Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

Seedy Subjects! => Seed Exchange => Topic started by: Maggi Young on July 18, 2017, 08:46:44 PM

Title: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on July 18, 2017, 08:46:44 PM
I hope your plants are performing well for you all and also making lots of seed - it would be greatly appreciated if members would donate seed to the annual Seed Exchange of the SRGC.  Usually around 5000 taxa are donated and transformed into about 35000 packets of seed to be sent around the world to members.  Seed  should be sent to the Seed Reception Managers:
Drs Ian and Carole Bainbridge: 01557 814141.
Luckie Harg’s, Anwoth Road, Gatehouse of Fleet, Castle Douglas, DG7 2EF, Scotland as soon as possible and by the end of October at the latest.

Members may be interested to use the Seeds to Scale Identification pages of this forum to check their seed before sending : (

The seed Exchange page of the website is not yet updated with all information for 2017  but you will get the general idea from the advice and dates listed there for a timetable! (

I also draw your attention to the Seed Information Database that is described  here : (

All seed correspondence, lists and queries can be sent to   
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on July 29, 2017, 07:15:33 PM
Can I as a Canadian, simply mail seed packets to the exchange co-ordinators without needing permits from UK authorities?
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on July 29, 2017, 07:28:10 PM
No need for a permit. The seed team looks forward to your contribution.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: johnw on July 29, 2017, 11:52:01 PM
Gordon - You will be required to put a customs declaration on the outside of the padded envelope, this will be in place of the usual SRGC address and your return address as that info must be stated on the declaration.  The means of transport - air -, value - $1 will do but not $0, mark as a gift, declare as garden seed - gift, sign and date it.  All post offices will have these forms.

The grey area must be completed by the postmaster.

Tip - although the declaration says "small packet" ask if it qualifies for the light packet rate which is considerably cheaper, around $8.10 if the padded envelope is a smaller one.

17c, foggy on & off half the day.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on August 09, 2017, 08:13:10 PM
Details about the next SRGC Seed Exchange - plus an appeal for volunteers to packet seed, - see all here : (
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ian mcdonald on November 25, 2017, 01:12:56 PM
 The seed list has just arrived. Many thanks to all involved. This will keep me busy for a while.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 01:40:40 PM
not yet online? .... am still looking for and can only find the last year :-(

"This will keep me busy for a while." .... .... or have I misunderstood ???


(I know that my "English" is not famous .... at least in a good way ;-)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 25, 2017, 05:06:01 PM
The SRGC Seedlist  has been posted out and is arriving with some UK members.  It was not expected to be posted so soon and the online ordering system will NOT open  until  later.
 Here is a link to the  list   so that you may browse  meantime  - Hier ist ein Link zur Liste, damit Sie zwischenzeitlich surfen können - (

edit 30th November - online ordering is now open.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 05:13:35 PM
Super :-) Perfect! Many Thanks! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: sokol on November 25, 2017, 06:59:39 PM
The seedlist has arrived here today too and I was surprised about this early date. Now I am through and I am waiting for the online ordering to be opened.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 07:02:57 PM

The list is great :-) The Saturday evening is saved :-)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 25, 2017, 07:46:08 PM

This year all enquiries must go to the Seed Team -as requested in the Seed Ex. pages etc- and I will forward any queries I receive here to them. I will not be able to assist members myself as in the past. I have always tried to help members as  quickly as possible to sort out their  difficulties with emails disappearing into spam filters  etc but  the Seed Team will deal with all Seed Exchange matters from now on. Members may need to bear with them as they may not be available during quite the number of hours that I have been!  ;)

All seed correspondence, lists and queries can be sent to 
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 07:48:24 PM
Thx  ;D
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 25, 2017, 08:00:35 PM
You are welcome - the list was only posted online after UK  members began to  report receiving the list and so Catweazle  was one of the first to see the online link!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 08:06:03 PM
All ok   :D
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ian mcdonald on November 25, 2017, 08:09:09 PM
It takes an ordinary person to start an argument but it takes a Politician to start a war. :)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 25, 2017, 08:10:43 PM
Lol you are right :-)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 25, 2017, 08:49:51 PM
Happily  only ordinary members will be involved when the SRGC Seed Exchange  opens for online orders  - which will be quite soon! 
Hope everyone enjoys  making their  decisions from the long and rather  good list of seeds available until then.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ikizzeki on November 25, 2017, 09:03:04 PM
It is better getting seedex list before opening online. As Maggi told, there would be enough time for making decision. The worst is Maggi  leaving us alone. I used to disturb her at any case. I hope I am experienced on using seedex page and not get any trouble as previous years..
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ruweiss on November 25, 2017, 09:10:49 PM
Found the list with all these good things today in our mailbox.
Many thanks to the Seed Exchange Team for  the good and
quick work they do every year.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: David Nicholson on November 27, 2017, 11:38:50 AM
Just been having a browse through the paper version of the new Seed Ex. List and noticed a few listings have an 'x' between the listing number and that number's description. Unless I've missed it I can't find anywhere where it mentions what the 'x' is for, can anyone enlighten please?
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ashley on November 27, 2017, 11:59:06 AM
Just been having a browse through the paper version of the new Seed Ex. List and noticed a few listings have an 'x' between the listing number and that number's description. Unless I've missed it I can't find anywhere where it mentions what the 'x' is for, can anyone enlighten please?

