Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae

IN Bloom or in bud end of March 2022


In Bloom: 3 European Ericas: vagans, darleyensis,  griffithsii

and 5 South African Ericas: abietina, alopecurus,cerinthoides, discolor &versicolor

Andromeda polifolia

Cassiope mertensiana

xPhylliopsis 'Sugar Plum'

Pieris Japonica pink form

Enkianthus perlatus

Arctostaphylos manzanita pink form

Vaccinium corymbosum, ovatum parvifolium

In bud: Empetrum sp
Arbutus [several]

Oxydendrum arboretum [buds are just forming  won't open til Summer.]

My species azaleas are not blooming yet but some hybrids are.  The same is true of the Rhododendrons.

Due to physical limitations I have great difficulty taking pictures I will try to get a friend to take some for me.


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