Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

Bulbs => Galanthus => Topic started by: chasw on January 25, 2014, 04:27:43 PM

Title: Myddleton House
Post by: chasw on January 25, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
Good to meet up with many forum users,and lurkers today,from home and abroad.I think we were very lucky with the weather,we are now home,Thunder,Lightening and Hail,and news of a mini tornado in Warwickshire  :-[
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 25, 2014, 04:40:43 PM
...........Thunder,Lightening and Hail,and news of a mini tornado in Warwickshire  :-[

Are you kidding?   In Warwickshire?  Crumbs!  :o
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: chasw on January 25, 2014, 05:14:30 PM
Also spotted a drop called ....Melvyn Jope ;)
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Uwe on January 25, 2014, 05:41:57 PM
Where are the photos from Snowdrop-Event in Myddleton House ?  ???  ;)
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: RichardW on January 25, 2014, 05:58:34 PM
Just got in after a terrible drive back from Reading, massive storm hit very suddenly near Henley with debris flying everywhere  :o roads were covered in branches, also several large trees down near home, hoping there is no damage at work....

lucky that didn't come through this morning! Nice to see everyone again & very pleased with my new acquisitions, Kildare & Selborne Green Tips.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 25, 2014, 06:03:34 PM
Everyone only had eyes for snowdrops Uwe! First time I've been and there were tables full of the snowdrops from the "snowdrop books" - good to be a bit behind in the snowdrop stakes because I could pick up all those varieties that everyone has already, like 'Wasp' and 'Diggory' and charming little 'Kyre Park'. Will put some photos on later, including parts of the garden (which I have not been to before). Joe Sharman cheekily (or perhaps hopefully!?) had a little thing at £500 - perhaps the press should have attended and inflated the figure even more. Very enjoyable event, fine weather, and some nice snowdrop hats in evidence (and very nice to meet Emma in passing - all best wishes for Shaftesbury).
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Uwe on January 25, 2014, 06:37:23 PM
Yes, it is right.Look after plants first, i do that also so. I´m looking forward for photos. ;)
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: mark smyth on January 25, 2014, 06:49:26 PM
Kencott Ripple is about to finish on Ebay. Would I give it a home? Yes most definitely. Would I pay £500? Definitely not
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: emma T on January 25, 2014, 06:52:35 PM
I will post photos tomorrow when I have a better internet connection !
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: RichardW on January 25, 2014, 06:54:50 PM
I went for a quick look before I left and not something that would catch my eye, I'm amazed someone would pay £££'s for that, each to their own....
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: johnralphcarpenter on January 25, 2014, 07:34:03 PM
My first time as well. My wife was very apprehensive and threatened to remove all means of payment from my person, but relented when she saw some irises on the Monksilver Nursery stand and decided that I should buy them, being a reasonable £2 each! Iris reticulata 'Blue Note', Iris reticulata 'Gordon' and Iris 'Lady Beatrix Stanley'. She even allowed me to buy a snowdrop from Glen Chantry, Galantus byzantinum Ex Warham it says on the label, but the man said it is probably not byzantinum but plicatus. Nice anyway and only (only?) £10. Took the camera but completely forgot to take any photographs at the event! Met Tom Mitchell for the first time though.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 25, 2014, 07:41:56 PM
This is the reason why all sensible gardeners love snowdrops - with the dishonourable exception of whoever stole plants from North Green (one hopes that remorse might catch up with them, or perhaps something with a longer arm...). This is the well named 'Ultimate Snowdrop Sale' with a select gathering of  the (alternative) great and good in the gardening world and just a little excitement on a bright January day. One snowdrop in Wol and Sue Staines collection that escaped my notice until my pocket became empty - 'Louise Ann Bromley' - well maybe next year... ?
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: RichardW on January 25, 2014, 07:42:43 PM
My Ex Warham was only planted a few years ago and is now a good sized clump, very nice & flowers early, has been out for weeks.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: johnralphcarpenter on January 25, 2014, 07:51:08 PM
Just got in after a terrible drive back from Reading, massive storm hit very suddenly near Henley with debris flying everywhere  :o roads were covered in branches, also several large trees down near home, hoping there is no damage at work....

lucky that didn't come through this morning!

