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Video Diary - Bulb Log supplement

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Thank you, Ian, for a most enjoyable video. The producers of Gardeners World could learn a thing or two about INTERESTING content from your film. You have brightened up a dreich morning here.
Looking forward to the next video.

I can't recall the last time I learned something from watching Gardeners World, always very superficial information

Matt T:
The only good thing about GW is Carol Klein, a plantswoman whose enthusiasm is truly engaging and infectious.

Beechgrove by comparison is full of useful information, tips and trials etc. and I get so much more from this show.

That's true Matt, I met Carol at The Garden House a few years ago at Matt Bishop's snowdrop day & noticed when I spoke to her how intent she was on listening to what I was saying. As you say truly engaging.


Tim Ingram:
The bit I really liked was the Dactylorhiza shoots just poking through and the erythroniums - all that excitement to come! It would be great to do something like this - and to see it more on gardening programmes. I've just been reading 'North with the Spring' by Edwin Way Teale, and he makes references throughout to people like Thoreau, Audobon, John Muir - lots of naturalists, as well as country people (rather like Roger Deakin in his 'Journey through Trees'). He loves birds, just as John Muir did and wrote about them, but also plants. It will be a treat to follow the spring garden like this - a lot to learn.


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