They're hybrids David.

Minor correction to the published list:  1600 Faucaria sp., 1997 Hoodia sp. & 2733 Oophytum sp. should each read spp. (i.e. plural).
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: David Nicholson on November 27, 2017, 12:09:06 PM
Cheers Ashley.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 29, 2017, 03:04:13 PM
An excel list, complete with picture links, for SRGC Seedlist 71 has been provided by forumist "Karaba" - thank you for your help in this  Yvain!   With this list, even those simply browsing the list will be able to  have  picture access via google links plus  links to the Plant List
Link to download: (
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on November 29, 2017, 05:18:57 PM
Gigantic! First such a mega list and then the reaming luxury of the Excel spreadsheet !!! Thank you very much "Karaba" for making this much work for us.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2017, 02:34:49 PM
30th November 2017  online ordering is NOW OPEN!! 

See this Seed Exchange page in the main site for the links to online ordering (
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on November 30, 2017, 07:03:29 PM
Remember - only current,  paid up members of SRGC may take part in the Seed Exchange.

 You can email the Seed Team for help
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Diane Whitehead on December 01, 2017, 02:32:32 AM
I couldn't get the surplus seed block order to work.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 01, 2017, 12:35:26 PM
I couldn't get the surplus seed block order to work.
Can only suggest you try again Diane -  lots of surplus orders going through so system is operational.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on December 01, 2017, 03:17:43 PM
Awesome list this year! My surplus block worked.

Here are photos of two of my donations to the list:
Iris tenax
Iris tenax x Iris innominata
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: odvdveer on December 01, 2017, 04:22:48 PM
I hope I did the correct thing by adding the additional numbers for the main set of seeds to the surplus list as well. It is because those are seeds I like to get and if I get most of my first 16 I gathered I wouldn't be  getting the second choise seeds if I didn't. It would be nice to have the option next year to be able to indicate that for the second choice seeds you don't get you'd like them on the surplus list because now I have a chance of getting 2 packages of them.

Love the irises, would have added them to my choices if I had seen them before
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Véronique Macrelle on December 02, 2017, 06:58:42 AM
I love these iris too! they deserved to be in my list. and I'm counting on you, Gordon, for next year ...
but there are so many beautiful things in this list!

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on December 02, 2017, 09:51:55 PM
I hope I did the correct thing by adding the additional numbers for the main set of seeds to the surplus list as well. It is because those are seeds I like to get and if I get most of my first 16 I gathered I wouldn't be  getting the second choise seeds if I didn't. It would be nice to have the option next year to be able to indicate that for the second choice seeds you don't get you'd like them on the surplus list because now I have a chance of getting 2 packages of them.

The seed team has thought about this. I have done the same as you each year - putting some seeds on the second choice list and the same ones in the surplus list. We have tried to simplify the system for our order picking team, to speed things up and to reduce the chance of errors. Our team of about 15 people work for approximately 10 days, so anything we can do to make the job more straightforward is good. We print off the main orders and the surplus orders on separate sheets of paper as they are dealt with separately. If both orders are on one piece of paper there is a chance that volunteers may pick from the wrong part of the list, so we do not do this.
I suggest that you become a seed donor next year, then your main order can be for 25 packets. The more you donate and the more years you donate means that you move up the list to have your order picked.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: odvdveer on December 02, 2017, 10:37:38 PM
The seed team has thought about this. I have done the same as you each year - putting some seeds on the second choice list and the same ones in the surplus list. We have tried to simplify the system for our order picking team, to speed things up and to reduce the chance of errors. Our team of about 15 people work for approximately 10 days, so anything we can do to make the job more straightforward is good. We print off the main orders and the surplus orders on separate sheets of paper as they are dealt with separately. If both orders are on one piece of paper there is a chance that volunteers may pick from the wrong part of the list, so we do not do this.
I suggest that you become a seed donor next year, then your main order can be for 25 packets. The more you donate and the more years you donate means that you move up the list to have your order picked.
Thank you, I dont want to make things more difficult for the team but I thought I had missed some option when entering my choices. I became a member to late to donate this year but I wil certainly try to donate seeds next year.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on December 03, 2017, 02:53:12 AM
Thank you, I dont want to make things more difficult for the team but I thought I had missed some option when entering my choices. I became a member to late to donate this year but I wil certainly try to donate seeds next year.
That's good. We always need new donors!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Mini bulb lover on December 07, 2017, 02:17:35 AM
I have ordered my seed online. Thank you to everyone behind the scenes! Unfortunately there might be a hiccup in receiving the seeds here in Australia which I was only made aware of after I'd ordered.  :(

The Australian government department tasked with checking imported seeds has decided to make a change, just in time for the seed exchange.

