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News from SRGC President Ian J. Christie

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Ian Y:
In case some of you have missed the post on the old forum pages or have not seen Ian's Presidents' Introduction on the SRGC site, I will give you this link to follow to read his words :

Ian Y:
I will post here the additonal report from President Ian on his trip to the AGS AGM.
Congratulations again to our new President Ian Christie and the newly elected President ofthe AGS, Mr Frank Tindall.
Ian Christie writes on a Presidents' Get Together :
"Presidents get together.
I made the journey on Friday to attend the A.G.S. Annual General Meeting in Solihull on Saturday 11th November. A little bedraggled after contending with traffic towards the end of the drive I nevertheless arrived safely at the venue on Friday evening  to be met by president elect Frank Tindall.   
I thoroughly enjoyed an evening meal and chat with Frank and thank both Frank and the A.G.S. for their generous hospitality.   
We both agreed to try our best to bring about an even stronger friendship between the SRGC and AGS, sharing as we do, a large core of members. If both societies are in close contact perhaps we can attract a higher attendance at venues.  I am convinced that we can rise to the challenge. I know Frank is approachable, forward looking, enthusiastic and a dedicated lover of plants.   
On behalf of and as the newly elected President of the S.R.G.C. we look forward to working with Frank and The Alpine Garden Society.

On Saturday the A.G.M. business was chaired by President John Richards.  Frank was duly elected and presented John with a Lawrence Greenwood painting of a superb Primula in appreciation of his services to the A.G.S. over the past three years, a fitting tribute recognising his in-depth work with the genus Primula.   
I was delighted to receive not only the Farrer Memorial Medal but honoured to be presented with The Kath Dryden Award for work with the genus Meconopsis.   Kath is one of the most remarkable plants-women of this and the last century, a true friend and an inspiration to us all.

After lunch I decided to head home early to try and avoid the traffic; once again I thank everyone and congratulate all AGS members on the election of Frank Tindall as their President."
Ian Christie, SRGC President

TO Ian Christy :
A vision from the Lowlands;( might be coincidental, but it looks to me that the upper rocker of the rockgardeners is  a male, always named Ian).  I congratulate you with the nice job you have chosen to fullfil  Ian  C,as successor of Ian B. I wish you + the rockers lots of succes. I share my forename with the Tony Blair of the Netherlands,so my ambition is FOUNDING A POLITICAL PARTY THAT IS ENCOURAGING GARDENING IN GENERAL AND ROCKGARDENING IN DRY SOIL BUT UNDER SEALEVEL IN PARTICULAR. For real ambition 1 (one ) life is to short, but it would please me enormous to hear your (I hope very unserious, non political) comment to my ideal! A propos, If the Good Lord allows us I would like to meet you in Beroun  (Chech Republic) next May and introduce you to a Zdenek , who is very interrested in SSSE codes. Greeting all Ians ,
Alpinejan (jan schep)
Motto : Visit the Dutch Mountains!

Maggi Young:
" might be coincidental, but it looks to me that the upper rocker of the rockgardeners is  a male, always named Ian"

Aha, Jan, so you noticed that! We thought no-one would realise, especially when the latest President Ian, (President Ian the Third) has no beard... we hoped that was enough of a change to disguise the line of succession. Luckily, all these Ians are excellent men and none were really chosen for their name.... honest!  Maybe we should try another sneaky move next time, and have President Jan, instead?
Kind regards,  from Mrs  President Ian First !!

Even overhere we hide the ambitions about whatever Chair one would like to occupy,but I 'll sacrifice almost everything for the sake of ( Dutch ) rockgardening!
More wise (I hope ) than ambitious,
jan schep


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