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Wisley Alpine Log- finale

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Ah David, was it "these pages" that was the issue.

David Nicholson:
Dunno Arnold, possible I suppose.

Maggi Young:
The reason given was the amount of time it took for the log to be produced.
There is great pressure on the time of all the gardeners who seem to be in decreased supply.   

OMG !! Join us, pay your subscriptions like good people, admire our cleverness .... but sorry no involvement allowed! We will preserve genetic diversity ..... but it will be a secret .... and only we will know the answer! Can we as a group challenge the RHS stance? Maybe challenge isnt politically sound ... maybe ask them to bless us once more with their profound knowledge?  :o :o :o

Lesley Cox:

--- Quote from: Maggi Young on February 09, 2012, 04:27:58 PM ---The reason given was the amount of time it took for the log to be produced.
There is great pressure on the time of all the gardeners who seem to be in decreased supply.   

--- End quote ---

Which makes Ian's weekly Bulb Log all the more laudable, and, indeed, heroic.


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