The storm front passed through here very suddenly around 6pm. I thought a jet aircraft was trying to land in the road outside! Cats very alarmed!
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 25, 2014, 07:55:14 PM
A couple of photos from today.

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 25, 2014, 07:56:59 PM
Although I haven't read E. A. Bowles' books (which must soon be remedied) the feel of the garden, as a true 'plantsman's garden' really comes across - a wonderful venue for such an event. I have to admit to casting an envious eye on the conservatory next to the house, not to mention the greenhouse range beyond the vegetable garden. And how about E. A. Bowles' description of his rock garden? He may have been privileged in many ways (and, as it says in the exhibition, one of the last of the truly great gardeners - perhaps a little of an exaggeration: in fact he is probably closest of many of his generation to the specialist gardeners of today, even if we work on a slightly smaller scale!). The rock garden is now romantically over-run with snowdrops but with plans for renovation. Could this presage a new age for the rock gardener? - it would be a great start to stimulate more interest amongst gardeners in general.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 25, 2014, 07:58:17 PM
Thank goodness there was a bit of sun  to light the flowers before the weather started throwing its weight around. Hope everyone is home safely.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 25, 2014, 08:07:11 PM
Amongst the pots of succulents in the greenhouse (which are beautifully grown and presented) was this personalised example - this would give a great advantage to exhibitors at shows! Many of these plants were quite familiar but I can't place the last one - can anyone help?
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 25, 2014, 08:17:56 PM
Within the garden is this at first sight curious structure. In fact it is the Enfield Market Cross which was otherwise going to be destroyed for the stone and was saved by Bowles. It was constructed in 1504 and it is hard to believe that anyone would consider losing it in this way - an amazing lack of concern for history, and another example of the value of the garden. Finally a couple of examples of plants - first a carefully trained specimen of Hardenbergia violacea, a vivid and superb 'pea'; and second, to finish on a snowdrop, a distinctive clump in the garden - possibly 'Yaffle' or something very close to it, with rather unique soft colouring.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 25, 2014, 09:19:12 PM
Although the Myddleton House snowdrops include a few named cultivars, I think the vast majority are just random hybrids.  But I'm sure you can find very many look-alikes there.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: mark smyth on January 25, 2014, 10:49:21 PM
Lovely snowdrop
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 26, 2014, 06:33:19 AM
I agree, Mark.  To some extent a visit to Myddleton House represents a challenge to your faith as a snowdrop collector.  You can see so many attractive and unnamed ones there that you might begin to question the superiority of the named ones you grow. 
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Leena on January 26, 2014, 08:19:02 AM
Thank you for the photos from Myddleton House, these pictures are a treat to us who can't come over there. :)
I liked all, but especially Alan's photo Something of interest made me smile. Wish I were there.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 26, 2014, 10:02:06 AM
I can imagine Bowles wandering around his garden with a small group of similar friends in just like the same pose as Alan's picture! Small is definitely beautiful.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: colineddie1 on January 26, 2014, 11:24:55 AM
What a wonderful morning I had - first trip to a gala such as this - extremely suprised though at how fast people moved when the barrier went back and in some cases how shall we say 'determined' some of the buyers were - I have the elbow bruises to prove it and nearly ended up on Joe's table at one point by some extremely eager buyer - but it was fun and I spent a fortune!!! not a good one but came away with 3 on my wish wish list plus another 10.  :)

Sorry I feel extremely ignorant as I didn't speak to anyone only because I didn't know you - so if you were there a belated Hi from me and my dad!

