These are a few images of the seedlings which grew on very strongly last summer after germination and all had foliage very similar to George Sheriff Group plants. However, these plants are on the whole very much taller than George Sheriff Group plants, I measured the tallest plants flowering stems yesterday and averaged somewhere around 1.25 metres in height, which is rather impressive. Just over half of the plants have produced flowering stems similar to good grandis and George Sheriff Group plants and the rest have produced some very unusual pygmy flower stems which then split and produce very long individual flowering stems, one of them looks almost like simplicifolia with no flowering stem at all and just a few short individual flowers on separate stems with no leaves on the stems. The flowers are also pretty good quality too, good colour of blue in most of them, some have round buds and others more usual elongated buds, some have deeper, more cupped flowers. Not clear how perennial they will be as yet, as so far only around 9 of them have produced any offsets but more are still appearing and these seem to run, appearing some distance from the flowering stems, which is I think similar to the alleged betonicifolia side of the family. The first flowers on some of the plants were very large, which maybe isn't obvious in these pictures.
Here are a random selection of images from these seedlings, I have loads more but don't want to bore people with too many images!
It was nice to see that people seemed to like my Meconopsis hybrid seedling which was used on the Harperley Hall Stand at Chelsea, pity I don't even have a single plant of it in my own garden!