General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
July 2024 in the northern hemisphere
--- Quote from: ashley on July 06, 2024, 07:22:21 PM ---Your L. canadense recently flowered here for the first time.
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Ashley, how can it be yellow? I am sure I took it from the red one.
Let's try again. :)
Véronique Macrelle:
your lilies are marvellous! ::)
I bought a few martagons this spring, but they didn't do much, so I'll have to wait for next year.
how tall are they, martagon and canadense?
Leena: your garden is very beautiful: very full, just the way I like it...
Well done on managing to set seed on your Bomarea Véronique 8) What interesting fruits.
This L. canadense is only about 70cm but still immature. I understand that established plants can reach 2m+, but Leena will know as she grows it beautifully.
Leena, you very kindly sent me scales of both yellow and red forms, as well as a yellow bulbil (the plant above).
Unfortunately I didn't succeed with the red so would love to try again if possible. Thank you.
The martagons are fantastic in all colors Leena!
I also had a young one flowering this year but don't dare to show it here, only had a few flowers.
Nice first L. canadense flowers Ashley. One that I still have at the foliage stage here; I've only been succesful with L. michiganense for now.
Out hiking recently, I noticed an excellent flowering season for Lilium philadelphicum, probably due to a more rainy spring and early summer. The deers will have a feast with the capsules later in the fall.
Mimulus lewisii, easy, fast flowering from seeds started very early.
Delphinium fissum, now a regular garden show in July.
And Clematis hexapetala, grown from wild seeds Primorye. I grew it before from seeds exchanges and always a hybrid.
--- Quote from: Véronique Macrelle on July 06, 2024, 08:31:57 PM ---I bought a few martagons this spring, but they didn't do much, so I'll have to wait for next year.
how tall are they, martagon and canadense
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Thank you Veronique. :)
I think martagon lilies are slow to establish, and are at their best after a few years.
The tallest of mine are about 1,6m, mostly they are 1m-1,5m.
L.canadense is usually as tall, more than 1,5m, but this year they are shorter. I think it is because of the drought and heat wave in May.
Red L.canadense is not flowering well this year, the biggest bulbs have suffered from something, maybe drought (they are alive), but a smaller one in a different bed is ok.
Ashley, I completely forgot about the yellow one I sent you. :)
One year I got some seeds from both yellow and red ones, but most years the seeds are empty. I don't know why they seem to be difficult to produce seeds. Martagon lilies have a lot of seeds every year.
Gabriela, your L.philadelphicum looks good! My seedlings from it are growing, so I'm very happy about it.
Before we had fence around the garden, deer liked to eat also martagon seed pods.
Delphinium fissum looks so nice.
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