Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

Are they fertile?

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Maggi Young:
Well, they are too small to be hard, if you know what I mean.  They are firm enough, I suppose, but not exactly very three dimensional!

Pascal B:

--- Quote from: Diane Clement on June 20, 2011, 07:45:20 PM ---
--- Quote from: Pascal B on June 20, 2011, 10:04:43 AM ---From what I was told, this year through the AGS seedex the imposter was send again so hopefully people at the seedex can recognise the wrong stuff and disappointments can be prevented.
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Thanks, Pascal for this information.  I'll look out for it this year.
Acting Seed Manager
AGS Seed Exchange

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Sorry Diane, didn't mean it like this, I doubt the AGS seedex is the only seedex with Stylophorum seeds send out as imposters for Hylomecon. It takes a tremendous amount of knowledge to identify species by their seeds and no one expects that from a seedex. As a matter of fact, apparantly it is even difficult to recognise Hylomecon at the plantlevel......, the rootcause of it all. Because each year I fail to collect the seeds in time I requested the seeds of it too so I could send it to a friend of mine that I had to disappoint each year. I never closely examined the seedpacket I got and forwarded it straight away. He showed me a picture of the seedlings so now I had no choice but to send him a division as a peace-offer...... ;)

Diane Clement:

--- Quote from: Pascal B on June 20, 2011, 08:44:44 PM ---Sorry Diane, didn't mean it like this, I doubt the AGS seedex is the only seedex with Stylophorum seeds send out as imposters for Hylomecon. It takes a tremendous amount of knowledge to identify species by their seeds and no one expects that from a seedex. As a matter of fact, apparantly it is even difficult to recognise Hylomecon at the plantlevel......, the rootcause of it all. Because each year I fail to collect the seeds in time I requested the seeds of it too so I could send it to a friend of mine that I had to disappoint each year. I never closely examined the seedpacket I got and forwarded it straight away. He showed me a picture of the seedlings so now I had no choice but to send him a division as a peace-offer...... ;)  
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No problem, Pascal.  I'm very happy to have any information to help our continuing process of trying to improve the seed list year on year, which can only be done by sharing knowledge.  
I'm rather concerned that I have the plant in question and I haven't looked whether it has set seed this year.  I'll check tomorrow.
(Picture below taken in April)

Lesley Cox:
I'll certainly sow the seed, just in case. The true plant is such a lovely thing and I did have it once from a local source, no longer available, but I found it was exceeding drought sensitive, even more than Meconopsis. The Stylophorum pods are rather shorter and plumper than those illustrated above. Thanks everyone for your help and comments.

Lesley Cox:
Thankyou Maggi. Although these are small, they are much bigger than what is in my seed packet. It is curious how difficult it is to get the true and fertile seed of some species. Hylomecon is one of them.


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