Bulbs > Bulbs General



Having received seeds of many Iris from the surplus seed distribution, I am wondering if there are techniques to improve germination.

I seem to remember being told that seeds of bulleyana and chrysographes needed rinsing several times to remove surface inhibitors.  Is this a general rule.

I have seed from Siberia, Yunnan, Californian hybrids and many more choicer named species

Lesley Cox:
I've never heard this and regularly sow seed from the species you mention. There is always good germination if seed is kept moist once sown, and covered with around .75cm of grit. Oncocyclus and juno seeds are very erratic in germination and can come up gradually over a period of from 1-10 years. So don't throw out anything special.

Maggi/Ian, would it be acceptable to have this thread included in the Iris one? rather than starting a new one


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