured vocabulary.  Did anyone else enjoy his appreciation of Elgar and thrill to it?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 23, 2009, 03:18:22 PM
Well, cycnich certainly makes sense as a name, if it is Cyclamen Society member Pat Nicholls.


Heck, it's been 27 years since the Scotland team beat us (I think I heard it was 1982 the last time the Aussies were beaten by Scotland)..... you've got to give them a win every few decades don't you?  Otherwise they'll just completely give up.  ;D ;)
Now who being patronising Paul? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 23, 2009, 03:19:02 PM
but I gather from what the commentators said afterwards that the Wallabies didn't try hard enough or something ;D

...but they would say that wouldn't they?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 23, 2009, 08:50:43 PM
I guess if he lived in the SH, Pat's nom de Forum would be Psych Nick. As he's in the north, it's probably Sick Nick. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 23, 2009, 08:53:54 PM
Gwen I've missed out again and don't know Ustinov's Elgar appreciation. Is it on YouTube or somewhere? Could you just double check? That would be absolutely fantastic, thanks. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 23, 2009, 09:46:06 PM
Update RE; Forumist Number 1000.... see this page:        8) 8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Darren on November 25, 2009, 08:33:36 PM
Threefold happiness:

One, these chocolate puds are on buy one-get one free at Tesco. (Brand name has been obscured but packaging is distinctive)
Two, they are rather nice....
Three, the pots are perfect 5cm sturdy black seed pots with the addition of a few holes.

How brilliant is that!?

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on November 25, 2009, 08:57:10 PM
One, these chocolate puds are on buy one-get one free at Tesco. (Brand name has been obscured but packaging is distinctive)
Two, they are rather nice....
Three, the pots are perfect 5cm sturdy black seed pots with the addition of a few holes.   

Four, they make good pots for soaking cyclamen seed with a drop of washing up liquid for 48 hours prior to sowing

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 25, 2009, 09:24:05 PM
And five, if you were to put your larger bulbs of Oxalis 'Ken Aslet' and O. palmifrons in them, cover and place on a warm windowsill, you'd almost certainly get flowers!* ;D I may have to start importing little choc puddings. :P :P :P

*This treatment recommended by that South American bulb expert, Alberto Castillo. Rest them dark and hot, he says.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 25, 2009, 11:42:46 PM
And five, if you were to put your larger bulbs of Oxalis 'Ken Aslet' and O. palmifrons in them, cover and place on a warm windowsill, you'd almost certainly get flowers!* ;D I may have to start importing little choc puddings. :P :P :P

*This treatment recommended by that South American bulb expert, Alberto Castillo. Rest them dark and hot, he says.

Yes, I saw Luit's post about 25 degrees for a given time, wasn't it... and Alberto is saying the same...... can ayone tell me how to get a windowsill in Aberdeen that will be able to reach a temperature of 25 degrees for more than three days a year total?? :P :-\ ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Mick McLoughlin on November 26, 2009, 08:00:23 AM
Would this help Maggie? :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Darren on November 26, 2009, 08:16:37 AM
Forget the oxalis Mick - do they do them big enough for folk like me who feel the cold?  I admit to speculating about putting some plants in our under-used 30C incubator at work...  It isn't unknown for me to use the cold room either.

Good idea for soaking the cyclamen seeds Diane - I hadn't thought of that. I use disposable plastic test-tubes with screw tops for this.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 26, 2009, 10:18:26 AM
Would this help Maggie? :)

 Nice thought, Mick... but since the BD is reluctant to have house heated to above 18 degrees, I  can't see him springing for cost of electric window doofers.
As it is, I'm trying to train hamsters to run on adapted wheel to power  foot heater for me at the computer.... no success yet:  keeps electrocuting the hamsters  :-X :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 26, 2009, 06:53:13 PM
Lucky cat. I'd like one for me as well but I think I weigh more than 40lbs! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 26, 2009, 07:03:06 PM
Lucky cat. I'd like one for me as well but I think I weigh more than 40lbs! ;D

My cat must have the bargain basement window seat, it only holds up to  20pounds so she is on weight control food, and no heat. :-[
Mind you, there is a baseboard heater on the floor underneath it.
One thing that makes me wonder about the  heated model is the removable cover. My cat's seat has carpet that is now totally fluffed from scratching, can't see how the cover would work.
We're trying to figure out the most simple way to replace the carpet.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on November 26, 2009, 08:03:14 PM
Good idea for soaking the cyclamen seeds Diane - I hadn't thought of that. I use disposable plastic test-tubes with screw tops for this. 

Film canisters are also good for the same job
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on November 28, 2009, 02:05:05 AM
Film canisters are also good for the same job
What canisters? ??? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Diane Clement on November 28, 2009, 09:05:37 AM
What canisters? ??? ;D 

They have been in use several years for this purpose   :o   
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on November 28, 2009, 04:31:03 PM
We won the rugby match against the world champions, we have not been beaten this year.;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on November 28, 2009, 04:34:35 PM
Good match, Michael. You deserved to win. Unfortunately my countrymen failed to see off the Pumas :'(. For once it's probably just as well I live South of the border and didn't get to see it!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 28, 2009, 04:42:38 PM
Good match, Michael. You deserved to win. Unfortunately my countrymen failed to see off the Pumas :'(. For once it's probably just as well I live South of the border and didn't get to see it!

