Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

SRGC Shows and Events => SRGC Shows Questions and Answers => Topic started by: Maggi Young on May 15, 2008, 11:29:36 PM

Title: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 15, 2008, 11:29:36 PM
 We are gearing up for the last SRGC show of the Spring season of the SRGC 75th Anniversary year, here in Aberdeen on Saturday 17th May 2008. The Show is held in the Ruthrieston West Church Halls, Broomhill Road, Aberdeen AB10 7LU, open from 11.30 am to 4.00pm.

As one of the Show Secretaries slumbers happily, the other is sitting here, fingers crossed for a late rush of entries and hoping that the soup making goes well tomorrow and that there are enough flowers to cut in the garden for the tea-room decorations !! ??? ::) 
It's at this stage, when the pre-publicity seems to be going well, that one is struck by the fear that millions of people will turn up to see the show but there will not be enough plants on the benches :o :o

Next time you meet a Show Secretary, be nice to them... they are poor misguided souls who have volunteered for this suffering and obviously need counselling and a kind word  :-\ ;)

I trust that all will be well on the day and that there will be lots of pix for you to enjoy.....though since Ian and I are at the BBC on Sunday and he's off to Chelsea on Monday, there might be a delay before we get any photos posted, so, if someone out there who is coming to the show with their camera is reading this ... please join in and get posting!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: David Shaw on May 16, 2008, 08:10:48 AM
Quit worrying, Maggie, and know that all will be very, very well. :)
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: art600 on May 16, 2008, 03:28:54 PM
Is Ian going to appear on the TV - if yes can you provide some details so we can watch.  Or is he just going to enjoy the Show?
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: David Nicholson on May 16, 2008, 07:04:52 PM
Arthur, is it really likely that the BBC would put someone who actually knows about gardening on the Chelsea coverage? Now had Ian been a Z list personality with the brain and attention span of a gnat of course he would have been on! ;D
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 16, 2008, 08:51:02 PM
Arthur, Ian is going to Chelsea on Monday for the Joint Rock Committee meeting.

You  can hear Ian often on the BBC Scotland Radio Programme, The Beechgrove Potting can listen online at    .......I am one of the "diggers behind the shed"  8)
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: art600 on May 16, 2008, 10:42:02 PM

Having watched Gardener's World tonight and seen the garden proposed by Rachel de Thame, I fear you are right.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: David Nicholson on May 17, 2008, 09:36:59 AM
She's a lovely looking lass Arthur, but as for gardening knowledge and experience-zilch
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 17, 2008, 11:44:59 PM
How was the show?
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Ian Y on May 18, 2008, 09:48:55 AM
As Maggi said above we will make a comprehensive post as soon as we can but we are busy today and I am off to Chelsea tomorrow.
To clear up the BBc thing I work for BBC Radio Scotland where I am one of the team who answer gardening questions on a live phone in radio program called the Beechgrove Potting Shed - as they say I have a good face for the radio. Maggi works behind the scenes answering the phones and doing research work.

We both have stacks of pictures so here are just a few from a great Aberdeen Show.

The reason we did not post any last night was because we were having a wee celebration back out oor hoose - and we had much to celebrate.
Here are the forumists that were among our party.
From the left, Ian Christie, Carol Shaw, Ian Young, Maggi Young, David Shaw and Dave Millward
David had the most to celebrate because he won the Forrest Medal and what a superb plant it was Ramonda nathaliae JCA686.
Last for just now a general shot of the hall crowded with plants and people.
More will follow.............
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ranunculus on May 18, 2008, 10:59:45 AM
Heartiest congratulations Dave....what a magnificent Ramonda!!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on May 18, 2008, 04:12:31 PM
Promising start Ian !  Looking forward to more...  ;D