I took the country route back home via Birmingham and passed through where the storm had hit - took out lots of trees and even road signs were bent like screwed up paper  :o :o

On a Garden note though - the day was amazing, the weather was superb for us to wander around and the grounds - well there were so many twists n turns you could get lost for a week in there and never be seen again - lovely lovely lovely and see you all next year - by then I might know some of you!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 26, 2014, 12:04:02 PM
I'm always very pleased if somebody else from the forum comes up and introduces themselves.  I'm liable to forget names and faces so you may need to do it several times - but that's just my stupid brain.  I was going to wear the hat I have in the picture for ease of recognition - but it was such a nice day I did not need a hat.   
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: David Nicholson on January 26, 2014, 12:09:59 PM
Loved the picture of the Enfield market cross Tim, lovely piece of stonework. I can,t understand why the Enfield "powers that be" aren't knocking on the gates asking for it back. Mind you they've probably been "Osbourned" so hard they couldn't afford it.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: loes on January 26, 2014, 12:28:37 PM
I'm always very pleased if somebody else from the forum comes up and introduces themselves.  I'm liable to forget names and faces so you may need to do it several times - but that's just my stupid brain.  I was going to wear the hat I have in the picture for ease of recognition - but it was such a nice day I did not need a hat.   

Missed you again.
Seeing the photo of the garden I now realise it was you after all.
We, a group of 7 Dutch speaking people,were at the same time at the same place in the garden as you were.
We discussed if it was you we saw but decided it could not be as we were told you couldnt make it to Myddelton House.
Please do wear your hat in the future or say hello to " funny speaking people" !
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 27, 2014, 08:13:25 AM
I remember a group of "funny speaking people", Loes.  Next time, next time.

And I had not twigged that colineddie1 is actually female so I was not looking in the right, er, direction.  I'm glad to hear she got at least some of the ones she was after.   
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: johnralphcarpenter on January 27, 2014, 04:32:34 PM
I see that Tom Mitchell's pictures of the sale are on Twitter.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: colineddie1 on January 27, 2014, 10:24:02 PM
And I had not twigged that colineddie1 is actually female so I was not looking in the right, er, direction.  I'm glad to hear she got at least some of the ones she was after.   

Actually I think I saw you in the line - you were about 10 behind me and I was there for 9.20 lol - I met a lovely lady with a snowdrop hat on - would love to know who she is - it was a black knitted hat with snowdrops embroidered in wool on it. When we spoke she said that her Rosemary Burnham and Deer Slot had not come back if that gives anyone a hint.

We were about level with the side door to the courtyard and there were some European people a couple of places in front of us - all nationalities were present - it was a great day
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Ding Dong on January 27, 2014, 10:42:55 PM
Sounds like Emma Thick maybe? :)
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2014, 11:00:09 PM

 I met a lovely lady with a snowdrop hat on - would love to know who she is - it was a black knitted hat with snowdrops embroidered in wool on it. When we spoke she said that her Rosemary Burnham and Deer Slot had not come back if that gives anyone a hint.

We were about level with the side door to the courtyard and there were some European people a couple of places in front of us - all nationalities were present - it was a great day

It wasn't Emma - see her in a green snowdrop hat in this pic from Alan (  -  was Jennie "Kentish Lass " there?   The Snowdrop Hat gang are  quite a small - and  I like to think (!!) select bunch...... ;D
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 27, 2014, 11:08:37 PM
Well spotted, Maggi.  But, no, sadly Jennie was not able to come.  And you are correct colineddie1 (= Jane?), I would have been about 10 people behind whoever was level with the side door, queuing with RichardW who arrived at the same time as I did.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 27, 2014, 11:17:42 PM
And is that a pale blue snowdrop hat in the same photo ? Emma's Mum ( Cherry) or perhaps Emma's cousin (Cheryl) in that one ?

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 27, 2014, 11:50:36 PM
If I'm not mistaken, that's Emma's mum in the pale blue snowdrop hat and Cheryl without a hat (although I think she was wearing one earlier).  In the queue they would have been about the same distance in front of Jane as she was in front of me and Richard.  I did see at least one other snowdrop hat in the queue but who was wearing it? 
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: colineddie1 on January 28, 2014, 08:42:37 PM
I remember a group of "funny speaking people", Loes.  Next time, next time.

And I had not twigged that colineddie1 is actually female so I was not looking in the right, er, direction.  I'm glad to hear she got at least some of the ones she was after.   

Funny story here - was gutted that I missed out on E A Bowles on the Glen Chantry stall - even though I did ask straight away but they were so busy just kept saying up the far end - the table was bare where they had been - obviously at those prices not suprising when you see how much they are fetching on Ebay!.