“Seed arriving through the mail and as passenger baggage will need to be commercially packaged and labelled with the full botanical name (genus and species). Alternatively, a phytosanitary certificate, supplier’s declaration, International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) certificate or Naktuinbouw Authorised Laboratories (NAL) certificate that lists the botanical name of the seed can be presented.”

I emailed them asking for their definition of a “supplier’s declaration” and the response was:

“A supplier’s declaration is more easily understood when described as “a declaration provided by the supplier of the goods”. This could be in various forms and is commonly presented as a letter from the supplier on a letterhead and is signed, dated and includes the name and address of the supplier.“

Therefore, it seems putting the botanical name on each seed envelope is no longer enough. Very frustrating, especially with such short notice. I don't expect the seed team to make any changes for this exchange (I can't remember if the attached SRGC letter is signed and on letterhead?). It will be interesting to see if the seed is stopped. It seems an unnecessary requirement to me.

The alert can be found below. Although it is stated as a “trial”, their plan is to make it permanent. (

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on December 07, 2017, 07:39:30 AM
Thanks for pointing this out. We will do our best to comply. Luckily the seed packets all look quite professional now with the full botanical names. We just need to make sure that the covering slip has the seedex manager's name address and is signed and dated. We can manage that! Please give feedback in due course to let us know how it works out.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Mini bulb lover on December 07, 2017, 11:30:09 AM
Thanks Carolyn!  ;D
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 11, 2017, 12:26:56 PM
 From  Jon in  the SH thread ....
  For other Australians on this forum that don't know, there's been a change to the seed import conditions. Luckily the SRGC seed team are going to look after us by complying with the change (thanks seed team!). The AGS and hopefully NARGS will also be okay. But if you order seed that isn't commercially packaged from somewhere else you should let them know that they need to include a sender's declaration.

The AGS seed team is up to speed with this and has  provided such details as now required for some time, I think.
The SRGC sends  details of the  provenance of the seed, e.g. from the Seed Exchange of SRGC etc,  with all seeds, I believe.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lewis Potter on December 11, 2017, 08:09:58 PM
Strange that everyone else's registration and ordering went smoothly. However I haven't received the activation email yet. Outlook and Gmail are very moody at times. Lewis.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 11, 2017, 08:12:57 PM
Strange that everyone else's registration and ordering went smoothly. However I haven't received the activation email yet. Outlook and Gmail are very moody at times. Lewis.
Your ' live ' email may have scooped it to a spam filter  Lewis - I have activated  your account now - happy seed choosing!!
 Most  problems  that were experienced in previous years  with such things have been eradicated now, I'm glad to say, yours is the first I've had !

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on December 12, 2017, 07:59:43 AM
Your ' live ' email may have scooped it to a spam filter  Lewis - I have activated  your account now - happy seed choosing!!
 Most  problems  that were experienced in previous years  with such things have been eradicated now, I'm glad to say, yours is the first I've had !
Hi Maggi,
that's because we've directed emails to the seed Team rather than to you.
I have the same problem this year - the activation email did not arrive - no, not in the spam/junk filter. David said that some work emails don't allow them through - possibly it was removed before filtering down to my email folders.
Strangely David doesn't keep the same hours you do so wasn't able to respond to my email till 8am your time, but was able to activate the account so problem solved
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on December 12, 2017, 08:03:34 AM
had the same problem with
Now i use an other provider and have no more problems.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 12, 2017, 12:26:46 PM
Hi Maggi,
that's because we've directed emails to the seed Team rather than to you.
I have the same problem this year - the activation email did not arrive - no, not in the spam/junk filter. David said that some work emails don't allow them through - possibly it was removed before filtering down to my email folders.
Strangely David doesn't keep the same hours you do so wasn't able to respond to my email till 8am your time, but was able to activate the account so problem solved
  And I've told you- and others - many times before that work email addresses OFTEN do not deliver automated emails  or those with active links in them - but nobody listens.

Many of the difficulties that were faced previously  for those using  hotmail etc  have been eradicated thanks to work from Fred.   

SRGC has no control, however, over those email providers who routinely scrap automated emails , or work email systems that do the same.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on December 12, 2017, 05:00:30 PM
Well, everything worked seamlessly for me this year (first time I haven't had to call for help from Maggi  ;D), it worked via chrome browser and gmail. Now if only the drop down menu from the tabs on the main SRGC site would display so all sub headings show up!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Véronique Macrelle on December 13, 2017, 05:39:22 AM
I, too, managed to fend for myself as a big!  ;)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 15, 2017, 05:29:42 PM
Many hundreds are managing perfectly well to make their seed requests, I am delighted to say.

