I felt this thread was appropriate to post this....
Barry Starling AOH is a specialist in plants of the family Ericaceae He is a retired retail nursery owner. He has won many awards from the Alpine Garden Society, including the Reginald Cory Memorial Cup, the Loder Cup and the AGS Lyttel Trophy. He has raised and introduced the
Rhododendron keiskei and many hybrids and form of rhododendrons and other Ericaceae, he is a contributor to The Plantsman, The Alpine Gardener and the RHS Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Yearbook and the SRGC Journal, The Rock Garden.
He was awarded AOH in 2013:
ASSOCIATE OF HONOUR is an RHS award established in 1930 and conferred on persons of British nationality who have rendered distinguished service to the practice horticulture in the course of their working life. The number of Associates of Honour may not exceed 100 at any one time.
Recently, at the RHS Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group Show at Rosemoor Gardens, Barry had a very successful entry with his plants - but, more importantly, perhaps, he also received one of the highest honours that the RCM committee can award.
This year is the centenary of the Rhododendron Society, which joined with the RHS to form the RCM Group which now makes such premier awards as The AJ Waley Medal, the Loder Rhododendron Cup and the Rothschild Challenge Cup.
RHS Executive Vice-President Jim Gardiner, celebrating 100 years of the Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group of the RHS, wrote :
"The Rhododendron Society was established in 1915 at the height of (a) period of horticultural upheaval, with J C Williams of Caerhays Castle in Cornwall as Chairman. Their first AGM was held at Chelsea in 1916. Between 1916 and 1931, the Rhododendron Society Notes were published, culminating with the publication of The Species Rhododendron, which was the first monograph of the genus.
In 1927 the society's membership was opened more widely, and it became the Rhododendron Association. A joint committee with the RHS was established in 1930 to judge rhododendron hybrids at Exbury (transferred to Wisley in 1938), with Gerald Loder becoming its first Chairman in 1931. When the Association was 'absorbed' into the RHS in 1945, it became the Rhododendron Group (along the lines of the RHS Lily Group) with the Joint Committee which meets to judge at RHS Shows being responsible for the group's administration.
The Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group judge at flower shows, including those at RHS Gardens Rosemoor, Wisley and Harlow Carr.
The AJ Waley Medal, the Loder Rhododendron Cup and the Rothschild Challenge Cup are all trophies awarded initially through the Committee but is now the responsibility of the Group - whose Chairman sits on the RHS Woody Plant Committee. "
At the RCM Show at Rosemoor in April, Barry was awarded the Loder Rhododendron Cup - and it was presented to him by another great plantsman, Roy Lancaster VMH.
This happy photo of the presentation was taken by Sally Hayward.

Barry Starling is presented with the Loder Cup by Roy Lancaster
Barry's successful day in the competitive classes had totalled 8 firsts, 9 seconds and two thirds from entering 26 classes. This included 3 firsts and a third in the four flower arranging classes.
While he was delighted with this success, he was quite overwhelmed when he was awarded the Loder Cup for meritorious work with rhododendrons !
Previous recipients of this honour have included Davidian, Chamberlain, Peter Cox, Rosa Harrison and John Bond. Roy Lancaster presented the cup and made what Barry has described as "a very kind speech".
I imagine that only a self-effacing and focussed plantsman such as Barry would be surprised to be given such an honour but it is one that is considered only fitting by his many admirers.
Congratulations, Barry, on receiving this well-deserved recognition.