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Collectors References and expedition initials
Maggi Young:
Some other Collector's initials which may be of help:
AS Arne Strid
BARAKA Nordic Georgis Exped.
BATM Nordic Exped. To Batman
EM Ernst Markus
EP Eric Pasche
F&Z J. Fox * H. Zetterlund
GBK G. Bakshi Khaniki
GT Gerben Tjeerdsma
HeHeHe H. Petterssson, H. Sjöman & H. Zetterlund
HKEP H. Kerndroff & E. Pasche
H&S M. Holmberg & U. Srtrindberg
JAN John Andrews
JFL Jelitto
JLMS Jaeger & al
JP Jimmy Persson
JKP J. & K. Persson
KGB Kunming-Gothenburg Bot exped. To NW Yunnan
KP Karin Persson
KPPZ M. Kammerlander, E. Pasche, J. Perssson & H. Zetterlund
KR Keith Rushforth
K&W Knoche & Wetzel
LST Latvian Swedish Turkey Trip 2005
M&N U. Molau & S. Nylinder
MV Mart Veerus
MZ Micha Zurovetz
NBA Nilson, Bengtsso & Ahnby
OS Ole Sønderhausen
PF Paul Furse
PG Phyllis Gustavson
PHS P.H. Salvesen
P&Z Persson & Zetterlund
PW Per Wendelbo
RH Ragnar Holmberg
SBLE Sino-British Lijian Exped.
SEP Swedish Exped. To Pakistan
S,KT&V A. Strid, Kit Tan & Wold
SLIZE Swedish, Latvian, Iranian, Zagros Exped.
S&Z Strindberg & Zetterlund
T4Z G. Tjeerdsma, H.Zetterlund, D.& R. Zschummel , Zagros.
UME Uppasala Mongolia Exped.
ZAN R. Holmberg (Zanskar)
ZE&S Zetterlund, Erikksson & Strid
--- Quote from: TheOnionMan on February 23, 2010, 04:34:22 PM ---and don't forget about KV, Kurt Vickery.
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SSSE : members of the SSSE ( standing for Sino Scottish Swedish expedition I think!)were Ron Mcbeath Jens Nielson, Lars Danialson from Sweden and Ian Christie. - Should be the Sino-Scottish Sichuan Expedition 2003
--- Quote from: Maggi Young on February 22, 2010, 04:54:31 PM ---Some other Collector's initials which may be of help:
HeHeHe H. Petterssson, H. Sjöman & H. Zetterlund
--- End quote ---
That one is a hoot, obviously done to conjure a chuckle. :D
Useful; thanks Maggi.
SP for a narcissus: maybe Salmon & P... ???
--- Quote from: ashley on February 22, 2010, 07:54:06 PM ---Useful; thanks Maggi.
SP for a narcissus: maybe Salmon & P... ???
--- End quote ---
Or maybe simply Narcissus species??
Maggi Young:
Crikey, Gail, that would be a simple answer, wouldn't it?
Ashley, have you messaged Brian Duncan to ask him?
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