Specific Families and Genera > Amaryllidaceae

White pearls-Leucojum

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Matic Sever:
In these days I enjoy in flood of Leucojum vernum  :) I found few very interesting plants.

Paul T:

Great pics.  Sorry it's taken so long to respond but I'm only just catching up with this section after a couple of weeks away from the SRGC.  Slowly (very slowly) catching up.

I've never actually grown Leucojum vernum, although I do have seed down.  I find it interesting to see that in the wild (I'm assuming that you pics are in the wild?) they grow indidually scattered around, rather than in clumps.  Is this normal for L. vernum, that it doesn't make large clumps but rather is just a bulb or two where each seedling appears?

Thanks for the pics. 8)

mark smyth:
Matic do you take unusual forms home for cultivation?

Nice forms Matic, I hope you are able to save them for posterity. My experience is that if one does not they will eventually disappear.

They do not grow wild in Sweden but they seed themselves in my forest since seventy years or more so I assume mine behave as if they were wild.
Usually they grow scattered like in the picture but if they like the situation they will clump up. After a decade or two they have exhausted that spot and dwindle but in the meantime they have seeded themselves all around.

Paul T:

Interesting.  It definitely makes "saving" the unusual wild forms of the species that much more valuable, as they're likely to eventually disappear otherwise (unless of course the seedlings express those unusual genes).


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