Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

saxifrages groups


  saxifrages groups

what do they mean blues group ,exchusive group,harmonia group,concinna group, what do these groups mean

Maggi Young:
The website of the Saxifraga Society had lots of good information - but is no longter available.  https://www.saxifraga.org

 I am aware of this list  of  saxifraga Sections and subsections, abbreviated as follows:
AIZ subsection Aizoonia;
CIL section Ciliatae;
COT section Cotylea;
CLN subsection Cuneifoliatae;
CYM section Cymbalaria;
ENG subsection Engleria;
FLO subsection Florulentae;
GYM section Gymnopera;
HET section Heterisia;
HOL subsection Holophyllae;
IRR section Irregulares;
KAB subsection Kabschia;
MER section Merkianae;
MES section Mesogyne;
MIC subsection Micranthes;
MUT subsection Mutatae;
ODO section Odontophyllae;
OPP subsection Oppositifoliae;
ROT subsection Rotundifoliatae;
SAX subsection Saxifraga;
STE subsection Stellares;
TRA section Trachyphyllum;
TRD subsection Tridactylites;
TRP subsection Triplinervium;
XAN section Xanthizoon.
..... but I confess I don't know about the  group names you mention.

Matt T:
Hi littlenorm,

The names refer to different hybrid groupings. For example, for those groups you mention, all within Section Porphyrion, Sub-section Porophyllum:

Beat Group = hybrids with the parentage Saxifraga lowndesii x S. xanglica
Concinna Group = S. cinerea x S. dinnikii
Exclusive Group = S. lowndesii x S. lilacina
Harmonia Group = S. cinerea x S. aretioides

A number of named hybrids sharing the same parentage will be contained within these groups. So, Concinna Group includes the hybrids: ‘Beinn Alligin’, ‘Beinn Eighe’, ‘Beinn na Callich’, ‘Beinn Resipole’ and ‘Beinn Loyal’.

There are many such groups, with differing parentage. They have no taxonomic status, but are used by breeders to keep track of hybrid crossings in cultivation.


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