 Yes, Michael.... congratulations...... as for Scotland V Pumas..... BD sitting with head in paper bag............ :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on November 28, 2009, 05:06:42 PM
Glad he got home safely last night, Maggie. He gave a great talk to the Moray Group on Erics. I won't bother putting his name on the speakers thread, everybody already knows what to expect ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 28, 2009, 05:27:53 PM
I won't bother putting his name on the speakers thread, everybody already knows what to expect ;D

Always gratifying to be applauded though, David ... especially when different lectures are introduced.  I'm certain that even the Bulb Despot still appreciates every plaudit?   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 28, 2009, 05:38:03 PM
I won't bother putting his name on the speakers thread, everybody already knows what to expect ;D

Always gratifying to be applauded though, David ... especially when different lectures are introduced.  I'm certain that even the Bulb Despot still appreciates every plaudit?   :D

 Frankly, Cliff, yes, I think you are correct .... always nice to be appreciated .........and it may be that there are folks reading this who have absolutely no idea to whom you refer!  :-X
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 28, 2009, 10:29:06 PM
And I'm so happy that NZ's cricketers (stupidly known as the Black Caps. What's wrong with their country's name?) beat Pakistan here in Dunedin yesterday. A 5 day test which seemed pretty mediocre throughout until it had a very exciting and nail biting finish. On each day I was able to go to it, there was some rain and no play or poor light and early finishes and the days with perfect weather, warm and sunny throughout, I had to go to meetings and other work stuff. Roger got to see the last half day. How dare he, without me, being too shattered after 8 hours on asphalt and needing to get my feet up?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 28, 2009, 10:39:45 PM
And I'm so happy that NZ's cricketers (stupidly known as the Black Caps. What's wrong with their country's name?) beat Pakistan here in Dunedin yesterday. A 5 day test which seemed pretty mediocre throughout until it had a very exciting and nail biting finish. On each day I was able to go to it, there was some rain and no play or poor light and early finishes and the days with perfect weather, warm and sunny throughout, I had to go to meetings and other work stuff. Roger got to see the last half day. How dare he, without me, being too shattered after 8 hours on asphalt and needing to get my feet up?

I REALLY miss cricket :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 28, 2009, 11:39:23 PM
And I'm so happy that NZ's cricketers (stupidly known as the Black Caps. What's wrong with their country's name?) beat Pakistan here in Dunedin yesterday. A 5 day test which seemed pretty mediocre throughout until it had a very exciting and nail biting finish. On each day I was able to go to it, there was some rain and no play or poor light and early finishes and the days with perfect weather, warm and sunny throughout, I had to go to meetings and other work stuff. Roger got to see the last half day. How dare he, without me, being too shattered after 8 hours on asphalt and needing to get my feet up?
Things weren't all black Lesley. You won!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on November 29, 2009, 05:26:24 AM
And I'm so happy that NZ's cricketers (stupidly known as the Black Caps. What's wrong with their country's name?) beat Pakistan here in Dunedin yesterday. A 5 day test which seemed pretty mediocre throughout until it had a very exciting and nail biting finish. On each day I was able to go to it, there was some rain and no play or poor light and early finishes and the days with perfect weather, warm and sunny throughout, I had to go to meetings and other work stuff. Roger got to see the last half day. How dare he, without me, being too shattered after 8 hours on asphalt and needing to get my feet up?


We just had a test between Australia and the West Indies...... it didn't even make it to the end of the third day.  Such a shame, as I think there will be a big drop off in ticket sales for the future tests unless the WI make some sort of major changes.  While I like to see Australia win, I prefer to see a good even match where the tussle is the fun of it, not a whitewash.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on November 29, 2009, 05:32:29 AM
A personal "I'm so happy" at present..... I finished the last of my units for my Horticultural Study for this year and got results back...... I've now successfully completed my Certificate 3 in Horticulture.  Yeah!!!!!!  8)

Next year I'll continue on for the full Diploma (completed hopefully in 2011, part time), but at least I now can say I have completed the Certificate 3, which is what employers are wanting in general as a minimum.  ;D

It will be nice to finally have the piece of paper, even if that presentation will be about March or so.  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on November 29, 2009, 10:14:02 AM
Many congratulations Paul. Very well done.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on November 29, 2009, 11:14:28 AM
Thanks David.  Now, if I could just get a job in horticulture it would be great.  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on November 29, 2009, 12:21:09 PM
Well done Paul all your hard work has paid off. Hope to see a picture of the proud moment in March 8)
I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a job in horticulture soon.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: cycnich on November 29, 2009, 03:47:14 PM
Here as promised is me with my t shirt, best viewed on an empty stomach.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 29, 2009, 03:50:17 PM
By jove, Pat, you look a treat in that..... VERY nearly as cute as your wee canine companion!!

We hope you'll wear your Tshirt in good health!!  8) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on November 29, 2009, 06:58:55 PM
Hi Pat,  nice t.shirt and lovely doggie, both look like two happy chappies.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 29, 2009, 07:04:34 PM
Looking good, Pat.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: cycnich on November 29, 2009, 07:32:27 PM
Looking good, Pat.

