General Subjects > Alpines
Gentiana 2021
Herman Mylemans:
I have found some interesting movies about Asiatic Gentians.
They are from Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden.
Gentiana x stevenagensis:
Gentiana ternifolia:
Gentiana oreocharis:
Gentiana x macaulayi:
Thanks Herman, the Gentiana ternifolia was good fun, and now I am going to have to find a plant...
Herman Mylemans:
--- Quote from: Gail on February 12, 2021, 01:00:54 PM ---Thanks Herman, the Gentiana ternifolia was good fun, and now I am going to have to find a plant...
--- End quote ---
Gail, I was in that garden in 2015. Now seeing this movies, there is a desire to go back to Norway. But traveling is not allowed in Belgium because of corona.
Maggi Young:
Quite a few mentions of Gentiana ternifolia to read about on back issues of The Rock Garden - all available on the SRGC Website!
......— ternifolia : 71/186; 79/134; 82/94; 84/276; 97/334,
342*, 343; 112/92; 118/85
— — ʽCangshan’ : 84/276; 97/342
— — ʽDali’ : 84/273C, 277; 97/342
Thanks Herman. Fantastic videos with these Himalayan Gentians.
They look amazing even with ice crystals!
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