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Author Topic: Pleiones for sale  (Read 5805 times)

Paul Cumbleton

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Pleiones for sale
« on: August 25, 2007, 12:34:05 PM »
My Pleione collection has got too big for me to manage sensibly so I am having a sale of my surpluses. This includes some rare and interesting varieties and species. To see the list of plants for sale, go to my website www.pleione.info and click on the scrolling banner. If you would like to order anything please email me first and I will send you ordering instructions. Please note I can only supply to the UK and other members of the Europaean Union. Sorry everyone who lives elsewhere!!
Paul Cumbleton, Somerton, Somerset, U.K. Zone 8b (U.S. system plant hardiness zone)

I occasionally sell spare plants on ebay -
see http://ebay.eu/1n3uCgm


Maggi Young

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Re: Pleiones for sale
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 12:53:23 PM »
Oh, Paul, what a beautiful list. So many types I am not familiar with that are SO stunning. I believe you will be overwhelmed with requests and quite rightly so.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

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Re: Pleiones for sale
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 01:12:25 PM »
Wow Paul, it's a pity I only saw the plants you were growing at Wisley! Your personal collection must be one of the best around (and I only looked at what you were selling...).
Carlo A. Balistrieri
Vice President
The Garden Conservancy
Zone 6

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Paul Cumbleton

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Re: Pleiones for sale
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2007, 12:33:04 PM »
Hi Maggi and Carlo,

Glad you liked the photos of the Pleiones. It's taken many years to build up the collection and I'm particularly indebted to Ian Butterfield who spotting my passion has on many occasions kindly passed on to me many interesting plants from his national collection.

I doubt I will be "inundated" by requests Maggi - the high price of some of the more interesting things will put off many people. I wish the prices could be lower but as anyone who grows orchids knows it takes so long to build up enough stock for sale - most of the items on the list have taken about 8 years or work to get to the stage where I have enough to let a few go. If the prices were low then I would be inundated - but then most people would be disappointed as I wouldn't have enough stock to supply everyone. So market forces rule I guess. But even the expensive ones are cheap by comparison to the sort of prices you see for new offerings of other genera of orchids ( a recent list from one well known orchid nursery had plants with 3 and 4 figure price tags on them!!). This is one of the plus points for growing Pleiones - even the most fabulous new varieties are comparatively cheap compared to other genera. And once they have been around for a few years so that plenty of stock is available and the prices drop, you can buy a Pleione for as little as £3 or sometimes even less - cheaper than any other orchids. You couldn't even buy a micropropagated Phalaenopsis from the supermarket for that price!
Paul Cumbleton, Somerton, Somerset, U.K. Zone 8b (U.S. system plant hardiness zone)

I occasionally sell spare plants on ebay -
see http://ebay.eu/1n3uCgm



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