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Topic: Support of the SRGC (Read 35938 times)
SRGC Subscription Secretary
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #15 on:
April 19, 2012, 09:43:13 AM »
And what a lovely place you live in, Susan! We are all spread all over the planet on this forum, but it feels like family.... I'm hoping to meet a few more forumists face to face next year at the Czech Conference. Keep on posting....
Chris Boulby
Northumberland, England
Maggi Young
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #16 on:
February 03, 2013, 07:50:37 PM »
Grateful thanks to those forumists and kind "lurkers" on the forum who have recently made donations via PayPal to the SRGC - you know who you are!!
One does not need a paypal account to make a donation and the form will ask you to enter an amount in GBpounds (sterling)- you will be charged the equivalent amount in your local currency, what ever that is.
So, tonight, you might donate £10 and have your credit card charged 15.70 USD or 11.50 Euros, for instance
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Jack Meatcher
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #17 on:
March 21, 2013, 08:41:11 PM »
I too am a Southerner (Berkshire, England) but consider SRGC membership with the attendant Ian Young's bulb log, the Forum, and the seed exchange more than worth the membership subscription even though I don't get to any Branch meetings or shows. Where you live is somewhat irrelevant.
Jack Meatcher
The Learner
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #18 on:
March 21, 2013, 09:00:58 PM »
Me too- the bulb log, forum and seed exchange, not to mention the journals (oops, I just did) is well worth the cost. How many books would you have to buy to get the same sort of info? What books could you buy to get the same kind of info? Have you seen the cost of seeds nowadays?
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England
Maggi Young
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #19 on:
March 21, 2013, 09:27:58 PM »
Members outside Scotland make up the majority of SRGC members and about one third are outside the UK - we are very proud of our international appeal and the Web Team is committed to deliver as much value as possible to all members as well as sharing with the wider public, for example, as with the free access to the Bulb Log each week and the IRG each month.
Your feedback and support, moral and financial, for the SRGC is gratefully received and is very cheering!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #20 on:
March 22, 2013, 06:29:38 AM »
I live in Denmark and have been member for several years. And I have to say that the seed exchange alone is worth the membership fee! There is quite a few (=very many!) species and for the last 3 years more than 20 of the 25 seed packets I got as seed donor was my first choice. That is a really good yield! The journal is great too.
I find that this forum is the very best. Nowhere you get as good a response as you get here when you ask for advices or help. Not to mention that everybody is very friendly and generous. When you ask for a rare bulb you often get several offers free of charge!
And not the least: The bulb log. That is a gold mine of information! Who would miss that?
So find your credit card and join the club. It is worth every penny!
Poul Erik Eriksen in Hedensted, Denmark - Zone 6
Maggi Young
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Support of the SRGC - an anouncment
Reply #21 on:
March 22, 2013, 11:35:15 AM »
The SRGC announces the imminent arrival of a new Electronic Subscription to the Club.
While we strive to make as much of our web content as possible open and free to all, there are naturally, financial costs to the provision of such a service.
Though based in Scotland the SRGC has become even more a truly international club through the website with the Forum becoming very much the most active group of members communicating worldwide at all times.
For the launch rate of £10 per year it will be possible for you to both support the Club and be able to view the latest Journals online, as they are published and be eligible to participate in the Seed Exchange.
There will be no printing and postage costs attached to this form of subscription and so we are able to offer this exceptional rate.
The electronic version of "The Rock Garden" journal will be downloadable as a pdf to your computer or any tablet device to read at your leisure.
We realise that there are many who wish to support the Club in appreciation of our website but who do not wish to have the paper journals etc. - this is a way to get fully involved as an SRGC member - online!
Full details of the Electronic Subscription will be available soon - we look forward to welcoming many new SRGC members to our community via this initiative. This is the way forward!
"The Rock Garden" on an i-pad
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
fermi de Sousa
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #22 on:
April 22, 2013, 02:31:06 PM »
this is indeed a great innovation!
Being a Luddite (more a Troglodyte actually) when it comes to technology I still like to have a paper copy to hold but it's great to have the convenience of looking at the interweb to search for info.
