Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => General Forum => Topic started by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2007, 07:18:49 PM

Title: Book wanted
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2007, 07:18:49 PM
I've had an email from someone who says:" I am looking for a good Alpine plant book for the Dolomites. I have looked for Alpine Flowers of Britain and Europe by Christopher Grey-Wilson and find it is out of print. Can you advise on another?"

I have suggested , who do have a copy listed but perhaps one of you out there has a spare copy, or could suggest an alternative book that might fit the bill?

The Bookeroo, Cliff, came to mind to make a recommendation and a quick look at the website of Colletts, the holiday firm Cliff leads tours for, showed that another of their Tour Leaders has?had ?? a book on the wildfowers of the dolomites about to go to press. Any one have any news on that?

Title: Re: Book wanted
Post by: David Nicholson on February 18, 2007, 08:25:33 PM
Alpine Plants of Europe by Jim Jermyn perhaps-available from Timber Press but much cheaper on
Title: Re: Book wanted
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2007, 08:36:53 PM
Crikey, why didn't I think of that one, sorry , Jim!
But I think Carol Shaw may have it in the SRGC list, I'll ask her.......(shouts...) "CAROL!!"
Title: Re: Book wanted
Post by: David Shaw on February 18, 2007, 09:14:54 PM
Sure Maggie, we have Jim's book in stock. It's a great book especially at only £25 + p&p.
It is a 'hotel room' book rather than Chris & Marjories pocket book but still worth considering.
I am sorry that the other book is out of print; it has been my pocket 'bible' for many years.
Title: Re: Book wanted
Post by: ranunculus on February 19, 2007, 08:12:52 AM
Good morrow all,
Apologies for any delay in my reply to this oft occurring enquiry re: a good book that covers the diverse and sumptuous flora of the Dolomites!
The truth is that these magnificent mountains are poorly served by the publishers, though previous suggestions do act as general and excellent sources of information.
We take two books to Arabba when we lead flower walks for Colletts Mountain Holidays and though not infallable they do offer the most practical solution for the less botanically minded alpine enthusiast.
Both, unfortunately, are not published in English (though I may be disproved of this), but have enough information to assist the most resolutely English speaking mind.
The first book, available for purchase in Arabba, Corvara, Selva and Cortina, etc. is published by Athesia and is entitled 'Flora y Fauna dla Dolomites' by Karl Demetz and Josef Wanker.  A picture book full of lovely plants, mammals, insects and (occasionally pre-stuffed and pre-perched) birds this is a fine introduction to the most oft seen flowers of the area. A little too large to tote around in a rucksack it is ideal to consult in the evening after a hard day in the mountains and the rifugios.
The second recommendation is a German book that covers the entire Alps but also gives a very good coverage of the most regularly observed plants of the Dolomites is published by Ulmer Naturfuhrer and is entitled 'Alpenpflanzen' by Oskar Angerer and Thomas Muer. Full of superb images and beautifully laid out...this book is certainly small enough to take on field trips.

A third book, in Italian this time, is 'Fiori di montagna' by Maria Teresa Della Beffa (Published by DeAgostini) could be a further alternative...this again is a general alpine flower guide that gives good coverage to the Dolomites.

The illustration below may help?

Not doing a tour of duty in the Dolomites this summer as we are visiting Utah, Nevada and California....will be back with Colletts in 2008 (if they will have us)?

Greetings to all, please keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Book wanted
Post by: Maggi Young on February 19, 2007, 11:13:43 AM
Thanks, Cliff, I knew you were the man for this question! Kind of you to take time to give us such a complete answer. Very much appreciated.
Your American trip will be fabulous, of course but you will be having the odd twinge of Dolomite withdrawal symptoms, I expect, in quiet moments?
Thanks again, and best wishes to you and Sue!
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