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SRGC at Scone Garden Festival 2024

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Stan da Prato:
Shade trough with Hostas Toy Soldier, Mouse Ears, Stilleto, Gold Standard, Elfin, Epimedium Little Shrimp, ferns Polystichum proliferum Herrenhausen. Setiferum. Some floral color from Ajuga reptans, Galium odoratum, Chiastophyllum oppositifolium, Saxifraga urbium.
Sunny trough
Sisyrinchium California Skies, Physoplexis comosa
Rhodohypoxis Mars and The Bride. Saxifraga Whitehills.
At the side Cypripedium reginae

Stan da Prato:
At the back Prmula prolifera, Meconopsis Huntfield, Ascreavie,  Celmisia coriacea
Primula florindae
Primula  vialii
Primuala flaccida and P munroi
more primulas - P pulverulenta, beesiana, bullleyana, alpicola, secundiflora, heucherifolia  were all there somewhere

Stan da Prato:
and the medal

Margaret Thorne:
Congratulations to everyone involved. A thoroughly deserved outcome.

Many thanks for the additional photos and the plant lists. I thought I had a good knowledge of the sort of plants one might use in a shady trough, but Chiastophyllum oppositifolium was new to me. It's always interesting to see how other people approach a particular garden niche. Really helpful for comparison purposes to have so many different primulas assembled togther too.


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