Anyway was on my 4th rekki around the stalls after 2 trips back to the car I went to Monksilver to have a nosy at what was left (there wasn't a lot by this time) - saw Flocon de Nige which is another that I had my eye on but didnt expect to see there so I thought 'why not' still had a little bit of my funds left - dad had given up on me by this time and decided he was just carrying the bags - bought that and a little cheeky Shrek (im a sucker for a spikey type) and Bagpuize Walrus - with that little lot I toddled off home.

Got home showing mum our lovely bulbs and I was reading the labels only to discover my Flocon was actually E A Bowles  - the large plant label which was stuck in the last pot was not what it was on the plant.

How lucky was I - yes I still want Flocon but it can wait till next year now - so I got 3 out of 3 on the most wanted list - cannot complain at all
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: colineddie1 on January 28, 2014, 09:05:11 PM
If I'm not mistaken, that's Emma's mum in the pale blue snowdrop hat and Cheryl without a hat (although I think she was wearing one earlier).  In the queue they would have been about the same distance in front of Jane as she was in front of me and Richard.  I did see at least one other snowdrop hat in the queue but who was wearing it?

I did notice Emma now you say the green felted snowdrop hat - Emma was taking photo's of the que as we stood there - next time I will go and introduce myself

I want to go to more and maybe actually speak to some of you but I live so far away I think once a year is more than I can ask for - now start saving again as piggy bank is broke  :'(

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 29, 2014, 10:25:10 AM
This grassy meadow nicely separated the rock garden from the remainder of the garden and gave it a natural charm, accentuated by all the snowdrops.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Brian Ellis on January 29, 2014, 11:21:05 AM
I understand from John Grimshaw's blog that Matt found a new snowdrop at Myddleton House.  I wonder what it is like?
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 11:46:02 AM
I understand from John Grimshaw's blog that Matt found a new snowdrop at Myddleton House.  I wonder what it is like?
White with green bits, Brian      - there's a Telegraph piece with pic here : (
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 29, 2014, 12:02:30 PM
White with green bits, ...
:D  ::)  :D

I don't recognise the background in the picture; not a part of the garden that I visited, I think.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 12:04:34 PM
:D  ::)  :D

I don't recognise the background in the picture; not a part of the garden that I visited, I think.

Looked like "behind the scenes" to me - plant lifted, presumably.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Brian Ellis on January 29, 2014, 01:41:22 PM
White with green bits, Brian

 ;D ;D I thought it more green with white bits Maggi :-*
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 02:28:30 PM
;D ;D I thought it more green with white bits Maggi :-*

Only superficially, Brian - the white will always remain while the green bits may change, or not appear at all - going by the notes accompanying most of that type of snowdrop - they always seem to be sold with caveats about the green bits not being permanent - so I think you'll find the correct description is  "white with green bits - sometimes "   ;) :o :-X
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 29, 2014, 03:02:29 PM
Where is the romance? White with green-bits indeed. What is more to the point is why the Telegraph has not mentioned the new Shaftesbury Snowdrop event and its talented organisers.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Alan_b on January 29, 2014, 03:47:11 PM
"white with green bits - sometimes "   ;) :o :-X

"I'm playing all the right notes—but not necessarily in the right order."

In the instance of snowdrops, you can pretty much guarantee green bits but not necessarily all the green bits.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 04:18:36 PM
What is more to the point is why the Telegraph has not mentioned the new Shaftesbury Snowdrop event and its talented organisers.

 I see there is mention now, at least in the comments area - and of another snowdrop article : (
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Tim Ingram on January 29, 2014, 07:43:15 PM
That's nice to know Maggi. If anyone would like a little more of my take on the Myddelton House snowdrop day, I have written a first diary entry on the AGS website. There will be more to come on snowdrops, both here and there, as February progresses, mostly in their garden settings. And you have to remember, I am a relative newcomer to the more esoteric world of snowdrops, so have a lot to learn - as André Preview might have said to Eric Morecombe!
Title: A new Myddleton snowdrop
Post by: mark smyth on January 29, 2014, 08:05:31 PM (
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 08:10:48 PM
I merged your new topic with this one, Mark, since the new 'drop had already been mentioned here on this and the preceding page. 
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: mark smyth on January 29, 2014, 08:12:15 PM
oops should have looked first
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 29, 2014, 08:14:58 PM
That's nice to know Maggi. If anyone would like a little more of my take on the Myddelton House snowdrop day, I have written a first diary entry on the AGS website. There will be more to come on snowdrops, both here and there, as February progresses, mostly in their garden settings. And you have to remember, I am a relative newcomer to the more esoteric world of snowdrops, so have a lot to learn - as André Preview might have said to Eric Morecombe!

