General Subjects > Wisley Alpine Log – Feedback Forum
Wisley Alpine Log Feedback
Paddy Tobin:
This is really a great addition to an already excellent site.
The gardens at Wisley have been one of our very favourite places to visit and we have travelled there many times and have always enjoyed the visits very much. The alpine house has, of course, been of special interest and always one of our spots to see. It will be great to watch the redevelopment here on the site and in real life when we can next get round to visit.
Many thanks for taking the time to write the blog. I have no doubt it will be followed with great interest by the members of this site.
--- Quote from: admin on August 03, 2007, 12:37:52 PM ---Please use this forum for feedback on the new Wisley Alpine Log. Create as many topics as you wish! ;)
--- End quote ---
and remember to click notify on the board, if you want to know when new topics are added.
ian mcenery:
More please!!!
Paul Cumbleton:
Wow, I'm amazed at so many hits for the first day. And thanks to those of you who have already posted their appreciation of the log. Maggi, I'm afraid Sunny often sleeps on the job these days! She is getting quite old now - we think around 13 years - so we forgive her for her increasing siestas. Mind you, when she does move it can be dramatic - she doesn't seem to bother with small things like mice but goes for squirrels and even once a weasel brought in and proudly displayed to us. That's one tough pussy.
Maggi Young:
Fair enough, Paul, if Sunny is a teenager she may be allowed the odd lie-in!
We are thrilled that the Wisley log is online and delighted with the response. It is rewarding for you, I'm sure, having put in the effort to get it started.... now comes the work to keep it going.... just like a garden, really!
All this excitment about new items reminds me that you may not have noticed Sandy Leven's latest article... see it here:
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