The North American Rock Garden Society has honoured Maggi Young with the Carleton R. Worth Award for her work as editor and publisher of The International Rock Gardener, announced at the Oakland, California Study weekend on March 10. The Carleton R. Worth Award was established in 1985 by NARGS to recognize an author or editor of a body of work of distinguished writing about rock gardening and rock garden plants in a book or periodical.

Official announcement from the NARGS Bulletin Board.
The Award was announced on 10th March 2024 but I (Maggi) was unaware until an email was received from Cyndy Cromwell of the NARGS Award Committee on 19th March- saying that a Certificate would be sent to me in the mail. The official certificate has arrived, and was followed shortly by the latest issue of the NARGS Quarterly, including the Bulletin Board with the official notices of thne recent Award Winners.
I am moved to have been so honoured and thank those who nominated me for the Award. I also wish to congratulate all the other NARGS Award winners this year.
Thanks to all those reading about the Award already on social media, from the post made by SRGC President Colin Crosbie, and sending such kind comments to me.
Especially my fondest thanks to all the wonderful contributors of articles and photographs, without whom the IRG would not be possible and to my biggest supporters, Ian Young and Zdenek Zvolanek!!