I think you might have been on the Guiness, Paddy.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 29, 2009, 09:00:06 PM
Honestly, not a dorp!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 29, 2009, 09:03:32 PM
Well done Paul. I suppose you're a bit over qualified now to come over and do some grass cutting, bramble clearance etc. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 29, 2009, 09:07:50 PM
Pat, thanks for the picture, and I'm happy to see what you look like especially in the T-shirt. I must get one for me - but especially for your super wee dog. Our Teddy sits in exactly the same way, and has his tummy scratched, sort of absent mindedly then he and I (or more often Roger) quietly drop off to sleep for an hour. So what's wrong with a dog's life? Teddy will be 1 on Dec 14th. I'm buying a rabbit for him ready to eat though; he won't have to catch and kill first. ;D not but what he wouldn't want to!)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 29, 2009, 09:12:51 PM
Things weren't all black Lesley. You won!

Well yes, they were Anthony, them too. Though our lads had to wear white shirts. Best game they've played all year. The French guy with the long hair is suppose to scare the hell out of the opposition but not a chance here. He appears in ads for some sports wear firm and I reckon he's a pussycat, albeit a shaggy one ;D.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on November 30, 2009, 06:43:57 AM
A personal "I'm so happy" at present..... I finished the last of my units for my Horticultural Study for this year and got results back...... I've now successfully completed my Certificate 3 in Horticulture.  Yeah!!!!!!  8)

Next year I'll continue on for the full Diploma (completed hopefully in 2011, part time), but at least I now can say I have completed the Certificate 3, which is what employers are wanting in general as a minimum.  ;D

It will be nice to finally have the piece of paper, even if that presentation will be about March or so.  ::)
Well done, Paul!
Best wishes for your continued good health and the year of study ahead.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on November 30, 2009, 08:06:29 AM
Many congrats Paul !  Well done !
I hope you find a job that suits you like a glove !!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2009, 02:50:34 PM
Paul, I'm sure that we are all hoping for great employment opportunities to come along very soon for all our Forumists out there hunting for work at the moment. 
Well done for the success of your studies and continued efforts  8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2009, 02:57:18 PM
Hell no, I'm ecstatic! ....With Fred's news today, the SRGC Web Team of Fred Admin, the Bulb Despot and the Fat ControllerForum Dogsbody are understandably joyful ....... Fred was checking Web Statistics for Web Traffic and popularity.....
News from Fred Admin, here: .........which confirms that the SRGC Website is indeed hitting all sorts of HIGHS!!

It appears that the SRGC Website and Forum is rated as the 567,905th most popular website in the world.

Yes, that is "in the world" amazing feat for a Club like ours, when you consider the many many millions of websites out there!

 Fred reports the total number of websites last year as having been in the region of 182 MILLION so the SRGC standing is really magnificent.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 30, 2009, 03:16:26 PM
... And still leaves us something to aim for!   ;D   

Many, many congratulations to all concerned. 
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2009, 03:18:05 PM
Many late nights, needed, Cliff, to discover how we can leapfrog all those dodgey porn sites to claw our way higher up the global web face!!  :o ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on November 30, 2009, 03:21:08 PM
We could always feature many more pictures of Amaryllis belladonna L., Maggi !!!!   

Hint : See common name to comprehend.   :P
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 30, 2009, 06:47:06 PM
Many late nights, needed, Cliff, to discover how we can leapfrog all those dodgey porn sites to claw our way higher up the global web face!!  :o ;D

You hit the nail on the head Maggi!!!
Congratulations to all involved, especially your dear self  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2009, 07:00:25 PM
Thanks, Helen,
 I think we are all feeling very pleased with this news. It is very heartening to see just how much success the website is having on such a huge scale.

Fred is being very kind by giving credit to us, but without him, the BD and I would just be sending out carrier pigeons to carry the Club to the world .... he is our engine and heart..... bless his Administrative socks! :) :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on November 30, 2009, 07:19:08 PM

Maggi, Fred does an awesome job as do you and the BD. ;D ;D ;D
Then there are the blabbermouths ( I use this term with much affection ;D) who spread the word on the brilliance of the forum.
Thanks to these people there is always something interesting to read and look at. Probably too much interesting stuff when you look at total time logged in. :o :o :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on November 30, 2009, 08:11:27 PM
Ger Stopp is offering his Christmas parcel again this year  and you can order Pleione Limprichtii as part of your order. 20 plants for €35 including postage.
Excellent plants and very well packed.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Arykana on December 04, 2009, 03:50:25 PM ( is coming tonight  ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 04, 2009, 08:01:15 PM
I'm happy... I had a lovely time this afternoon.... visted my Parisienne next door neighbour, along with another neighbour and her children.... we all tucked into delicious crêpes..... and I had a wonderful time cuddling the baby......couple of months old now and cuter than a button! 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on December 04, 2009, 08:37:29 PM
Same afternoon as you had Maggi. Lauren came past with baby Lola and cakes ( chocolate eclairs ) had a couple, well they were small ::)
enjoyable afternoon.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 05, 2009, 01:34:57 AM
Bet at least half of you sing along...
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on December 05, 2009, 10:57:25 AM
Much as I am famed for hating all things even remotely connected with Christmas that did make me smile!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 05, 2009, 11:39:15 AM
I got a job!!

Only casual nightfill of shelves at a supermarket, but it is money coming in regardless of how little it may be.  BIG relief.  Also cool as it means I can mess in my garden during the day (OK, I'll likely end up getting a day job as well  ::)), and then work in the evenings/nights.  I like that idea.  ;)

This also means working with customers, which is something I love.  Great stuff!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 05, 2009, 01:06:20 PM
That is good news, Paul..... very pleased to hear it! 8)  I admire your tenacity in being out there searching for whatever work is going, it shows real determination.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 05, 2009, 05:25:28 PM
Power to your elbow Paul. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 05, 2009, 06:05:49 PM
Much as I am famed for hating all things even remotely connected with Christmas............

