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Wisley Crevice Garden project with Zdenek Zvolanek

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Maggi Young:
For those of us waiting eagerly to see how ZZ and the Wisley Workers (as I have named the staff who will be helping on this project) then you will find Log 19 of 2010 online now, with Paul's report on the start of the stonework of the crevice garden.
Find Log 19 here :

You will be amazed to see how the garden "appears" as if by magic...... though, of course, there is really a lot of very hard physical work and expert planning to make it look so good!

 While we were thrilled to get Giles'  photo from the other day ( it is even better to see how the bare plot Paul showed us in the last log has been transformed.... work has been extraordinarily speedy, it seems to me, and the progress is quite remarkable..... enjoy Paul's log.......then make a date in  your diary to go visit the finished project at Wisley......

Lesley Cox:
ZZ and Dub Dub. I like that Maggi though I HATE shortened words like the dub dub dub instead of doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou of website addresses. The dubs are so much easier and less cumbersome so I use them. ::)


How much fun to see that garden being created.  ZZ is a master.  I wish I had those rocks.

Marianne in Vermont


--- Quote from: Lesley Cox on November 13, 2010, 09:19:01 PM ---... I HATE shortened words like the dub dub dub instead of doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou of website addresses. The dubs are so much easier and less cumbersome so I use them. ::)
--- End quote ---

Why not forget the dubs altogether Lesley?  Just type the address (e.g. or sometimes even a truncated version thereof) and your browser should do the rest.  
Incidentally Dubs are one of the two species we Irish come in ;D, the rest of us being Culchies (or latterly Boggers to younger Dubs).

Digression, sorry :-[

Lesley Cox:
I do, Ashley but sometimes one needs to write a whole address for someone or a similar situation.


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