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very long-blooming arabis
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Topic: very long-blooming arabis (Read 3357 times)
Diane Whitehead
Queen (of) Victoria
Hero Member
Posts: 1466
very long-blooming arabis
July 08, 2007, 10:17:32 PM »
Every once in a while I take notice of a plant that I have had forever
and usually totally ignore. This year it was because I was checking
frequently on a lot of new plants in an area dug out last year for new pipes
necessitated by a nearby subdivision. Most of the plants that had been
established for 35 years disappeared in the maw of a giant yellow digger,
but a few were spared.
Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii variegata is one that survived. A search on this forum
comes up with no comments on this stalwart plant, so it isn't ignored only by me.
It is growing between an Irish yew hedge and a pine tree and never gets
watered other than by our winter rain. It began flowering early in January
and continued all through May. The flower stems kept elongating with new flowers
appearing on the new part of the stems. There were still a few flowers in June.
I can't remember whether it usually does this. Last summer I watered the area
because of all the seedlings I planted in mid-July, the middle of our dry summer.
Did this cause the arabis to flower more prolifically? I will check next winter and
spring, since the area is back to no-watering.
Diane Whitehead Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
cool mediterranean climate warm dry summers, mild wet winters 70 cm rain, sandy soil
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
Gardening forever, house work.....whenever!
Re: very long-blooming arabis
Reply #1 on:
July 09, 2007, 12:15:58 AM »
I don't think mine flowers for so long as that, mainly in the mid to late spring I think. But it is a very good plant and under-valued I think as are many "ordinary" things. I have two variegated forms, green and white `Variegata' and green and yellow `Old Gold.'
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Luc Gilgemyn
VRV President & Channel Hopper
Hero Member
Posts: 5528
Re: very long-blooming arabis
Reply #2 on:
July 09, 2007, 08:30:47 AM »
I had one that florished for ten years or so, but it turned more green every year until there was not "variegata" left..
Luc Gilgemyn
Harelbeke - Belgium
Lesley Cox
way down south !
Hero Member
Posts: 16348
Gardening forever, house work.....whenever!
Re: very long-blooming arabis
Reply #3 on:
July 09, 2007, 10:31:26 PM »
Mine do that too Luc, the white form more than the yellow. I just nip out the plain bits and any gap is soon grown over. Many variegated plants do this, Silene uniflora `Druett's Variegated' is especially bad, but easily fixed.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
Diane Whitehead
Queen (of) Victoria
Hero Member
Posts: 1466
Re: very long-blooming arabis
Reply #4 on:
July 10, 2007, 02:19:00 AM »
I've just checked and any foliage I can see is plain dark green. That's OK as the
plant is not noticeable unless it is flowering - the pine and yews keep it well
hidden, and it takes a bit of bushwhacking to get to it.
Diane Whitehead Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
cool mediterranean climate warm dry summers, mild wet winters 70 cm rain, sandy soil
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Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects
very long-blooming arabis
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