Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae
xPyllothamnus erectus #1 "Crinolines' by Barry Starling
I hope everyone is aweare of this marvelous bigeneric hybrid by Barry Starling down in Devon. It seems to have everything going for it: winter hardiness, a profuse bloomer, very large clear pink flowers, fine glossy foliage, a bushy habit & rootability with great ease.
The first two shots are of a cutting grown plant started late winter 2020. Photos 3 & 4 show 'Crinolines' in the ground for a few years.
Great looking plant with high praise for growability and and winter hardiness - very interested in how someone due west in Downeast Maine might obtain this beauty
Due west yes but the border (6 hour drive from here) is firmly closed until autumn likely, when everyone here is vaccinated. We've propagated a few but are spoken for already. We'll be propagating more for next year but cannot ship across the border without a phyto, that process is cheap enough ($12) but involves 2 drives across the harbour in traffic and can chew up an entire morning. I'd imagine this also portends of what's in store with Brexit; gone are the days when the UK inspector would come out to my London hotel, inspect, sign the papers and have a pint!!
I'll try to get cuttings to a nursery friend close to the border.
Thank you for your reply, I am patient and can wait for a more appropriate time to obtain this plant. I have been to Wrightmans and knew Harvey if that is your nursery contact near the border. I understand that the time is inopportune for accessing this plant so will wait for possible purchase sometime in the future (if there is one).
I'll get some cuttings to Esther when more are available. You could ask her if I already sent some to Irene, maybe she has it underway and I failed to record sending it to her.
Hamamellis coming out along with Lonicera x purpusii 'Winter Beauty', Skimmia reevesiana and Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn'. The last two will be sorry!
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