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Scottish Rock Podcast announced

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Maggi Young:
The Scottish Rock Garden Club  is  pleased  to announce  a new  project - This is the Scottish Rock Podcast, the official podcast of The Scottish Rock Garden Club.   Grateful thanks are  due  to Connor Smith for his  work on this initiative. We  are  delighted  to add these  podcasts  to the  range  of  free access resources we offer  to all from  - such as  the  Bulb Logs, International Rock Gardener monthly e-magazine  and  so much more - and we  hope  plant  lovers will enjoy the  podcasts!

Reach the  podcasts  here - or  from your  usual podcast  provider  -

First  podcast  from Connor  is  "It's all a little bit Greek"

Well done  to Connor  for  his  work on this on behalf  of  SRGC!

David Nicholson:
Very well done.

fermi de Sousa:
Another feather in the cap of the SRGC!
Good work, Connor!

Maggi Young:
As  those  of who who have  listened  to his  first  podcast  can tell, Connor is  a  Scotsman with a  rather  nice  accent - which I am confident  will not  be  any  barrier  to understanding, no matter  where  you come  from!
Connor  has  worked  at  various  interesting  nurseries, both in  Scotland  and  around the  world  and  is  now  based at  the  Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.  He  is  a  member  of the  SRGC Council.

He  has recently  begun a  blog - "A Scotsman's Perpective"  and  also last  winter  began a  diary  for the  Alpine  Garden Society - "A Scottish Horticulturist's Diary"

Connor  speaking  at Murabilia Gardening & Plant Fair in  Lucca, Italy  in 2019

Connor  has  also travelled  with grant  support - for  example  from the  Merlin Trust for  a  Schachen Alpine  Garden Placement - he  wrote  about  that for  both the  Rock Garden and  the  International Rock Gardener for  SRGC.

I hope  you  will all spread the  word  about  the  Scottish Rock Podcast!

Maggi Young:
Second Scottish Rock Podcast  by  Connor  Smith - Erythroniums with Ian Young

Connor says .....
Ian guides us through his experience with Erythroniums. Ian Young's Weekly Bulb Log Diary and Erythroniums in Cultivation    ( his  free  e-book )


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