I can only agree with Cliff : a tremendous Ramonda Dave !  Well done !
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 18, 2008, 07:44:19 PM
A few shots from the Aberdeen show....
I may post pix first and add comment later... depending on the connection speed!
the Forrest Medal plant, Ramonda nathaliae JCA 683 ( may not be correct no. ... David will confirm) , shown by  the Forum's "Dr Rock", David Millward, was just lovely... huge and all over gorgeous!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 18, 2008, 09:02:11 PM
A stunning Ramonda indeed and I'm thrilled to see it as I have a plant from the same coll number (JCA 686). I may be wrong but I think I had it as seed from Inshriach. Not flowered yet but when I saw this one, trotted out to have a look and it's PACKED with buds, already, beginning of winter. It's in my shady tunnel where it's always cool.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Carol Shaw on May 19, 2008, 06:46:18 PM
Maggi & Ian - great show! We really enjoyed taking Lily & Molly for a walk.  ;D
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Lvandelft on May 19, 2008, 09:48:24 PM
Beautiful plants there in Aberdeen.
Brings lots of memories of being there 2 years ago!
Are these all the pictures?  ???
I thought the show was greater then.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 19, 2008, 09:57:44 PM
Many more photos to come when I have time to post, Luit!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ChrisB on May 20, 2008, 01:12:23 PM
Hope you have a pic of my friends Pearl and Mike Dale with their cup winning primula Maggi?
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 20, 2008, 06:00:59 PM
I  can do this, Chris........
three generations of the Dale clan!
 Mike and Pearl with (one of their daughters) Heather and her three little girls !
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ChrisB on May 20, 2008, 08:39:20 PM
Lovely, thanks Maggi.  Pearl is safely back home now.... and we took Mike's cup winning primula to show off at the HPS meeting last night.  What a lovely thing it was too!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: fermi de Sousa on May 21, 2008, 03:57:01 AM
Happy memories of my visit to the Aberdeen Show last year! Maybe in another year or two I'll get over there again!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 02:38:34 PM
Now then, got a little time to spare and the Forum seems to be up to speed, let's see if i can make some picture no particular order, I'm afraid!
1) Three pans gesneriads from Brian and Maureen Wilson.... details added, thanks to Brian! : X  Briggostemon

(Briggsia aurantiaca X Ancylostemon humilis)

Cross made May 2005 and sown July 2005.  The seedlings were raised for the first winter using artificial lights before transfer to a frost-free greenhouse.  This is the first flowering.  The plants appear to be intermediate between the two parents.

Ramonda myconi alba
Jancaea heldreichii

Best called X Jancaemonda
Cross made August 2001 and sown october 2001.
The 40 resulting seedlings obtained were kept under artificial light for the first winter and then kept frost free until flowering.  Repotting as required into 30% sand, 30% peat, 30% sterile loam 10% grit and crushed Tufa + Osmocote.  When in growth liquid feed is given. 

Jancaea heldreichii

Own seed sown 1998 in gritty alpine compost.  Good germination in 3 weeks   Pricked out when large enough to be handled into the same mixture with added crushed tufa.  Kept indoors for two winter with supplementary artificial lighting and then transferred to a shady frost-free greenhouse where they have remained. 

2) Alan Gardner chatting to President Ian, the Christie kind.
3) A miniature garden shown by our only Junior Exhibitor this year, Amy White

 Arisaemas are very much in vogue just a three pan from Anne and Viv Chambers.....
4) A. taiwanense
5) A. consanguineum
6)A. nepenthoides
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 02:48:37 PM
Other Arisaemas on show were A. griffithianum and A. sikokianum, which won a Certificate of Merit for President Christie.

Through in the small hall, we find  the club plant stall  and the Tea room!
Here are Adrian Banks and James Meff, ready to sell plants ad lib!
Fraser Beaton coordinates the Plant Stall Team, here he is, at extreme left, with Cecilia Rogers and Adrian.
In a quiet back room, acting Treasurer, Carol Marriott waits ready for adding action!!

Bob Maxwell tallies the points.
The Book Stall was in the main hall, minded by David and Carol Shaw..... when they were not taking our dogs out!

Main business of the day was the judging, of course.....which was why Bob had points to tally in the first place...
SRGC Honorary President Bette Ivey, John Mitchell ( from RBGE) and Sandy Leven
Sandy with Stewards John and Rosemary Lupton
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 05:34:54 PM
More shots of judging,  while the hall was quiet.......
Mike Hopkins and Helen Greenwood stewarding....
Three of the judges, John Mitchell, Bette Ivey, Sandy Leven...
The other judges were Glassford Sprunt, David Millward and Fred Hunt
These Lewisias were caught in a shaft of sunlight...
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 05:38:33 PM
Allium falcifoliumplease ignore the name in the picture file... this is Allium crispum !

Three shots of the benches

Bill Robinson's Viola columnaris, seen a few weeks ago at other shows, has opened a few flowers.... very sweet they are, too.

