General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
August 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere
fermi de Sousa:
--- Quote from: MarcR on August 09, 2024, 11:06:36 PM ---Thank you for the beautiful display. It is interesting to see winter blooms when I am in mid Summer.
--- End quote ---
Hi Marc,
it's the advantage of a Forum which covers both Hemispheres!
At work they created a garden next to the carpark and this Grevillea is now in flower - I think it might be a form of Grevillea lanigera or maybe a hybrid. It often has birds in attendance for the nectar,
fermi de Sousa:
Some winter flowering shrubs/trees:
1) Mahonia (syn Berberis) aquifolium
2) Parrotia persica
3) close up of Parrotia flowers
fermi de Sousa:
1) Oxalis obtusa Peaches & Cream
2) Oxalis obtusa seedlings popping up in an adjacent pot!
Hi fermi,
I'm not familiar with Oxalis obtusa; but all of my Oxalis bloom during summer and autumn.
Seeing Oxalis in winter is really strange.
fermi de Sousa:
Hi Marc,
The roadside here are painted acid yellow by Oxalis pes-caprae in late winter!
A preferred yellow flower is the daffodil!
Here's Narcissus hispanicus which I got many years ago from Rod Barwick at Glenbrook Bulb Farm, Tasmania.
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