General Subjects > Wisley Alpine Log – Feedback Forum
Wisley Alpine Log Feedback
Please use this forum for feedback on the new Wisley Alpine Log. Create as many topics as you wish! ;)
see also this:
Maggi Young:
Congratulations to Paul and his Wisley Colleagues for this exciting innovation.
I am intriqued by the charming Aptosimum sp. shown....I am unfamiliar with this plant and interested to read the comments about smoke-aided germination. This is a subject that has been raised on this Forum, so obviouslyof interest to us!
Here are two links to "smokey" subjects:
Maggi Young:
It is terrific to see the ongoing work at Wisley.. plenty there to keep the Staff busy... but they are not all keeping so active.. here is a pic of Sunny, the smallest member of staff, and she's certainly asleep on the job!
Congratulations Paul and the rest of the Wisley crew! What great fun to have a window into the alpine world at the garden. It's wonderful to see your continuing work (hard to believe that it's already over two years since I visited). Thanks for keeping us "posted."
A tremendous and highly encouraging addition to the sites of both the SRGC and the AGS.
Our heartfelt thanks to the instigators, the contributors and to Wisley itself for allowing us this insight into the workings of such a renowned and celebrated institution.
More time to be spent in front of the computer ------ ???
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