Bulbs > Galanthus
Galanthus mid February to March 2007
mark smyth:
I would have expected to see many more photos of snowdrops as it's their peak time.
For those who want to know how to tell nivalis 'Warei' from 'Viridapicis' the first has a huge spathe
mark smyth:
here's a lovely clean plicatus shown at the bulb day by Jean and bought from one of the tables one I'm not sure of. It's either a well marked woronowii or a poor ikariae. And from the garden some elwesii 'Handel's acting very strange
Brian Ellis:
I expect that as we are in full flow of the snowdrop season many of us have been visiting other gardens. When I collected my Diggory from a friend she also gave me a cross between Diggory and Gracilis which she is putatively calling 'Swanton' after the village in which she lives, it has the swirl of the leaves of gracilis and the flower-type of Diggory. Although my photo is not good here is the one she gave me.
The nice patch of Cowhouse Green is from another friends garden. One that I would like to grow. If the has worked I may well look for more photos Mark instead of lurking in the background.
Maggi Young:
Well, Brian, that worked just fine, didn't it? So more pix, please!
'Swanton' looks to have promise, good if it shows characteristics of both parents.
I just can't understand why even someone living in a cowhouse would want to call a snowie 'Cowhouse green'....I haven't seen this one in real life, it is the name that puts me off... and this from the woman who would like a G. 'Gloucester Old Spot' just because she likes the pigs!
Brian Ellis:
Well I have been sitting here Maggi thinking how complicated it must be and it was a breeze! Here is a better picture of Galanthus 'Swanton' (taken by other half with posh camera whilst I was chatting-what a giveaway). I have to say that I am a dead sucker for names too, there's something seductive about Galanthus 'Angelique' whilst Hobson's Choice (a recent acquisition) doesn't have quite the same ring about it!
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