This third  Viola is from Cyril Lafong, it also has flowers, this is Viola dasyphylla, if I remember correctly.

Edit by Maggi September 2010 : It now appears that these violas were wrongly named.... Bill's is V. dasyphylla while Cyril's is V. columunaris.........see September 2010 IRG9 ( published online 24th Sept. 2010 for details of a naming mix-up with these species
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 05:45:12 PM
Concentration is required to see the plants properly......
Cornus canadense
Cyril large three pan entry.... all three of these plants were taken out for consideation for the Forrest Medal..... Interestingly, I see that a similar large Lewisia leeana alba was considered for the Farrer in Southport, on the same day! The Dicentra is 'King of Hearts'
The Dactylorhiza is 'Sweetcorn', here it is.... both the  D. 'Sweetcorn' and the Lewisia leeana alba won certificates of Merit.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ranunculus on May 21, 2008, 05:50:17 PM
Super shots Maggi....really enjoying our virtual trip north.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 05:57:16 PM
Here is Cyril Lafong's entry to the class for three pans, new, rare or difficult in cultivation....
This class brings the winner a handsome cash prize ( almost the last such awarded in our shows) and the Esslemont Quaich (quaich= a type of two-handled shallow scottish bowl) and Cyrill has won this for several years running.... usually with Brian and Maureen Wilson as runners-up.... this year, however, and to everyone's delight, Brian and Maureen were successful in trouncing the Glenrothes Greenfinger at his own game!! Cyril was as pleased as anyone 8)

this is the Wilson's  Esslemont Winning Entry... I will leave them to tell us more... and perhaps Ian will have a better phot to show you later  :-\
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:09:03 PM
A detour now to Section 2, where Anthony Darby had sent along three plants to the show with Jean Wyllie.......Anthony's pots raised a few eyebrows among the purists, but his plants could not be bettered.... so it was that he won the Brian Bull Trophy in memory of a local member who died suddenly, and too young, some years ago) for the best Two pan entry..... which he also won last year... a certain poetic justice here, since Brian Bull was  a schoolteacher, as is Anthony!
The two pan entry was Cypripedium x ventricosum teamed with Trillium grandiflorum 'Jenny Rhodes'

A. D's  other entry was Cypripedium 'Emil'.... just such a pretty little flower... and lots of them... this won the award of the Aberdeen Quaich for the best plant in section 2.
Not a bad record for Anthony for his three plant entry, two classes and two trophies!! 8)

Cyril had a lovely Cypripedium in section 1... Cyp. 'Sebastien'
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:14:34 PM
A foliage entry from Section 2... this Hepatica....
Back to Section 1 where local convenor Mike Hopkins had a good day! He won the Walker of Portlethen Trophy for most points in Section 1, here are some examples....
Erigeron nanus
Gentiana acaulis
Iris cycloglossa, looking like an Ikebana display
The Iris was from Mike's three pan entry for class 3... (Cyril won  this class)
This is Mike's winning entry in the small ( less than 17.5cm pot) class
Mike also won the "large" six pan class ( no size restriction in SRGC, by the way)
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:26:51 PM
Ian Cummings, a local member who always gives freely of his time and energy to help set-up, run and dismantle the show.... seen here with Ian Young.
Without the selfless assitance of members like Ian, the shows would never happen 
They are pictured in front of the display from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (RBGE)
Various plants from the display... you will spot  the Tulbaghia mentioned in the Southport reports, too!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:30:33 PM
More shots from the RBGE display.....
Ian may have more later...
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:42:52 PM
Some random pix....
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' from Roma Fiddes
Globularia cordifolia 'Blue Bonnets' from Carole and Ian Bainbridge
John Lee, Glasgow Show Secretary, snapping happily
John Owen, (who took over Askival,in Fort William, home of  the "Stone Column" from Mike and Polly Stone) chats to David Shaw
John Lupton, Fred and Alice Hunt
A mega sized Gesneriad... the show was Gessie rich this year!
Edit added later; info from Brian Wilson :
X Briggsia  Briggsia speciosa x Briggsia aurantiaca.  Own hybrid created in 2000 and first flowered in 2002. The plants appear desiccation resistant and have survived outdoors since 2002 with no winter protection. whereas the parents are not hardy.  My working name for the Grex is "Inchmarlo"

