Seedy Subjects! > Seeds Wanted
seed shipments
I live in Italy and I have many hellebore seeds of different colors that I could send, but do you know if it is possible to send them outside of Italy? I know that there are some prohibitions for the shipping of seeds (sorry for my English)
Vinny 123:
The EU is a free trade area - so you can send anything, anywhere within the EU.
For the moment, seeds can be sent to the UK - they keep postponing the laws.
Most of the rest of the world require phyto-sanitary certificates, although some countries do not, and small quantities of seed may easily go through postal systems, undetected.
L'UE è un'area di libero scambio, quindi puoi inviare qualsiasi cosa, ovunque all'interno dell'UE.
Per il momento, i semi possono essere inviati nel Regno Unito, ma continuano a rinviare le leggi.
La maggior parte del resto del mondo richiede certificati fitosanitari, anche se alcuni paesi non li richiedono, e piccole quantità di semi possono facilmente passare attraverso i sistemi postali, senza essere rilevate.
New Zealand does not require a phyto cert for seed imports, as long as the seed species is on the approved import list.
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