It is worth bearing in mind for others, that the SRGC Seed Exchange  requires that members register and activate a new account each year ( so all your details are up to date and you do not need to remember the arcane password you used last year!) and that USA members are asked to enter  the two letter code  for their State  rather than the full State on their seed-ex  profile - that is to say, MI rather than Michigan.  This is because their address must  match the address they use for payment details and is required in this fashion by the secure payment facility.

USA State codes :
Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)

 - the two letters must be upper case


the email address for the Seed Team is     ;) :)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on December 24, 2017, 01:34:13 PM
Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2017, 02:17:35 AM »

I have ordered my seed online. Thank you to everyone behind the scenes! Unfortunately there might be a hiccup in receiving the seeds here in Australia which I was only made aware of after I'd ordered.  :(

The Australian government department tasked with checking imported seeds has decided to make a change, just in time for the seed exchange.

“Seed arriving through the mail and as passenger baggage will need to be commercially packaged and labelled with the full botanical name (genus and species). Alternatively, a phytosanitary certificate, supplier’s declaration, International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) certificate or Naktuinbouw Authorised Laboratories (NAL) certificate that lists the botanical name of the seed can be presented.”

I emailed them asking for their definition of a “supplier’s declaration” and the response was:

“A supplier’s declaration is more easily understood when described as “a declaration provided by the supplier of the goods”. This could be in various forms and is commonly presented as a letter from the supplier on a letterhead and is signed, dated and includes the name and address of the supplier.“

Therefore, it seems putting the botanical name on each seed envelope is no longer enough. Very frustrating, especially with such short notice. I don't expect the seed team to make any changes for this exchange (I can't remember if the attached SRGC letter is signed and on letterhead?). It will be interesting to see if the seed is stopped. It seems an unnecessary requirement to me.

The alert can be found below. Although it is stated as a “trial”, their plan is to make it permanent. (   

also : (
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Richard Green on December 30, 2017, 02:05:31 PM
It may be interesting to know that 60 members put in their seed orders in on the first possible day, being the 30 November, and that a further 95 members applied on day 2.

I would like to raise a glass to the two members who found time to finalise and pay for their seed orders on the evening of Christmas Day!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ChrisB on December 31, 2017, 11:27:15 AM
Happy New Year everyone!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on December 31, 2017, 11:31:30 AM
 ;D ;D ;D perfect  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on December 31, 2017, 12:16:05 PM
Hi Richard,
I've just filled in the allocation for one of our members so the form will have her name but my CC details so I hope that doesn't throw the system out!
One little problem I discovered for us overseas is that when doing the order on-line the little symbol denoting "bulblets or cormlets" doesn't appear so we could inadvertently order them - which of course won't get through our quarantine service (most of the time) and even if they did would not usually survive the "turning around" process since they are 6 months out of sync with their growth cycle.
Fortunately when I was doing my own order (before the paper copy had arrived here) Maggi had provided the link for the pdf of the seedlist so I could refer back to that when ordering anything like crocus or iris which could include bulblets!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on December 31, 2017, 12:43:00 PM
Thanks for pointing that out, Fermi. That's something we will need to fix for next year. However, members in Australia, NZ and USA need not worry if they have ordered any bulbils/cormlets inadvertantly - our seed-pickers always check that what they are picking is allowed.  We are all highly trained!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on December 31, 2017, 01:02:52 PM
Hi Carolyn,
I know that the SRGC Seed Team would never let that happen ;D
Happy New year - Sydney's Harbour Bridge is fully alight with fireworks as  I type!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Richard Green on January 08, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
Hi Fermi,

As Carolyn says we have several points to discuss from this year's Distribution and a meeting to go over them has been arranged.  Your point is now amongst them.

A good New Year to you and remainder of the growing season.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on January 08, 2018, 07:39:32 AM
Hi Richard,
I'm sure that the Seed Team will be gleaning lots of info from posts here on the Forum.
It's good to have the exchange of views and information that the Forum allows,
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on January 15, 2018, 07:02:32 PM
Remember folks - Seed Exchange closes today - just a few hours left to get your seed orders in!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on January 16, 2018, 12:34:07 PM
SRGC Seed Exchange is closed  for the season.  Distribution will begin soon - please be patient with the Seed Team  as they work.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: David Nicholson on January 19, 2018, 09:31:16 AM
My first choices delivered this morning. As ever many thanks to the 'Seed Team'  for all the hard work.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: ian mcdonald on January 19, 2018, 11:34:56 AM
I have received my seed this morning. It is good to have labels on the packets, this saves looking through the seed list and writing the names on the packets. Thanks to the seed team.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Dionysia on January 19, 2018, 12:16:35 PM
My seeds have also arrived; 23 first choices. Many thanks to all those involved.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Pennine Wanderer on January 19, 2018, 01:09:12 PM
Seeds arrive just now. Thanks again to the hard working seed exchange team. Very pleased.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Dionysia on January 19, 2018, 05:22:27 PM
The Distribution booklet states that some detail of wild collected seed may be available on request but it isn't clear to which member of the team that request should be made. Can anybody clarify this although I do appreciate that providing the information will take a lower priority than actually fulfilling the remaining orders.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on January 19, 2018, 08:53:42 PM
 All queries should be sent to  I believe.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Dionysia on January 19, 2018, 09:46:57 PM
Thanks Maggi
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Margaret on January 20, 2018, 06:55:33 PM

