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What's new at Wisley

(1/12) > >>

Maggi Young:
Colin Crosby, Wisley Curator, SRGC and forum member  - and passionate cake connoisseur - has bits of twitter news

 Proud members of the RHS Wisley Garden team with BBC Countryfile Magazine, 2013, Favourite Garden Award

And -
 next Plant Society event will be the Cyclamen Society Early Spring Show, on 8 February 2014  with  a Talk and Book signing by  Brian Mathew  8)

Maggi Young:
Photos from Wisley by Sophie Leguil,  "retweeted" by Colin Crosbie

Matt T:
What a lovely display of hoop petticoats! Pure sunshine.

Maggi Young:
Another photo shared online by the RHS from Wisley Alpine House

Maggi Young:
Colin C. pictures Galanthus 'Magnet' in the Wild Garden


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