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Borders branch meetings start again
Stan da Prato:
Yesterday Borders and some Lothian members met up in socially distanced fashion in the customary venue of Bowden village hall. Congratulations to convenors Margaret and David Thorne and . secretary Roberta Carruthers for all their organisation. Everyone agreed that it was good to meet up in person again. We usually have a table display of members' plants. Thanks to Elspeth Ditcham for the photos.
Stan da Prato:
After the talk is the raffle and Jim's sales table of bargain plants that does so much for group funds. The Borders branch is justly renowned for home baking. The final photo is of myself after several cakes. The group policy of bring your own cup is pre- covid to reduce the use of disposable ones.
Maggi Young:
Excellent to see SRGC Members meeting again face to face - and I have no doubt you gave them a truly excellent talk, Stan!
Looks great Stan. Unfortunately our usual venue is being used as a Vaccination Station so we are still using Zoom but hopefully in the New Year we may get back together again.
Margaret Thorne:
It was great to be together again and Stan's talk 'Wildflowers and other wildlife of our local coasts' was absolutely excellent and enjoyed by us all.
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