Ah! Another 'Scooge', and I thought I was on my own! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on December 05, 2009, 06:08:10 PM
Well done Paul. One day I hope to announce the same. My brother landed a good job last week paying more money than he has ever earned. I'm jealous
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on December 05, 2009, 06:23:34 PM
Ah! Another 'Scooge', and I thought I was on my own! Grin

No David, you have got company here.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 05, 2009, 06:36:24 PM
I got a job!!

This also means working with customers, which is something I love.  

Well done Paul, "onwards and upwards" as the saying goes. By the way can't understand anyone who likes working with people!! ::) ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: angie on December 05, 2009, 07:37:50 PM
Good news Paul, I couldn't have a job in a supermarket especially at night, it would be a nightmare, I would never be away from the cake, sweetie and ice-cream aisle. I wouldn't be able to control myself, here I go thinking of white chocolate buttons, joking apart Paul good on you. Hope you still will have the same time to put into your posts.

Mark it will be your turn soon.
Angie :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 05, 2009, 09:12:18 PM
Power to your elbow Paul. 8)

OK Anthony.... you're going to have to explain that one.  The only thing I can come up with is that I can spend more money bending my elbow down at the pub.  ;D ;D  Or is it the elbow-work packing shelves?  :o  Not looking forward to that bit of it.  ;)

Thanks to everyone for the best wishes. 8) 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 07, 2009, 07:37:06 PM
Seems I can't remove this post. Has the facility gone?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 07, 2009, 07:40:21 PM
Power to your elbow Paul. 8)

OK Anthony.... you're going to have to explain that one.  The only thing I can come up with is that I can spend more money bending my elbow down at the pub.  ;D ;D  Or is it the elbow-work packing shelves?  :o  Not looking forward to that bit of it.  ;)

It basically means 'good for you' Mark, but in a way that means go out and celebrate, which is where the bending your elbow bit comes in.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 07, 2009, 09:11:29 PM
Not GOOD for you but good for YOU. ;D Congrats Paul. Mark's turn next then.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on December 07, 2009, 10:08:23 PM
This evening's Life programme on Plants was truly magnificent ... perfect television.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 07, 2009, 10:32:01 PM
This evening's Life programme on Plants was truly magnificent ... perfect television.
Yes. 8) I hope my biology pupils were watching it! :-\
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 08, 2009, 12:49:52 AM
Nursery Rhymes won't die out if we keep them updated.

The future of nursery rhyme
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
The structure of the wall was incorrect
So he won a grand with Claims Direct.

It's Raining, It's Pouring
Of's Global Warming.

Jack and Jill went into town
To fetch some chips and sweeties.
He can't keep his heart rate down
And she's got diabetes.

Mary had a little lamb
Her father shot it dead.
Now it goes to school with her
Between two chunks of bread.

Mary had a little lamb
It ran into a pylon.
10,000 volts went up its arse
And turned its wool to nylon.

Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry..
When the boys came out to play
He kissed them too cause he was gay.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To have a little fun..
Jill, the dill,
Forgot her pill,
And now they have a son.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
And planned to do some kissing.
Jack made a pass
And grabbed her ass
Now his two front teeth are missing.

Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white and wispy.
Then it caught Foot and Mouth Disease
And now it's black and crispy.

 :) :) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 08, 2009, 05:31:08 AM
 :o :o Arthur!  I'm appalled!!  How wickedly non 'PC' of you.  :o :o

Got any more of them?  ;D ;D ;)

One correction though..... if Georgie Porgie was kissing both the boys and the girls that would make him Bi, not Gay.  ;D ;D

I really love these, got a great chuckle.  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 08, 2009, 05:32:01 AM
Power to your elbow Paul. 8)

OK Anthony.... you're going to have to explain that one.  The only thing I can come up with is that I can spend more money bending my elbow down at the pub.  ;D ;D  Or is it the elbow-work packing shelves?  :o  Not looking forward to that bit of it.  ;)

It basically means 'good for you' Mark, but in a way that means go out and celebrate, which is where the bending your elbow bit comes in.

Thanks for the clarification, Anthony.  I hadn't come across the term before, so now I know.  At least I sort of got the elbow bending link.  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 08, 2009, 09:50:05 AM

I am terribly non-PC - I still ask for a white coffee  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 08, 2009, 10:51:44 AM
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on December 08, 2009, 11:46:01 AM
Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a bear,
I often saw her little lamb,
But I never saw her bear.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pale of water,
Jill came down with £20
And it wasn't for carrying water.

Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry..
When the boys came out to play
He kissed them too, cause he is funny that way
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on December 08, 2009, 11:50:19 AM
If a female Lion is called a lioness.
What do you call a female Bear.? ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 08, 2009, 11:53:18 AM
Gee, this topic is showing me all sorts of things I didn't know about members of this forum!!!!  :o :o

Mainly that their senses of humour are disturbingly similar to mine.  ::)

Another good chuckle. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on December 08, 2009, 02:23:34 PM
If a female Lion is called a lioness.
What do you call a female Bear.? ;D

Grizzly?   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: johnw on December 08, 2009, 05:19:07 PM
What do you call a female Bear.? ;D


Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on December 08, 2009, 06:54:25 PM
I think 'sow' is technically correct but probably not the approved answer.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 08, 2009, 07:39:00 PM
I don't think this was a nursery rhyme as such but certainly from my childhood.

