General Subjects > The Archibald Archive
Did you correspond with Jim Archibald ?
Maggi Young:
Jim Archibald was well known to take the time and effort to correspond about plants with a very large number of people all over the world.
If you corresponded with Jim, you are more than welcome to post copies here, or contact us ( via the website or PM me) about any items you may have for inclusion in this section.
As a beginning, here is a simple note sent to forumist Hans Joschko after Hans had sent Paeonia seed to Jim and Jenny for their list.....
Gerry Webster:
This is Jim’s reply to my question about the origin of Crocus niveus JCA 5132 which I received from Norman Stevens.
Maggi Young:
From another thread in the forum comes this note from Marcus Harvey to accompany a photo of Mt. Anne:
Tasmania - Mt. Anne from the N.E.
Marcus wrote :
Just for the record: I can link this mountain to the Archibald Archive. It is from here that I collected the seed of Milligania densiflora that Jim listed on his 2004 catalogue and I think at a latter date, maybe 2006, seed of Geum talboltianum and Isophysis tasmanica
(Re the photo (photo not by MH) the cushion plants are (Marcus thinks) Abrotanella forsteroides and the other steely leaved thing growing in its folds is Astelia alpina. The big woolly things in the background that look like Chewbacca out of Star Wars are Richea pandanifolia).
The thread for the original posts by Marcus is:
Maggi - These two notes from Jim may be of interest. I can re-shoot & PM them to you if you want to upload them elsewhere, these done in haste are not terribly sharp.
I'm sure there are others about, probably parked in the wrong file folder.
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