My seeds arrived today. Many thanks for all the hard work of the packers and the generosity of the collectors. I'm delighted.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on January 20, 2018, 10:19:41 PM
An update from seedex HQ: we have been working for 5 days now - one day to set up and 4 days to pick the main orders. We are very pleased with our progress and with our intrepid team who struggled through snow and ice to get in every day - even through 2 amber weather warnings. We are just starting to pick the orders for the surplus seed.
If you are waiting to receive your seeds, please be patient -  no enquiries please until 5th February.
The photo shows the wintry view from the seedex room at NTS Threave, with the superb golden willow branches prominent.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Leena on January 21, 2018, 08:50:22 AM
It is good to know the seeds are on their way, hopefully they arrive here next week.  :)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on January 21, 2018, 05:25:56 PM
Leena, they will be with you soon, I packed yours up!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on January 21, 2018, 06:29:23 PM
Having seen pictures of the weather in the South West, I am  amazed that anyone is able to attend the  Seed Ex picking days - well done to you all!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on January 21, 2018, 07:15:49 PM
Today's fresh snow - luckily we had all arrived when the blizzard began and we kept busy all day. There will be lots of bags to take to the post office tomorrow evening. By the time we finished, the snow was melting. With luck, the weather will be OK now till we finish - by the end of this week - i hope!
And yes, Maggi, before you ask, lots of cake is being consumed...
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: annew on January 21, 2018, 08:45:35 PM
Thanks to all involved for my seeds!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Leena on January 22, 2018, 10:32:32 AM
Leena, they will be with you soon, I packed yours up!

Carolyn  :) :) :)
I'll be waiting by the mailbox this week.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: CRSHEP0 on January 23, 2018, 04:02:00 AM
I feel like a kid at Christmas, can't wait to get my presents! My seeds have to go through the permit process of U.S. Government, they inspect that all the t's are crossed and i's dotted before released.  But, thankfully we can get them, whereas, New Zealand and others don't get the luxury.
I even got a new heating mat, as I read on Alplains website that he warms soil with newly planted seeds (just a few days) to help the seeds to moisten.  I decided to try his method this year.  Will let everyone know if I 'think' it helps.  Sure, is a more painful, process in our bathroom.  Cecile
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Menai on January 23, 2018, 03:22:18 PM
Am just about to sow my first seeds - alliums to spend a few weeks in the fridge. Thanks to everyone.
However I have one question. I ordered and received 1952 and 1953 labelled "Helleborus lividus corsicus" but Graham Rice says that lividus is found only on Majorca and the hellebore on Corsica and Sardinia is argutifolius. Has there been a name change somewhere? I already have argutifolius.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Véronique Macrelle on January 23, 2018, 04:08:53 PM
I received my seeds today ! :) I am delighted: only one species replaced: Arisaema sikokianum replaced by Sparaxis roxburghii!
 a great responsibility since it is almost gone in its original environment.

Many thanks for all the hard work of the packers
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on January 23, 2018, 08:13:13 PM
We finished picking all the orders today. We just need to complete our stocktaking and tidy everything up tomorrow, ready for next year. The orders going to USA, AUS and NZ still need to be double checked and any customs documents inserted, then they will be posted too.
For your information, Cecile, our Southern Hemisphere friends are allowed the same seeds as you are in North America. The American orders are the worst to process and demand the most effort on our part!
On Thursday I will see my garden in daylight again. Might even get some gardening done.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Rob on January 24, 2018, 01:09:31 PM
I received my surplus seed this morning, completing my order.

Thank you to the donors & seed packing team.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lawrence on January 24, 2018, 05:55:40 PM
Many thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in the Seed Exchange, my first choices arrived on Monday and my surplus order arrived today, incredible!!!!!
Thank you😀
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Catwheazle on January 24, 2018, 08:59:02 PM
Today is Christmas for the second time. I also got the seeds today.
Many thanks to the team who did this huge job!

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Leena on January 25, 2018, 04:20:53 PM
My seeds arrived today, thank yo so much Carolyn and the team. :)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on January 25, 2018, 07:18:24 PM
Jimmy Coffey- posted on Facebook :

" I joined online 2 weeks ago ,ordered my first choice and surplus list ... first choices received last week surplus requests received this morning and the journal.... very happy great work from all at the society... thankyou very much"
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 31, 2018, 02:14:42 AM
Seeds have arrived in New Zealand and my warm (very warm) thanks to all donors, packers and posters. You all do a great job and many plants would not be in our gardens if not for your dedication.