Algie met a bear,
The bear met Algie.
The bear was bulgie,
The bulge was Algie.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 08, 2009, 07:41:57 PM

I am terribly non-PC - I still ask for a white coffee  8)

Should I therefore, be asking for a long Afro-American coffee? Maybe, since it probably originates in Ghana and Columbia. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hans J on December 09, 2009, 01:56:55 PM
I have to go regular to my physio therapy to make exercises .....
Since last weekend ( Nikolaus ) the skeleton has now a cap  ;D

today I MUST make pics!!!

Hans  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 09, 2009, 06:09:51 PM
I don't think this was a nursery rhyme as such but certainly from my childhood.

Algie met a bear,
The bear met Algie.
The bear was bulgie,
The bulge was Algie.

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be, but my Dad used to tell me that one.

His other favourite was:

There was a man from Huddersfield
who had a cow that wouldn't yield.
The reason why it wouldn't yield
is it didn't like its udders feeled!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 09, 2009, 07:18:14 PM
Then there's the little rhyme from a lad at university, thinking to win over his father with wit and humour.

No mun, no fun, your son.

Dad replied

How sad, too bad, your Dad. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 10, 2009, 08:03:14 AM

Good to see that Nikolaus only has eyes for Chocolate.  ;D

Re the nursery rhymes..... I heard a rather crude version of one today, but I shall be restrained and not post it here.   :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hans J on December 10, 2009, 08:33:38 AM
Paul ,

I'm not sure how long the Nikolaus has chocolate eyes .....the staff there are all eating sweets !
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 10, 2009, 10:51:28 AM
On the recommendations of an Englishman (Brian), an Irishman (Paddy) and a German (Hans J) I ordered the trilogy by Steig Larsson.  2 arrived today - now to find time to read them  :)  Definitely not today as the sun ishining, little wind and plenty to do in the garden  :) :) :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 10, 2009, 03:29:39 PM
You'll enjoy them Arthur. 1 and 3 are excellent; 2 a little slow to start, I thought. Must get a bit of drivel to read over the dark days myself. I have 9 gardening books waiting to be read but something throwaway is nice every now and again.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on December 10, 2009, 04:45:54 PM
White coffee now called flat coffee in coffe shops. There was a good article on coffee in yesterdays Times.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 10, 2009, 05:19:19 PM
White coffee now called flat coffee in coffe shops. There was a good article on coffee in yesterdays Times.

Apart from Costa Coffee, I do not see myself asking for a coffee in a shop.  If I did - I would definitely ask for a white coffee.  A flat coffee sounds like coffee that has lost its froth  ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on December 10, 2009, 05:50:04 PM
You got it....a flat white is how you tell them you hate having an inch of froth on your coffee. Sadly most of them still think you've asked for a drink with no substance and put the froth on anyway >:( Oops, I should probably be putting this in the moan, moan thread :-X

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: loes on December 10, 2009, 06:02:15 PM
see my words are gone...

this is what it should be:

In Holland we do not go to a coffee shop for coffee... ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 10, 2009, 07:10:02 PM
You got it....a flat white is how you tell them you hate having an inch of froth on your coffee. Sadly most of them still think you've asked for a drink with no substance and put the froth on anyway >:( Oops, I should probably be putting this in the moan, moan thread :-X


The moan, moan thread should be reserved for the appalling liquids that most shops serve up as coffee  :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 10, 2009, 08:38:52 PM
Reminds me of the scene where Baldrick made coffee for captain Darling in 'Blackadder Goes Forth'.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 10, 2009, 09:19:48 PM
"This coffee looks like mud". "Ah! that's because it is mud".   Or words to that effect-great stuff. Ithink Baldrick made the coffee for Capt. Blackadder though not Capt. Darling?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 10, 2009, 09:57:51 PM
Edmund: Cup of coffee, Darling?
Darling: Oh, thank you.
Edmund: Baldrick, do the honours.
Baldrick: (comes from kitchen) Sir. (to Darling) Sugar, sir?
Darling: Three lumps.
Edmund: Think you can manage three *lumps*, Baldrick?
Baldrick: I'll rummage around, see what I can find, sir. (turns back to
Darling: Make it a milky one.
Baldrick: Coming up, sir.
   (outside; while Melchett and George speak, Baldrick can be heard
    hawking up a great deal of `milk')
Melchett: Well, George, you must have been delighted to hear the news of the
     Big Push.
George: Absolutely, sir -- our chance to show the Hun that it takes more than
   a pointy hat and bad breath to defeat the armies of King George!
Melchett: That's the spirit!
   (inside, Baldrick spits, then returns with the mug)
Baldrick: Here you are, sir.
Darling: (looks in the mug) Ah, cappucino! Have you got any of that brown
    stuff you sprinkle on the top?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 11, 2009, 10:38:59 AM
Yup! I was wrong. They don't make 'em like that anymore. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on December 11, 2009, 12:37:13 PM

Baldrick: I'll rummage around, see what I can find, sir. (turns back to
Darling: Make it a milky one.
Baldrick: Coming up, sir.
   (outside; while Melchett and George speak, Baldrick can be heard
    hawking up a great deal of `milk')
Melchett: Well, George, you must have been delighted to hear the news of the
     Big Push.
George: Absolutely, sir -- our chance to show the Hun that it takes more than
   a pointy hat and bad breath to defeat the armies of King George!
Melchett: That's the spirit!
   (inside, Baldrick spits, then returns with the mug)
Baldrick: Here you are, sir.
Darling: (looks in the mug) Ah, cappucino! Have you got any of that brown
    stuff you sprinkle on the top?

