Bulbs > Galanthus
Galanthus April 2024
Last week-end weather was warm and snow melted fast (not all but about half of it). Snowdrops and first crocuses came up. Then April 2-3 winds turned to north again, and weather got colder. There was about 10cm new snow, which was probably good to protect flowering plants and Helleborus buds, as it was -10 last night. Today it was 0C, but sunny and snow started to melt again, but it is still below freezing for couple of days.
These pictures were taken before this new cold snap.
'Bill Bishop'
'Lord Lieutenant'
'Green of Hearts'. This and 'Lord Lieutenant' are good in a way that they increase. The clumps don't get overcrowded but new bulbs grow farther from the mother bulb. I have never divided these and they are well positioned. For instance 'Bill Bishop' needs dividing because the clump will be too tight.
'Hugh Mackenzie' has been quite slow to increase here, or at least in this spot.
I took a 4 minute video today in sunny weather. This is just snowdrops in the snow in my earliest bed. I wrote the subtitles in English.
Lovely to see. But strange how snowdrops (and other plants) that would be weeks apart coming into flower here all arrive together. Galanthus 'Greenish', for example, is reliably late here and will only start flowering when the majority of other snowdrops are finishing.
Herman Mylemans:
--- Quote from: Leena on April 04, 2024, 05:30:17 PM ---I took a 4 minute video today in sunny weather. This is just snowdrops in the snow in my earliest bed. I wrote the subtitles in English.
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Great video Leena, thank you! Today it was 24°C!
--- Quote from: Alan_b on April 06, 2024, 08:07:57 PM --- But strange how snowdrops (and other plants) that would be weeks apart coming into flower here all arrive together. Galanthus 'Greenish', for example, is reliably late here and will only start flowering when the majority of other snowdrops are finishing.
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It is very interesting how adaptable snowdrops are. Most have adapted itself to our winters and springs, and all flower about the same time, but there are some which don't do well. For instance 'Godfrey Owen' isn't doing good. I have tried it twice and both plants slowly (or actually quite fast) decline. Both are still alive, but not flowering and I think it is a too early one to grow here.
When I started buying snowdrops I concentrated on late flowering ones, because I thought only they could be grown here, but I was wrong, and many early flowering cultivars do well and just flower later. Like 'Mrs Macnamara' which I have been able to increase to several different spots and it does well in all. Of G.plicatus cultivars 'Diggory' is a good doer here, but 'Gerard Parker struggles. It is good to try also earlier ones, in case winter is short and so then there would be also early snowdrops in flower. :)
--- Quote from: Herman Mylemans on April 06, 2024, 10:10:26 PM ---Great video Leena, thank you! Today it was 24°C!
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Thank you for watching, Herman. It is warm over there! Here it is now +5C, and last Friday (video was from Thursday) we got even more snow, but next week snow will start to melt. Most of my snowdrops are in my woodland beds (still covered by snow), the one in the video was my earliest bed with only some snowdrops and sun always melts the snow there first.
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