Specific Families and Genera > Ferns

Asplenium rhizophyllum

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A lucky find which is worth showing - a large boulder covered with a nice colony of Asplenium rhizophyllum, the walking fern. This species is found only limestone or dolomite boulders in Ontario and Quebec (and more states in US).
It reproduces clonal with the elongated leaf tips acting like 'stolons' and also by spores.

Very cool! No boulders in my immediate area, and not many ferns.. this would be fun to re-create in the garden :)

Thanks Cohan. This was not close to my home unfortunately. And, it is too dry in SW Ontario to try to reproduce the sight. But for those living in a bit cooler region and with more humidity is definitely something worth trying!

Certainly not dry here, this year, but next year, who knows?  lol.. I'd probably have some concerns about winter shelter, too- probably need a site with no wind exposure or something... the biggest problem here would be getting a suitable boulder ;) second would be getting the ferns/spores...lol


--- Quote from: Gabriela on August 21, 2020, 06:59:28 PM ---A lucky find which is worth showing - a large boulder covered with a nice colony of Asplenium rhizophyllum, the walking fern. This species is found only limestone or dolomite boulders in Ontario and Quebec (and more states in US).
It reproduces clonal with the elongated leaf tips acting like 'stolons' and also by spores.

--- End quote ---

A very interesting fern. Nothing like it here!

But I have very moist climate and lots of boulders around. Not limestone though :)


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