Cultivation > Cultivation Problems

Too Early for Narcissus Bulb Fly?


Hello, first post here and I’m hoping someone can offer advice. I believe I have an issue with Narcissus Bulb Fly in the garden, I had large pot of Hymenocallis littoralis that I was repotting the other week and all the bulbs contained larvae and Narcissi only seem to come back reliably in shady areas, those in full sun tend to disappear.  I’ve seen a couple of dark coloured hover flies in the garden today (sunny still weather) and despite trying to catch/swat one they have evaded me. They won’t stay still long enough to be photographed either. The RHS advised they’re active from mid May to June so it’s a bit early but not being an entomologist I was hoping someone could offer some advice. My thought was to spray pesticide (which I don’t like using but needs must if I’m to protect rare/valuable plants) at the base of the foliage in the hopes that it would get any of the eggs/larvae and invest in a big fishing net to try to catch some of the adult flies. I’ve looked at other posts but haven’t seen anything in them emerging this early. I’m in southern England btw. I’d be incredibly grateful for any advice.

I had last year my first sighting of this "lovely" hoverfly end of March. This year none yet.
They come earlier than past years and I had them in summer too. Systemic insecticides after the flower onto the lower parts of subceptible plants should do what you want. The first sightings in my case were in mating mode. It took some weeks until I saw the first searching between Galanthus and Narcissus.
Plants kept indoor might broaden the season too.

They prefer the sunny site.


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