 I suspect my seeds might like to go back to base as the temperature here today in the south of the country is at 2.30pm, 33.7C inside and 35 in my potting shed (no sowing today). The temp on the shady back path is 38C! I hate it! We also have a strong nor'west gale blowing and our unripe pear crop is now on the ground, along with most of the apples. My precious fig tree is coping but will need some extra staking and tying when the wind drops.

Marley our dog has taken over the bathroom, coolest place in the house an I shall go and lie on my bed out of the worst heat, for an hour or two.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 31, 2018, 08:00:13 PM
Rain is falling steadily - as the weather man promised - so I've fished out my seed packets for another look. Still a bit soon to sow I think but we'll see.

A note though. All the seeds in my packets looks strong and healthy and as always I hope they germinate nicely and come true. One will NOT. It is as Iris hookeriana and yet again is not that pseudoregelia species but is quite easily identifiable as a form of Iris setosa so probably the low-growing one we know as Iris setosa hookeri or just I. hookeri.  This is sad as I. hookeriana has only recently been added to our permitted list so I was excited at the prospect of replacing a plant I had many years ago from Tim Loe seed. Tim's plant was beautifully marked (imagine a purple tiger) and I found it easy to grow and flower but not to set seed. I lost it in the battle to protect from rabbits a couple of years ago. Maybe that fine iris grower in Tauranga still has it from the piece I sent him 3 or 4 years ago.

So, not of course the fault of the Seed Exchange but I do wish that donors would check their names before donating. This one comes up almost as often as stylophorum species masquerading as Hylomecon japonicum and is a great disappointment to the recipients.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on January 31, 2018, 09:03:03 PM
Since packets have already arrived in New Zealand, I am hopeful my order will be here soon!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: timothyloe on January 31, 2018, 09:21:22 PM
Hi Lesley,

I'm glad that the I. hookeriana that you had from me all those years ago was good!  Sorry to hear that you lost it - true hookeriana is rare in cultivation, and, like you, I chose if from the list!  I'll still sow the seed as someone has gone to a lot of trouble and you never know, might be lovely.  Kate and I stopped selling seed because it was so time consuming (which makes be appreciate what a fabulous job the seed exchange team do), but moreover because, we just couldn't be sure that what we were selling was true to name - I think sometimes our suppliers put names on things that they knew would be popular!   But I've kept all the unsold seed and this year decided to sow the lot - hundreds and hundreds of pots, expect most it no longer viable, but couldn't throw it away. It will be interesting to see if anything comes up, can't remember if there was any I. hookeriana seed sown.  I'm sure in time I'll obtain some true hookeriana seed and will make sure I save some for you.   By the way I've taken over editing the bulletin of the BIS Species Group again and busy scribbling for the next issue!  Best wishes Tim
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Gabriela on February 01, 2018, 01:02:47 AM
Since packets have already arrived in New Zealand, I am hopeful my order will be here soon!

So am I Gordon!

For Lesley - I am sorry you got the wrong Iris, yet again. At least you spotted the wrong seeds right away.

I would like to clarify because it was mentioned here and not for the first time - the case of Iris setosa, which is different from Iris hookeri (syn. Iris setosa var. canadensis for those who don't accept I. hookeri).
These NA Irises are mixed up in the trades, seedex, etc.... to the point of no return probably. Certainly not using the proper names has contributed to this situation. They are distinct though:

Iris setosa

Iris hookeri
Maggi - please move this in another thread as you consider.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 01, 2018, 01:54:54 PM


For Lesley - I am sorry you got the wrong Iris, yet again. At least you spotted the wrong seeds right away.
I would like to clarify because it was mentioned here and not for the first time - the case of Iris setosa, which is different from Iris hookeri (syn. Iris setosa var. canadensis for those who don't accept I. hookeri).
These NA Irises are mixed up in the trades, seedex, etc.... to the point of no return probably. Certainly not using the proper names has contributed to this situation. They are distinct though:

Maggi - please move this in another thread as you consider.

     I have reposted Gabriela's  pictures  here : (   - where I would be grateful if further discussion could take place
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Parsla on February 01, 2018, 09:47:13 PM
My seeds arrived yesterday, to great delight, and i shall wait to sow in mid autumn (lest they fry with current hot spells).
Thank you Carolyn and your team for your selfless efforts in the seed exchange. It’s such a wonderful opportunity for those of us in the southern hemisphere to obtain plants we otherwise could not.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 01, 2018, 10:20:23 PM
Yes Maggi, I'm sorry for the note re Iris hookeriana. You know I tend to get a bit wordy and deviate from the real discussion on hand. I shan't do that again, I hope.

All I intended to say was that as always, the seed team do a fantastic job and agreeing with Jacqui, we in the south owe them a great debt for the wonderful plants they make available to us. My thanks are given to them all for their time and work.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 01, 2018, 10:51:58 PM
No worries, Lesley - I just wanted to be sure that a discussion on those Iris did not get "lost"  here.
I note also that your original query was about the  mistaken  delivery of hookeri for hookerianum 

( Aropos nothing except Irises  - I'd be happy if 1) I could remember  what the  Iris is that we have a large trough full of - and 2) get the  blasted thing to start flowering regularly!)

