Specific Families and Genera > Hepatica
Hepatica 2020
Some flowers started to open in the cold greenhouse. These are all seedlings and first time bloomers.
The filled nobilis are among the earliest to start. These are all unnamed.
They are all so beautiful Carstens! A joy to watch the various forms/colors.
I brought indoors (cold garage) few pots from my petite collection and H. japonica plants are always the first trying to bloom. Maybe few flowers shortly :)
SRGC-20200209_140629 is superb! And the filled nobilis :o
Wonderful, Carsten.
14629 has very nice flowershape and I also like the first one with dark center, but the filled nobilis are my favourite ones.
It is interesting that they are earlier than normal nobilis.
Here this winter may be a challenge to H.japonicas. On the other hand it is quite mild and ground is not frozen deep and no snow, but when the weather is so warm (above freezing) they have flower buds well developed already now and there are bound to come some cold weather still. I keep my fingers crossed. :)
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