Mike Dale, from Northumberland, Frank Williamson from Aberdeen, Glassford Sprunt from Bridge of Allan and the very local BD -Ian Young
Clematis 'Lunar Lass', shown by Isobel McWilliam, a local member, who was awarded a special prize for Section 2 for this Aberdeen show in the 75th year of the SRGC .
there were two such prizes, awarded at the discretion of Ian and Maggi Young, the Aberdeen Show Secretaries, one for Sections 1 and 2... the prizes were framed miniature watercolour and pen and ink drawings of Trilliums, by a Michigan, USA artist, Judy Bernhardt.
 Sedum pilosum. from Nick Boss
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 06:50:28 PM
The special "Young" prize in Section 1 went to Nick Boss for this very naturally presented Saxifraga caespitosa. Nick specializes in growing his plants in as natural a way as possible, given the restrictions of pot culture.

Sax. caesp.[attach=1]

Here are the two Trillium paintings, unframed, using the artist's photos.... these are  life size.

Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Lvandelft on May 21, 2008, 06:59:16 PM
Great Show Maggi, super pictures.
Thank you very much for showing. Much appreciated by both of us!   :D
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 07:05:35 PM

Luit, thank you. You and Vroni are welcome back anytime, you know!

Nick Boss, Glassford Sprunt and Ian Y. clutching the clipping from the day's local paper, showing Ian in our garden as a bit of show publicity
President Ian c and Ex-president Ian B, having a chat
Roma Fiddes and our smiley First Lady, Ann Christie
Primula marginata, shown as a foliage plant
Roma tries to maintain a low profile by lurking in the ferns
As the day wore on, some chums gathered for a seat outside the hall...from nearest the camera, going back.... Mike Hopkins, Bob Maxwell, Sam Sutherland and John Lee.
 This extraordinary little Reichsteineria was shown by Brian Hammond.
Here are the notes and plant for an exhibit of Saxifraga x nathorstii....
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 07:17:19 PM
This pic is a class for plants native to Scotland.
A two pan Sedum entry from Mike Hopkins
Glassford's large pot of Shortia illicifolia
Telesonix jamesii
Two little rhodos in Section 2
Androsace hirtella
Certificate of merit winning Arisaema sikokianum
The Daphne petraea which won the Jubilee prize for Cyril ( again) of a limited edition print of a cyclamen by Anne Chambers( he only gets ONE print, though!!)
NO! I've got the wrong Daphne... the Jubilee prize winner was D. petraea 'Lydora' shown in a later post!!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: David Nicholson on May 21, 2008, 07:24:31 PM
Maggi, thanks for all the pics, looks to have been a good Show. Do you happen to know if Cyril grows his Daphnes in pots or does he lift them for Shows?
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 07:25:54 PM
Bob Maxwell's double Trillium grandiflorum
Haberlea 'Connie Davidson' from the Wilsons
Rhododendron' Sarled' which won the Simpson Salver for best rhodo for Mike Hopkins
Saxifraga bulleyana... a wonderful bright colour .... shown by Margaret and Henry Taylor
More bright red from Carol and David Shaw's Silene californica
Ian though a section 2 gentiana
Tiarella living up to its Foam flower name
Meanwhile, though in the kitchen, mysterious goings on appeared to be happening...or perhaps i just forgot to switch on the flash!

David, as far as I know, Cyril grows his daphnes in their pots.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ChrisB on May 21, 2008, 09:13:15 PM
Whew, thats some coverage of your show, Maggi.  Well done.  Lots of good stuff there to think about.  Must have been a lot of work for the organisers!  Bravo.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 21, 2008, 10:18:00 PM
Thanks All for your remarks. A few last pix, though Ian has more which I will check through tomorrow.... I have pinched a few from him already!

the show hall....
also featuring..... Rosemary and John Lupton,
Helen Greenwood, Mike Hopkins and David Millward,
 Nick Boss,
 Cathy Caudwell 
 Brian Wilson... at extreme right of shot
Alastair McKelvie, former editor of "the Rock Garden"
A potfull of Paris
and then some general show pix.....
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on May 22, 2008, 08:00:22 AM

Again another great show we didn't miss thanks to your very comprehensive report Maggi !
Thanks a lot !
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Diane Clement on May 22, 2008, 08:37:11 AM
Allium falcifolium

Maggi, the first picture in reply #23 isn't Allium falcifolium, looks like A crispum
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Lvandelft on May 22, 2008, 09:57:00 AM
Allium falcifolium

