A new viola, named for Marcela Ferreyra - who writes:
"Today is a very happy day in my life as I have been gifted a Viola!!!!. So besides Chocolina ( my little dog!) I have another bb named Viola marcelaferreyrae.
Many thanks Marcela Nicola for your huge show of love and generosity!!!. I love Rosuladas and having a species with my name is like a dream.
I dedicate this to my father who was my first example of a Naturalist marking my life forever."
You can download the publication from this link
And some other viola papers with John M Watson and Ana Flores included as authors :
Viola ornata and Viola longibracteolata (Violaceae, subgen. Neoandinium), two rare, new rosulate species from southern Peru -
https://www.biotaxa.org/Phytotaxa/article/view/phytotaxa.571.1.4 publ. 1-11-22
A new Viola (Violaceae) from the Argentinian Andes - Viola beatii Willdenowia 2019
A Revised Phylogenetic Classification for Viola (Violaceae)
https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/17/2224Viola marcelaferreyrae.