Tim's new diary on the AGS site : (


Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Carolyn Walker on January 29, 2014, 11:58:34 PM
Tim, that is a wonderful essay explaining the many attractions of snowdrops, great photos too.  For those of us who can't attend these overseas events, it is so nice to have photos and descriptions, the more detail the better.

I am consumed with curiosity about 'Kencot Ripple'.  Are there photos anywhere (nothing when I googled it).  What makes it special?
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2014, 12:09:45 AM
'Kencot Ripple' is a sort of Trym type, with double marks in and out.....
 described in its recent ebay listing as :
"Galanthus elwesii ‘Kencot Ripple’

This ‘Trym’ type elwesii is a relatively small plant with the almost unique characteristic of having two marks on the 3 outers as well as on the inners.
However the markings can be quite variable from year to year."

I think you will still be able to see the photos here (
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Carolyn Walker on January 30, 2014, 12:39:46 AM
Thanks, Maggi.  UK eBay doesn't come up over here but I was able to see the photo from your link.  What's the significance of the ripple part of the name or is that the sound of your money rippling away  :D?  Kencot I assume is the village in Oxfordshire.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2014, 12:53:08 AM
Looking closely at the photos  I think I saw a faint 'ripple', or puckering in the petals  - I suppose that may be the relevance.  :-\
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: emma T on February 03, 2014, 07:18:26 PM
If I'm not mistaken, that's Emma's mum in the pale blue snowdrop hat and Cheryl without a hat (although I think she was wearing one earlier).  In the queue they would have been about the same distance in front of Jane as she was in front of me and Richard.  I did see at least one other snowdrop hat in the queue but who was wearing it?

It was my mum in the blue snowdrop hat , Cheryl was wearing a green one at one point.

Don't know the ladies name in the black snowdrop hat but know it's one I've made :D
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: christobelle01 on February 14, 2014, 12:46:29 PM
Hi folks
I've just discovered your forum and managed to get myself on it although all this kind of thing is new to me.
I'm the person in the black snowdrop hat who was at Myddleton House I got it at Angela Whinfield's garden, Snape cottage. Loved the plant sale at Myddleton it was a nice atmosphere and chatting to like minded people  is fun. Hope to see more of you at future events, mine is the Hardy Plants snowdrop day at Ragley Hall Warks.
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Maggi Young on February 14, 2014, 12:51:14 PM
Hello Christobelle, how lovely to meet you and your hat here !
Nothing like a fine snowdrop hat to keep you cosy and well dressed at a snowdrop event, is there? Well, any event actually!!

How nice that you have found us -  you'll find quite a few of us at Ragley Hall, I'm sure .
I'm miles away in Aberdeen - but show solidarity by my snowdrop hat!

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: emma T on February 14, 2014, 01:47:38 PM
Hi folks
I've just discovered your forum and managed to get myself on it although all this kind of thing is new to me.
I'm the person in the black snowdrop hat who was at Myddleton House I got it at Angela Whinfield's garden, Snape cottage. Loved the plant sale at Myddleton it was a nice atmosphere and chatting to like minded people  is fun. Hope to see more of you at future events, mine is the Hardy Plants snowdrop day at Ragley Hall Warks.


I made your hat  ;D
Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Gail on February 17, 2014, 09:39:19 PM
Hi Christobelle, and welcome to the forum.

I've finally got around to sorting out my photos and they include one of you modelling your hat;

Title: Re: Myddleton House
Post by: Gail on February 17, 2014, 09:43:20 PM
More pics;
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