Plant Identification > Plant Identification Questions and Answers
Here's a puzzle !.
Grown from seed and label illegible.
Looks vaguely familiar however despite going out and viewing it in the last few days i'm none the wiser.Gosh ---this getting old is a curse!!!!.
Flowers facing downwards i suspect ,from being crowded out by an overhanging Paeonia sps.
While the foliage is flat on one side and curved on the rest, like a D,the flowering stem which begins from the base is fully rounded and rush like.
Any ideas thanks?.
Cheers Dave.
It looks like a narcissus - if that's a spathe I can see just at the edge of the pic. ::)
Lesley Cox:
Hi Dave, is it scented? and if you lift the flowers upright, how tall is it? I can't imagine a daffodil at this time of year, can you?
Lesley Cox:
And besides, there's no sign of an ovary as there would be with a daff. I clicked on the 2nd image to enlarge it and got a picture of Jonathan Lemalu!!!!! How on earth could that happen?
Och, a wee dram too much Lesley. That plant of Dave's probably doesn't even sing.
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