Specific Families and Genera > Ferns

Ferns 2019

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Cheilanthes eatonii in the Alpine house

More ferns:
Davallia canariensis and Woodwardia radicans are not hardy in our climate.
Davallia grows mostly epiphytic on Pinus canariense on the Canary Islands
and is a winter grower in my experience. After planting in Seramis it grows
quite well with me.
Woodsia polystichoides
Pyrrosia lingua
Asplenium fontanum

And some more:

    Ceterach officinarum
    Cheilanthes fendleri
    Cheilanthes lanosa
    Cheilanthes persica
    Cheilanthes wootonii

Rudi you are doing very well with your Cheilanthes. I have grown a couple from spores but found them impossible to keep.

Your Asplenium fontanum looks very much  like ours which does well on the show bench. There is a much more vigorous form about but ours is now 10years old and keeps it shape well.

Rudi you have made me get out into the sunshine and take some pics of our ferns.


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