General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now

Orostachys and Bees...


Kristl Walek:
Who would believe it--our first frost tonight in northeastern Canada--a month later than the norm.

And the bees are beside themselves - working frantically on those last blooms. And can I blame them?

Orostachys malacophyllus has turned from this:

To this:

Orostachys iwarenge, O. erubescens, O. aggregatus and O. Jade Mountain have all followed suit....


Kristl Walek:
Try as I may, can't seem to get the hang of how one posts pictures to have them come up within a message.

For my above post, I put my curser where I wanted the picture to show up in the text; found the picture, then pressed the "Insert Image" icon at the top. Then I wrote some more text, pressed the "More Attachments" link at the bottom, and followed the same routine.

But both pictures showed up only at the bottom of my letter.

What should I be doing?


Kristl, i have adjusted your post for you. Lesley's directions are correct. Click "modify"  above the post with the pix to see how I have done this.  To repeat : after typing attachthumb=1 in square brackets etc, you add the images by the additional options , more attachments method, as before, the images will apapear in the order you load them. Cheers, Maggi     

Lesley Cox:
Kristl, You have to type in (and I can't actually DO it or the post comes up with a notice how naughty I am,)

square bracket attachthumb=1 (or 2 or 3, as far as 10) then another square bracket. Then you go to additional options, browse and insert the right file.

Then type the text immediately underneath.


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