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 11, 2009, 03:19:08 PM
Yup! I was wrong. They don't make 'em like that anymore. ;D
Actually, your memory is not playing tricks David. The beauty of this sketch is the is the build up beforehand, when Baldrick offers to make Edmund a cup of coffee. Having explained how he'd substituted for the ingredients that had long since run out (sugar = dandruff etc), Captain Blackadder declines the offer.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gwenblack on December 12, 2009, 11:47:13 AM
A Happy/ Sad picture
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 12, 2009, 12:55:44 PM
He looks a little shaken, but not stirred?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gwenblack on December 12, 2009, 02:13:24 PM
You hit the spot Mr Derby, but I guess the chihuahua would be happier in a Margarita but easy on the ice!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 12, 2009, 08:25:46 PM
That poor little dog! I'm laughing so much I can hardly type straight. Roger has rushed in to see if I've eaten something with an unexpected side effect. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: SAXIFRAGE at LYMINGE on December 14, 2009, 09:20:13 PM
After not being able to access the Scottish Rock Garden site for ten days. It is great to be back on line. It was all down to me Adding
on a Smilie site that had some other bits added, and stopped me accessing the site.
Could I say thank you to Fred and Maggi for there help.
Best Wishes David.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 14, 2009, 09:40:25 PM
What odd things disrupt our activities on the Forum. ??? Thank goodness for the inestimable Fred and Maggi. Where would be all be without them?
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 16, 2009, 04:10:44 PM
I'm so happy..... many thanks to the Two SRGC Stalwarts and Forumists who just sent me another Choccie emergency kit! Much appreciated, Folks!!  :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hristo on December 17, 2009, 02:31:34 PM
Great excitement, ( for me! ) I have joined the 21st centuary! I am sat in a cafe in Elena which has a wireless hotspot typing on my sub 100 gbp netbook! SRGC on the move, what more can one ask for ( ok except chocolate ! ) :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 17, 2009, 02:38:11 PM
Chris, only one or two words there I actually understand..... but it still sounds good that you can reach us from a cafe!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hristo on December 17, 2009, 06:31:55 PM
Yes indeed now any cafe with a hotspot can be the centre of ones operations, ideal in the winter as there is always someone on hand to bring a cup of hot chocolate etc etc. Maybe they would let me set up my camera there and I could photograph seeds for the seed project...? :o
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 17, 2009, 06:43:40 PM
Chris, if the BBC were not so lacking in imagination, I'd suggest that, and following you for a documentary! ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 17, 2009, 07:00:07 PM
Chris, you be careful with all that technology ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 17, 2009, 07:01:36 PM
Chris, you be careful with all that technology ???
Oh!?? It's technology ?  I thought it was the latest mutation of bird flu....... :-[
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Hristo on December 17, 2009, 07:09:26 PM
Oh dear, Maggi that really would be reality television gone too far, an hour of me two finger typing  and forgeting to put the SD card back in my camera after I've downloaded the pics! Surely Aunty BEEB hasn't become that boring since I left the UK?

David, currently the white heat of technology is an appreciated addition to the wood stove in the kitchen ! ;D ;)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Nicholson on December 17, 2009, 07:14:30 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 21, 2009, 12:06:00 AM

Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, 'Why is the bride dressed in white?''
The mother replied, 'Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.'
The child thought about this for a moment then said, 'So why is the groom wearing black?'
Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, 'My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50.'
The second boy says, 'That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100.'
The third boy says, 'I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!'
An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, 'They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.'
A police recruit was asked during the exam, 'What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?' He answered, 'Call for backup.'
A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to  Jerusalem . A small child replied, 'They couldn't get a baby-sitter.'
 Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to 'Honor thy father and thy mother,' she asked, 'Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?' Without missing a beat, one little boy answered, 'Thou shall not kill.'
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs.
Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, ' Johnny, what is the matter?' Little Johnny responded, 'I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife.'
                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing! Take heed and pass these along to people who need a laugh. I thought you would enjoy this.....times are tough right now...for all of we need something to make the day a happy place.
"They" haven't found a way to tax you for laughing yet.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: PDJ on December 21, 2009, 04:11:18 AM
Recently I had an interesting gardening question from an elderly relative.  "I thought I would give you a ring as you're interested in gardening.  I've got a plant in the garden with blue flowers and green leaves can you let me know what it is?"  Unfortunately they live too far away to have gone and seen it so another mystery unless any member can identify it!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on December 21, 2009, 07:19:45 AM
Recently I had an interesting gardening question from an elderly relative.  "I thought I would give you a ring as you're interested in gardening.  I've got a plant in the garden with blue flowers and green leaves can you let me know what it is?"  Unfortunately they live too far away to have gone and seen it so another mystery unless any member can identify it!