It is so lovely to hear of the seeds arriving around the world  - think of the many thousands of packets the Seed Team has sent off in the post!!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on February 06, 2018, 04:55:08 AM
Yay! SRGC seeds have arrived in Redesdale! Unfortunately 2 packets removed - I've just sent a note to the authorities with an explanation of P x chamaeleon as donated by Leena] [url] (http://[url)[/url] in reply 33. I hope they accept that :-\
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on February 06, 2018, 01:14:30 PM
Odd that seed has yet to appear in Nova Scotia. Hopefully it will be here this week???
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: samsgarden on February 06, 2018, 03:33:59 PM
Curious indeed as to the SRGC main distribution being a no show in Canada so far. I've never watched a rural mailbox for signs of delivery so much as this past week! Anticipation +++.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Diane Whitehead on February 06, 2018, 09:27:22 PM
There is something odd going on with mail into Canada this year. I did get a Christmas card
from the U.K.,  though it took a month.

Packages seem not to be coming at all.

I am still waiting for Silverhill seeds sent registered airmail from South Africa on Dec 12,
a printed book of Ian's Erythronium book, mailed Dec 29 and received mid-January in
New Zealand, Australia and the U.S., seeds sent from the UK at the beginning of January,
and seeds from the various seed exchanges.

Maybe I'll need to have things sent to the U.S. and drive across the border to pick them up.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on February 06, 2018, 09:40:53 PM
Yay! SRGC seeds have arrived in Redesdale! Unfortunately 2 packets removed - I've just sent a note to the authorities with an explanation of P x chamaeleon as donated by Leena
 [url]]] [url] (http://[url=[/url] in reply 33. I hope they accept that :-\
I hope you get your seeds, Fermi. I wonder if there is anything else we can do in the seed team to help in future years?
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: fermi de Sousa on February 07, 2018, 03:56:26 AM
Hi Carolyn,
I'll send you a PM as you may be able to help with convincing the inspector that the Paeonia seed should be released!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Gabriela on February 07, 2018, 06:20:56 PM
Just a quick note to say that the seeds arrived last evening. All other anxious Canadians should be in possession of theirs soon :)
There is no secret that Canada Post goes through difficulties; especially in the winter time the deliveries are very slow.
I know for certain that other countries 'enjoy' the same level of mail service, so....

Many thanks to all involved in this year Seedex!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 07, 2018, 06:51:23 PM
Pleased for you Gabriela and I hope all Canadians have their seed very soon. It's always a worry when postal items known to be in the system somewhere, don't arrive as expected. We too sometimes have such issues though many of ours are to do with border inspections (won't go there). I have had letters from the UK arrive in 3 days while a letter has arrived from Christchurch, 400kms away only after 8 days. Go figure as they say.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 07, 2018, 07:04:17 PM
The weather here is cooling rapidly after some rain and there was a touch of frost in the air yesterday. I've decided to sow my SRGC seed now while as fresh as possible but have also got caught up with a plant list, my first for maybe 10 years or so. (I got distracted by a PAYING job at the Otago Farmer's Market back in 2005s) In spite of one excellent local nursery I've talked about before, the fact is there is little new available to local rock gardeners. I've been able to propagate things that haven't been around for a while and also to include some bulbs, mainly crocuses and the response has been almost overwhelming. So other urgent tasks have to be set aside for now in order to fill orders. Not that I'm complaining of course. ;D and it's great to be in touch again with people who were mail order customers many years ago. People are amazingly loyal and the word of encouragement and even of pleasure at the list's return, are really wonderful and heartening. I just wish my back and knees and heart were standing upso well as they were at that earlier time.  :(
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 07, 2018, 07:05:24 PM
Sorry Maggi, I really have gone off topic. It was supposed to be the fact only, that I about to sow now.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 07, 2018, 08:28:07 PM
I'll wander a little myself, by saying it took longer for a parcel to go from the UK to  Japan  recently  than for one to travel in the other direction. Who knew it was "uphill" all the way to Japan??
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: kris on February 07, 2018, 10:36:29 PM
I got my seeds yesterday and most of them are outside in pots at -22C. Thanks for the seeds SRGS.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Cgull49 on February 09, 2018, 10:08:12 PM
Got my seeds from the Main seed exchange on Tuesday of this week but not my Surplus Seeds, while the Ottawa Valley Rock Garden and Horticultural Society to which I belong has got it Surplus Seeds but not seeds from the Main seed exchange.
Go figure.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: johnralphcarpenter on February 09, 2018, 11:32:32 PM
Post Canada's reputation lives on! (My wife is from Ontario).
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: GordonT on February 10, 2018, 12:28:53 AM
Main seed distribution arrived today. Many thanks to the Seedex Team for a job well done. We all owe you much gratitude!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: David Sellars on February 10, 2018, 01:12:21 AM
Still no seeds here on the west coast. But it takes Canada Post a good two weeks to get mail from Ontario to BC so hopefully all is not lost.
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: sippa on February 10, 2018, 11:46:37 PM

I received my seed last week and I was surprised that the main request and the surplus arrived in the same envelope.  Thank you for your hard work.

