Specific Families and Genera > Iris
What is this?
In my garden, on a very dry and stony place, there is a plant growing which I can not determine. It has long narrow hard leaves that stay until the next generation in spring has sprouted. This is a picture from April this year with already new leaves:
Today I fount buds and flowers:
Now it's clear that it is an iris. In my opinion it can not be Iris pseudacorus, because the place is so dry that other perennials died there. Here's a closer photo of the flower:
Who knows what I catched with this beauty?
Hannelore, it looks rather like a Pacific Coast hybrid or species, maybe something like innominata.
Thank you for the information!
What is this?
The plant is from seed many years ago. I planted the seedling in a crevice close to the sea and there it did grow for many years until it flowered last summer. It is an Iris, but which one? It is not pseudacorus, the flower and foliage are different.
fermi de Sousa:
--- Quote from: Hoy on December 03, 2021, 04:01:47 PM ---What is this?
The plant is from seed many years ago. I planted the seedling in a crevice close to the sea and there it did grow for many years until it flowered last summer. It is an Iris, but which one? It is not pseudacorus, the flower and foliage are different.
--- End quote ---
It looks like a Spuria iris, possibly Iris crocea,
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