Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed
Advice on seed germination methods etc - Norman Deno's paper etc
Maggi Young:
There is some information of Native American flower seeds here :
Klamath-Siskiyou Native Seeds: Native Seed Germination Chart
"It can be difficult to find information regarding seed germination for native plant species. Through our own native plant propagation and growing experience, as well as long-term seed germination experimentation, we have developed a seed germination chart for species we often have in our inventory. This chart specifies the pretreatment needs for seed through cold-moist stratification (chilling requirements) or heat treatment, for natural or artificial seed germination, as well as recommendations for planting seed outside for natural seed germination. Germination rates can vary so your own personal experimentation is encouraged!"
Thank You so much, Maggie, for sharing those links. I have printed coppies of all 3 books; but the
PDF files are going to be much easier to use. I combined all 3 into 1 file. I adjusted the page numbers to conform to the
text; and rewrote the bookmarks as index tabs using Acrobat X full version.
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