If it really was an elderly relative then it would probably be a Forget-me-not?   :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: fermi de Sousa on December 21, 2009, 07:41:22 AM
Recently I had an interesting gardening question from an elderly relative.  "I thought I would give you a ring as you're interested in gardening.  I've got a plant in the garden with blue flowers and green leaves can you let me know what it is?"  Unfortunately they live too far away to have gone and seen it so another mystery unless any member can identify it!

If it really was an elderly relative then it would probably be a Forget-me-not?   :D

If a male relative it could be a Gent-ian! ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 21, 2009, 09:05:06 AM
Arther. Your first joke has a different answer from the one I heard: "all kitchen appliances come in white". ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: gote on December 21, 2009, 09:12:59 AM

"They" haven't found a way to tax you for laughing yet.

Please do not tell "THEM" It is because they did not yet try. ::)

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 21, 2009, 07:21:38 PM

"They" haven't found a way to tax you for laughing yet.

Please do not tell "THEM" It is because they did not yet try. ::)

"They" are working on it though. ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: art600 on December 27, 2009, 05:23:52 PM

 My daughter and I went through the McDonald's take-out window and I gave the girl a £5 note. Our total was £4.20, so I also handed her a Twenty pence piece.  She said, 'you gave me too much money.'  I said, 'Yes I know, but that way you can just give me a pound back. 'She was puzzled and went to get the manager who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the 20 pence and said 'We're sorry but they could not do that kind of thing.'
The girl then proceeded to give me back 80 pence in change!
                                                                            Do not confuse the staff at MacDonald’s.


We had to have the garage door repaired. The GARADOR repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a 'large' enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute and said that we had the largest one GARADOR made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. He shook his head and said, 'Madam, you need a 1/4 horsepower.'
I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4 and he said, "NOOO, it's not.  Four is larger than two."
We haven't used Garador repair since. Happened in Moor Park, Nr Watford UK


I live in a semi rural area. We recently had a new neighbour call the local town council office to request the removal of the "DEER CROSSING" sign on our road. She said the reason was: 'Too many deer are being hit by cars out here! I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore.'
Story from Potters Bar, Herts, UK


My daughter went to a local Kentucky Fried and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.' He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg lettuce.
From South Oxhey.  Herts. , UK

I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an Irish airport employee asked, 'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge”? To which I replied, 'If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?"
He smiled knowingly and nodded, 'That's why we ask.'
Happened Luton Airport ... UK

The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged co-worker of mine. She asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, 'what on earth are blind people doing driving?!'
She is a Local County Councillor employee in Harrow, Middlesex, UK

When my husband and I arrived at Our Local Ford dealer to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it.  We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver’s side door.
As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked.
'Hey,' I announced to the Fitter/Mechanic, 'its open!' His reply, 'I know. I have already done that side.'
This was at Ford dealership in St Albans, Hertfordshire UK.

A coach party were out for the day, stopped of at a refreshment halt in Hertfordshire and queued up for tea and coffee. One group asked for "Six decaffeinated please”, to which the girl replied: “Sorry, we only do coffee!”
Story from Luton Probus.

They walk among us, and the scary part is that they have the RIGHT TO VOTE!

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: PDJ on December 27, 2009, 05:35:01 PM
Thank you for the Idiot Sightings but I am afraid this is now the way of the world.  Since we joined the nanny state where schools are told to avoid competitive activities and teachers, police etc can't give a kid a clip-round-the-ear it will only get worse.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: mark smyth on December 27, 2009, 06:30:17 PM
ah, KFC. I admit to liking it and always ask for white meat only in a box or in the bun I always ask for no lettuce and a small amount of mayo. It always comes with too much mayo and lettuce

Anyone see 'Are you smarter than a 10 year old' last night. Man against his 10 year old daughter. First question how many 20 pence pieces to make £1.60. After lots of thinking he gets in wrong
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: PDJ on December 27, 2009, 09:09:06 PM
I suppose he works in the City and receives a huge bonus!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 27, 2009, 09:10:20 PM
I suppose he works in the City and receives a huge bonus!
I wouldn't be at all surprised!  :(
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on December 28, 2009, 09:53:48 AM
Joseph Henry Jones, brother to Oliver Thomas, second child for Simon and Joanne and third grandchild for Cliff and Sue Booker was introduced to the world at 2.25am on Monday 28th December 2009 at Rochdale, Lancashire.  Mother, father and beautiful 7lbs 5oz baby doing well, while doting grandparents are ecstatic, but exhausted!  No doubt some images will follow when visits have been facilitated and the alcohol has worn off!   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Joseph Henry Jones, future Emeritus Professor of Botany at the University of Life in Dresden; Ranunculus expert; Test cricketer; Premiership highest scorer and four-time European Champion medal winner with Rochdale AFC; Platinum disc recipient for his first seven solo albums; Booker Prize winner for the years 2030 to 2046; Olympic Gold Medal winner at the Kabul Games in 2032; Nobel Peace prize winner in 2040; author, artist, photographer, explorer, chef, Liberal Prime Minister from 2043 to 2055 and Roy Orbison impersonator.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Brian Ellis on December 28, 2009, 10:00:22 AM
Congratulations Cliff and family.  That sort of present beats all the rest hands down ;D ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 28, 2009, 10:28:04 AM
Congratulations, Cliff. Best wishes to the family.