I see a definite benefit for members of our local group - AGS Victorian Group in Australia - because until last year membership was restricted to people who were also members of the AGS UK. At our last AGM we voted for an amendment that allowed membership of
AGS, SRGC or NARGS as being a prerequisite. As so many of our members are on fixed incomes it makes sense that a reduction in cost to join electronically will be an advantage to them.
Of course there are others like myself who are happy to belong to all three because that's 3 lots of Seedex seed!
BTW will it cost extra for those who are e-members to participate in the Seedex?
I must remember to include something about this in our next newsletter in June!
Mr Fermi de Sousa, Redesdale,
Victoria, Australia
Maggi Young
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #23 on:
April 22, 2013, 02:37:13 PM »
Yes, fermi, there will be an additional charge for participation in the Seed Ex. which will be paid at the time of the Seed Ex.
It has been the case with the "conventional" membership to date that the cost of the SeedEx was included but since there are so many members who do not take part in the Seed Ex that it was thought more sensible to have this as an "add-on" for electronic membership.
The cost is not yet determined: it will need to address the postal costs but is unlikely to be high.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Helen Johnstone
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #24 on:
April 22, 2013, 08:56:10 PM »
despite being a modern girl who has wasted far too much of her life on social media - am now reformed - I actually prefer to receive the printed journal than read online. However, I am sure it is a much better option for overseas members and if it means getting out to more people and bringing in more revenue then what a good idea
Maggi Young
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Support of the SRGC- new subcription option
Reply #25 on:
August 01, 2013, 07:28:16 PM »
SRGC Membership - new options !
SRGC subscriptions are due to be renewed in October (unless you have a multi-year option already).
A new option is now available - an "online" electronic subscription which is offered at £10 per year (12months from date of sign-up) or £30 for 36months (from date of sign-up).
Secure online payment is by credit card via Paypal.
For "Online" membership, which is for those who prefer to download the Journals in electronic form, please register from the "Register" link at the top of the main SRGC Web page -
- following that, when you next Log In on the main page you will be taken to a special page to pay for e-subscription, then when you are logged in you will have access to the latest Journals.
The process requires a new registration from the main page - any Forum registration you have is not linked to the main site. You will be asked for your full name and email address to begin.
Online members will not receive Journals etc by post, they will access everything online. They will be eligible for the Seed Exchange.
Of course, there is still the option of "Postal" membership, which is for those who wish to receive the printed version of our twice yearly journal and SRGC communications by post.
To Join the SRGC or Renew your membership to receive Journals by post, click this link
For those who are not members of the Club but who enjoy the Forum and using the facilities of the SRGC site, such as the Bulb Log, IRG etc we hope that this new subscription option will be a way to support the work of the Club as well as access the super Journal and Seed Exchange.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Club.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
David Nicholson
Journal Access Group
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #26 on:
August 01, 2013, 08:59:36 PM »
Maggi, will the on-line version still carry advertisements?
David Nicholson
in Devon, UK Zone 9b
"Victims of satire who are overly defensive, who cry "foul" or just winge to high heaven, might take pause and consider what exactly it is that leaves them so sensitive, when they were happy with satire when they were on the side dishing it out"
Maggi Young
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #27 on:
August 01, 2013, 09:42:43 PM »
The online version of the journal will be an exact copy in pdf form of the printed journal - and so will have the same adverts.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Sr. Member
Posts: 277
Shoe Pixie
Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #28 on:
August 01, 2013, 10:17:46 PM »
Congratulations on having an on-line option.
I still want to have my journals "in my hand" while I can still afford to and depending on the exchange rate, however, I do not need to have the seed list, as I am quite happy to order on line. Not sure it would save you much money but seed lists have been able to be accessed on line for some years now - which means that you always know where they are, and it would save postage and printing costs for those of us who have computer access.
I enjoy the IRG on-line and have them saved to a folder so could imagine doing the same with the journal if I had to. Now an eBook form is not without merit........
Dunedin, New Zealand
Maggi Young
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Re: Support of the SRGC
Reply #29 on:
August 01, 2013, 10:31:29 PM »
Thanks, Susan. It is good to have a new option.
I have been very favourably impressed by how the IRG and The Rock Garden pdfs "read" when downloaded to Ian's i-pad. I love the ability to enlarge text and photos and the fact that with such a tablet device it is possible to have
single issue of those journals on the tablet to carry and consult
I think - and hope - the new option will be popular with many people
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
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