Vermont US
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: KK-Ann Arbor on February 11, 2018, 09:48:50 AM
I received an envelope with seed packets on February 7.
Posted on Jan. 23; arrived at NY inspection station on Jan. 29; released on Feb. 2.
Not bad at all!.

Thank you everyone who were involved. 
Even though it has been constantly snowing for the last couple of days, it must be a sign that we are moving closer to spring!!.

I am still waiting for my main selection along with additional surplus requests.

I have been receiving seeds for the past several years both from SRGC and AGS, for the first time I noticed 3 out of 50 packges in the envelope were opened and resealed.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Leena on February 11, 2018, 10:23:36 AM
Unfortunately 2 packets removed - I've just sent a note to the authorities with an explanation of P x chamaeleon as donated by Leena

Fermi, if you don't get them, I will send you fresh seeds in the autumn.  :)
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 13, 2018, 04:50:15 PM
From another thread- 
Well, the Australian Government has finally done it - only commercially packaged seed allowed in from 25 January 2018 (or seed with a Phytosanitary certificate).  :'( (

Very sad news. We won't go down without a fight though.

I have passed this info on to the rest of the Seedex team.  Do keep in touch if you hear anything else.

I would hope that the neatly labelled packets of SRGC Seed Exchange seed would now  be acceptable to the  Australian authorities - a clear reason to illustrate what a great idea it was to institute this  improvement  in service to all members.

Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 14, 2018, 01:30:47 PM
Another comment from the  Southern Hemisphere thread :
The SRGC Seed Exchange envelopes are great. Last December the Australian department that monitors agricultural imports made a change that a “supplier’s declaration” was also required which the SRGC Seed Exchange team graciously provided. Now they state that they will only accept the declaration from commercial suppliers.

I think this change seems to be less about bio security and more about reducing their workload. As a first step we’ve recommended that AGS Victorian Group members (and anyone else affected) contact their local federal member of parliament to ask for this change to be reversed. The committee will soon meet to determine future action.

I would also suggest that, as stakeholders, the SRGC and AGS send letters to the minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, David Littleproud MP. Explain the impact of this change and ask for it to be reconsidered. (

I think this change is a threat to our bio security because it could increase the black market on  imports. When has prohibition ever worked?

I hope the SRGC Seed Team will be bringing all this to the attention of the SRGC President, since he would be the  main person to write  concerning SRGC fears on this  matter.

Members may contact  the President, David Rankin by email via this link ( 
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on February 22, 2018, 01:17:09 PM
Sue Gardiner‎, near Palmerston North, New Zealand  posting in the  Friends who like Scottish Rock Garden Club page on Facebook:

This speed maniac Cypella herbertii has flowered in almost exactly one year from SRGC seed!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on March 03, 2018, 03:51:51 PM
More on the Australian  seed import regulations - from Jon Ballard :

"Good news here regarding seed imports into Australia. From 3 March 2018 we can import seed (on the allowed list) from organisations, not just commercial entities. The last SRGC seed exchange complies with the new regulation (include the botanical name(s), dated, signed and on letterhead). Sellers sending seed to Australia need to include their company name on the letter. It needs to show that it's a paid order, not just one individual sending seed to another."


Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: AnJo11 on April 08, 2019, 11:48:56 AM
hello Maggy,
I perfectly thet's late, but do you know if it is always possible to oder some seeds?
 and also, because I am always traveling betwen mid january til march, how it is possible to place an order for next year?
thanks for advance...
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Maggi Young on April 08, 2019, 12:04:14 PM
hello Maggy,
I perfectly thet's late, but do you know if it is always possible to oder some seeds?
 and also, because I am always traveling betwen mid january til march, how it is possible to place an order for next year?
thanks for advance...
Hello AnJo, sorry,  it  is  only  possible  for  Scottish Rock Garden Club Members  to order  seeds  from a Seedlist  during the  "open" period  of that particular  Seed Exchange.  It is not  possible to order  seeds  late, or in advance.  This would  in any  case  be impossible, since the  only  seeds offered each season are those  donated and  listed each year - so the  list and  numbers  change all the  time. The  Seed Teams  work for  each season exclusively and then the  volunteers  get a rest!
Title: Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2017-2018 - Number 71
Post by: Carolyn on April 08, 2019, 01:17:20 PM
The next seedlist will go online and you will be able to order at the end of Nov/  Dec.The seed orders are  sent out by the end of January, so your seeds would be waiting for you on your return from your travels.
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