Maggi, the first picture in reply #23 isn't Allium falcifolium, looks like A crispum
I don't know what the one in the show was but here is Allium falcifolium:
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 10:01:14 AM
Thanks, Diane, and Luit.... I think I must have been speaking with someone about A. falcifolium and the name just stuck! :P  I think it is Allium crispum :-[ I'll go back and edit the post.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 10:40:49 AM
Some photos from Ian....
Arisaema taiwanense
 Chunky Allium
Androsace pair... A. hirtella and A. cylindrica x pyrenaica
Arisaema griffithii
Bainbridges small three pan entry
bench with Arisaemas
Bette ,Sandy and John
Too much bargaining for Jim?
A much cheerier Jim Sutherland
Cypripedium 'Sebastien)

Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 10:48:14 AM
Now, this Daphne 'Lydora' IS the one that was awarded the SRGC Jubilee prize! Shown here beside Androsace hirtella.

David Millward (Dr Rock), Fred Forrest Hunt ( Yes, that is really his middle name!) and SRGC Former president and Journal Indexer par excellence, Glassford Sprunt.

some Ferns

Fat and lovely Gesneriad, cannot think what the blessed thing is called  :-[

Glowing bench with conifers

 A couple of shots of the show hall

In the throng of folks buying plants from Ardfearn Nursery, we find Ian's sister, Alison and her husband Alan.... pretty much in centre of pic, both wearing stripes!

David Milward seems to be enjoying his day...
But then again, why wouldn't he ?!!
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 10:54:40 AM
It is good to get a quiet moment during judging to make some photos....
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 11:00:03 AM
John Mitchell brought up a display of current flowering beauties from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
The Judges  decided that a Gold Award was in order for this small neat display.
The display had several eyecatching Iris.....I.  acutiloba, I. paradoxa choschab, I. elegantissima ......
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 11:07:47 AM
Junellia azorelloides from Carol and David Shaw

Lathyrus vernus

A feathery Lewisia

Two New Zealanders... Celmisia philocremna and C. macmahonii hadfieldii from  Ian and Carole Bainbridge

More foliage !

This Tulip from Mike Hopkins was the only tulip in the show! Mike had it in one of his six pan entries.

Oxalis Waverley hybrid

Phlox diffusa from Sam Sutherland

President and First Lady at work on their plant stall

Rupicapnos africanum

Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 11:12:51 AM
Two plants of Primula forrestii... looking rather dis-similar  :-X
I find that neither I an nor I took a photo of Mike Dale's "best Primula" plant, a lovely Primula sieboldii.... sorry Mike!

One of the smaller  gesneriads on show.... Ramonda serbica

Stan da Prato's Rhododendron 'Wren'

Another view of the Wilson's winning Esslemont Quaich entry!

And a final look at the show hall...... that's all, Folks!

Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: ranunculus on May 22, 2008, 11:19:16 AM
Many thanks Maggi (and Ian) ... really enjoyed the show.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Anthony Darby on May 22, 2008, 03:12:40 PM
Looks as if it was a fantastic show. 8) Shame it is the last of the season as I have a huge patio pot with Cardiocrinum giganteum sending up two flowering spikes this year. :(
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Lesley Cox on May 22, 2008, 09:25:28 PM
Thanks so much for this wonderful selection of plants and pics. My ONLY visit to the Forum for 4 days, as for some reason the posts aren't reaching NZ. I had two this morning (the last two on this thread) and Susan in the city has just had one from an iris page. The Australians get theirs by a different method and maybe I'll have to explore that possibility.
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Maggi Young on May 22, 2008, 09:54:48 PM
Lesley, I can't see any reason why the emails are not getting through from this end.. it's a mystery.

Glad you enjoyed the show......there were fewer plants than last year but the standard was super so the show looked just as good! 
Luit and Fermi have been across... you could be next, eh? Bill and Ann are coming in July... no show then, of course, they'll have to make do with the garden  ::) 
Title: Re: SRGC ABERDEEN SHOW 17/05/08
Post by: Rafa on May 24, 2008, 08:22:31 PM
What a beautiful report Maggy, :o :o :o thank you very much. We never have nothing similar here in Spain...
Specially interesting to me these magnific Oncocyclus Iris. I think this deep yellow/honey and white Iris paradoxa is described as f. 'Mirabilis'.
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