Thank you for all the information regarding your local weather conditions over the past month, and generalized information concerning how plants, both native and cultivated, respond to snow cover, or the lack of it, in your region.
For me at least, gardening is an ever-evolving process. I find the experiences of gardeners under a whole variety of differing climatic, and other cultural situations very fascinating and often enlightening. Frequent summertime temperatures in the 43 C to 46 C range might be our new gardening reality in our part of Northern California. Observations of how different plant species respond to different climatic situations are often surprising. They can offer possibilities and clues into how to proceed in my own gardening environment.
Same for me Robert, gardening is a continuous process, and so every season, every day, we discovered and learn new things about the plants we are trying to grow and the micro systems surrounding them.
Same species are more adaptable and 'flexible' than others (just like people). Before I am trying to introduce something in the garden, I try to look at its native habitat and analyze by comparison the conditions I have to offer.
That doesn't mean I don't try crazy things sometimes

The Flora of California is so rich! you are blessed with an infinite resource of inspiration.