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: David Shaw on December 28, 2009, 10:56:28 AM
You missed out the most important accolade, Cliff, a Forrest Medal ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Paul T on December 28, 2009, 11:16:04 AM
Congrats, Cliff. 8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Michael J Campbell on December 28, 2009, 11:22:47 AM
Congratulations Cliff, you are catching up with me.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 28, 2009, 01:33:57 PM
How lovely, a nearly-Christmas Baby to welcome!
Love and best wishes to Joseph and all his doting family from us here!  :-* :-*
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on December 28, 2009, 02:30:51 PM
Fantastic news Cliff, congratulations to the whole family - Oliver must be so pleased to have a brother  8)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Martinr on December 28, 2009, 03:18:43 PM
Congratulations, Cliff & Sue although my understanding of biology suggests it's quite some time since you had any Darwinian influence on the outcome ;) ;) ;)

Your list of dreams for the young man is admirable until.............................chef :o Do you really want him to swear like you know who????
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on December 28, 2009, 03:55:45 PM
Congratulations to you and your family, Cliff.
My sister became a granny for the first time on christmas eve. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 28, 2009, 05:42:23 PM
Many congrats to you and the whole family Cliff !!!
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 28, 2009, 07:55:55 PM
Warmest congratulations to all concerned and very best wishes for the little lad for now and his obviously sparkling future. But like David I'm wondering why you didn't mention the numerous Forrest and Farrer medals he'll win. And that literary prize does smack a little of nepotism, with a name like that. ;D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 28, 2009, 08:02:44 PM
I think young Ollie is already earmarked as the Forrest and Farrer medal winner, Lesley... that's what I thought, anyhow! ;)

Congratulations to Helen on her sister's grandchild.... which makes her a "Great Aunt Helen" ..... tee hee, you sound about 143, Helen!!  ::)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 28, 2009, 08:48:17 PM
Of course Helen will be a great aunt Maggi, even a great Great Aunt. :D
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on December 28, 2009, 08:57:11 PM
Maggi, I feel like I'm  143 sometimes!!
I hadn't thought about what it would make me, my little grandson calls me nana chickie  8)

Lesley, I wonder why great aunt Maggie sticks an image of Maggie Smith in my mind. ???
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 28, 2009, 09:07:41 PM
Helen, I love the "nana chickie" .... how cute is that? :D

Funny the name great aunt Maggie should make you think of the talented Maggie Smith..... it more conjures Margaret Rutherford or even Margaret Dumont, for me, but I can see Dame Maggie Smith in such a role, for sure!! I'm also thinking Lady Bracknell, for some reason!! :-\ ;D

Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 28, 2009, 09:25:29 PM
Helen, there could be many worse images to stay in your mind. I admire that lady greatly. A fine actor.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gunilla on December 28, 2009, 09:57:54 PM
Congratulations Cliff  8) Grandchildren are such a joy. My best wishes to the little boy and his family.    We celebrated our second grandchild's naming day earlier in December.  She is a sweet little girl with a lovely name ...Linnea.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: maggiepie on December 28, 2009, 09:59:38 PM
Maggi, my younger daughter called me chickie from the time she was about 12.
I adored Margaret Rutherford, Margaret Dumont doesn't ring bells for me but I see she was in some of the Marx brothers movies ( google)
Maggie Smith is just fabulous.
I have also just started to appreciate Judy Dench the last few years.
Helen Mirren is my current favourite. Watched Shadowboxer  last night and actually enjoyed it a lot.

Lesley, she's a wonderful actor.
I don't think I will ever forget her in 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Maggi Young on December 28, 2009, 10:01:27 PM
What a fine crop of Forum  babies ( loosely speaking!) there have been in December!
All those little potential gardeners out there.... may they all grow strong and happy !
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 28, 2009, 11:20:31 PM
Maggi, my younger daughter called me chickie from the time she was about 12.
I adored Margaret Rutherford, Margaret Dumont doesn't ring bells for me but I see she was in some of the Marx brothers movies ( google)
Maggie Smith is just fabulous.
I have also just started to appreciate Judy Dench the last few years.
Helen Mirren is my current favourite. Watched Shadowboxer  last night and actually enjoyed it a lot.

Lesley, she's a wonderful actor.
I don't think I will ever forget her in 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'.
Margaret Dumont was the lady who was the but of many of Groucho Marx's one liners in the Marx Bros films.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 29, 2009, 07:51:29 PM
Linnea is a beautiful name for a little Swedish girl. Does this mean her future career is already set out for her? :)

In NZ there is a building material, made, I think of some kind of ceramic substance but which looks like the old timber wall boarding of which early NZ houses were made. It is called Linnea too. I always think of Linnaeus when I see it advertised.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Gunilla on December 29, 2009, 09:44:31 PM
Oh yes, Lesley.  Her mother and father are both biologists  ::). 

I'm certain she will take after her father, who always was a very strong-willed child, and choose her own way in life.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: ranunculus on January 05, 2010, 12:27:33 AM
Congratulations, Cliff & Sue

Your list of dreams for the young man is admirable until.............................chef :o Do you really want him to swear like you know who????

Excellent timing, Martin ... this image of baby Joseph's big brother; Ollie in his Christmas present outfit arrived yesterday.  Isn't he just too cute for swearing?   :) :) :)

Many thanks to everyone for your very warm congratulations.
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 05, 2010, 08:06:59 PM
Very cute indeed. :)
Title: YES!!! The "I'm so happy" thread. 2009
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 06, 2010, 11:55:23 AM
What's for lunch?  A Chef full of promise and not ego - how great is that?  Lovely photo Cliff!
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