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Author Topic: Asplenium rhizophyllum  (Read 4577 times)


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Re: Asplenium rhizophyllum
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2020, 05:38:36 AM »
I tend to agree more with Tristan's line of thought Cohan. Species with a 'healthy' propagation via seeds/spores are/will be the least affected. Then, from what I've seen both in North America and Europe, destruction/loss of habitat due to human activity is one of the biggest threats for species conservation (which A. rhizophyllum is not anyway).

Sure, if the seeds/spores easily travel they are better off, assuming there is another suitable or more suitable spot if climate change has made the old spot unsuitable, within whatever distance the spores/seeds can travel, and if all the potential habitat is not taken up with human 'development' or blocked by intervening human habitat change/destruction... fragmentation of habitat obviously makes it much harder for species to naturally move as they once would have, whether that is north or higher altitude or whatever


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